15 Minutes of August 17

The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was
held on the above date at the Township Building. The meeting was called to order by
President Todd Gamler at 7:30 pm. with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President), William Spade
(Vice President), Thomas Herb, Linwood Bartman and Tom Reidnauer. Also present
were CEO/Zoning Officer Allen Stauffer, Township Roadmaster Bruce Sands,
Township Secretary Jeannie DiSante, Township Treasurer/Tax Collector Joan Herb,
Township Solicitor Jeffrey Karver and Township Engineer John Sartor. Township
Manager Cindy Conrad & Police Chief Christopher Schott were absent.
President Gamler noted that although scheduled on the agenda, Mr. Mark Moore did
not appear before the Board. Chief Schott is handling his inquiry concerning a
neighborhood crime watch.
Motion by William Spade and seconded by Tom Reidnauer to approve the minutes of
the August 3, 2009 Board of Commissioners’ meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer Herb submitted her report for July 2009 including the Trial Balance and
Balance Sheet reports. President Gamler noted the Customer Balance Summary and
the Deposit Detail Report then read the bills list as follows:
General Fund Expenses 8/3-8/17/09
Payroll Fund Expenses 8/7/09
Street Light Fund Expenses 8/17/09
Recycling Fund Expenses 8/17/09
Joint Zoning Fund Expenses 8/17/09
$ 25,084.97
$ 32,326.95
$ 8,649.23
Motion by William Spade and seconded by Linwood Bartman to pay the listed bills
from the funds mentioned above. Motion carried. President Gamler noted the
submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual statements. The Statements are
available to the public for review.
Commissioner Bartman questioned the cost to refill one fire extinguisher stating he felt
the price was high. The Board agreed and President Gamler stated he will look into
what other service companies are charging.
Nothing submitted.
Board of Commissioners
August 17, 2009 Minutes
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Roadmaster Sands reported that the Oil and Chip road project is underway and will be
completed by Wednesday August 19th. He also reported that the road crew had set
four traps, obtained from the Animal Rescue League, to capture the wild cats in the
neighborhood of Brick Yard Lane and North Reading Avenue. Each morning the traps
are checked and to-date eleven cats have been caught and delivered to the Animal
Rescue League.
CEO Stauffer submitted the following building permit applications:
- William Angus, 83 Fortress Dr. – garage
- Randy & Donna Himmelberger, 258 Red Oak Dr. – pole building
- Jeffrey & Lissa Longacre, 162 Emerald Lane – pool house
- Fred Beans Ford of Boyertown, Route 100 – auto body repair shop
The Commissioners discussed the permit application for Fred Beans Ford and CEO
Stauffer stated he is in contact with Hank Clemmer at Gilmore and Associates.
Four estimates were submitted for replacing the air conditioning unit in the Township
building. Commissioner Spade informed the Board that the item on the Longacre
Company estimate listed as ‘York Variable Speed Air Handler’ should be corrected to
read ‘York Air Handler’. President Gamler noted that Longacre Company is the low
bidder. Motion by Linwood Bartman and seconded by Tom Reidnauer to award the bid
to Longacre Company as the low bidder for $4,396.00. Motion carried.
CEO Stauffer submitted a copy of a solicitation permit issued to Platinum Protection
LLC August 6th along with company information from their website. Also submitted
were reports from the Better Business Bureau and an on-line reporting service called
Ripoff Report. CEO Stauffer informed the Board of numerous complaints received
from Township residents about the aggressive sales tactics used by the employees of
this company. Manager Conrad contact the applicant listed on the permit the day the
first complaint was received and told him that the aggressive behavior of their sales
people will not be tolerated and if another complaint was received the Township would
revoke their permit. The following day more complaints were taken by Township
employees. Manager Conrad was not able to contact the applicant however she did
reach the company’s home office and told them that the permit was revoked and they
need to contact their sales people informing them of this and ask them to cease their
solicitations and leave the Township.
The Commissioners discussed revising the current solicitation ordinance to include
wording to address revocation of permits, hours of solicitation, background checks by
the police department, increased fees, exemptions and waiting period for completion of
paperwork prior to issuance of a permit. Manager Conrad submitted sample
ordinances from other Townships for comparison. The Board asked Solicitor Karver to
draft a revised ordinance to include those items discussed.
Board of Commissioners
August 17, 2009 Minutes
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CEO Stauffer informed the Commissioners that Skip Kelsch completed the pump and
pump house construction on what was the proposed Hunter’s Ridge subdivision
property. Lloyd Wary will be testing it and Mr. Kelsch noted that he is negotiating with
the new developer to insulate and heat the building. He asked for an approval letter
from the Township. President Gamler and CEO Stauffer will meet with Mr. Kelsch to
inspect the facility. President Gamler asked for written assurance in the maintenance
agreement that the Homeowner’s Association will be responsible for the maintenance
of the pump and building. Solicitor Karver will research the maintenance agreement.
SEO Sands submitted one sewage permit #13586 issued to Frank and Nancy Kremm
at 6 Senia Lane.
Solicitor Karver submitted a copy of the letter that was sent to residents of Brick Yard
Lane and North Reading Avenue concerning the ‘wild cat’ problems in that
Engineer Sartor reported to the Commissioners that he attended the first meetings of
the Manatawny Creek and Perkiomen Creek Watershed Act 167 Stormwater
Management Plan Watershed Plan Advisory Committee (WPAC) on August 17, 2009.
He submitted the agendas and notes from both meetings and explained that there will
be quarterly meetings that he will attend. Engineer Sartor said there will be two parts
to the process; developing the scope of work and then the actual work itself. They are
still in need of a consultant. He also said his fees are 75% reimbursable from the state
however the Township cannot apply for reimbursement until after the study is
completed and accepted by the PaDEP. Gilmore and Associate will submit separate
invoices for each watershed meeting in order to keep the costs separate.
Commissioner Bartman commented on the numerous contractor signs appearing on
Township residential properties advertising a contractor’s business. He asked CEO
Stauffer about the zoning regulation. CEO Stauffer stated that they are legal as long
as the contractor is working on the job and for a number of days after completion. He
would verify the length of time the sign could remain on the property. The Board asked
that the ordinance be enforced starting with letters sent to the contractors warning of
the violation of the ordinance if they are merely advertising their business on various
properties. If there is no response to the letter warnings CEO Stauffer should remove
the signs. President Gamler also noted that the contractors need to have their PA
Contractor’s Registration number listed on their signs.
Board of Commissioners
August 17, 2009 Minutes
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Manager Conrad submitted a memo requesting approval to ratify the decision to elect
to change the Township’s Employee’s medical coverage plan to a higher deductible as
of October 1, 2009 and reimburse the difference in co-pays for specialist and
emergency room visits for the uniformed employees. Motion by William Spade and
seconded by Thomas Herb to ratify the change in medical coverage as stated above.
Motion carried.
Motion by Linwood Bartman and seconded by William Spade to approve reimbursing
the difference in co-pays for specialists and emergency room visits for non-uniformed
employees in the newly approved medical plan as of October 1, 2009. Motion carried.
Motion by William Spade and seconded by Tom Reidnauer to approve the adoption of
President Gamler noted the submission of an email from Alan Piper, Transportation
Planner on the Berks County Planning Commission. He stated that the most recent
letting schedule from PennDOT indicates the Route 100 median barrier project is
scheduled for an August 27, 2009 letting. He also noted that actual construction would
probably begin with 8-10 weeks of that date.
Manager Conrad submitted a KWh rates chart from Met-Ed for comparison to the
contract price bid notification to be submitted to the Township on September 1, 2009.
President Gamler asked for a list of other municipalities that will be part of the joint
purchase of electricity.
President Gamler noted the July 2009 recycling report from Allied Waste Services.
President Gamler noted that since the Joint Zoning Ordinance Committee met July
23rd Manager Conrad had not yet received the promised final draft. The URDC
submitted a progress report for July. The next meeting will be August 27th at 7:00 pm.
Spring Creek Commons Subdivision – Preliminary – Spring Garden Drive
July 22, 2009 Township received response letter from Boyertown Borough.
July 30, 2009 received response letter from BMMA. August 3, 2009 Township
received review letter from BC Planning Commission. The Board discussed
the proposed pond pump on the plan and noted the Township Planning
Commission needs to review this issue. Engineer Sartor said their review will
be submitted for the September Planning Commission meeting.
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August 17, 2009 Minutes
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There were no new updates and no action was taken by the Board on the following
Moser Active Adult Residential Community - Final Plan – Swamp Creek Road.
Moser/Granahan Subdivision – Final Plan – Swamp Creek Road, Montgomery
Avenue & Route 100.
Westwood’s Subdivision – Preliminary Plan – Route 562.
The review period for the plan is to expire on December 29, 2009.
Mest Subdivision – Preliminary – Township Line Road.
The review period for the plan is continuous.
Mildred Frey Minor Annexation – Final – 436 & 516 N. Reading Avenue
Colebrookdale Woods Development – State Route 73
Fred Beans Ford – Final LDP – State Route 100
Nothing at this time.
All communications received since August 3, 2009 is included in the Commissioner’s
books. All correspondence was available for review by the public.
Nothing discussed at this time.
No one at this time.
Motion by Tom Reidnauer and seconded by William Spade that the meeting be
adjourned. Motion carried. All votes on motions were unanimous unless stated
otherwise. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeannie DiSante
Township Secretary