SECTION 1 UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Name .............Mat Disney THIS SESSION - 2004-05 For each course please give only the details of your personal contribution to the course Undergraduate Courses GEOG 3010 GEOG 1006 ONLY COMPLETE IF MAJOR CHANGE IS ANTICIPATED Undergraduate Courses GEOG _ _ _ _ Lecturing hours (student contact) Practical / seminar hours How many are duplicate sessions? No of field work days ANTICIPATED IN 2005-06 10 8 Lecturing hours (student contact) Practical/seminar hours No of field work days % of course the above represents 50 Lecturing hours (student contact) 1 GEOG _ _ _ _ % of course this is likely to represent Lecturing hours (student contact) Practical/seminar hours Practical / seminar hours How many duplicate sessions? No of field work days No of field work days % of course the above represents GEOG _ _ _ _ % of course this is likely to represent ~6 Lecturing hours (student contact) GEOG _ _ _ _ Lecturing hours (student contact) Practical/seminar hours How many duplicate sessions? Practical/seminar hours No of field work days No of field work days % of course the above represents % of course this is likely to represent 2004-2005 DATA COLLECTION SECTION 2 UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING THIS SESSION - 2004-05 Name ............Mat Disney ANTICIPATED IN 2005-06 ONLY COMPLETE IF MAJOR CHANGE ANTICIPATED GEOG _ _ _ _ Undergraduate Courses you convene GEOG _ _ _ _ Undergraduate Courses you convene GEOG _ _ _ _ GEOG _ _ _ _ GEOG _ _ _ _ No of UG Dissertations Supervised No of UG Dissertations Supervised No of Tutorial Groups Any other similar teaching 1st year 2 No of Tutorial Groups 1st year 2nd year 2nd year 3rd year 3rd year Any other similar teaching Any other changes anticipated to undergraduate teaching Reason for change 2004-2005 DATA COLLECTION SECTION 3 GRADUATE TEACHING MASTERS MODULES THIS SESSION - 2004-05 Module Name Student class contact hours (not including fieldwork) No of fieldwork days What is your involvement in how the module is assessed? Module Name ANTICIPATED IN 2005-06 MSc Remote Sensing: Introduction and Principles of Remote Sensing No of Students 13 Convened by M. Disney % of module you teach Name ........Mat Disney ~80 Module Name MSc Remote Sensing: Renewable Natural Resources Convened by R. Harris / M. Wooster No of Students 6 % of module you teach 5 Student class contact hours (not including fieldwork) No of fieldwork days 4 16 Examination Setting exam papers + marking Coursepaper (word length) 1500 Practical (indicate scope) What is your Practical (indicate scope) involvement in Supervising practical work and rewriting material. how the module is assessed? Module Name MSc Remote Sensing: Global Change Monitoring MSc Remote Sensing: Sensors and Technology Convened by P. Saich What is your involvement in how the module is assessed? No of Students 13 Convened by J.P. Muller (UCL GE) No of Students 13 % of module you teach ~16 % of module you teach 10 Student class contact hours (not including fieldwork) No of fieldwork days 8 Student class contact hours (not including fieldwork) No of fieldwork days 4 Examination Setting exam questions + marking Coursepaper (word length) Practical (indicate scope) What is your involvement in how the module is assessed? Practical (indicate scope) Setting exam questions + marking Coursepaper (word length) 2500 2004-2005 DATA COLLECTION SECTION 4 Module Name Module Name SEE 04/05 for all details RE MSc Remote Sensing MSc Env. Conservation: Intro. To Rem Sensing and GIS module, 15 – 20 hours lecturing and practical work, tbc GRADUATE TEACHING THIS SESSION - 2004-05 Masters Tutorials (or similar teaching not otherwise accounted for) Name .Mat Disney ANTICIPATED IN 2005-06 Details Convening and chairing seminar series for MSc Remote Sensing years figures if necessary) Number/length of supervision meetings per student Number of fieldwork or industrial liaison days (per student/or total) Masters Dissertations Name of MSc Remote Sensing Period of supervision Apr – Sept 2005 No of students supervised (use previous 1 years figures if necessary) Number/length of supervision meetings per N/A student Number of fieldwork or industrial liaison days (per student/or total) Name of MSc Masters Tutorials (or similar teaching) Details Masters Dissertations Name of MSc Period of supervision Period of supervision No of students likely to be supervised No of students supervised (use previous Number/length of supervision meetings 2004-2005 DATA COLLECTION SECTION 5 per student Number of fieldwork or industrial liaison days (per student/or total) Name of MSc Period of supervision No of students supervised Number/length of supervision meetings per student Number of fieldwork or industrial liaison days (per student/or total) 2004-2005 DATA COLLECTION SECTION 6 GRADUATE TEACHING THIS SESSION - 2004-05 Name .Mat Disney ANTICIPATED IN 2005-06 MPhil/PhD Students Contribution to training programme in contact hours MPhil/PhD Students Contribution to training programme in contact hours FEE PAYING STUDENTS SUPERVISED Normally Years 1-3 full -time, Years 1-5 part-time are fee-paying The Department only receives income for fee paying students Student Names Percentage of Remainder of supervision for which supervision provided you are responsible by: 1. Martin DeKauwe 40 40 Dr. P. Lewis UCL 20 Dr. M. Williams, School of Geosciences, Edinburgh 2. FEE PAYING STUDENTS SUPERVISED Normally Years 1-3 full -time, Years 1-5 part-time are fee-paying Student Names 1. Martin DeKauwe Percentage of supervision for which you are responsible 40 3. Remainder of supervision provided by: 40 Dr. P. Lewis UCL 20 Dr. M. Williams, School of Geosciences, Edinburgh 2. 4. 3. 5. 4. 6. CONTINUING RESEARCH STUDENTS CONTINUING RESEARCH STUDENTS 2004-2005 DATA COLLECTION