Draft Agenda (as of Sept. 12th, 2008) The Climate Prediction Program for the Americas (CPPA) 2008 PIs Meeting 9/29-10/1/2008 Hilton Silver Spring, MD The primary objective of the meeting is to review PIs’ scientific achievements during last two years. The meeting is an opportunity for PIs to interact and have an overview of the entire CPPA program and its future plans. Following scientific presentations, there will be discussion sessions focusing on: 1) gaps of knowledge 2) impact of past field experiments 3) future near-term priorities & specific activities 4) paths to improved climate and hydrologic operations Day 1 (Monday, Sept. 29) 08:00-08:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast 08:30-12:00 Program and Science Overviews 08:50-09:10 09:10-09:25 09:25-09:40 Chair: J. Huang Welcome and CPPA Program Overview (J. Huang and A. Mariotti) NOAA Climate Services (C. Koblinsky) GEWEX (P. Van Oevelen) CLIVAR (D. Legler) 09:40-10:00 Coffee Break 08:30-08:50 11:40-11:45 11:45-12:00 Chair: A. Mariotti Overview on Climate Predictability and Prediction (S. Schubert) NCEP CFS issues and future plans (S. Lord) GFDL climate model issues (L. Donner) Hydrologic Applications: CPPA potential contributions to NOAA’s Climate Services vision (E. Wood) Canada Drought Research Initiative (DRI) (R. Stewart) CPPA data management (S. Williams) 12:00-13:00 Lunch 10:00-10:25 10:25-10:50 10:50-11:15 11:15-11:40 13:00:15:00 13:00-13:15 13:15-13:30 13:30-13:45 13:45-14:00 14:00-14:15 14:15-14:30 Climate phenomena: Drought & Extremes Chair: R. Leung Multi-basin influences on the precipitation anomalies over the Americas (H-P Huang) Model dependence on responses over the U.S. to leading patterns of SST variability (H-L Wang and S. Schubert) Extent of SST influence on North American Summer Hydroclimate (S. Nigam) Understanding controls on tropical convective margins and their variability (B. Lintner and D. Neelin) Impacts of Surface Conditions on Flooding in the Western US (R. Leung) Impact of the Atlantic Warm Pool on Climate and Hurricanes (C-Z Wang) 14:30-15:00 Discussion on Drought and Extremes (Lead: S. Schubert, CoLead: R. Leung) 15:00-15:30 Coffee break 15:30-17:30 Climate phenomena: Monsoons 15:30-15:45 15:45-16:00 16:00-16:15 16:15-16:30 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:00 Chair: A. Douglas Synthesis of results from NAME (D. Gochis) The Diurnal Cycle of Convection in the NAME Domain (R. Johnson) The 2008 NAME Forecast Forum (J. Schemm) Coupled interactions of the monsoons (V. Misra) Interannual and regional variations of South American monsoon onset: Insights from satellite observations of precipitation and convective structure (T. Rickenbach) Long-Term Changes In The South American Monsoon System (C. Jones) 17:00-17:30 Discussion on Monsoons Douglas) 18:00- 20:00 Icebreak & Poster Session (Lead: D. Gochis, Co-lead: A. Day 2 (Tuesday, Sept. 30) 08:00-08:30 Continental Breakfast 08:30-09:50 Process and Modeling Studies: Overviews 08:30-08:50 08:50-09:10 09:10-09:30 09:30-09:50 Chair: P. Webster VAMOS Process Studies (H. Berbery) Marine Boundary-Layer and Cloud Analysis (C. Fairall) Land Surface and Hydrology Processes (D. Lettenmaier) Multi-RCM ensemble downscaling of global seasonal forecasts (MRED) (R. Arritt) 09:50-10:15 Coffee Break 10:15-17:00 Parallel Sessions (I): Process and modeling studies: air-sea interactions 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-11:30 Chair: R. Mechoso Overview on Cloud Variability in the Southeast Pacific Stratocumulus Regime (B. Albrecht) NOAA ship observations for assessing fluxes and cloud analyses and simulations over the southeasthern Pacific Ocean (S. De Szoeke) Cloud-resolving and single-column model simulations compared with the EPIC (C. Bretherton) Meridional SST Gradient, Surface Winds, and Low Clouds over the SE Pacific (Y-Q Wang) Mixed layer modeling of the east Pacific warm pool during boreal summer (E. Maloney) 11:30-12:00 Discussion on Air-Sea Interactions (Lead: C. Bretherton, Colead: R. Mechoso) 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-13:45 13:45-14:00 14:00-14:15 14:15-14:30 14:30-14:45 Chair: S. Nigam Modulation of Mid Summer Drought in Mexico (A. Douglas) Mapping the spatial extent of the Central American Mid-summer drought (Douglas, M) Explore temporal variations of the forcing and feedbacks for summer droughts in the SE US (R. Fu) Influence of SST on the NAMS Diurnal Cycle: Preliminary Results (P-P Xie) Improved precipitation data for the study of the North American Monsoon (S. Nesbitt) 14:45-15:00 Precipitation Estimates over South-America during SALLJEX (C. Saulo and J. Paegle) 15:00-15:30 Coffee Break 15:30-15:45 15:45-16:00 16:15-16:30 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:00 Chair: E. Maloney Intraseasonal Variability Of The Monsoon Systems In The Americas: Origin And Predictability (P. Webster) Tracking tropical easterly waves across Central America and Mexico (Y. Serra) Transient Activity and its Relation to Climate Variability in the Americas (B. Liebmann) Sensitivity Analysis of WRF Forecasts in Arizona During the Monsoon Season (C. Castro) Optimizing Cumulus Parameterizations Ensemble to Improve Precipitation Prediction (X-Z Liang) 17:00 -17:30 Discussion: Warm Season and Monsoon Climate Variability (Lead: R. Johnson, Co-lead: E. Maloney) 10:15-17:30 Parallel Sessions (II): Process and modeling studies: LandAtmosphere Interactions 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-11:30 Chair: R. Koster Global and seasonal assessment of interactions between climate &vegetation (Y. Xue) Effects of vegetation dynamics on the relations between ET and soil moistur (E. Vivoni) Modeling and Statistical Assessment of Vegetation-Climate Interactions (M. Notaro) Coupling Soil-Canopy Processes to Nitrogen Dynamics: Impacts of Root Moisture Uptake and Hydraulic Redistribution (P. Kumar) Impact of irrigation on land surface fluxes (M. Ozdogan) 11:30-12:00 Discussion on Land-Atmosphere Interactions (Lead: Y. Xue, co-lead: R. Koster) 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-13:45 13:45-14:00 Chair: K. Mitchell Seasonal Hydroclimate Variability over North America: Global and Regional Reanalyses Faulty Evapotranspiration (A. RuizBarradas) Climate state and dynamical responses to idealized snow forcings over North America (S. Sobolowski and K. Gong) 14:00-14:15 14:15-14:30 14:30-14:45 14:45-15:00 15:00-15:30 15:30-15:45 15:45-16:00 16:15-16:30 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:30 How complex should a snow model be? (X. Liang) Improving Parameter Estimation in a Land Surface Model by Using GRACE Water Storage Data (M. Lo and J. Famiglietti) Application of NARR-Based NLDAS Ensemble Simulations to Continental-Scale Drought Monitoring (D. Mocko and B. Cosgrove) Objective Climate Drought Monitoring and Forecasts over the United States (K. Mo) Coffee Break Chair: X. Liang Evaluation of the Community Noah Land Surface model against tower flux data (D. Gochis) The Multi-Model Approach for Soil Moisture Analyses in the Absence of Verification Data (Y. Fan and H. Van den Dool) Sensitivity Study of NOAH Land Model Response to Different Atmospheric Models (L. Zhang) How much do different land models matter for climate simulation: results from an atmospheric model coupled to three land models (J. Wei) Discussion on Land-Atmosphere Interactions (Lead: L. Leung, Co-lead: K. Mitchell) Day 3 (Wednesday, Oct.1) 08:00-08:30 Continental Breakfast 08:30 -10:30 Improving Climate Models and Predictions 08:30-08:45 08:45-09:00 09:00-09:15 09:15-09:30 09:30-09:45 09:30-09:45 09:45-10:00 Chair: P. Dirmeyer An Assessment of the Diurnal Cycle over the Great Plains in Global Climate Models (M. Lee and S. Schubert) Summer and Winter Season Reforecasts with the NCEP Coupled Forecast System (CFS) Using Different Land Models and Different Initial Land States (K. Mitchell) GLACE-2: A Study of the Impacts of Land Initialization on Forecast Skill (R. Koster) Improving Hydrological Representation in the Community Noah Land Surface Model for Intra-seasonal to Interannual Prediction Studies (Z-L Yang) The experimental regional seasonal ensemble forecast at NCEP (H. Juang) An analysis of SST errors in the tropical eastern Pacific in the NCEP CFS (W-Q Wang) To improve modeling, simulation and prediction of the tropical climate with coupled GCMs (R. Mechoso) 10:00-10:30 Discussion on Improving Climate Models and Predictions (Lead: Higgins, Co-Lead: P. Dirmeyer) 10:30-10:45 Coffee Break 10:45-12:15 Applications of Climate Predictions 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-11:30 11:30-11:45 11:45-12:15 12:15-13:15 Chair: K. Mo Drought Monitoring and Prediction via CPPA Partnership in the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) at NCEP: Status and Plans (K. Mitchell) Applying climate prediction for hydrologic forecast - OHD Core Project (P. Restrepo) Experimental Seasonal Hydrologic Prediction System (E. Wood) Applying climate information for ecosystem prediction (N. Zeng) Discussion on Applications of Climate Predictions (Lead: E. Wood, Co-lead: K. Mo) Lunch 13:15-15:00 13:15-13:30 13:30-13:45 13:45-14:00 14:00-14:15 14:15-14:30 Improving Hydrologic Forecasts Chair: P. Restrepo Strategy for Using of CPC Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts to Create Ensemble Forcing for NWS Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (J. Schaake) NASA Land Information System Multi-Model Ensemble Hydrologic Predictions (D. Toll) Uncertainty Analysis of Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) (X. Gao and S. Sorooshian) Uncertainty and Assimilation in Hydrologic Forecasting (A. Slater) Seasonal Hydro- climatology Prediction Using the tRIBS-WRF Coupled Model (U. Narayan and R. Bras) 14:30-15:00 Discussions on Improving Hydrologic Forecasts (Lead: M. Clark, Co-lead: P. Restrepo) 15:00 Adjourn