1700-1899 Toffler’s Three Waves Toffler's First Wave began approx 10,000 years ago - the end of the Old Stone Age (the Paleolithic)and the beginning of the New Stone Age or the Neolithic. This is approx when the Agricultural Revolution started clearing & tilling land and domesticating animals and herding of cattle. (Waves of the Future) http://www.time toast.com/timeli nes/33536 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Toffler's 2nd Wave was the Industrial Revolution - from the late 18th to the early 20th century and brought with it mechanization as well as new production techniques such as the assembly line. During that period, the scale of manufacturing activity dramatically increased, giving rise to what we call today, mass production. (Waves of the Future) http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/33 536 Toffler's 3rd Wave is the Information Age. 1950-2005. It arose as a result of advances in computer technology and the advent of the internet. We all have a pretty good idea of what this is about. In 1980 when he published his book, The Third Wave, computers were for the most part bulky mainframe units. (Waves of the Future) http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/33536 2011 Key Technological Advances The Wright brothers developed the first effective airplane, and made the historic first airplane flight in 1903. (The Wright brothers) www.wrighthouse.com/wrig htbrothers/Wright s.html The first truly synthetic plastic was invented by Leo Baekeland in 1905. (History Learning Site)www.histor ylearningsite.co .uk/plastic.htm American electrical engineer and mathematician Charles Steinmetz publishes Future of Electricity, warning that industry and technology can create air and water pollution. In addition, Steinmetz sees the potential of electricity to revolutionize the home, work, and transportation. (Important Events in Science) www.enotes.co m/1910sciencetechnologyamericandecades/importa nt-eventssciencetechnology In December, the number of telephones in the United States exceeds seven million. (Important Events in Science)www.e notes.com/1910 -sciencetechnologyamericandecades/importa nt-eventssciencetechnology Garrett A. Morgan invents a traffic signal. (Social Studies for Kids)www.soci alstudiesforkids. com/articles/ush istory/garrettmo rgan.htm The television or iconoscope (cathode-ray tube) invented by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin. (Science World)http://sci enceworld.wolfr am.com/biograp hy/Zworykin.ht ml Henry Ford builds first V-8 car. (The Henry Ford) www.hfmgv.or g/exhibits/hf/ch rono.asp The Oliver company refined its "Row Crop" tractor with two small drive wheels in front spaced closely together. (Living History Farm) www.livinghist oryfarm.org/far minginthe30s/m achines_03.html The first commercial mobile phones were installed (1946 in St. Louis). (Telephone History) www.telephony museum.com/H istory%201940today.htm The jet engine was invented in 1940. (American History) americanhistory .si.edu/onthemo ve/themes/story _50_1.html In the 1950s, two devices would be invented which would improve the computer field and cause the beginning of the computer revolution. The first of these two devices was the transistor. Invented in 1947 by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain of Bell Labs, the transistor was fated to oust the days of vacuum tubes in computers, radios, and other electronics. (Science World) www.sciencewo rld.wolfram.co m/biography/Z worykin.html IBM announces the IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Calculator, an intermediate size electronic computer, to handle widely diversified accounting and scientific computations. http://www03.ibm.com/ib m/history/histor y/year_1953.ht ml On January 12, General Electric introduces a thermoplastic tape capable of recording video and audio signals simultaneously. (Important Events in Science) www.enotes.co m/1910sciencetechnologyamericandecades/importa nt-eventssciencetechnology On January 23, the bathyscaphe Trieste plunges to the deepest part of Pacific Ocean, almost seven miles deep. (Important Events in Science)www.e notes.com/1910 -sciencetechnologyamericandecades/importa nt-eventssciencetechnology 1970 Robert Jarvik, Ph.D. designs the Jarvik series of artificial hearts. (Chronology of Medical/Techno logical Advances) http://perfline.c om/textbook/loc al/mvinas_chro nol.htm 1975 Introduction of computerized axial tomography, the "CAT-scanner." (Chronology of Medical/Techno logical Advances) http://perfline.c om/textbook/loc al/mvinas_chro nol.htm Peterbilt built the conventional tractor, 1984. This effects school lunch. (American History) http://americanh istory.si.edu/ont hemove/themes/ story_50_1.html IBM decided to create a microcomputer (up to this date, IBM produced only mini and mainframes).(D igital Timeline)http:// teeksaphoto.org /Archive/Digital Timeline/Digita lTimeLineWeb 4.html In Geneva, Switzerland, Tim BernersLee develops a new technique for distributing information on the Internet, eventually called the World Wide Web. Microsoft launches Windows* 95 and its browser, Internet Explorer*. (Intel) http://www.intel .com/museum/a rchives/pctimeli ne.htm On October 23, 2001 Apple Computers publicly announced their portable music digital player the iPod, created under project codename Dulcimer. (History of the Ipod) http://www.ipod history.com/ SixthSense bridges this gap, bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand gestures. ‘SixthSense’ frees information from its confines by seamlessly integrating it with reality, and thus making the entire world your computer. (Sixth Sense) http://www.pran avmistry.com/pr ojects/sixthsens e/ Corporate Philosophies 1925 1910 Joyce D. Hall starts a wholesale postcard business in Kansas City, Missouri. http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com 1908 Ford Introduces the Model T 1902 First conversation by long distance underground cable, 10 miles - New York to Newark. http://www.tele phonetribute.co m/timeline.html 1906 W. K. Kellogg starts the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company. http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com http://www.wile y.com/legacy/pr oducts/subject/b usiness/forbes/f ord.html International Ladies Garment Workers Union Founded http://jwa.org/e ncyclopedia/arti cle/international -ladiesgarmentworkers-union 1935 1942 1957 1980 1960 The Chrysler Corporation is formed from the Maxwell Motor Company http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com The first DC-3 air plane flight occurs on December 17. http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com 1929 Great Stock Crash http://valuestoc kguide.com/thegreatdepression-thestock-marketcrash-andbeyond/ All Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors plants converts to military production. http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com The first Japanese car, a Toyota, is sold in the United States. http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com 1939 1948 First Television Commercial Broadcast http://www.clas sbrain.com/arth oliday/publish/a rticle_349.shtml ECHO I There are now communication 1618 telcos and s satellite is 140 million launched on 12 phones in the August. U.S. Bell Provides first companies satellite supply 85% of television the lines; GTE: Gold discovered in California broadcast of 10%. Smallest 1962. telco had 19 http://www.colo ma.com/gold/ BOA launches first credit card Laser is subscribers. invented. About this time http://www.visa europe.com/en/ about_us/who_ we_are/history. aspx http://www.tele 1958 phonetribute.co m/timeline.html U.S. Government Bails Out Chrysler http://www.heri tage.org/researc h/reports/1983/ 07/the-chryslerbail-out-bust Ted Turner starts CNN. http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com the last manual telco switchboard in Maine is retired. 1980 First use of the "900" number. http://www.tele 1969 Children’s Television Workshop broadcast first episode of Seseme Street. http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com 1994 2001 1975 phonetribute.co m/timeline.html 1979 The Three Mile Island disaster.So much for alternative energy. Three Mile Island's near-meltdown renders nuclear energy but a Simpsons joke, increasing the country's dependence on oil. http://www.nrc. gov/readingrm/doccollections/factsheets/3mileisle.html http://www.tele phonetribute.co m/timeline.html North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) took Effect http://www.fas. usda.gov/info/fa ctsheets/NAFT A.asp General Electric becomes the first fortune 500 company to go on line. http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com Amazon post its first profits. 5.1 million in the fotth quarter. http://www.refe renceforbusines s.com 2002 K-Mart Corporation files for bankruptcy protection. Educational Theories 1896 1900 1904 1915 1930 Jean Piaget introduces the Child Development Theory with its stages of development learning and cognitive growth through neurological and social maturation. http://www.piag et.org/ John Dewey wrote my two favorite pieces of work, The Child and the Curriculum (1902) (Experiential Continuum ) http://experienti alcontinuum.wo rdpress.com/ B.F. Skinner introduces the Behaviorist Theory; stating learning is an activity that occurs inside the mind. http://bfskinner. org/BFSkinner/ AboutSkinner.h tml Jerome Bruner initiates Discovery Learning; with a focus on cognitive learning through interaction with the environment. http://www.infe d.org/thinkers/b runer.htm Ralph Tyler Places an emphasis on curriculum instruction. http://elibrary.s d71.bc.ca/teach er_resources/pe dogogical_links /principles_curr _instruction.htm 1916 Lev Vugotsky introduces the Scaffolding Theory; stating cognitive development is shaped by individual differences and the influence of culture. 1913 John B. Watson delivered a lecture entitled "Psychology as the Behaviorist at Columbia University. Robert Gagne introduces the CognitiveBehavioral Theory, stating conditions for learning is shaped by providing optimal instructional condition. http://itls.usu.ed u/~mimi/course s/6260/theorists /Gagne/biograp h.htm http://www.mus kingum.edu/~ps ych/psycweb/hi story/watson.ht m Nature of Society based on Energy 1859 Edwin Drakes drills for oil. http://www.pri web.org/ed/pgw s/history/pennsy lvania/pennsylv 1934 1940 Edgar Dale Introduces the Cone of Learning Theory. http://teacherwo rld.com/potdale. html 1943 Howard Gardner introduces the Multiple Intelligence Theories; stating learning is shaped by linguistics music, logical, spatial and kinesthetic. http://www.indi ana.edu/~intell/ gardner.shtml http://www.lear ningtheories.com/vy gotskys-sociallearningtheory.html 1950 1959 1970 1977 1990 1998 First computer used for instruction. MIT driven. http://www.com puterhistory.org /timeline/?categ ory=cmptr IBM 650 Computer teaches binary arithmetic in NYC. http://www03.ibm.com/ib m/history/histor y/history_intro. html Computerassisted instruction (CAI) emerges. http://www.que stia.com/library/ science-andtechnology/com puters-and-theinternet/comput er-assistedinstruction.jsp First microcomputers enter schools. CAI movement declines; computer literacy movement begins. Integrated learning systems (ILSs) . Schools are using ILS networked systems as a cost-effective solution for instruction to address required standards. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) creates standards. http://www.sri.c om/policy/csted /reports/sandt/it/ Kulik_ITinK12_Writing_Iss ueBrief.pdf Dr. Deborah Stipek integrates theory, research, and practical issues related to achievement motivation, and provides an overview of current theories in the field, including reinforcement theory, intrinsic motivation, and cognitive theories. 1950 Systems Theory and Systematic Instructional Design states managing the complexity of Teaching Learning is fostered by using a system of instruction based on behaviorist information processing, and cognitive behaviorist theories. 1960 University time sharing systems initiate faculty and students in universities across the country to use the mainframe system. http://www.cs.u cla.edu/~kohler/ class/aosref/ritc hie84evolution. pdf Criterion Referenced Instruction emerges. Robert Mager http://www.lifec irclesinc.com/Learnin gtheories/Mager .html http://www.instr uctionaldesignc entral.com/htm/ IDC_instruction aldesigndefiniti ons.htm 1879 1898 1930 1942 1951 1961 Thomas Edison creates the first light bulb. http://www.tho masedison.com/ Marie Curie, Polish discovers the radioactive elements radium and Nuclear power discovered. http://www.darv ill.clara.net/alte nerg/nuclear.ht Manhattan Project is formed to secretly build the atomic The first electricity producing breeder reactor is built by the President Kennedy advises Americans to build fallout Arthur Luehrmann coins term computer literacy for skills in programming and using software tools. http://www.enot es.com/history/ q-and-a/whoinvented-firstpersonalcomputer288815 1980 1972 OPEC fuel embargo drives oil prices up. 1974 1976 The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act is passed to protect human health and the Seymour Papert Papert in the sixties when he talked about children using computers as instruments for learning and for enhancing creativity. The idea of an inexpensive personal computer was then science fiction. But Papert was conducting serious research in his capacity as a professor at MIT. http://www.pap ert.org/ 1979 Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania suffers a partial 1994 World Wide Web (WWW) is born. http://www.netv alley.com/intval /07262/main.ht m?sdf=1 http://www.iste. org/standards.as px 2011 http://eric.ed.go v/ERICWebPor tal/search/detail mini.jsp?_nfpb= true&_&ERICE xtSearch_Searc hValue_0=ED3 69773&ERICE xtSearch_Searc hType_0=no&a ccno=ED36977 3 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor meltdown and fire occur in the Soviet Union. Massive 2001 President Bush approves an energy policy that looks at nuclear energy as a significant ania.html polonium. 1875 Coal and oil power plants used. http://www.netl. doe.gov/keyissu es/historyofcoal use.html http://www.aip. org/history/curi e/ m 1938 Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman, German, demonstrate nuclear fission. http://www.che mheritage.org/d iscover/chemist ry-inhistory/themes/ atomic-andnuclearstructure/hahnmeitnerstrassman.aspx bomb before the Germans. http://nuclearwe aponarchive.org /Usa/Med/Med. html Atomic Energy Commission. 1946 The Atomic Energy Act is passed, establishing the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The AEC places further development of nuclear technology under civilian (not military) control. 1954 http://www.ne.d oe.gov/pdfFiles/ History.pdf American Scientist report silicon solar collectors. http://www.time toast.com/timeli nes/59738 1900 1910 The Gold Standard Act is ratified, placing the United States currency on the gold standard. The United States Bureau of Mines is authorized by an act of the United States Congress. http://americasb esthistory.com/a bhtimeline2010. html http://americasb esthistory.com/a bhtimeline2010. html 1859 Darwin publishes The Origin of Species. http://www.liter ature.org/author s/darwincharles/theorigin-ofspecies/ 1914-1918 World War I http://www.first worldwar.com 1917-1921 Russian Revolution 1935-1936 Italo-Ethiopian War. http://www.ic.ar izona.edu/ic/mc bride/ws200/me x-davi.htm http://depts.was hington.edu/balt ic/papers/russia nrevolution.htm The 12th century Aztec Indian ruins in New Mexico are proclaimed as a National Monument by President Warren G. Harding, following in the footsteps of all presidents since Theodore Roosevelt. It is known as Aztec 1925 "Monkey Trial" of John T. Scopes in Tennessee after he teaches evolution in his classroom. http://law2.umk c.edu/faculty/pr ojects/ftrials/sco pes/evolut.htm environment from the potential hazards of nuclear waste disposal. core meltdown. http://www.epa. gov/lawsregs/la ws/rcra.html 1983 The U.S. looks into a high-level nuclear waste repository (storage). 1977 The Voyager 2 spacecraft's electricity is generated by the decay of plutonium pellets. 1970 http://factsabout-solarenergy.com/sola r-energyhistory.html 1910-1920 Mexican Revolution 1923 http://www.hist ory.com/thisday-inhistory/kennedy -urgesamericans-tobuild-bombshelters The Atomic Energy Commission is abolished. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is developed Solar Power used. http://www.nrc. gov/aboutnrc/governinglaws.html Politics shelters in case of a nuclear war. http://www.wor ldnuclear.org/info /inf36.html quantities of radioactive material are released. Winds carry radioactivity across western Europe. http://www.wor ldnuclear.org/info /chernobyl/inf0 7.html http://www.nirs. org/factsheets/h lwfcst.htm http://voyager.j pl.nasa.gov/ 1939-1945 World War II. 1950-1953 Korean War. 1961-1975 Vietnam War. http://www.brit annica.com/EBc hecked/topic/29 7461/ItaloEthiopian http://www.wor ldwar-2.net/ 1939 Nazi holocaust murders Jews, other minorities http://www.kore anwar.org/ http://www.hist oryplace.com/u nitedstates/vietn am/index1969.html 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War. 1948Israel-Arab conflicts. http://www.spar tacus.schoolnet. co.uk/SpanishCivil-War.htm http://www.adl. org/israel/recor d/conflicts.asp 1950 Start of Chinese Communist attack on Buddhism. http://paradigmshift-21stcentury.nl/timel inebuddhism.htm 1971 India-Pakistan War. http://www.mth olyoke.edu/~nm onasch/pakistan india%20confli ct.html 1979-1989 Afghanistan Soviet Occupation. 1989 Panama American invasion. http://www.pbs. org/newshour/in depth_coverage /asia/afghanista n/soviet.html http://revcom.us /a/017/usinvasionpanama.htm 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq War http://www.glob alsecurity.org/m ilitary/world/wa r/iran-iraq.htm 1982 Falkland Islands War. http://www.nav alhistory.net/NA VAL1982FAL KLANDS.htm part of America's energy. http://www.ame ricanprogress.or g/issues/2010/0 6/oil_timeline.h tml 2010 A British Petroleum deep water oil rig explodes in the Gulf of Mexico, causing the largest oil spill in the history of the United States, killing eleven workers, and devastating the envirnoment. It also severely damaged the fishing and tourism industries of gulf states. http://americasb esthistory.com/a bhtimeline2010. html 2001 America's War on Terrorism. http://www.glob alresearch.ca/gl obaloutlook/trut h911.html 2011 1991 Persian Gulf War. http://www.pbs. org/wgbh/pages /frontline/gulf/ Osama Bin Laden, mastermind of the 9/11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and other locations and leader of the terrorist group, Al Quada, is killed after ten years of pursuit by United States and coalition 1899-1902 PhilippineAmerican War The United States initially attacked the Philippines in order to destroy Spain's Asiatic Squadron and to hold a bargaining chip for eventual negotiations. http://www.hist oryguy.com/Phi lipineAmerican war.html Ruins National Monument. http://americasb esthistory.com/a bhtimeline2010. html forces during a raid by U.S. Navy Seals on his hideout location in Pakistan. http://americasb esthistory.com/a bhtimeline2010. html