FIRE MODELING AND REMOTE SENSING: CONVERGING TECHNOLOGIES FRANCIS M. FUJIOKA1, Charles JONES2, and Philip J. RIGGAN1 SUMMARY Fire managers will soon have ready access to weather and fire models to predict the behavior of fires whose locations are known. The models result from many years of research and development, but they require substantial computing support, which has become feasible for fire applications in recent years. The models, however, are still subject to errors, so their output should be checked carefully and regularly. Model evaluation benefits from recent innovations in remote sensing. We describe a thermal imaging system developed especially to monitor wildland fires. The system sees the fire in infrared and visible bands, thus allowing the determination of hot spots within the fire. We present a modeling and remote sensing system, and a risk assessment framework that uses the model and image data to determine the expected net value change for an area of interest. It involves a process for mapping the probability of fire spread, given a fire event at a known location. Fire managers will benefit from a system which will better inform the decisionmaking process. 1. INTRODUCTION Operational procedures in wildland fire management will change dramatically with new technologies emerging from research and development. These technologies include computer modelling and remote sensing tools that provide observations and predictions of fire and the fire environment with spatial and temporal detail that go well beyond the capabilities of current operational systems. This paper describes an integrated weather/fire modelling system and an airborne remote sensing platform designed to monitor wildland fire. Each represents a distinct advance of fire technology in its own right; when used together, they offer a powerful new system for fire risk assessment. We envision this risk assessment system for tactical fire planning during the course of one or more fire incidents. A weather model describes anticipated weather conditions on a grid covering the affected area, at gridpoint spacings on the order of a kilometer or less. The model output includes all the weather variables needed to describe weather effects on fire behavior. Fire behavior prediction is accomplished by a second computer modelling system, which ingests the weather model output and accounts for fuel and terrain variations. Recent examples show how this modelling approach has been applied. Some models not only account for the weather effects on fire behavior, they also describe the feedback that the fire energy imposes on the atmosphere in the immediate neighborhood of the fire (Clark et al. 1996, Linn et al. 2002). This paper focuses on a simpler modelling approach which excludes the feedback mechanism, because the more complex models take longer to run than operational constraints allow. A weather model generates predictions which feed into a fire behavior model. The resultant fire spread predictions are checked against remote sensing images that show the actual fire spread. Analysis of the errors in the fire spread predictions results in a spatial/temporal probability model of the spread prediction errors, which enables an assessment of risk that the fire poses to the resources in its path. 1Forest Fire Laboratory, USDA Forest Service, Riverside, California, USA Email: 2ICESS, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 The following sections describe in greater detail the weather model and the fire behavior modelling system that comprise the modelling components for the risk assessment system in development at the USDA Forest Service Forest Fire Laboratory in Riverside, California. The theory that underlies the risk assessment procedure is explained. The modelling components, the remote sensing process, the probability analysis, and the risk assessment process are presented as an integrated system. 2. WEATHER MODELING The weather model we use to generate high resolution weather predictions is called MM5. It has its roots in a weather model developed at Pennsylvania State University (Anthes and Warner 1978). The National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado maintains the current version of the model, and supports its distribution and use. Figure 1 Nested grids for MM5 weather simulations at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Within the boxes labelled D01, D02, and D03, the horizontal spacings between grid points are 36, 12, and 4 km, respectively. MM5 produces weather information on a grid with user-specified characteristics (grid spacing, location, map projection, etc.). It uses a nested grid structure, where finer grids are embedded in coarser grids that provide lateral boundary conditions for the former (Figure 1). The model is predictive, but it requires initial and lateral boundary conditions, usually obtained from another weather model with coarser resolution. The user specifies the number and spacing of the vertical levels in model runs. Near the earth’s surface, the model levels tend to reflect the shape of the terrain, as depicted by the terrain elevation data at the prescribed horizontal grid spacing. The MM5 model incorporates the laws that govern atmospheric processes, and draws on a rich heritage. In the USA, weather models date back to the 1950s (Ross 1986). Early models had relatively simple physics, suitable for computers available at the time. The MM5 model used for this paper is far more complex, based on the theory of nonhydrostatic processes. The complexity is necessary to simulate weather at grid spacings on the order of a kilometer. Fundamentally, the MM5 model solves a set of time-dependent nonlinear partial differential equations that express physical laws governing atmospheric processes (Perkey 1986). These include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. conservation of horizontal momentum conservation of vertical momentum mass continuity ideal gas law moist thermodynamics conservation of cloud water Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 The set of equations cannot be solved analytically, thus requiring numerical schemes. The calculus of the governing equations are approximated by numerical differencing algorithms. This approach requires extraordinary computing support, which parallel computing architecture facilitates. Fortunately, the vast improvement in the price/performance ratio of cluster computers has made model applications like MM5 much more accessible than they were even 5-10 years ago. The fire modeling component requires weather information from the surface layer of the weather model. We use the FARSITE version 3 fire modeling system (Finney 1998), which incorporates the Rothermel (1972) fire spread model. The predicted weather variables passed to FARSITE from MM5 are hourly values on a 4 km grid spacing of: 1. air temperature 2. relative humidity (percent) 3. wind direction (azimuth degrees) 4. wind speed 5. precipitation amount 6. cloud cover (percent) The user can specify either metric or English units of measurement. Figure 2 Web site at the University of California, Santa Barbara, with downloadable MM5 forecasts for use with FARSITE Currently, the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB) produces MM5 fire weather predictions customized for FARSITE twice a day, for portions of northern and southern Calilfornia. The gridded prediction fields can be downloaded from the Internet at (Figure 2). The user can choose the type of map projection, datum, and forecast initialization time. The UCSB web site also features animations of the predicted fire weather fields, georeferenced with major city and road locations, and with topography. This allows the user to visualize the dynamics of the expected Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 weather conditions that can affect fire behavior. Alternatively, pull-down menus also facilitate frame-by-frame inspection of the hourly weather fields (Figure 3). Figure 3 MM5 predicted winds at 10 m and air temperature at 2 m above ground level for southern California, 19 July 2005. The first map is for 0600 Pacific Daylight Time, and the second map is for eight hours later. The grid spacing is 4 km, but not all the grid points are shown. Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 Figure 4 FARSITE simulation of the 1996 Bee Fire in the San Bernardino National Forest, California. The colors in the two-dimensional view represent different fuel types, also shown in the three-dimensional view. The arrows represent the surface winds at a grid spacing of 2 km. 3. FIRE MODELING As mentioned previously, the fire modeling component of this paper is FARSITE version 3, which predates the current release. We favor the older version, because it allows gridded weather input of all the MM5 variables listed in the preceding section, whereas the current version does not. In addition to weather data, FARSITE requires fuels and terrain elevation data for the area of interest. In California, these data are available for national forests and other selected locations through the Forest Service Regional Office, Fire and Aviation Management. This is not a trivial requirement, because the fuels and terrain data are typically used at a grid spacing of 30 m for FARSITE simulations. The high resolution is necessary to capture the effects that spatially variable fuels and terrain have on fire behavior. The Rothermel fire spread model is the basis for the component of FARSITE which simulates surface fire spread (Finney 1998): R I R 1 w s b Qig where R head fire steady-state spread rate I R reaction intensity propagating flux ratio b fuel ovendry bulk density effective heating number Qig heat of pre-ignition w wind coefficient s slope coefficient (1) Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 Figure 5 FARSITE simulation of the Troy Fire in San Diego County, California, 19 June 2002. This ongoing study uses MM5 weather output at a horizontal grid spacing of 1.3 km, which is slightly larger than the 1 km grid interval shown in the figure. The Rothermel spread model is one-dimensional: it represents the spread rate only in the direction of maximum spread. To simulate fire spread over the landscape, FARSITE applies Huygens’ principle, by assuming that two-dimensional fire spread can be approximated locally by an ellipse, for which the Rothermel model gives the head fire spread rate. The outer envelope of all such local ellipses represents the advancing fire perimeter in two dimensions. FARSITE effectively is a numerical integration over space and time of those variables that affect fire growth, given the initial location of the fire. It requires parameters that control distance and time steps used in the integration. FARSITE can simulate multiple fires simultaneously, and the coalescence of fires whose paths converge. We have applied FARSITE in case studies of actual fires, the first of which was the 1996 Bee Fire, which burned a portion of the San Bernardino National Forest in southern California (Figure 4). This was also the first time we used a high resolution weather model (Mesoscale Spectral Model, or MSM; Chen et al. 1998) with FARSITE to simulate fire spread. The simulated wind vectors at 1730 Pacific Daylight Time, 30 June 1996, appear in the left side of Figure 4. Another case study is focusing on the Troy Fire, which burned in an area approximately 80 km east of the city of San Diego in 2002. Figure 5 shows the FARSITE-simulated growth of the fire approximately six hours after it started. A somewhat counterintuitive feature of the simulation is the accelerated downhill growth of the fire on the right side of the two- and three-dimensional views. This fire is particularly interesting because we have high resolution weather, fuels, and terrain data for fire spread simulations, and we also have high resolution remote sensing imagery data of the fire as it grew in the afternoon of 19 June 2002. For the first time, we have perimeters of the actual fire mapped at 10 minute intervals, from an airborne remote sensing system designed specifically to study wildland fire. The next section describes the system used on the Troy Fire. 4. REMOTE SENSING BY FIREMAPPER™ Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 FireMapper™ is an imaging system developed jointly by the USDA Forest Service and a contractor to monitor wildland fires (Riggan and Hoffman 1999). Its sensors detect light in three infrared bands and two visible bands. A microbolometer focal-plane array provides the capability for thermal-imaging without cryogenic cooling, in infrared bands that wildland fires characteristically radiate. Two 1.6 megapixel cameras are used to collect images in the visible bands. The system has been flown on a twin engine Piper Navajo airplane. An onboard computer records the images together with GPS location information and aircraft speed and heading. Flying at an elevation of 2770 m and a speed of 92 m/s (185 knots), FireMapper thermal-infrared images are capable of 5 m resolution. Figure 6 Two consecutive images of the Troy Fire from the FireMapper thermal imaging system. A ten minute interval separates the time between the pictures, allowing analysis of the fire growth at high spatial and temporal resolution. Figure 6 shows two postprocessed infrared images from the Troy Fire, recorded on 19 June 2002. The first image represents the fire at 1356 Pacific Daylight Time, and the second is at ten minutes later at 1406. The brightness is a function of the radiance measured by the infrared sensors. The image can thus be used to differentiate temperature zones within the fire. For the purposes of this study, we are primarily interested in the spread of the fire, hence the perimeter that separates the burned area from the unburned area. Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 Figure 7 FireMapper recorded this thermal image of the Old Fire, which burned into the city of San Bernardino, California (lower right) and subsequently into the mountaintop community of Cedar Glen, in October 2003. Several fires toward the end of October 2003 kept the FireMapper system busy in southern California. One of the most destructive of those was the Old Fire (Figure 7), which started during the day on 25 October, north of the city of San Bernardino, California. Driven by Santa Ana winds from the north, the fire quickly spread into the city, where it burned over 200 homes by early evening. The FireMapper image shows the actively burning areas of the fire as it made its way toward the city and up the mountain. Visit the web site at to view the other October 2003 fires in California, as well as fires from other years dating back to 2001, and fires from Montana, Brazil, and Mexico. 5. USING MODELING AND REMOTE SENSING FOR RISK ASSESSMENT The technologies of weather and fire modeling, and high resolution remote sensing of fire spread, provide the necessary tools to evaluate the probability of fire spread on an incident. In turn, the probability information enables a quantitative assessment of risk that a fire poses to the resource values in its path. We use the method by Fujioka (2002) to obtain the probability information. 5.1 Probability Model We assume the ability to run an objective procedure such as a model or models as described in the preceding sections, to obtain a prediction of fire spread for a fire at a known location. We also assume an ability to obtain accurate information efficiently, on the progression of the actual fire. Under conditions of mathematical smoothness as described by Fujioka (2002), we compare the actual and simulated perimeters of the fire at time t. If we can use polar coordinates unambiguously, with the origin at some reference point internal to the fire (e.g. the ignition point), we define the model error G: G ( j , t ) r ( j , t ) / R( j , t ), where R( j , t ) 0 (2) Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 j radian measure to j -th point on perimeter t time r radial distance to actual perimeter R radial distance to simulated perimeter A stochastic model for the error of the simulations is given by ln G ( j , t ) ln r ( j , t ) ln R( j , t ) e( j , t ) (3) where e is a zero mean random variable. The log transformation of Equation 2 in Equation 3 both linearizes the model error formulation and potentially stabilizes the variance of the errors. Further assume the existence of a probability model F(k) such that ln G( , t ) ~F (k ) (4) where k is a parameter set for F. Our objective is to determine F in (4) from the actual and simulated perimeter data in (3) For the Bee Fire case study, Fujioka (2002) used nonparametric methods to find the probability distribution for ln(G(θj,t)). He used the probability information to construct confidence intervals on subsequent fire spread predictions. Figure 8 Three-dimensional view of the predicted perimeter growth of the 1996 Bee Fire, 45 minutes after ignition, together with 95% confidence bounds on the location of the true fire perimeter. The pink polygon marks the actual fire growth after 45 minutes. One possible presentation of fire spread predictions and probability information is given in Figure 8. The example shows the predicted 1996 Bee Fire perimeter, 45 minutes after ignition, embedded in 95% confidence bounds as determined from the retrospective analysis of the simulated and actual fire behaviors by the method outlined above. The light brown polygon in the lower left corner is the predicted burned area. The perimeters of the small reddish polygon and the large yellow-brown polygon represent the 95% probability bounds on the Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 location of the true perimeter. The pink polygon is the actual area burned after 45 minutes. The utility of this presentation derives not only from the prediction and attendant uncertainty information, it also provides visual information of the resources in the potential path of the fire. This begins the process of risk assessment, which can be extended as follows. 5.2 Risk Assessment Procedure Given the location of an ongoing fire, an objective assessment of the risk to resources in vicinity of the fire may be measured by the expected benefits from the fire versus the expected loss it might inflict. This quantity is the expected net value change. Finney (2005) writes this quantity as N n E[nvc] p( Fi ) Bij Lij (5) i 1 j 1 where p( Fi ) probability of the i -th fire behavior Bij benefit to the j -th resource from the i -th fire behavior Lij loss to the j -th resource from the i -th fire behavior We can make this expression spatially and temporally explicit for the continuous case: E nvc A, t p(u, v, t ) aB (u, v, t ) B(u, v, t ) aL (u, v, t ) L(u, v, t ) dudv (6) u , vA where A is the region of interest, (u,v) is the orthogonal spatial coordinate system, t is the time for which the calculation is valid (a forecast time), and aB(•) and aL(•) are attenuation functions for B and L, respectively, that express the proportionate effect that the fire has for the given place and time. Equation 5 might be considered a special case of Equation 6, with aB(•)=aL(•)=1. The attenuation functions serve the purpose of accounting for partial benefits or partial losses, when the fire does not exert its full effect. An obviously essential component of Equation 6 is the probability p(•) of the fire behavior. Assume that the aspect of fire behavior of interest is the passage of the surface fire front over the point (u,v), given the forecast at time t. Equations 3 and 4 provide the probability information for this case. Without loss of generality, assume that the simulated spread R(•) is an unbiased estimator for the actual spread. From Equation 3 and relation 4, ln G j , t ln r j , t ln R j , t ~ F (k ) For fixed θj and t, ln G is a random variable. P(ln G g ) F ( g; k ), g (7) Let g=ln G be the quantile of F such that (8) Recall from Equation 2 that G(θj,t) is the ratio of the radial distance traversed by the actual fire to the distance traversed by the simulated fire at time t, in the direction of θj. Interpret t as the forecast lead time. From Equations 2 and 8, for fixed in the direction of θj and t, ln G g ln r ln R ln r ln R g r R exp( g ) (9) Hence, P r R exp( g ) 1 F ( g; k ) (10) Equation 10 gives the probability that the actual fire will travel up to a distance of R exp(g) in the direction θj, given the model forecast spread distance of R for time t. Recall that the spread model simulates a surface fire burning through a continuous fuel bed. A simple example illustrates the concept. Assume that g for all θ is a normal random variable with mean zero and variance t2 , where the variance increases with t. Equation 6 Proceedings of Fifth NRIFD Symposium November 30-December 2, 2005 becomes E nvc A, t u , A 1 FN u , g ;0, t2 aB (u, , t ) B(u, , t ) aL (u, , t ) L(u, , t ) dud (11) where u R( ) exp( g ) . The modeling and remote sensing components provide all the information required for the probability calculation. 6. CONCLUSIONS We describe a framework for assessing risk posed by a fire at a known location, using weather modeling, fire modeling, and remote sensing to determine the probability distribution of the fire modeling errors. The probability information is then used in a quantitative assessment of risk, specifically to determine the expected net value change posed by the fire. The analysis assumes that the fire burns freely, without any suppression response. It therefore provides a baseline estimate of the consequences if managementt takes no action. It to be expected that the risk assessment is influenced by the environmental conditions that influence the fire, the valuation of the resources at risk, and the potential positive and negative effects of the fire. It is also important to note that the probability distribution that informs the assessment is a reflection of the ability of the modeling system to predict fire behavior. 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