Compare and Contrast Arthurian Legends

Sir Gawain and The Green Knight vs. Le Morte d’Arthur Comparison
Activity 1 – In groups, answer these basic questions for the stories: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
vs. Le Morte d’Arthur
1. Who are the main characters in each story?
2. In each story, how are the main characters connected?
3. What is the setting of each story?
4. What are the main conflicts?
5. What is the climax of each story?
6. What is the resolution of each story?
Activity 2 -- Basic elements of romance
Students need to review elements of romance: noble, idealized heroes, idealized love, adventure,
code of honor (the knight’s code), daring deeds (quests), faraway settings and fantastic events. Then,
you will need to try to find examples of each element in both stories.
Noble, Idealized Heroes:
Idealized Love:
Code of Honor (the Knights Code):
Daring Deeds (Quests):
Faraway Settings:
Fantastic Events:
Activity 3 -- Debate which is the better romance story
The class will be broken into groups that think that Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the best
romance and groups that think Le Morte d'Arthur is the best romance. You may use their elements of
romance information to debate.
Debate who is the truer hero? Beowulf, Sir Gawain, or King Arthur?
The class will be broken down further into groups that think Beowulf is the truer hero, groups that
believe Sir Gawain is the truer hero, and groups that believe King Arthur is the truer hero.