Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons Solar Radiation and Insolation (p.85) 1. Describe the relationship between temperature and the wavelength of electromagnetic energy emitted from a body of matter. The higher temperature of a body of matter the shorter the wavelength. 2. Define INSOLATION: THE PORTION OF THE SUN’S OUTPUT OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION THAT IS RECEIVED BY EARTH SUNLIGHT! INCOMING SOLAR RADIATION 3. What form of electromagnetic energy does the sun radiate with the maximum intensity? (figure 6-1) VISIBLE LIGHT Effects of Earth’s Atmosphere on Insolation (p.86) Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons 4. What happens to some of the insolation before it reaches the Earth’s surface? ABSORBED, REFLECTED, SCATTERED, REFRACTED Absorption of Ultraviolet and Infrared 5. What molecule in Earth’s upper atmosphere absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation? OZONE 6. What has recently been happening to the amount of ozone in the atmosphere? OZONE IS BEING REDUCED BY CHLORINE AND FLOURINE (CFC’S) 7. What health problems can occur if too much ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by a human SKIN CANCER 8. What molecules in the atmosphere absorb long wave radiation CARBON DIOXIDE, WATER VAPOR and methane Reflection and Scattering Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons 9. What does incident mean? incoming 10. What do clouds do to incoming radiation? Reflect some energy back to space. Some is reflected toward Earth’s surface. 11. What do aerosols cause? Destroy ozone Balance of Energy from Insolation and Earth’s Surface Radiation (p.87) 12. Over large periods of time what is generally the amount of energy the Earth absorbs and emits? Energy in = Energy out Dynamic equilibrium Factors Affecting Absorption and Reflection of Insolation 13. How does the angle of insolation (angle of incidence or altitude of the sun) affect the amount of energy absorbed? Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons The straighter the angle (closer to 90º) the more energy that is absorbed Surface characteristics 14. Describe how texture and color affect absorption of insolation. Rougher surfaces absorb more than smooth surfaces Darker colors absorb more than lighter colors Changes of State and Transpiration 15. Define transpiration: plants releasing water vapor into the air. Land and Water Heating 16. Why does water heat up slower than land? a. Water has a higher specific heat than land b. Water is more transparent than land c. Water reflects more sunlight d. Water flows freely so convection can occur Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons The Greenhouse Effect (p.88) 17. Earth’s surface radiation consists mostly of Infrared Radiation 18. What molecules absorb long wave radiation? Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor 19. These molecules are called GREENHOUSE GASES 20. How does carbon dioxide (CO2) get into the atmosphere? The burning of wood and fossil fuels (Coal and Oil) 21. If the Earth’s global temperature increases why would sea level rise? Melting Glaciers and Sea Ice Answer questions 1-10 on pp.88 & 89 Variation of Insolation (p.89) 22. In what two ways does insolation vary? Intensity and Duration Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons Variation in Intensity of Insolation 23. What angle of incidence produces the maximum intensity of insolation? 90 degrees Effect of Earth’s Shape (p.90) 24. If the Earth were flat and perpendicular to the sun, how would the angle of incidence and the intensity of insolation change with location on the Earth’s surface? It would be the same every where on earth. Effect of Latitude 25. On what dates is the intensity of insolation greatest at the equator? March 21 and September 23 (equinox’s) 26. On June 21st, where is the intensity of insolation the greatest? Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees North) 27. On December 21st, where is the intensity of insolation the greatest? Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees South) Effect of Seasonal Changes (p.91) 28. Why does the angle of incidence change for any given latitude? It varies with the seasons. Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons Effect of Time of Day 29. Describe how the angle of incidence changes throughout the day. Around zero at sunrise and maximum at solar noon and back to zero at sunset. Increases until noon and decreases to sunset. Variation in Duration of Insolation (p.92) 30. When is the duration of insolation the longest? Shortest? It is longest on June 21st and shortest on December 21st(Summer and Winter Solstice) Effects of latitude and season 31. Compare the number of daylight hours of northern areas to southern areas on the summer solstice (June 21st). Northern Hemisphere has more hours of Daylight than Southern Hemisphere. Relationship of Surface Temperatures to Insolation Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons 32. Surface temperature depends on the balance of what? Energy being gained from insulation and energy being lost from reradiation. 33. How does the intensity of insolation affect surface temperatures? If the intensity of insulation greater than the higher the surface temperature. 34. How does the duration of insolation affect surface temperatures? The temperature is higher when the duration of insulation is longer. Times of Yearly Maximum and Minimum Temperatures 35. When does the maximum surface temperature usually occur for mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere? End of July and Early August Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons 36. Why doesn’t’ the maximum surface temperature occur on the day of maximum insolation? It takes time for earth’s surface to reradiate enough energy to heat up the atmosphere. Time of Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures 37. When is the hottest part of the day? NOT NOON (2PM OR 3PM) 38. When is the maximum intensity of insolation? NOON Answer questions 11 -31 on pp.93 -95. Heat Budget and Climate Change (p.95) 39. Define heat budget: The overall balance of energy (Coming in and going out from Earths Surface.) Ice Ages and Long, Warm periods on Earth Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons 40. During what geologic time period did the last ice age occur? Pleistocene El Nińo and Nińa Events (p.96) 41. What happens during an El Nińo event? Causes major climate repercussions world wide. Global Warming (p.97) 42. What has happened to the global average temperature of Earth since 1860? Going UP and UP and UP Causes of Heat Budget Shifts (p.98) Changes in Solar Energy 43. Describe the relationship between the number of sunspots and the Sun’s energy output. As the number of sunspots increases the more electromagnetic energy the sun emits. Changes in the Earth’s Orbit and Axis Tilt Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons 44. Over what kind of time period do the tilt of the Earth’s axis and the eccentricity of Earth’s orbit change? Over thousands of years Volcanic Eruptions and Climate Changes 45. How could the eruption of Pinatubo affect global temperatures? Cooler temperatures occurs. Addition of a lot of ash goes into the atmosphere and cools the earth. Human Causes 46. Does deforestation cause the global temperatures to rise or fall? RISE 47. How does urbanization, contribute to the greenhouse effect? It results in clearing of land and trees to construct buildings. As carbon dioxide increases temperature of the earth increases. Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons Answer questions 32 – 38 on p.99 Seasons (p.99) 48. Describe the seasonal variation in temperature of locations near the equator. It has little seasonal variation. Direct Causes of the Seasons 49. What causes the shift in the angle of incidence? The tilt of earths axis. Astronomical Causes of the Seasons (p.100) 50. What are the three astronomical causes of the seasons? Tilt, parallelism of Axis, and revolution Tilt of Earth’s Axis 51. What would happen to the seasons if Earth were tilted more than 23.5º? There would be warmer summers and colder winters. Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons Parallelism of Earth’s Axis 52. To what star does the north end of Earth’s axis always point? Polaris Revolution of the Earth around the Sun 53. Which end of the Earth’s axis is tilted toward the sun on June 21st? The northern hemisphere is the Tropic of Cancer. 54. Which end of the Earth’s axis is tilted toward the sun on December 21st? Tropic of Capricorn (Southern) 55. How is the axis of rotation inclined to the sun on March 21st and September 23rd? The equator is parallel to the sun. Its NOT Small Seasonal Effect of Earth’s Elliptical Orbit (p.101) 56. Compare the seasonal variation on the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Name: _____________________ Topic 6 – Insolation & the Seasons Hemisphere. In the winter the Northern Hemisphere occurs when the earth is closest to the sun. The seasonal swing is bigger in the Southern Hemisphere.