Urgent Wants List Dec 2012 – March 2013


Nature Picture Library Wants List 2014-2015

This list is a compilation of wants lists compiled over the last year, and focuses on popular or in demand subjects which we don’t hold or on which we need new coverage.

We encourage existing contributors to include items from the wants list in their submissions, and potential new contributors should check if they have coverage on these subjects, but contact us via email first before submitting.

Ongoing need for the following for calendars (striking images, clean and beautiful!)

Big Cats

Whales & Dolphins



National Parks – US particularly


New Zealand landscapes

German landscapes

UK scenics – meandering paths

August 2015

Green turtle ( Chelonia mydas ) – sequence of at least 3 images showing egg hatching

(other marine turtle species also useful)

July 2015

Sea slug ( Jorunna parva) nicknamed “sea bunny” due to resemblance to rabbit

Landscapes of Loch Lomond and North York Moors

Strong landscapes of UK National Parks generally

Gelsemium elegans (poisonous plant native to India and China)

Palythoa toxica (poisonous zoanthid native to Hawaii)

Yachts with fireworks or Christmas lights – must reproduce at large size

Sucker footed bat (Myzopoda aurita), showing suction-cup feet

Sequence of images showing retreat of ice (e.g. glacier) over time.

June 2015

Megascolides australis, Giant Gippsland earthworm (Australia)

May 2015

Images of a certain area taken over several decades (or years), where a significant change of the landscape is obvious. Could be images of receding ice/glaciers, expanding deserts, flooded areas, etc. Dates and exact location should be provided.

April 2015

Any pangolin species, photographed in the wild.

(Ant species)

Cardiocondyla pirata

Martialis heureka

Ampulex dementor

Eoperipatus totoros

Campsicnemus popeye

Dreadnoughtus schrani

Dendropsophus Ozzyi

Jaggermevyx naida

Alvniconcha strummeri

Sphinx Moth species - Hemeroplanes ornatus

March 2015

Caspian seal (Pusa caspica) – we have no pictures at all of this endangered species.

African plants:

Moabi or African pearwood tree (Baillonella toxisperma) – endemic to Congo basin

African teak (Pericopsis elata)

Manniophyton africanum – useful/medicinal plant

Southern double-collared sunbird (Cinnyris chalybeus, formerly Nectarinia chalybea) feeding

Tarzan chameleon (Calumma tarzan) endemic to Alaotra-Mangoro region of Madagascar

Queen Alexandra’s birdwing butterfly – largest in world (

Ornithoptera alexandrae ) native to New Guinea – any images of live butterfly or larva

New Guinea Crocodile (Crocodylus novaeguineae)

Noisy scrub-bird (Atrichornis clamosus) – endangered, SW Australia only

Woolly spider monkey ( Brachyteles arachnoides ) preferably in the wild

Northern muriqui ( Brachyteles hypoxanthus ) also preferably in the wild

Blonde capuchin monkey ( Sapajus flavius ) from Atlantic Forest of Brazil

Black-faced lion tamarin ( Leontopithecus caissara ) critically endangered from same region

Red-tailed amazon parrot ( Amazona brasiliensis )

Brazilian rosewood ( Dalbergia nigra ) – endangered tree from Atlantic Forest

Pau-Brazil tree ( Caesalpinia echinata )

Jucara palm from Atlantic Forest ( Euterpe edulis )

Valdivian Forests of Chile

Monito del monte ( Dromiciops gliroides ) small marsupial

Chilean cat, Guigna or Kodkod ( Leopardus guigna ) – small wild cat

Northern Great Plains

Strong shots of prairie dog colonies with lots of burrows or animals showing


Splendid toadfish ( Sanopus splendidus )

Graysby ( Cephalopholis cruentata/cruentatus)

Black spiny sea urchin ( Diadema antillarum ) in Caribbean region

February 2015

Shark species – live images of adult shark underwater

Mitsukurina owstoni Goblin shark

Heterodontus japonicus

Squatina japonica

Cirrhigaleus barbifer

Dalatias licha

Isistius plutodus

Somniosus pacificus

Japanese bullhead shark

Japanese angelshark

Mandarin dogfish

Kitefin shark

Largetooth cookiecutter shark

Pacific sleeper shark

Pristophorus sp. Saw shark

Cephaloscyllium umbratile Blotchy swellshark

Pseudotriakis acrales

Mustelus griseus

False catshark

Spotless smooth-hound

Triakis scyllium

Negaprion acutidens

Banded houndshark

Sharptooth lemon shark (1 pic)

Erect-crested penguin (Eudyptes sclateri)

Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti)

Little penguin (Eudyptula minor) groups, coming ashore at night

Macaroni penguin colonies (Eudyptes chrysolophus)

January 2015

Cuban bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) especially in display flight or showing size comparison (world’s smallest bird)

Saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) carrying its young in its mouth

Wolverine Frog (also known as hairy frog or horror frog) - Trichobatrachus robustus bombardier beetle pistol shrimp immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii)

Deep sea species: Psychrolutes phrictus (Blob sculpin),Shinkaia crosnieri (Squat lobster),

Careproctus rastrinus (Salmon snailfish), Galeus nipponensis (Broadfin sawtail catshark),

Mitsukurina owstoni (Goblin shark)

December 2014

Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus)

Underwater images from Sri Lanka (including images with divers)

Herald petrel, Pterodroma heraldica

The Amazon River (Amazonas itself, not tributaries)


Juruena National Park, Brazil

Dams / hydroelectric power in the Amazon

November 2014

Large-clawed or Israeli gold scorpion (Scorpio maurus)

Homosexual behaviour in animals

Green belt land

September 2014

Rainforest destruction by burning, fires out of control in rainforest areas, smoke/smog caused by such fires (verticals and horizontals, recent images). Also need strong recent dramatic drought images from all parts of the world.

Intensive cattle grazing on land cleared from rainforest.

Images to convey methane trapped in Arctic permafrost.

Tailorbird nest or building nest showing how it sows the leaves together.

July 2014

Royal Splinter Crane Fly (Gnophomyia elsneri). A UK BAP priority species.

Gigantopithecus blacki – extinct ape

June 2014

Dye murex (Bolinus/Haustellum brandaris)

Candiru or toothpick fish (Vandellia cirrhosa) parasitic fish from Amazon and Orinoco basins

May 2014

Goblin shark

Frilled shark

German landscapes

German coasts

New Zealand landscapes

Emperor penguins

Calendar friendly sea turtles

American songbirds (available to US clients)

Mountain lion / puma

February – April 2014

Bottlenose dolphin or other dolphin species giving birth

Parmaturus pilosus Salamander catshark

Hemitriakis japanica Japanese gray shark/Japanese topeshark

Oxynotus japonicus Japanese roughshark

Cirrhoscyllium japonicum Kamohara saddle carpetshark

Mustelus griseus Spotless smooth-hound

Carcharhinus dussumieri Widemouth Blackspot Shark

Halaelurus buergeri Blackspotted Catshark

Squalus mitsukurii Shortspine spurdog / shortspine dogfish

Mustelus manazo Starspotted smooth-hound

Pseudocarcharias kamoharai Crocodile shark

Somniosus pacificus Pacific Sleeper Shark

Centroscymnus owstonii Roughhskin dogfish

Centrophorus acus (syn. Centrophorus steindachneri) Steindachner's Dogfish / Needle Dogfish

Etmopterus lucifer Blackbelly lanternshark

Scyliorhinus tokubee Izu catshark

Proscyllium venustum (syn. Proscyllium habereri) Graceful catshark

Rhinochimaera pacifica Knifenose Chimaera

Rhizoprionodon acutus Milk shark

Cirrhoscyllium expolitum Barbelthroat Carpetshark

Isogomphodon oxyrhynchus Daggernose Shark

Loxodon macrorhinus Jordan's Blue Dogshark

Poroderma pantherinum Leopard catshark

Ice circles – circles which form on slow-moving rivers and lakes by rotation of current

(especially in North America and Scandinavia).

Extreme weather conditions of 2014 – very low temperatures in North America, heatwave in Australia, storms and floods in Europe (bold, dramatic images)

African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) – West Africa from Senegal to Angola (IUCN red list vulnerable)

Kipunji or Highland mangabey (Rungwecebus kipunji) – Tanzania (discovered in 2003, critically endangered)

Amazon River in Brazil showing width and size (including towns on Amazon and mouth of Amazon).

All cycad species in the wild

Cape Verde – any wildlife or environmental coverage, especially related to sharks, rays, marine turtles or fisheries.

Female domesticated water buffalo

Deep-sea blobfish ( Psychrolutes phrictus)

Chinese giant salamander

Lyrebird displaying

X-Ray Tetra ( Pristella maxillaris )

Juan Fernández Firecrown (

Sephanoides fernandensis)

Pink Fairy Armadillo ( Chlamyphorus truncatus) or pichiciego

Emei moustache toad (Vibrissaphora boringii) showing spines

New images of naked mole rats

Flying squirrels from South East Asia

January 2014

The Sarcastic fringehead, Neoclinus blanchardi, especially with open mouth

Okapi, (Okapia johnstoni), looking for wild shots particularly but good captive shots also welcome.

Gnathamitermes tubiformans – desert termites – pictures of the termites and also the tubes structures they build around plants

Earthworm underground

The following cetaceans:

North Atlantic Right Whale

North Pacific Right Whale

Pygmy Right Whale

Omura’s Whale

Australian Snubfin Dolphin

Indian Humpbacked Dolphin

Atlantic Humpback Dolphin

Pygmy Sperm Whale

Arnoux’s Beaked Whale

Southern Bottlenose Whale

Indo-Pacific Beaked Whale

Sowerby’s Beaked Whale

Andrew’s Beaked Whale

Hubbs’ Beaked Whale

Blainville’s Beaked Whale

Gervais’ Beaked Whale

Ginkgo-Toothed Beaked Whale

Gray’s Beaked Whale

Hector’s Beaked Whale

Strap-Toothed Whale

True’s Beaked Whale

Perrin’s Beaked Whale

Pygmy Beaked Whale

Stejneger’s Beaked Whale

Sheperd’s Beaked Whale

Boto Franciscana

Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoise

Guitar Shark - Rhynchobatus djiddensis

Neocapritermes taracua –older worker termites explode when attacked

Alps – Landscapes

Paths – mystical and dreamy, leading away from viewer into image

German landscapes, beautiful scenery etc

Tropical beaches

Deep sea material

Blobfish, Psychrolutes marcidus

Snot-Flower Worm, bone-eating snot flower worm, zombie worm, Osedax mucofloris

Bloodybelly jellyfish, Lampocteis cruentiventer

Spookfish or Barreleye Spookfish, Macropinna microstoma

Deep Sea Sea-cucumber, Enypniastes eximia

Bristle Worm or Pompeii Worm, Alvinella pompejana

Vampire Squid, Vampyroteuthis infernalis

October 2013

Bumblebee bat Craseonycteris thonglongyai

Aquarium fish (both home and commercial aquaria)

Obscure endangered species (especially in the wild), such as: zebra duiker ( Cephalophus zebra ) marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna)

Asian / Oriental small clawed otter ( Aonyx cinerea)

The kodkod ( Leopardus guigna ), also called guiña , the smallest cat in the


Examples of unusual reproductive processes (eg gynogenesis):

Poecilia formosa (Amazon guppy)

Ophryotrocha puerilis (polychaete worm)

Pseudocerus bifurcus (flatworm)

Snowdrops in snow (new material)

Britain in “Big Freeze” of 62/3– frozen rivers, huge snowdrifts

Blackcaps at a bird table

An image of the yew in Fortingall graveyard (considered Britain’s oldest tree)

Bradypus pygmaeus (Pygmy Three-toed Sloth)

Neofelis diardi

– Bornean / Diard’s clouded leopard

Pheasant chicks (with and without parent)

Violet click beetle (Limoniscus violaceus)

Deadwood habitat in a garden (UK if possible)

Enchanters Nightshade (Circaea lutetiana)

Arion hortensis - Garden slug /small striped slug /black field slug

Arion lusitanicus - Spanish /Portuguese slug

NEW images of… lynx (Lynx lynx) puma (Felis / Puma concolor) dolphins (all species) domestic cats not in studios meerkats

UK peatbogs and destruction of peat habitat – lowland and upland in different locations

Male and female polar bear together – esp courtship and mating

Male and female gorilla together

– esp courtship and mating

Harpy eagle in flight especially carrying monkey prey (

Harpia harpyja)

Pine Sawyer Beetle (Ergates spiculatus)

– adult, larva, bore holes in wood, closeup of jaws (North America)

South West Australia biodiversity hotspot, especially the tall Jarrah and Karri forests, birds or honey possums feeding on endemic plants and numbats in the wild.:

- Pitcher plant (Cephalotus follicularis, VU)

- Banksia plants

- Kangaroo paws (Anigozanthos spp.)

- Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata)

- Marri (E. calophylla)

- Karri (E. diversicolor)

- Carnaby's black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris, EN)

- Noisy scrub-bird (Atrichornis clamosus, VU)

- Honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus)

- Quokka (Setonix brachyurus, VU)

- Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus, VU)

- Gilbert’s potoroo (Potorous gilberti, CR)

- Western swamp turtle (Pseudemydura umbrina, CR)

- Yinnietharra rock dragon (Ctenophorus yinnietharra, VU)

- Lake Cronin snake (Echiopsis atriceps, VU)

- Turtle frog (Myobatrachus gouldii)

- Nicholl's toadlet (Metacrinia nichollsi)

- Sandhill frog (Arenophryne rotunda)

- Harlequin frog (Spicospina flammocaerulea, VU)

- Yellow-bellied frog (Geocrinia vitellina, VU)

Pyura chilensis (tunicate or sea squirt which is a popular delicacy in Chile)

The following biodiversity hotspots (landscapes, species in habitat and typical/endemic species):

Tropical Andes (montane forests, puna and paramo across Bolivia, Peru,

Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador)

Atlantic Forest of Brazil (also Selva Atlantica of Argentina and small part of


Cerrado, Brazil (tropical savanna including wet savanna and gallery forests)

Guinean forests of West Africa from Sierra Leone to Cameroon

East African Coastal Forest from southern Somalia to southern Mozambique

Caucasus Mountains

Indo-Burmese region (Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and parts of India,

Bangladesh, China and Thailand)

New Caledonia

East Melanesia (Solomon Islands/Vanuatu)

Himalayas (China, India, Bhutan, Pakistan, Afghanistan)

Irano-Anatolian region (steppe, dry forest and mountains across Iran, Turkey,

Iraq, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbajan)

Galapagos - Strong horizontal images showing landscape, with or without wildlife

Kiwis – any species showing birds in the wild or in suitable NZ habitat

La Reunion island in Indian Ocean

– wildlife, landscapes, travel images.

Peacock spider (Maratus volans) from Australia – a tiny jumping spider. Also other peacock spider species.

Sea ducks (Merginae) underwater (eiders, scoters or sawbills).

April 2013

Images showing mathematical abilities of animals and especially scientific experiments into this area.

New images of the following species:

 Adelie Penguin

 Amur Leopards

 Asian Elephant

 Bengal Tiger

 Black Rhino

Bottlenose Dolphin

 Giant Panda

Mountain Gorilla


 Polar Bear

Snow Leopard

Hawksbill Turtle

 Jaguar

Mexican wolves

 Candian lynx

Arctic hare

 Horned puffin

American barn owl

American river otter

 Brown pelican

Emerald hummingbird

 American crocodile

 Pacific seahorse (Hippocampus ingens)

 Darwin’s fox

 Black panther/melanistic jaguars

Pygmy marmoset (Cebuella pygmaea)

 Meerkats


Honey badger

 Red panda

Pygmy elephant

 Indochinese tiger

 White-cheeked crested gibbon

 Douc langur

 Great hammerhead shark

 Tasmanian devil

Calendar subjects where we need fresh coverage annually:

Tigers (wild)

Wolves (wild)

Big cats (wild)









Polar Bears



Cats and dogs (not in studio) – natural settings!!

Tropical beaches

Endangered Species

With the single species titles it’s useful to have a variety of life stages and behaviours too.

It is useful to have horizontal, vertical and images that will crop to square. Again, images must be of stand-out calendar quality.

Japanese giant hornet

Whales bearing scars of giant squid attacks(!)

GOLDEN-RUMPED ELEPHANT SHREW (Rhynchocyon chrysopygus)

RED-LEGGED SUN SQUIRREL (Heliosciurus rufobrachium)

GIANT FOREST SQUIRREL (Protoxerus stangeri)

ALPINE HYRAX (Procavia johnstoni mackinderi)


New Zealand landscapes

Terrestrial images of wildlife in Egypt

Songbirds male and female together – eg thrush, warbler, robin (at or away from nest)

Caledonian crow – Corvus moneduloides

Guano Island Peru – Colony

Common poorwill - Phalaenoptilus nuttallii

Storks or Vultures defaecating on legs to lose heat by evaportation

Common swift nests

White throated swift- aeronauts saxatilis

Torpid hummingbirds

Passerine birds asleep on a perch

Grebes diving underwater

Kingfishers excavating nest holem

Comparison of puffins with paler beaks in winter

Electus parrot males and females


Lammergier dust bathing in soil to get orange plumage

Barn owl pectinate claw,

Spruce grouse displays

Palm cockatoo drumming with stick display

Crested auklet pair

Kiwis (the bird)

Oilbirds at night and flying in cave

Humboldt Squid ( Dosidicus gigas) where several humboldt squids are swimming underwater.

Geese – Whiffling

Albatrosses stumbling on land

Tit, finches or woodpeckers flying – with wings folded back completely

American woodcock


- Elderly dogs/cats

- Overweight dog/cats

- People looking for dog at a rescue centre, interacting with dogs

- Choosing a puppy from a breeder, puppies with parent dog(s), people interacting with puppies

- Choosing a kitten from breeder

- Mixed breeds in natural setting, not studio (i.e. Labradoodle – intentional mixes rather than ‘mongrels’)

- Dogs and cats in home setting

– neutral/tastefully decorated homes if possible

Ibisbill ( Ibidorhyncha struthersii )

Photos of Pizzlys or Grolars - a cross between a polar bear and a grizzly/brown bear.

European Insect pest species:

Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis)

Blue mint beetle (Chrysolina coerulans)

Box tree caterpillar (Cydalima perspectalis)

Golden root mealybug (Chryseococcus arecae)

Olive sucker (Euphyllura olivina)

Spotted-wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii)

Allium leaf miner ( Phytomyza gymnostoma )

Blueberry gall midge (Dasineura oxycoccana)

Cottony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi)

Fuchsia gall mite ( Aculops fuchsiae)

Green shield bug (Nezara viridula)

Horse chestnut leaf miner ( Cameraria ohridella)

Hydrangea scale (Pulvinaria hydrangeae)

Western conifer seed bug ( Leptoglossus occidentalis)

Wisteria scale (Eulecanium excrescens)

Citrus longhorn beetle (Anoplophora chinensis)

Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis)
