DRAFT - Leicestershire County Council







Mr D Sharpe – in the Chair


Mrs D Hardy

Ms R Green

Mrs G Hammond-Evans

Ms B Dehnen

Ms C Jackson

Mrs J Connor

Ms M Gani


Mr P Lewis CC

Mr G Hart CC


Dr J Kirkham

Mrs M Harris


Mr A Hardy


David Herd – School Development Adviser

Diane Geeson – Clerk to SACRE


Mr C Corcoran

Miss C Moody

Ms P Aveling


Mr J Catt

Mr C Brett

Action No Item

Welcome to new members

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting in particular Jean

Connor’s return and introduced the new Clerk, Diane Geeson.

1 Appointment of Chair/Vice Chair of all groups

The following appointments were made:-

Group A


……….……..Ms R Green

ViceChair………..Mrs G Hammond-Evans

Group B

Chair………………Dr J Kirkham

ViceChair………..Mrs M Harris

Group C

Chair………………Mr D Sharpe

Vice-Chair ………...Mr C Corcoran

Group D

Chair………………Mr G Hart CC

ViceChair……….. Mr R Shepherd CC


2 Election of Chair of the SACRE

Mr D Sharpe was re-elected as Chair of the SACRE.

3 Election of the Vice-Chair of the SACRE

Mrs D Hardy was re-elected as Vice-Chair of the SACRE.

4 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received from Maxine Adams, Mr R

Shepherd CC, Mr D Wright CC, Mr J Miah CC, Kalpit Doshi, and

Janet Ingram

5 Presentation by Claire Jackson

– The Difference between Orthodox and Progressive Judaism

Ms Claire Jackson gave a short presentation, handed out leaflets, a prepared summary and was happy to answer questions following her presentation. Claire had also brought along a book to view, with a recommendation for use in schools.

The Chair thanked her for this informative and interesting presentation.

It was agreed that presentations would be delivered as follows:-

Spring Meeting – Mr J Catt

Summer Meeting – Rita Green

6 Minutes of the previous meeting – 7 June 2011

The minutes of the previous meeting were adjusted to read Mrs D

Hardy was present at the meeting and apologies were received from Mr A Hardy and then signed by the Chair as a true record.

7 Matters arising from the minutes


Clive Brett invited the members to visit and view the resources available. He explained that all schools in Leicester/ Leicestershire and Rutland had been sent written invitations followed up by phone calls to subscribe and to encourage the use of the service. He could prepare boxed resources including images and project collections. Internet linked online catalogue is available to subscribing schools.

Annual Report

David Herd has received confirmation from the National Association that Annual reporting is still a statutory requirement and this year should be sent to: sacrereports@nasacre.org.uk There is a link on the NASACRE website to this address.

John Catt

Rita Green



The Annual report will be prepared and presented at the next meeting for approval.

With the increase in schools becoming academies and the expectation of all b y 2015 questions were asked, “Has NASACRE become another Government Quango?” and “If many schools become academies what is the status of the SACRE and what is its future role ?” and “What is the role of Young Peoples Learning

Agency ?” David Herd agreed to research and circulate findings before the next meeting.

The Chair suggested ‘Where are we going?’ as an agenda item at the next meeting.

SACRE Development Plan

It was agreed that clarification should be sought on the future role of SACRE before time is spent on preparing a development plan.

The Chair will meet with David Herd to discuss.

8 Membership Vacancies Update

Vacancies: Sikh Faith, United Reform Church, Unitarian Church and NUT.

Concern was expressed that not all unions were represented. The clerk was asked to write to these organisations to request representatives.

9 Determinations Update

David Herd informed the members that there were a small number of schools with Determinations in force. Brocks Hill is currently applying for renewal. The members agreed a temporary extension would be granted until the request has been received and then included on the next agenda. The school were praised for obeying the law.

An Academy does have to request a determination in order to divert from the ‘wholly or mainly of a Christian’ type of CW, but the applicat ion should go to the Young People’s Learning Agency rather than SACRE. The SACRE has no remit for Academies in RE or CW.

10 Budget Update (Standing Agenda Item)

The Chair reported that the balance remains unchanged.

11 Secretarial Hours

The LA currently provide without charge 6 days per year. This would probably cover administrative duties for the 3 meetings per year and preparation of the Annual Report.




David Herd next agenda


David Herd


If more time is required it may be possible to pay for further hours at a cost o f around £20 per hour.

The meeting agreed to the payment of additional costs.

12 Transforming Religious Education

– OFSTED recommendations

No developments were reported.

The Countesthorpe Community College RE Ofsted report was discussed and It was noted that 3 schools are not teaching RE as a short course examination subject.

David Herd would speak to a School Development Adviser to try to ascertain reasons for this.

David Herd informed the meeting that CYPS/School Improvement

Service do not have the capacity to be training providers. Schools would need to procure continuing professional development themselves.

Discussion took place on how to improve RE in schools:-

Organised visits by different faith groups outside of assembly would give a better appreciation and understanding.

Teachers would benefit from training to be more open towards different faith communities.

Suggest schools to link with other schools to learn and appreciate cultural differences.

It was suggested that faith leaders contact schools to find a specific contact name to direct their information to.

Consider a local media press release to raise awareness of the SACRE and how they can help schools – liaise with


The Chair suggested this item be included in the next meeting. He asked the clerk to make contact with the SACRE City to ask their

Chair to make contact with him.

OFQUAL are reforming the RE examination. All secondary schools need to be aware of this change. The Chair will send the website link to David Herd with a view to circulating and asking for responses.

13 New RE Syllabus

Present syllabus must be revised in 3 years but it is not in SACRE control. Agenda item for next meeting.

14 Website Development (Standing Agenda Item)

Checks need to be made on content relating to schools links and next agenda



David Herd

David Herd next agenda


5 updating where necessary.

The home page needs to be changed following today’s meeting.

The Chair has received an email from Christian Aid enquiring about the possibility of a link from the SACRE website to their Just Living

Teachers resource link.

A discussion took place as to whether requests of this nature should be included on the SACRE website. Care should be taken on endorsements. It was felt that there was a need to consider a process/policy for monitoring this.

15 2012 Accord Inclusive Schools Award

The Chair has received an email asking if it would be possible to recommend this award to all schools within the LA. It was agreed that this could be included on EIS.

16 Dates of next meeting

It was agreed to hold meetings on the following dates:-

9 February 2012

14 June 2012

4 October 2012

17 Any other business

No further items for discussion.






David Herd

