ST in Birmingham RaddervsStanley

BB: We’re back and about to hit the ring for our second of two Ironman of Champions
bouts tonight, let’s go to Rhubarb!
RJ: Our next contest is scheduled for ONE FALL and is a part of the IRONMAN OF
CHAMPIONS! First up…
(CUE UP: “Freak on a Leash” by Korn)
RJ: From New York City, New York, tipping the scales at 235 pounds, he is none other
(Radder makes his way to the ring)
SB: Radder has a certain look about him, Bill, he’s focused on the gold ahead of him.
BB: His opponent is, too, Sammy… “The English Gent” is a thinking man’s wrestler,
Sammy, and while many are surprised at his selection for the IOC, it’s my opinion that
he is ready for the next level.
(CUE UP: “God Save the Queen”)
RJ: And his opponent… hailing from London, England and weighing in this evening at
320 pounds… Accompanied to the ring by the rest of the Multinational Corporation…
(The entire MNC make their way out, Lawrence Stanley leading them. He makes his
way up the steps, but Radder attacks him on the apron.)
BB: Radder is ready to fight, taking it to the outside right away.
SB: That might not be the smartest thing to do, Bill, look at the MNC… Look at Teri…
BB: Keep your eye on the match, Sammy, Radder is unleashing fists at Stanley’s
forehead right here in front of us. Foreign Exchange is making their way over here…
Radder rolls into the ring, there’s the bell, this match has officially started.
SB: Stanley is shaking the cobwebs free and approaching the match very slowly, that’s
what “The English Gent” is all about, Bill.
BB: Precisely, he’s reaching his hand up for a test of strength.
SB: Radder takes it, NO, kick to the abdomen by “The Iceman”… Into the ropes he goes
and comes out with a knee lift. Stanley staggers backward, to the corner – Radder
grabs his arm, Irish whip to the corner, NO, reversed by Stanley.
BB: The English Gent stops and bends down, he’s concurring with Lord Alfred
SB: Radder wants to tear his head off, Bill! The referee is standing between Radder
and Stanley, CHEAPSHOT by Stanley, followed by an arm twist… Into a hammerlock
now, into a side headlock, switches sides, back to the hammerlock… What superb
technical wrestling by Stanley!
BB: Radder wrestles his way free, drops to his knees, fireman’s carry takedown…
Radder to his feet now, to the ropes, over Stanley’s body… Stanley to his feet, Radder
leap frogs him… Turns… kick to the gut and a HUGE facebuster by Steve Radder.
SB: That could be it, Bill!
BB: Not that easy, you won’t pin anyone in the Ironman that quickly! Stanley kicks out
of the first pinfall attempt of the match and Radder quickly returns to the attack, lacing
boots to the forehead of “The English Gent!”
SB: Teri Melton’s on the rope, Bill!
BB: Radder heads over to her, Stanley with a schoolboy roll-up… no, into a spinning
toehold… NO, into a FIGURE FOUR!
SB: Radder is in serious trouble here in the beginning… no, he pulls himself to the
ropes quickly, and as Stanley breaks the hold, Radder chops the chest of Stanley not
once, not twice, OOH, THREE TIMES!
BB: He heads to the ropes, off with a dropkick – no, Stanley swats him to the mat like a
fly! Stanley grabs the left leg and begins stomping away at it! Stanley has to do
something to keep Radder grounded, because he is no match for “The Iceman’s” speed!
SB: He’s doing it! He turns Radder’s leg sideways and hits an INSANE leg drop on it,
Radder is writhing in pain!
BB: Stanley pulls him up by the hair, scoops him up for the ride… Running from the
corner, HUGE powerslam in the center of the ring. This could be it, Sammy!
SB: No, Stanley heads to the ropes and comes off with an elbow drop to that left leg!
BB: Looking outside, the rest of the Multinational Corporation is VERY pleased with the
events unfolding within the ring.
SB: Stanley’s going to put the figure four on once again – no, Radder boots him off,
through the ropes! Alfred over to tend to him… Radder with a BASEBALL SLIDE
BB: Lawrence Stanley was just sent into the guard rail with that boot to the face, “The
Iceman” once again on the offensive with a series of hammering right hands on the
outside. Here come the MNC… But the referee Manny Juarez is out here telling them to
back off!
SB: Radder with a kick – Stanley grabs it, DRAGON SCREW LEG WHIP OUTSIDE!
Radder is hurt, and hurt BADLY!
BB: The ref is still busy with the MNC and Stanley smashes this fan’s drink over the
head of “The Iceman!”
SB: Stanley rolling his adversary back into the ring, and now… coming to the top?
BB: I question that choice…
BB: What an INCREDIBLE splash from the top from well over 300 pounds and 6’4” of
“The English Gent”! I’ve never seen Stanley quite that agile before!
SB: You questioned him?
BB: Regardless, he’s got his wrist across the face of Radder and the ref is in to make
the cover…
SB: One… two…NO! Radder got his good foot in the ropes!
BB: Steve “Iceman” Radder won’t give up that easy, there’s no question about it.
Stanley looks somewhat frustrated, but I doubt he’s surprised.
SB: He sends all his force into whipping Radder into the corner, DEVASTATING impact!
Radder crumples to the mat and Stanley is coming in for the pickings…
BB: Radder is fighting back, standing on his knees, with incredible forearm shivers!
He’s coming hard, up to his feet now and THE ICEMAN IS A HOUSE OF FIRE!
SB: Oxymoron – Webster’s defines it…
BB: Radder sends his larger opponent into the ropes, corkscrew elbow sends the
English Gent down, Radder’s back up, Stanley’s getting to his feet – URINAGI, Radder
with a side-to-side suplex from the Orient and hooks the leg!
SB: Uri – where do you get this stuff?
BB: One… two… NO, shoulder up, this match continues! Radder pulls Stanley up by
the hair, sends him to the ropes again, Stanley ducks a clothesline, turns and CLIPS HIS
KNEE! Radder hit the mat like a box of bricks on that one, Sammy!
SB: Lifting him up… Stanley sets it up and HITS IT, CHOKESLAM by the former United
States champion and he follows it up with a cover!
BB: Stanley only gets TWO! He’s in disbelief!
SB: Stanley lifts Radder up, sends him to the ropes… Radder’s fighting to stand up, let
alone WRESTLE… the momentum carries him back to Stanley, who lifts him up…
BB: ONE… TWO… NOOOOOOO! NO! Steve Radder got ONE SHOULDER UP, with
every last bit of energy he had in his body! “The Iceman” is fighting with everything he’s
got, there is NO question about it Sam.
SB: None at all, he’s attempting to make it to his feet…
BB: We’ve got to head to a commercial!
SB: Now?
BB: We’ll be back!
(CUT TO: Stanley/Radder continued)
SB: We’re back, Stanley has been on the offensive the entire break…
BB: Stanley whips him HARD to the ropes again, RADDER DOESN’T MAKE IT
THERE! He just COLLAPSED, I think Manny might want to think about ending this one
for the sake of Radder’s HEALTH!
SB: Not in the Ironman, Bill – they ARE Ironmen, as the name says.
BB: Well, Stanley smells blood and sets him up in the corner… This could be the top
rope DDT he loves to use, this could be the GUILLOTINE…
BB: He has a cover, ONE, TWO, NO! Lawrence Stanley gets out and is FURIOUS!
Two right hands to the side of the head by “The English Gent”, followed by a whip to the
corn – reversed by Radder, swung around, RADDER WITH HIS OWN SPINEBUSTER
SB: He used all of his energy, Buckley! I’m telling you, both men are down!
BB: Manny is starting the mandatory ten-count…
SB: One… two… three… Bill, this has been quite deserving of the IRONMAN OF
CHAMPIONS name, wouldn’t you say?
BB: It has, we’re on an eight count here… But Radder is coming to his feet and the
SB: He’s limping over to the corner… going to the top?
BB: We’ll see what happens this time in the corner, he’s hobbling his way up there…
Stanley to his feet, STANLEY CAUGHT RADDER, chops across, TOMBSTONE
SB: This one HAS to be over, Bill!
BB: One… two… his foot’s in the ropes!
BB: Stanley is celebrating, but Manny is checking everything out with our announcer,
Rhubarb Jones…
SB: Stanley is heading out with the rest of the MNC, he thinks he’s won this bout!
(A replay showing on the monitor clearly shows Radder’s foot on the ropes.)
BB: Stanley’s ENRAGED! Radder has a second wind, he’s running up the aisle after
Stanley! Clothesline to Wildstar, clothesline to Tsunami, DOWN GOES SERF, Stanley
is next! He’s seemingly shaken off this leg injury, I can’t believe it Sammy!
SB: He wants it bad enough, and the two have made their ways back to the ring!
BB: Radder sends his adversary into the corner, comes charging in, BOOT TO THE
FACE from Stanley… Radder turns, Stanley’s on the second rope… this time he HITS
THE GUILLOTINE, this one could be over this time, Sammy!
SB: He’s setting up his finishing maneuver, the FACE DOWN… it could be lights out for
the New Yorker…
BB: He’s got him in the air, Radder fights it… INVERTED DDT, RADDER WITH THE
BB: Stanley has a lot left in his reserves, too!
SB: Radder gets up, Stanley gets up, Stanley throws the ICEMAN to the ropes,
BB: ONE, TWO, THREE! He did it with a sunset flip, folks!
SB: Radder is holding his leg…He doesn’t look like a winner to me!
BB: But he IS, and that is all that matters here in the Ironman. The MNC has hit the
ring, but Radder rolls out and makes his way to the back… He might not feel great, but
he has won a HUGE victory here tonight.
SB: Both men put on a valiant fight, worthy of the IOC banner.
BB: We’ll be back after this commercial break for our final match of the evening, here at