Sir Gawain and the Green Knight & Morte d`Arthur

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Gilgamesh, The Iliad, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight & Morte d'Arthur
English IV
Name: ___________________________________
Date: ______________
Period: ______
Directions: Answer each question to the best of your ability.
1. What are two of Gilgamesh’s major accomplishments?
2. In Beowulf, does the hero appear to be as godlike as Gilgamesh appears to be here?
The Iliad
3. What did Hector do the last time he encountered Achilles on the battlefield?
4. Compare the intensity and suspense of this battle scene with that of Beowulf’s battle with Grendel’s
5. Which Hero wins the combat?
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
6. List five aspects of medieval romance that appear in lines 11-19.
7. What are three main points of the Green Knights speech in lines 34-51?
8. What is the Green Knight proposing in lines 60-76?
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9. What aspects of the Green Knight's appearance illustrate Medieval Romance?
10. What challenge does the Green Knight make to Arthur's court?
11. In what way are Gawain's words in lines 128-134 consistent with the ideals of chivalry?
12. In lines 188-213 identify the details in the stanza that are realistic and those that are supernatural.
13. Identify the alliteration in lines 226-231.
14. What two characteristics of medieval romance are in lines 214-231?
15. In what ways do Gawain's actions in lines 359-387 fit the ideals of knighthood? In what ways might
they depart from those ideals?
16. What happens on the Green Knight's third stroke with the axe?
17. What theme of medieval romance is suggested in lines 441-443?
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Morte d'Arthur
18. What elements of medieval romance can be found in the first two paragraphs?
19. What kind of dream is Arthur having?
20. What are three key points of Sir Gawain's speech in the dream?
21. What elements of the Code of Chivalry are reflected in the dream?
22. On page 179, what features of this account seem more typical of a legend than of written forms of
23. Is the advice offered by Sir Lucan good and wise?
24. What reasons might Arthur have for ignoring Lucan's advice?
25. What events lead to the death of Mordred and the mortal wounding of Arthur?
26. What happens in the combat between Arthur and Mordred?
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27. What note of fantasy do the last few paragraphs on page 181 strike?
28. What elements of the Chivalric code has Bedivere failed to uphold?
29. What element does the appearance of the hand add to the tale?
30. According to Malory, what details about the death of Arthur are uncertain?