THE STORY - Lingua Arts Theatre

Do you know the story of “The Sleeping Beauty”? Well, let’s see if you know this version Lingua-Arts. How
many differences can you find between the version you know and this one here?
...Once upon a time a king and queen had a baby girl named Dawn. To celebrate, they had a party and
invited a fairy (1) called Ada. During the party, an old woman entered. Her name was Hagaret and she was
another fairy. But she was angry because the King forgot (2) to invite her (silly king!). So Hagaret waved her
wand (3) and cried, “On this baby’s 16th birthday, she will prick her finger (4) on a needle (5) and DIE!!!”(6) The
the bad fairy disappeared. The King and Queen were afraid (7). Just then Ada, the good fairy, said, “I can’t
change Hagaret’s magic, but I can help (8). Dawn will not die; but she will fall asleep (9) for 100 years. Then a
handsome prince (10) will come and wake (11) her with a kiss (12).”
Many years passed and Dawn’s 16th birthday was came. The King remembered Hagaret’s words so he
ordered his servant, Mandon, to destroy (13) all the needles in the land, which he did (or so he thought.)
For her 16th birthday Dawn got a present(14): a little dog. She was very happy and took it for a walk around the
castle. She found a dark room (15). Inside Dawn saw an old woman who was sewing (16) with a needle. The old
woman invited the Princess to try (17) the needle. “OK,” said Dawn and, of course, pricked her finger and fell
asleep. The old woman was Hagaret and, thinking that Dawn was dead, laughed and ran away (18).
Everyone in the castle was sad (19) because Dawn was sleeping. So Ada waved her wand and PUFF!
The King, the Queen and all the servants, went to sleep too. The castle was very quiet. (20)
100 years passed. One day, a prince called Memo found the sleeping Dawn but as he was stupid, he
couldn’t wake her up (21). Then he remembered. (22) He kissed her: Dawn woke up, they fell in love (23) and they
got married (24). Prince Memo took Dawn to his castle where his mother lived. Her name was Ogra. She was an
ogress and she was very ugly. (25)
A few days passed and Dawn and Memo were happy. But news (26) came that a dragon was coming
near his castle. Memo was stupid, but he was also very brave (27) and so he left his castle to fight (28) the
Now Dawn was alone with her dog. She didn’t like Ogra, but she made friends (29) with the cook, Dora.
(Dora was really Ada in disguise (30).) Ogra didn’t like Dawn, but she liked her dog. In fact, she liked the dog
very, very much… And then something horrible happened!!! (31)
Sorry, we can’t tell you the end. It’s a surprise. If you want to know the end, come and see our play…
1. fairy = hada
2. forget = olvidarse
3. wand = varilla mágica
4. prick her finger = pincharse el dedo
5. needle = aguja
6. die = morirse
7. to be afraid = tener miedo
8. help = ayudar
9. fall asleep = dormirse
10. prince = príncipe
11. wake = despertar
12. kiss = beso
13. destroy = destruir
14. present = regalo
15. dark room = habitación oscura
16. sew = coser
17. try = probar
18. ran away = se escapó corriendo
19. sad = triste
20. quiet = tranquilo, silencioso
21. he couldn’t wake her up = no pudo despertarla
22. remember = acordarse
23. they fell in love = se enamoraron
24. they got married = se casaron
25. ugly = fea
26. he got news = recibió noticias
27. brave = valiente
28. fight = luchar con
29. she made friends = si hizo amigas
30. in disguise = disfrazada
31. something horrible happened = pasó algo horrible