

Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Template

ENGLISH – ENG 2D1 – Climbing the Stairs – Introduction to Symbolism

Minds On

 Establishing a positive learning environment

 Connecting to prior learning and/or experiences

 Setting the context for learning

Option 1: Whole Class; Option 2: Whole Class; Pairs; Individual

Materials: Picture or examples of Canadian symbols

Have students bring in their own personal symbols

Description: Defining Symbolism


L: Literacy

ML: Mathematical Literacy

AfL, AoL: Assessment

for/of Learning

AfL: Strategy/Assessment


Option 1

Survey class for previous knowledge of symbolism. Ask students if they are able to identify types of symbols, examples of “universal” symbols

As a class come to a consensus on the definition of symbolism

Symbol - is a person, place, or object that stands for something beyond itself (students may record in their notebooks)

Option 2 (alone or in conjunction with Option 1)

Universal, national, religious, political and cultural symbols have standard interpretations as well as a personal significance for each individual. For example, the Canadian flag symbolizes our country. The personal significance, however, varies. For a Canadian citizen it could mean national pride, for a newcomer it could be a symbol of hope and opportunity, to the outside world, it could be a symbol of peacekeepers and so on

Provide the class with examples of symbols (see images sheet)


Have students bring their own example of well known religious, national, or cultural symbols from the students individual culture

Post these on the board or pass them along to pairs. Students are to write what the image symbolizes personally and / or universally o write a (half) paragraph analyzing its meaning. Include the standard meaning along with a personal interpretation and a personal interpretation from someone else. o The personal nature of the assignment makes it excellent for a paragraph challenge. o Extension: Have students present these to the class. Have other students note what the symbol means to them, then have the individual students present the meaning to the class

Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Examples 2009 – Template for Writers

Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Success/Learning to 18 Implementation, Training and Evaluation Branch


Class Discussion:

A literary symbol gains its meaning from the context of a literary work and often changes as the work develops.


 Introducing new learning or extending/reinforcing prior learning

 Providing opportunities for practice and application of learning (guided > independent)

Whole Class and Groups of 2 -3:

Description: Examining the Title

Have students examine the title of the book and the cover image

Students are to make predictions about the symbolic significance of the title symbol (ie.Stairs) and other symbols encountered throughout the novel on the chart provided.

Symbols in the novel

Distribute the images of key symbols from the novel and have students explain the “universal”, “personal” or cultural” meanings of each of these symbols. Record their responses in the “Before Reading” section of the novel and share with the class

This will be part of a symbols tracking and development sheet used

 throughout the novel study.

As a class discuss the title symbol and others listed in the tracking sheet

AfL: Strategy/Assessment


Consolidation and Connection

 Helping students demonstrate what they have learned

 Providing opportunities for consolidation and reflection


Description: Tracking Symbols

Students are to keep track of symbols throughout the unit. They may do this as a group (ie. Each group responsible for one symbol) or each student is individually responsible for tracking all symbols

Formative Assessment:

Homework -The teacher will informally evaluate students based on inclass participation, reading, and responses to class discussion.

Did students complete the assigned “Before Reading” section?

Did the students participate by giving examples of symbols?

Summative Assessment:

Teachers could provide analysis questions on unit tests or quizzes on symbolism

AfL or AoL:

Strategy/Assessment Tool

Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Examples 2009 – Template for Writers

Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Success/Learning to 18 Implementation, Training and Evaluation Branch


Opinion Paragraph Evaluation

Symbols Presentation (End of Unit)

Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Examples 2009 – Template for Writers

Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Success/Learning to 18 Implementation, Training and Evaluation Branch


Symbols Tracking Sheet



Climbing Stairs





Track various symbols from the novel on the sheet below. In the “Before Reading” section write personal associations. As you read the novel in the “During Reading” section, record the textual references to the symbols and its meaning (be sure to note page references). In the “After

Reading” section, note how the symbol has developed or changed in its meaning throughout the novel.

After Reading / Conclusions Before Reading During Reading:

Symbolic Significance


Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Examples 2009 – Template for Writers

Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Success/Learning to 18 Implementation, Training and Evaluation Branch


Symbol Before Reading During Reading:

Symbolic Significance


After Reading / Conclusions



Yellow chrysanthemums

Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Examples 2009 – Template for Writers

Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Success/Learning to 18 Implementation, Training and Evaluation Branch


Red hibiscus

Orange kanakambaram

Home (Bombay) vs.

House (Madras)


The Secret of Veda

Oliver Twist

Pride and Prejudice

Hans Brinker

Story of the Silver


Lord Krishna

Symbolism in Climbing the Stairs


Individual: Opinion Paragraph – Meaning of Symbol in Novel

Based on the “Symbol Tracking Sheet” , choose one of the symbols you have been tracking throughout the novel and write an analysis of the symbol’s significance in the novel.


Determine whether the symbol is essential to the development of the theme, character, conflict(s) in the literary work.


Write a literary symbol analysis. It should include the following:

A topic sentence that names the literary work and the symbol.

Possible interpretations for the symbol.

Quotes from the novel to support the analysis

Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Examples 2009 – Template for Writers

Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Success/Learning to 18 Implementation, Training and Evaluation Branch


An analysis of the symbol's effect on the work as a whole ie. Its relevance to the development of plot, character, theme, conflict, setting, atmosphere (P.A.C.C.T.S)

The author's purpose in using the symbol and its relevance to interpretation and meaning


Group: Presenting a Symbol

Based on the “Symbol Tracking Sheet” , present an analysis of the assigned symbol the group or individual has been tracking throughoutthe novel. Students are to present their analysis of the following:

Interpretation of the symbol in the novel.

An analysis of the symbol's effect on the work as a whole - Its relevance to the development of plot, character, theme, conflict, setting, atmosphere (P.A.C.C.T.S)

Quotes from the novel to support the analysis

The author's purpose in using the symbol and its relevance to interpretation and meaning


Presentaions should be creative and engaging; approx 5 – 10 minutes in length

Include the use of multi-media as a tool to enhance the presentaion

Class Involvement activity

 Class handout to summarize the information in the presentation.

Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Examples 2009 – Template for Writers

Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Success/Learning to 18 Implementation, Training and Evaluation Branch


Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Examples 2009 – Template for Writers

Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Success/Learning to 18 Implementation, Training and Evaluation Branch


Differentiated Instruction Teaching/Learning Examples 2009 – Template for Writers

Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Success/Learning to 18 Implementation, Training and Evaluation Branch

