Engineering & Information Technology Bachelor in Aerospace

Engineering & Information Technology
Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering (1)
Bachelor in Aircraft Engineering (1)
Bachelor in Civil Engineering (1)
Bachelor in Computing, Information Systems (1)
Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (1)
Bachelor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (1)
Bachelor in Software Engineering (1)
Bachelor in Technology (1)
Bachelor of Electrical Electronics Engineering (1)
Bachelor of Engineering (1)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Computer) (2)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) (2)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunications) (1)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communication) (2)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (1)
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (2)
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Engineering & Applications (1)
Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology (1)
Bachelor of Science in Financial Information Analysis (1)
Masters in Computer Application (1)
Masters of Science in Engineering (1)
MSc Structural Engineering and Mechanics (1)
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Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering
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Candidate Number: 005
First Degree: Bachelor in Aerospace Engineering
MBA Specialisation: MBA (General)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Mandarin
3. Malay
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Malaysia
 Singapore
 Denmark
 France
List of Companies or Sectors
 Danfoss Industries
 Cargill Palm Products
 Industrial Controls and Palm Oil trading
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Mainly international trading and business development.
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Agriculture commodity
Oil and Gas
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
Malaysian Red Crescent Society
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Business Development
Project Management
Bachelor in Aircraft Engineering
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Candidate Number: 035
First Degree: Bachelor in Aircraft Engineering (1st Class Honours)
MBA Specialisation : MSc –Applied Finance
Language Competencies: 1. Vietnamese
2. English
3. French
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Singapore
 Vietnam
List of Companies or Sectors
 Vietnam Airlines
 Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Mainly Aircraft Maintenance Repair and Overhaul services, technical supervisor
 Depth of knowledge of Vietnam aviation industry through experience, and MBA
dissertation. Involved in project on setting unit price for products in company (USD
$70 million in revenue under Vietnam Airlines Corp. with consolidated revenue
over $ 1.5 billion)
Academic Awards
 Top 5% of Engineering Graduating class, only one chosen by Vietnam Airlines for
overseas training before graduation
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Investment Banking
 Real Estate
 Management Consulting
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Asset Management/Equity Analyst
 Corporate planning and research for
real estate
 Aerospace industry consulting
Bachelor in Civil Engineering
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Candidate Number: 040
First Degree: Bachelor in Civil Engineering (2nd Class Upper
MBA Specialisation: NTU-Waseda Double MBA
(Technology Management)
Language Competencies:
1. English
2. Chinese
3. Chinese dialects
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Singapore
List of Companies or Sectors
 Port of Singapore Authority (PSA)
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Mainly Operations Management
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Management Consulting
 Investment Banks
 Consumer Products
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Operations Research
 Finance
 Risk Management
Bachelor in Computing, Information Systems
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Candidate Number: 033
First Degree: Bachelor in Computing, Information Systems
(2nd Upper Division Class Honours)
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Strategy & Finance)
Language Competencies:
1. English
2. Chinese
3. Mandarin dialects
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Singapore
 Vietnam
 Taiwan
List of Companies or Sectors
 Singapore Airlines Limited
 SembCorp Parks Management Pte Ltd
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Sales & Marketing, Account Management, Operations and Services Management
Academic Awards
 Top 10% of class in Bachelor programme
 Placement on Dean’s List
 Publication of thesis in “Information and Management” press journal,
engagement by University as research and teaching assistant
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Banking and Finance
 Hospitality
 Management Consulting
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Marketing and Research
 Marketing and Research
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Bachelor in Electrical Engineering
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Candidate Number: 027
First Degree: Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (1st Class)
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Finance)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Hindi
3. Mandarin
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Europe (Sweden)
 India
 Taiwan
 Korea
List of Companies or Sectors
 Himax Technologies, Inc.
 Liteon Technologies
 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd
 CGI, Inc
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Research and Development
 Technical Research
 Consultancy
 Project Management
Academic Awards
 Secured All-India rank of 1491 out of 250,000 (approx) in Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) entrance examination.
 Top 10% of my Engineering Graduating class
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Investment Banks
Asset Management
Mutual Funds
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Equity Research/Equity Capital
 Fund Management/Portfolio
 Corporate Finance
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Corporate Finance
Bachelor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
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Candidate Number: 042
First Degree: Bachelor in Mechanical and Aerospace
Bachelor in Business
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Finance)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Korean
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Korea
List of Companies or Sectors
 Mando Corporation (Automotive industry)
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Engineering, developed parts for GM and Hyundai
Academic Awards
3rd Award at Hyundai Automotive Idea Competition
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Asset management
 Private equity and corporate finance
 Risk management
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Investment analysis
 Finance
Bachelor in Software Engineering
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Candidate Number: 039
First Degree: Bachelor in Software Engineering (1st Class
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Finance)
Language Competencies: 1. Chinese
2. English
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Singapore
 China
 India
List of Companies or Sectors
 Credit Suisse
 Strategic System Solutions
 Infosys
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Mainly banking and financial system development and support
Academic Awards
 Second Prize of Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship
 Second Grade Scholarship for Excellent Achievements
 National Specialized Scholarship for Software Engineer Talents
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Financial institution
 Management Consulting
 Commodities trading firms
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Finance
 Risk analysis and control
 Market Research
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
 Did volunteer work with Singapore coastal cleanup and Singapore Charity Committee.
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Bachelor in Technology
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Candidate Number: 032
First Degree: Bachelor in Technology (B.Tech)
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Finance & Strategy)
Language Competencies:
1. English
2. Hindi
3. German
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 India
 Germany
List of Companies or Sectors
 TATA Consultancy Services
 Satyam Computers
 Covered sectors such as Mutual Fund, Insurance, Manufacturing and retail
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Mainly project management and pre-sales in Content Management functional
Academic Awards
 OUAT merit scholarship (top 5% of the class), NTS scholarship in 10 th
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 IT Consulting
 Banking
 IT Services
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 IT Services
 Corporate Finance
 Presales
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
Volunteered during Orissa Super Cyclone by leading a team.
Participated in Satyam CSR programs (blood donation camps, fund raising for
Tsunami affected people, spent time teaching orphans.
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Bachelor of Electrical Electronics Engineering
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Candidate Number: 012
First Degree: Master of Electrical Electronics Engineering,
Bachelor of Electrical Electronics Engineering, Bachelor of
Double MBA (Technology
Language Competencies: 1. Japanese
2. English
3. Chinese (beginner)
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Japan
List of Companies or Sectors
 Softbank Telecom
 Softbank Mobile
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Purchaser
 NW engineer
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Consumer Products
Management Consulting
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Market Research
Bachelor of Engineering
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Candidate Number: 011
First Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Finance)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Hindi
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 India
 US
List of Companies or Sectors
 Banking – Mortgage, Asset Management
Functional Areas of Expertise
 IT
Academic Awards
Graduated with distinction at the top of the class. Rank 1
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Investment banking
Corporate finance
Management Consulting
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Financial Analyst
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
 Actively involved with a group in developing multimedia software for school children in
rural India.
 Actively involved with LaSalle Bank, Chicago in providing community services
to primary schools.
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Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Computer)
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Candidate Number: 014
First Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Computer)
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Strategy)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Mandarin
3. Basic Japanese
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Singapore
 Austria
List of Companies or Sectors
 Infineon Technologies
 Panasonic
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Engineering
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Management Consulting
Market Research firms
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Market Research
Business Analyst
Candidate Number: 038
First Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Computer
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Finance)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Mandarin
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Singapore
List of Companies or Sectors
 J.D Power and Associates Asia Pacific
 United Microelectronics Corp
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Marketing information, Technology development
Academic Awards
 Singapore government linked companies scholarship
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Banking
 Fund management
 Consultancy firm
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Finance
 Fund Management
 Risk management
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)
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Candidate Number: 003
First Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Major in Electrical
MBA Specialisation: Double Master : Nanyang MBA (Strategy)
& MA (Strategy and International Management), St. Gallen
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Burmese
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Singapore
List of Companies or Sectors
 Rockwell Automation
 Philips Electronics
 Seagate Technology International and covered sectors, Industry Automation, Consumer
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Currently Product Engineer, previously in product development, product testing,
manufacturing and equipment support
Academic Awards
Nominated as Top 10 Final Year Projects in NUS, Semi-finalist of Startup @ Singapore
Businessplan competition, Top 5% of graduating cohort in Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Strategy and Management
Alternative and renewable energy sector
Commodity trading sector
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Business development manager
New venture creation
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
 Logistic director and Fundraising director of Project Nargis – A disaster recovery and
rehabilitation project in response to cyclone Nargis in Myanmar.
 Sent approximately 3 tonnes of old-clothes, medicines, blankets and food supplies to Myanmar
in first 2 months of operations.
 Raised around 100,000 SGD donations for relief operations during the project period.
 Went to disaster-hit area to oversee the rehabilitation projects such as contract framing project
to a village with population size of around 1200 villagers.
 Developed long-term educational sponsorship project in which monthly stipends of SGD 15-25
are donated to 512 primary to high school students from the disaster-hit region for one
academic year.
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Candidate Number: 027
First Degree: Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (1st Class)
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Finance)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Hindi
3. Mandarin
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Europe (Sweden)
 India
 Taiwan
 Korea
List of Companies or Sectors
 Himax Technologies, Inc.
 Liteon Technologies
 Sasken Communication Technologies Ltd
 CGI, Inc
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Research and Development
 Technical Research
 Consultancy
 Project Management
Academic Awards
 Secured All-India rank of 1491 out of 250,000 (approx) in Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) entrance examination.
 Top 10% of my Engineering Graduating class
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Investment Banks
Asset Management
Mutual Funds
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Equity Research/Equity Capital
 Fund Management/Portfolio
 Corporate Finance
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Corporate Finance
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics & Telecommunications)
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Candidate Number: 018
First Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics &
MBA Specialisation: MBA (General)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Hindi
3. Marathi
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 India
 United States of America
List of Companies or Sectors
 Edelweiss Capital Ltd
 Infosys Technologies Ltd
Functional Areas of Expertise
 IT
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Telecom Marketing
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communication)
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Candidate Number: 001
First Degree: Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics
and Communications (Honours)
MBA Specialisation: MBA (General)
Language Competencies:
1. English
2. Chinese (Mandarin)
3. Japanese
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in : Singapore
List of Companies or Sectors : PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Functional Areas of Expertise : Audit
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Management Consulting
Banking and Finance
Consumer Products
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Management Consulting
Asset Management
Capital Markets, Equities
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
Foreign Service Officer (Consular Planning), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore
Associate, Performance Improvement, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Singapore
Clients from various industries, including OCBC Bank, DnB Bank, 3M, Cold Storage, Baxter
Healthcare, NTUC Income, Singapore Post, The Monetary Authority of Singapore
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Candidate Number: 019
First Degree:
Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and
MBA Specialisation : MBA (General)
Language Competencies: 1.English
2. Hindi
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 India
List of Companies or Sectors
 Response and Enrolment modelling for major US credit card players
 Shopping cycle model for Private Label Credit Card holders of a major US retail
 Segmentation of customers of a US based utilities company
 Inventory management model for a US based health-care firm
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Predictive modelling using linear and logistic regression, using Analytic tools such
as SAS, CART and MARS to generate useful business insights
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Investment Banking
Private Equity
Consumer Products
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical)
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Candidate Number: 022
First Degree: BEng Mechanical Engineering (1st class
MSc Structural Engineering and Mechanics
MBA Specialisation : MBA (General)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. French-intermediate
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 UK
List of Companies or Sectors
 Weidlinger Associates – Consulting Engineer , Defence, Naval, Marine, Explosions,
Anti-terrorist, R&D
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Engineering , Project management
Academic Awards
Undergraduate degree - 1st class degree , Postgraduate degree – distinction
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Management Consulting
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
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Candidate Number: 009
First Degree: Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
& Engineering
MBA Specialisation: MBA ( Strategy & Finance)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Hindi
3. Telugu
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 India
List of Companies or Sectors
 Infotech Enterprises Ltd
 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Transport
 Government and Utilities companies
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Information Technology in GIS domain
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Management Consulting
Corporate Finance
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Strategic consultant
Business development
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
Worked with Animal Help Foundation as a volunteer. Volunteer at an orphanage at
Hyderabad, India.
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Candidate Number: 030
First Degree: Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
(1st Class)
MBA Specialisation: MBA (Strategy and Technology)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Hindi
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 India (managed global clients from China, USA and Europe)
List of Companies or Sectors
 Motorola
 Globallogic
 Covered sectors such as Telecom, Mobile devices and Knowledge management
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Competitive Analysis and Business development for mobile devices, IT, Telecom
management, and Client negotiations
Academic Awards
 Awarded Merit Fellowship for securing position in top 10% of class size of 64 during
Engineering (2001)
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Management/TechnologyConsulting
 Technology Management
 Strategy and Business Development
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Product Management
 Consulting
 Market Research
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
Project Lead, Global Day of Service (Motorola): Led a team of seven volunteers to
organize a health care camp for eighty children in Hyderabad.
Organizer and Member, Social Projects Group (Motorola): Organized and managed
Environment Day and various community service visits.
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Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Engineering & Applications
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Candidate Number: 029
First Degree: Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
Engineering & Applications
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Strategy and Finance)
Language Competencies:
1. English
2. Hindi
3. Tamil
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 India (Pune, Chennai)
 UK (Scotland)
List of Companies or Sectors
 Keane India Ltd
 Syntel India Ltd
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Software development and maintenance, project management and co-ordination across
Academic Awards
 Awarded certificate of appreciation from client NACCO Materials Handling(Scotland) Ltd.
for services rendered while on secondment in the UK for Keane India Ltd.
 Member of Keane Gold Club a fast-track corporate program at Keane for
grooming young leaders.
 Awarded Outstanding Performance award certificate for the year 2004 with cash award
by Syntel (India) Ltd.
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Banking / Financial institutions
Business analyst
Project management
Corporate finance
IT consulting in Finance/Technology
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
Member of KARISHMA, a Socio-welfare initiative of Keane employees and helped mobilize
funds of up to INR40000 towards the education of the children of housekeeping staff.
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Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology
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Candidate Number: 007
First Degree: Bachelor of Engineering in Information
MBA Specialisation: MBA (General)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. Hindi
3. Marathi
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 India
List of Companies or Sectors
 L&T Infotech
 Consulted companies like Chevron Corporation, Larsen & Toubro, Chevron Phillips
Chemicals A
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Project Management, Technical expertise in SAP ABAP with a focus on the FI/CO, SD and
MM modules
Academic Awards
Top 5% of Engineering Graduate Class , Scholarship recipient in Nanyang MBA
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
Management Consulting
Technology Consulting
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Industry research
Feasibility study
Corporate Social Responsibilities Initiatives –
Actively participated in “Earth day” events of the last two years of my consulting
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Bachelor of Science in Financial Information Analysis
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Candidate Number: 041
First Degree: Bachelor of Science in Financial Information
MBA Specialisation: MBA (Finance)
Language Competencies: 1. Chinese
2. English
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 China
List of Companies or Sectors
 Global Capital Group
 Huarong Asset Management
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Asset appraisal, bond investment, securitization, consultant
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Asset management
 Private equity and corporate finance
 Risk management
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Investment analysis
 Finance
Masters in Computer Application
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Candidate Number: 026
First Degree: Masters in Computer Application
MBA Specialisation : MBA General
Language Competencies:
1. English
2. Hindi
3. Malayalam
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 India
List of Companies or Sectors
 Birlasoft
 Satyam (IT Consulting)
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Enterprise Resource Planning - Peoplesoft, Domain knowledge of Human
Resources and Payroll
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Strategy Consulting
 Technology Consulting
 Management Consulting
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Analyst
 Consultant in the domain of technology
 Strategy and supply chain
Masters of Science in Engineering
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Candidate Number: 034
First Degree: Masters of Science in Engineering (Electrical)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical)
MBA Specialisation : MBA (Strategy & Finance)
Language Competencies:
1. English
2. Mandarin
3. German
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 Singapore
 Austria
List of Companies or Sectors
 Chartered Semiconductor Mfg Pte Ltd
 Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Product engineering and project management
Academic Awards
 EDB Postgraduate Manpower Programme (Scholarship for Postgraduate studies
 EDB Specialist Manpower Programme (Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies
(Final Undergraduate Year)
 Remote Controlled Robotic Vehicle (First Prize)
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
 Management Consulting
 Asset Management
 Business Development
Preferred Project/Internship Functions
 Management Consulting
 Asset Management
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Business Development
MSc Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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Candidate Number: 022
First Degree: BEng Mechanical Engineering (1st class
MSc Structural Engineering and Mechanics
MBA Specialisation : MBA (General)
Language Competencies: 1. English
2. French-intermediate
Summary of Work Experience
Countries worked in
 UK
List of Companies or Sectors
 Weidlinger Associates – Consulting Engineer , Defence, Naval, Marine, Explosions,
Anti-terrorist, R&D
Functional Areas of Expertise
 Engineering , Project management
Academic Awards
Undergraduate degree - 1st class degree , Postgraduate degree – distinction
Preferred Industry Sectors for Project/Internship
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Preferred Project/Internship Functions
Management Consulting