PUBLICATIONS OF VAROL AKMAN1 Version of 2/18/2016 3:55:55 AM MONOGRAPH 1. V Akman, Unobstructed Shortest Paths in Polyhedral Environments, LNCS 251, Springer-Verlag (1987)2 [WOS] EDITED VOLUMES Int 1. 2. V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, P Veerkamp, eds, Intelligent CAD Systems II: Implementational Issues, Springer-Verlag (1989)3 V Akman, P Bouquet, R Thomason, RA Young, eds, Modeling and Using Context, LNAI 2116, SpringerVerlag (2001)4 Dom 1. 2. 3. K Oflazer, V Akman, HA Güvenir, U Halıcı, eds, Proc 1st Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’92), Bilkent (25-26 Jun 1992) B Özgüç, V Akman, eds, Proc 1st Bilkent Computer Graphics Conf on Advanced Techniques in Animation, Rendering & Visualization (ATARV’93) (12-14 Jul 1993) HA Güvenir, K Oflazer, V Akman, Ş Kocabaş, eds, Proc 4th Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’95), TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center (26-28 Jun 1995) JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUES Int 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. V Akman, B Özgüç, eds, Advances in animation, rendering and visualization, Computer-Aided Design 26(12) (Dec 1994) V Akman, ed, Situations and artificial intelligence, Minds & Machines 8(4) (Dec 1998) and 9(1) (Feb 1999) V Akman, ed, Philosophical foundations of artificial intelligence, J Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 12(3) (Jul-Sep 2000) V Akman, P Blackburn, eds, Alan Turing and artificial intelligence, J Logic, Language & Information 9(4) (Oct 2000) B Edmonds, V Akman, eds, Context in context, Foundations of Science 7(3) (2002) A Fetzer, V Akman, eds, Contexts of social action, Language & Communication 22(4) (Oct 2002) V Akman, C Bazzanella, eds, Context, J Pragmatics 35(3) (Mar 2003) Dom 1. V Akman, ed, Artificial intelligence, Turkish J Electrical Eng & Computer Sciences 9(1) (2001) JOURNAL ARTICLES 1 Publications labeled [WOS] appear in ISI Web of SCIENCE and those labeled [ISIPROC] appear in ISI Proceedings 2 Item MR0883206 (88h:68080) in MathSciNet 3 Proc 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent CAD Systems - Implementational Issues, Veldhoven (19-23 Apr 1988) 4 Proc 3rd Int & Interdisciplinary Conf (CONTEXT’01), Dundee (27-30 Jul 2001) Int 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. V Akman, Solution of Problem 82-5 (proposed by J Stolfi & L Guibas), J Algorithms 3(2): 184-187 (1983) WR Franklin, V Akman, C Verrilli, Voronoi diagrams with barriers and on polyhedra for minimal path planning, Visual Computer 1(2): 133-150 (1985) WR Franklin, V Akman, Building an octree from a set of parallelepipeds, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 5(10): 58-64 (Oct 1985) [WOS] V Akman, WR Franklin, On the question “Is $\sum\nolimits_{i=1^n \surd a_{i \leq L$?,” Bull EATCS 28: 16-20 (1986) WR Franklin, V Akman, Reconstructing visible regions from visible segments, BIT 26(4): 430-441 (1986) [WOS] V Akman, Writing self-replicating code, Computer J 29(6): 573-574 (Dec 1986) [WOS] V Akman, An algorithm for determining an opaque minimal forest of a convex polygon, Information Processing Letters 24(3): 193-198 (13 Feb 1987)5 [WOS] WR Franklin, V Akman, A simple and efficient haloed line algorithm for hidden line elimination, Computer Graphics Forum 6(2): 103-109 (May 1987) WR Franklin, V Akman, Adaptive grid for polyhedral visibility in object space - an implementation, Computer J 31(1): 56-60 (Feb 1988) [WOS] V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, JLH Rogier, P Veerkamp, Knowledge engineering in design, Knowledge-Based Systems 1(2): 67-77 (Mar 1988) V Akman, WR Franklin, Representing objects as rays, or how to pile up an octree, Computers & Graphics 13(3): 373-379 (1989) [WOS] V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, The power of physical representations, AI Mag 10(3): 49-65 (Fall 1989) [WOS] V Akman, WR Franklin, M Kankanhalli, C Narayanaswami, Geometric computing and uniform grid technique, Computer-Aided Design 21(7): 410-420 (Sep 1989) [WOS] V Akman, WR Franklin, Ray representation for k-trees, Pattern Recognition Letters 10(5): 315-320 (Nov 1989) [WOS]6 V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, T Tomiyama, A fundamental and theoretical framework for an intelligent CAD system, Computer-Aided Design 22(6): 352-367 (Jul-Aug 1990) [WOS] V Akman, Implementation of Karp-Luby Monte-Carlo method - an exercise in approximate counting, Computer J 34(3): 279-282 (Jun 1991)7 [WOS] HA Güvenir, V Akman, Problem representation for refinement, Minds & Machines 2(3): 267-282 (Aug 1992) V Akman, A Arslan, Sweeping with all graphical ingredients in a topological picturebook, Computers & Graphics 16(3): 273-281 (Fall 1992) [WOS] E Tın, V Akman, Computing with causal theories, Int J Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence 6(4): 699-730 (Oct 1992) V Akman, Advanced CAD environments: a knowledge-based foundation, Microcomputers in Civil Eng 8(2): 129-139 (1993)8 M Pakkan, V Akman, Issues in commonsense set-theory, Artificial Intelligence Rev 8(4): 279-308 (1994) [WOS] V Akman, Ripping the text apart at different seams, Stanford Humanities Rev 4(1): 31-34 (Spring 1994)9 V Akman, When silence may mean derision, J Pragmatics 22(2): 211-212 (Aug 1994) [WOS]10 M Marhl, V Akman, On the correct determination of rotational angles for twisted-profiled sweep objects, Computers & Graphics 18(5): 691-694 (Sep-Oct 1994) [WOS] E Tın, V Akman, Computational situation theory, ACM SIGART Bull 5(4): 4-17 (Oct 1994) 5 Item MR0882227 (88d:68094) in MathSciNet Shorter version of Akman & Franklin (1989), with considerable overlap 7 Item MR1110253 in MathSciNet 8 Special issue, Computer graphics, H Santo, guest ed; journal now titled Computer-Aided Civil & Infrastructure Eng; some overlap with Akman et al (1990); invited 9 Special suppl, Bridging the gap (where cognitive science meets literary criticism), G Güzeldere, S Franchi, eds; invited 10 Philosopher’s Index accession no 0250225 6 2 26. E Tın, V Akman, M Ersan, Towards situation-oriented programming languages, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 30(1): 27-36 (Jan 1995) [WOS] 27. M Ersan, V Akman, Situated modeling of epistemic puzzles, Bull IGPL 3(1): 51-76 (Mar 1995)11 28. M Pakkan, V Akman, HYPERSOLVER - a graphical tool for commonsense set-theory, Information Sciences 85(1-3): 43-61 (Jul 1995) [WOS] 29. B Say, V Akman, Current approaches to punctuation in computational linguistics, Computers & Humanities 30(6): 457-469 (1996) [WOS]12 30. V Akman, M Pakkan, Nonstandard set theories and information management, J Intelligent Information Systems 6(1): 5-31 (Jan 1996)13 31. V Akman, M Ersan, Commonsense aspects of buying and selling, Cybernetics & Systems 27(4): 327-352 (Jul-Aug 1996) [WOS] 32. V Akman, M Surav, Steps toward formalizing context, AI Mag 17(3): 55-72 (Fal 1996) [WOS] 33. E Tın, V Akman, Situated nonmonotonic temporal reasoning with BABY-SIT, AI Communications 10(2): 93-109 (Jul 1997) [WOS] 34. V Akman, M Surav, The use of situation theory in context modeling, Computational Intelligence 13(3): 427-438 (Aug 1997) [WOS] 35. M Bayraktar, B Say, V Akman, An analysis of English punctuation: the special case of comma, Int J Corpus Linguistics 3(1): 33-57 (1998)14 36. V Akman, Situations and artificial intelligence, Minds & Machines 8(4): 475-477 (Dec 1998) [WOS]15 37. V Akman, Relating to Ken Kesey's wise man, J Pragmatics 32(4): 485-489 (Mar 2000) [WOS] 38. V Akman, Rethinking context as a social construct, J Pragmatics 32(6): 743-759 (May 2000) [WOS]16 39. V Akman, Introduction to the special issue on philosophical foundations of artificial intelligence, J Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 12(3): 247-250 (Jul-Sep 2000) [WOS] 40. V Akman, P Blackburn, Editorial: Alan Turing and artificial intelligence, J Logic, Language & Information 9(4): 391-395 (Oct 2000)17 41. AP Saygın, İ Çiçekli, V Akman, Turing test: 50 years later, Minds & Machines 10(4): 463-518 (Nov 2000) [WOS]18 42. AB Sevdik, V Akman, Internet in the lives of Turkish women, First Monday 7(3) (Mar 2002)19 43. K Altıntaş, T Aydın, V Akman, Censoring the Internet: the situation in Turkey, First Monday 7(6) (Jun 2002)20 44. B Edmonds, V Akman, Editorial: context in context, Foundations of Science 7(3): 233-238 (Sep 2002) 45. A Fetzer, V Akman, Contexts of social action: guest editors’ introduction, Language & Communication 22(4): 391-402 (Oct 2002) [WOS] 46. V Akman, C Bazzanella, The complexity of context: guest editors’ introduction, J Pragmatics 35(3): 321329 (Mar 2003) [WOS] 47. V Akman, S Erdogan, J Lee, V Lifschitz, H Turner, Representing the Zoo World and the Traffic World in the language of the Causal Calculator, Artificial Intelligence 153(1-2): 105-140 (Mar 2004) [WOS]21 48. V Akman, On Strawsonian contexts, Pragmatics & Cognition 13(2): 363-382 (2005) 49. V Akman, Relational priming: obligational nitpicking, Behavioral & Brain Sciences 31(4): 378-379 (Aug 2008) [WOS] 11 Journal now titled Logic J IGPL; item MR1330985 (96b:03042) in MathSciNet MLA Bibliography accession no 1998010241 13 Revised version of Pakkan & Akman (1994), with considerable overlap 14 MLA Bibliography accession no 1998095631 15 Philosopher’s Index accession no 0292244 16 MLA Bibliography accession no 2000095132 17 Philosopher’s Index accession no 3006764; item MR1787622 (2001e:68004) in MathSciNet 18 Philosopher’s Index accession no 3016211 19, reprinted: A Web site with a view - The Third World on First Monday, First Monday, special issue no 8 (Mar 2007) 20, reprinted: A Web site with a view - The Third World on First Monday, First Monday, special issue no 8 (Mar 2007) 21 Invited 12 3 50. V Akman, Varol Akman on the Turkish war against mediocrity and cliché, The Philosophers’ Mag 44: 4244 (1st quarter 2009) Dom 1. 2. 3. V Akman, S Adalı, Prisoner’s dilemma and rational choice, Turkish J Eng & Environmental Sciences 16(1): 36-42 (1992) E Tın, V Akman, The logic of counteraction, Turkish J Electrical Eng & Computer Sciences 1(3): 167-181 (Oct 1993) V Akman, Guest editor’s introduction: artificial intelligence, Turkish J Electrical Eng & Computer Sciences 9(1) (2001) CONFERENCES PAPERS, BOOK CHAPTERS Int 1. WR Franklin, V Akman, Shortest paths between source and goal points located on/around a convex polyhedron, Proc 22nd Ann Allerton Conf on Communication, Control & Computing, DC Munson, Jr, T Başar, eds, 103-112, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (3-5 Oct 1984) 2. WR Franklin, V Akman, Building an octree from a set of parallelepipeds. Proc 11th Canadian Conf on Computer Graphics & Interaction Techniques (Graphics Interface’85), M Wein, EM Kidd, eds, 353-359, University of Montreal (27-31 May 1985) 3. WR Franklin, V Akman, Partitioning the space to calculate shortest paths to any goal around polyhedral obstacles, Proc 1st Ann Workshop on Robotics & Expert Systems (ROBEX’85), 45-52, Instrumentation Society of America, NASA Johnson Space Center (27-28 Jun 1985) 4. WR Franklin, V Akman, A workbench to compute unobstructed shortest paths in three-space, SIAM Conf on Solid Modeling & Robotics, Albany (15-19 Jul 1985)22 5. WR Franklin, V Akman, Shortest paths in 3-space, Voronoi diagrams with barriers, and related complexity and algebraic issues, Fundamental Algorithms for Computer Graphics, RA Earnshaw, ed, 895-917, Springer-Verlag (1985)23 6. WR Franklin, V Akman, Octree data structures and creation by stacking, Computer-Generated Images: The State of the Art, N Magnenat-Thalmann, D Thalmann, eds, 176-185, Springer-Verlag (1985)24 7. WR Franklin, V Akman, Locus techniques for shortest path problems in robotics, Robot Control (SYROCO’85), L Basanez, GA Ferrate, GN Saridis, eds, 131-136, Pergamon (1986)25 8. V Akman, Steps into a geometer’s workbench, Proc 1st Int Conf on Industrial & Applied Math (ICIAM’87): Contributions from the Netherlands, AHP van der Burgh, RMM Mattheij, eds, 257-275, CWI Tracts 36 (1987) 9. B Veth26, An integrated data description language for coding design knowledge, Intelligent CAD Systems I: Theoretical & Methodological Aspects, PJW ten Hagen, T Tomiyama, eds, 295-313, Springer-Verlag (1987)27 10. V Akman, Geometry and graphics applied to robotics, Theoretical Foundations of Computer Graphics & CAD, RA Earnshaw, ed, 619-638, Springer-Verlag (1988)28 22 Presentation only Proc NATO Advanced Study Institute on Fundamental Algorithms for Computer Graphics, Ilkley (30 Mar - 12 Apr 1985) 24 Best extended research papers from Graphics Interface’85, University of Montreal (27-31 May 1985) 25 Proc 1st IFAC Symp on Robot Control (SYROCO’85), Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Barcelona (6-8 Nov 1985) 26 Bart Veth was a pseudonym denoting (in alphabetical order) V Akman, P Bernus, PJW ten Hagen, JLH Rogier, T Tomiyama, PJ Veerkamp 27 Record of 1st Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent CAD Systems, Noordwijkerhout (21-24 Apr 1987)] [reprinted in Interactive Systems: 1985-1996, R van Liere, ed, CWI, 183-201 (1997) 28 Proc NATO Advanced Study Institute on Theoretical Foundations of Computer Graphics & CAD, Il Ciocco, Italy (4-17 July 1987); invited 23 4 11. V Akman, Computational and geometric aspects of robotics, Proc 1st Int Conf on Industrial & Applied Math (ICIAM’87), J McKenna, R Temam, eds, 235, SIAM (1988)29 12. WR Franklin, C Narayanaswami, M Kankanhalli, M Seshan, V Akman, Efficiency of uniform grids for intersection detection on serial and parallel machines, New Trends in Computer Graphics, N MagnenatThalmann, D Thalmann, eds, 288-297, Springer-Verlag (1988)30 13. AAM Kuijk, PJW ten Hagen, V Akman, An exact incremental hidden surface removal algorithm, Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware II, AAM Kuijk, W Strasser, eds, 21-37, Springer-Verlag (1988)31 14. V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, AAM Kuijk, A vector-like architecture for raster graphics, Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware II, AAM Kuijk, W Strasser, eds, 137-154, Springer-Verlag (1988) 15. V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, JLH Rogier, PJ Veerkamp, Knowledge engineering in design, Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence, vol 1 (Expert Systems: Applications & Technical Foundations), JA Campbell, J Cuena, eds, 119-141, Ellis Horwood (1989)32 16. PJ Veerkamp, V Akman, P Bernus, PJW ten Hagen, IDDL: a language for intelligent integrated interactive CAD systems, Intelligent CAD Systems II: Implementational Issues, V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, PJ Veerkamp, eds, 58-74, Springer-Verlag (1989)33 17. V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, The power of physical representations, Intelligent CAD Systems II: Implementational Issues, V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, PJ Veerkamp, eds, 170-194, Springer-Verlag (1989) 18. V Akman, WR Franklin, B Veth, Design systems with common sense, Proc 3rd Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent CAD Systems, 319-322, Texel (3-7 Apr 1989) 19. V Akman, Formal methods for intelligent CAD, Proc Int Conf on CAD & CG, L Yongchun, H Gang, Y Xia, eds, 316-321, Int Academic Publishers, Beijing (10-12 Aug 1989) 20. WR Franklin, C Narayanaswami, M Kankanhalli, V Akman, Efficient intersection calculation in large databases, Abstracts of Int Cartographic Assoc 14th World Conf, J Lerner, A Ajtay, F Csillag, eds, 62-63, Budapest (17-24 Aug 1989) 21. V Akman, T Tomiyama, The role of logic and commonsense reasoning in intelligent CAD, Proc 3rd IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Intelligent CAD, 15-20, Osaka (26-29 Sep 1989) 22. WR Franklin, C Narayanaswami, M Kankanhalli, V Akman, PYF Wu, Efficient geometric algorithms for CAD, Geometric Modeling for Product Eng, MJ Wozny, JU Turner, K Preiss, eds, 485-498, North-Holland (1990)34 23. V Akman, E Tın, Causal theories, contexts, and design, Proc 4th Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent CAD Systems, 115-119, Chateau-Hotel de Mortefontaine (24-27 Apr 1990) 24. V Akman, A Arslan, An electronic topological picturebook, NATO Int Advanced Study Institute on Cognitive & Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space, Las Navas del Marques (9-20 Jul 1990)35 25. V Akman, A Arslan, WR Franklin, Implementing an electronic topological picturebook, Proc 13th IMACS World Congress on Computation & Applied Math (IMACS’91), 1564-1565, Trinity College (22-26 Jul 1991) 26. U Güdükbay, B Özgüç, V Akman, Physically-based modeling for realistic animation, Proc 1st Int Conf on Computational Graphics and Visualization Techniques (COMPUGRAPHICS’91), vol 2, HP Santo, ed, 3746, Sesimbra (16-20 Sep 1991) 27. V Akman, A Arslan, WR Franklin, Excursions to a topological picturebook, Proc 1st Int Conf on Computational Graphics and Visualization Techniques (COMPUGRAPHICS’91), vol 2, HP Santo, ed, 344-361, Sesimbra (16-20 Sep 1991)36 29 Abstract Proc Computer Graphics Int (CGI’88), Geneva (24-27 May 1988) 31 Record of 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, CWI (24-25 Apr 1987) 32 Papers presented at Int Conf on Artificial Intelligence, 2 nd World Basque Congress, Donostia-San Sebastian (7-11 Sep 1987) 33 Record of 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent CAD Systems, Veldhoven (19-23 Apr 1988) 34 Selected and expanded papers from IFIP WG 5.2/NSF Working Conf on Geometric Modeling, Rensselaerville (18-22 Sep 1988) 35 Presentation only (17 Jul) by A Arslan 36 Invited 30 5 28. E Tın, V Akman, BABY-SIT: a computational medium based on situations, Proc 9th Amsterdam Colloq, vol 3, P Dekker, M Stokhof, eds, 665-681, Institute for Logic, Language & Computation, University of Amsterdam (14-17 Dec 1993) 29. E Tın, V Akman, BABY-SIT - towards a situation-theoretic computational environment, Current Issues in Mathematical Linguistics, C Martin-Vide, ed, 299-308, North-Holland (1994) [ISIPROC]37 30. V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, T Tomiyama, Desirable functionalities of intelligent CAD systems, Intelligent Systems in Design & Manufacturing, CH Dağlı, A Kusiak, eds, 119-138, ASME Press (1994) 31. E Tın, V Akman, Situated processing of pronominal anaphora, Tagungsband KONVENS’94, H Trost, ed, 369-378, Informatik Xpress (1994)38 32. V Akman, M Surav, Contexts, oracles, and relevance, Formalizing Context, Tech report FS-95-02, S Buvaç, ed, 23-30, AAAI Press (1995)39 33. M Surav, V Akman, Modeling context with situations, Working Notes of the IJCAI’95 Workshop on Modeling Context in Knowledge Representation & Reasoning, Tech report 95/11, P Brezillon, S AbuHakima, eds, 145-156, Laboratoire Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Universite Paris VI (Mar 1995)40 34. E Tın, V Akman, Situations and computation: an overview of recent research, Topics in Constraint Grammar Formalism for Computational Linguistics, Tech report 04-95, J Griffith, EW Hinrichs, T Nakazawa, eds, 77-106, Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tübingen (Aug 1995)41 35. E Tın, V Akman, Information-oriented computation with BABY-SIT, Logic, Language and Computation, I, J Seligman, D Westerstahl, eds, 19-34, CSLI Lecture Notes 58 (1996)42 36. B Say, V Akman, Information-based aspects of punctuation, Proc SIGPARSE’96: Punctuation in Computational Linguistics, a workshop in conjunction with 34th Ann Meeting of Assoc for Computational Linguistics, 49-56, Santa Cruz (28 Jun 1996)43 37. V Akman, Notions and oracles, The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy, vol 1, P Weingartner, G Schurz, G Dorn, eds, 3-9, Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (1997)44 38. V Akman, Context as a social construct, Working Notes of AAAI’97 Fall Symp on Context in Knowledge Representation & Natural Language, 1-6, MIT (8-10 Nov 1997) [ISIPROC] 39. E Tın, V Akman, Situated analysis of anaphora in Turkish, The Mainz Meeting, L Johanson, EA Csato, V Locke, A Menz, D Winterling, eds, 728-750, Harrassowitz Verlag (1998)45 40. B Say, V Akman, An information-based treatment of punctuation in discourse representation theory, Mathematical & Computational Analysis of Natural Language, C Martin-Vide, ed, 359-373, John Benjamins (1998) [ISIPROC]46 41. B Say, V Akman, Dashes as typographical cues for information structure, Proc 3rd Int Conf on InformationTheoretic Approaches to Logic, Language & Computation (ITALLC’98), 209-223, Hsitou (16-19 Jun 1998) 42. V Akman, FN Alpaslan, Strawson on intended meaning and context, P Bouquet et al, eds, LNAI 1688: 114 (1999)47 43. NA Şişman, FN Alpaslan, V Akman, A neuro-fuzzy MAR algorithm for temporal rule-based systems, Proc Joint Meeting of 3rd World Multiconf on Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics (SCI’99) and 5th Int Conf Selected papers from 1st Int Conf on Mathematical Linguistics (ICML’93), Tarragona (30-31 Mar 1993) Proc 2. Konferenz Verarbeitung Naturlicher Sprache (KONVENS’94), University of Vienna (28-30 Sep 1994) 39 Working notes of AAAI’95 Fall Symp on Formalizing Context, MIT (10-12 Nov 1995) 40 Papers from Modeling Context in Knowledge Representation & Reasoning, Workshop W24 (20 Aug), P Brezillon, organizer, 14th Int Joint Conf on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’95), Montreal (19-25 Aug 1995) 41 Papers from Grammar Formalism for NLP, Language & Computation Workshop, T Nakazawa, EW Hinrichs, organizers, 6th European Summer School in Logic, Language & Information (ESSLLI’94), Copenhagen Business School (8-19 Aug 1994) 42 Proc Conf on Information-Oriented Approaches to Logic, Language & Computation, St Mary’s College, Moraga (12-15 Jun 1994); MLA Bibliography accession no 1997011145 43 Reprinted in Tech report HCRC/WP-2, B Jones, ed, Edinburgh Center for Cognitive Science (1996) 44 Proc 20th Int Wittgenstein Symp, Kirchberg am Wechsel (10-16 Aug 1997) 45 Proc 7th Int Conf on Turkish Linguistics, Mainz (3-6 Aug 1994) 46 Selected papers from 2nd Int Conf on Mathematical Linguistics (ICML’96), Tarragona (2-4 May 1996) 47 Proc 2nd Int & Interdisciplinary Conf on Modeling & Using Context (CONTEXT’99), Trento (9-11 Sep 1999) 37 38 6 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. on Information Systems Analysis & Synthesis (ISAS’99), vol 8, M Torres, B Sanchez, B Wills, eds, 87-92, Int Institute of Informatics & Systemics, Orlando (31 Jul - 4 Aug 1999) [ISIPROC] P Saygın, İ Çiçekli, V Akman, Turing test: 50 years later, The Future of the Turing Test: The Next Fifty Years, Dartmouth College (28-30 Jan 2000)48 V Akman, S Erdoğan, J Lee, V Lifschitz, A representation of the Traffic World in the language of the Causal Calculator, Working Notes of Common Sense 2001: 5th Int Symp on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, 1-10, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (20-22 May 2001) V Akman, Stalnaker on representing contexts, Contexts in Logics, a workshop co-located with CONTEXT’01, Dundee (30 Jul 2001)49 V Akman, Absolut I, Information, Indexicality & Consciousness: A Conf on John Perry, Tilburg University (13-14 Sep 2001) V Akman, Context and the indexical ‘I,’ NASSLLI’02 Workshop on Cognition: Formal Models & Experimental Results, CSLI (30 Jun 2002) V Akman, Contesti in intelligenza artificiale: una fugace rassegna, La Svolta Contestuale, C Penco, ed, 147-166, McGraw-Hill, Milano (Sep 2002)50 AP Saygın, İ Çiçekli, V Akman, Turing test: 50 years later, The Turing Test: The Elusive Standard of Artificial Intelligence, JH Moor, ed, 23-78, Kluwer Academic (Apr 2003)51 İE Şahin, V Akman, In search of intended meaning: investigating Barwise’s equation $C_R (S,c)=P$, Barwise & Situation Semantics, a workshop co-located with CONTEXT’03, Stanford (26 Jun 2003) V Akman, A Koca, Specificity, automatic designation, and ‘I,’ Direct Reference & Specificity, a workshop in 15th European Summer School in Logic, Language & Information (ESSLLI’03), Vienna (18-22 Aug 2003) O Sabuncu, FN Alpaslan, V Akman, Using criticalities as a heuristic for answer set programming, Answer Set Programming: Advances in Theory & Implementation (ASP’03), 211-223, Messina (26-28 Sep 2003) O Sabuncu, FN Alpaslan, V Akman, Using criticalities as a heuristic for answer set programming, V Lifschitz, I Niemela, eds, LNAI 2923: 234-246 (2004)52 T Yılmaz, U Güdükbay, V Akman, Modeling and visualization of complex geometric environments, Geometric Modeling: Techniques, Applications, Systems & Tools, M Sarfraz, ed, 4-30, Kluwer Academic (Feb 2004)53 V Akman, Situation semantics, Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (2nd ed), K Brown, ed, 398-401, Elsevier (2006) V Akman, Identity; Logical connectives; Vagueness (3 articles), Continuum Encyclopedia of British Philosophy, 4 vols, A Grayling, A Pyle, N Goulder, eds, 1610-1611, 1939-1940, 3260-3261, Thoemmes Continuum (2006) V Akman, Similar situations, Context and Appropriateness: Micro Meets Macro, A Fetzer, ed, 31-54, John Benjamins (2007) V Akman, On a proposal of Strawson concerning context vs ‘what is said,’ Perspectives on Contexts, P Bouquet, L Serafini, RH Thomason, eds, 79-94, CSLI Lecture Notes 180 (2008)54 V Akman, Situated semantics, The Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition, P Robbins, M Aydede, eds, 401-418, Cambridge University Press (2009) V Akman, Situational semantics, Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language, S Chapman, C Routledge, eds, 209-212, Edinburgh University Press (2009) E Şahin, V Akman, Analogy-making in situation theory, Artificial Intelligence: New Research, RB Bernstein, WN Curtis, eds, 299-321, Nova Science Publishers (2009) Dom Presentation only by P Saygın Invited 50 Invited; in Italian (Context in artificial intelligence: a fleeting overview) 51 Reprint of Saygın, Çiçekli & Akman (Nov 2000) 52 Proc 7th Int Conf on Logic Programming & Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR’04), Fort Lauderdale (6-8 Jan 2004); item MR2077747 in MathSciNet 53 Invited 54 Invited; considerable overlap with Akman 2005 48 49 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. V Akman, Logic, common sense, and design, 1st Bilkent-Carnegie Mellon Joint Conf (29-30 May 1989)55 V Akman, E Tın, What is in a context, Communication, Control & Signal Processing, vol 2, E Arıkan, ed, 1670-1676, Elsevier (1990)56 V Akman, D Ede, WR Franklin, PJW ten Hagen, Mental models of force and motion, Intelligent Motion Control, vol 1, O Kaynak, ed, 153-158, IEEE Press (1990)57 A Arslan, V İşler, V Akman, A procedure to sweep arbitrary curves, Proc 5th Int Symp on Computer & Information Sciences (ISCIS V), vol 2, AE Harmancı, E Gelenbe, eds, 895-904, Cappadocia (30 Oct - 2 Nov 1990) V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, Toward a formal framework for design, Proc 5th Int Symp on Computer & Information Sciences (ISCIS V), vol 2, AE Harmancı, E Gelenbe, eds, 1165-1174, Cappadocia (30 Oct - 2 Nov 1990) E Tın, V Akman, Time-dependency in causal computations, Computer & Information Sciences VI, vol 1, M Baray, B Özgüç, eds, 615-624, Elsevier (1991)58 Z Kök, V Akman, FIELD: a data type for automated perception in Go, Computer & Information Sciences VI, vol 2, M Baray, B Özgüç, eds, 641-650, Elsevier (1991) M Pakkan, V Akman, Qualitative reasoning about the roller coaster world with holes, Computer & Information Sciences VI, vol 2, M Baray, B Özgüç, eds, 661-670, Elsevier (1991) E Uçar, V Akman, Modeling an oscillator: a case study, Computer & Information Sciences VI, vol 2, M Baray, B Özgüç, eds, 671-679, Elsevier (1991) E Tın, V Akman, Representing concurrent actions, Computer & Information Sciences VI, vol 2, M Baray, B Özgüç, eds, 681-690, Elsevier (1991) U Güdükbay, B Özgüç, V Akman, Constraint-based methods for realistic animation, Computer & Information Sciences VI, vol 2, M Baray, B Özgüç, eds, 1195-1203, Elsevier (1991) A Arslan, V Akman, Sweeping with all graphical ingredients, Computer & Information Sciences VI, vol 2, M Baray, B Özgüç, eds, 1225-1234, Elsevier (1991) E Uçar, V Akman, Proof-checking process-based reasoning about physical systems, Proc Advances in Simulation’92 Symp, AR Kaylan, T Ören, eds, 47-58, İstanbul (1992) E Uçar, V Akman, Proof-checking process-based reasoning about physical systems, Proc 1st Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’92), K Oflazer, V Akman, HA Güvenir, U Halıcı, eds, 15-22, Bilkent (25-26 Jun 1992) MÜ Şencan, V Akman, Qualitative reasoning experiments with the MVL theorem proving system, Proc 1st Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’92), K Oflazer, V Akman, HA Güvenir, U Halıcı, eds, 29-36, Bilkent (25-26 Jun 1992) M Pakkan, V Akman, Issues in commonsense set theory, Proc 1st Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’92), K Oflazer, V Akman, HA Güvenir, U Halıcı, eds, 47-52, Bilkent (25-26 Jun 1992) E Tın, V Akman, Towards a formal semantics of Turkish, Proc 1st Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’92), K Oflazer, V Akman, HA Güvenir, U Halıcı, eds, 93-101, Bilkent (25-26 Jun 1992) V Akman, Heterogeneous inference in design, Computers in Eng, vol 4, MM Tanık, A Doğaç, A Lehmann, AE Harmancı, eds, 143-150, ASME Press (1992)59 V Akman, MÜ Şencan, Qualitative process theory and multivalued logics, Proc 7th Int Symp on Computer & Information Sciences (ISCIS VII), E Gelenbe, U Halıcı, N Yalabık, eds, 221-227, Antalya (2-4 Nov 1992) M Ersan, E Ersan, V Akman, Ontology for buying and selling: a preliminary study, Proc 2nd Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’93), S Kuru, HL Akın, ACC Say, E Alpaydın, eds, 1-7, Boğaziçi University (24-25 Jun 1993) HG Ünsal, V Akman, Representing emotions in terms of object directedness, Proc 2nd Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’93), S Kuru, HL Akın, ACC Say, E Alpaydın, eds, 8-15, Boğaziçi University (24-25 Jun 1993) 55 Presentation only (29 May); has a booklet containing conf abstracts Proc 1990 Bilkent Int Conf on New Trends in Communication, Control & Signal Processing (2-5 Jul 1990) 57 Proc IEEE Int Workshop on Intelligent Motion Control, Boğaziçi University (20-22 Aug 1990) 58 Proc 6th Int Symp on Computer & Information Sciences (ISCIS VI), Antalya (30 Oct - 2 Nov 1991) 59 Proc European Joint Conf on Eng Systems Design & Analysis (ESDA), İstanbul (29 Jun - 3 Jul 1992) 56 8 22. E Tın, V Akman, Resolution of pronominal anaphora in Turkish, Proc 2nd Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’93), S Kuru, HL Akın, ACC Say, E Alpaydın, eds, 170-177, Boğaziçi University (24-25 Jun 1993) 23. M Pakkan, V Akman, HYPERSOLVER: a graphical tool for commonsense set theory, Proc 8th Int Symp on Computer & Information Sciences (ISCIS VIII), L Gün, R Önvural, E Gelenbe, eds, 436-443, İstanbul (3-5 Nov 1993) 24. E Tın, V Akman, Computing with situations, Proc 8th Int Symp on Computer & Information Sciences (ISCIS VIII), L Gün, R Önvural, E Gelenbe, eds, 468-471, İstanbul (3-5 Nov 1993) 25. E Tın, V Akman, The situation in Turkish, Modern Studies in Turkish Linguistics, A Konrot, ed, 179-198, Anadolu University (1996)60 26. E Tın, V Akman, Anaphora in Turkish: a computational framework, Modern Studies in Turkish Linguistics, A Konrot, ed, 199-222, Anadolu University (1996) 27. V Akman, Contexts of interpretation and action, 15th Int Symp on Computer & Information Sciences (ISCIS XV), İstanbul (11-13 Oct 2000)61 28. V Akman, Interpretation and action in context, Brain-Machine 2000 Workshop, METU (20-22 Dec 2000)62 29. S Doğandağ, FN Alpaslan, V Akman, Using stable model semantics (SMODELS) in the Causal Calculator (CCALC), Proc 10th Turkish Symp on AI & Neural Networks (TAINN’01), A Acan, I Aybay, M Salamah, eds, 312-321, Eastern Mediterranean University (21-22 Jun 2001) 30. V Akman, Similarity, resemblance and the like, Things & Thoughts: A 1-Day Workshop on Analytic Philosophy, Bilkent University (12 May 2007)63 31. İE Şahin, V Akman, Representing analogy in situation theory, Bir Us ve Bilim Savaşcısı (Cemal Yıldırım’a Armağan), K Arapkirlioğlu, H Çelebi, N Ekşi, R Kızıler, Y Örs, eds, 253-283, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları (2008)64 BOOK REVIEWS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. PH Winston, RH Brown, eds, Artificial Intelligence: An MIT Perspective, vol 1 (Expert Problem Solving, Natural Language Understanding, Intelligent Computer Coaches, Representation & Learning); in ACM SIGART News: 24-27 (1985) PH Winston, RH Brown, eds, Artificial Intelligence: An MIT Perspective, vol 2 (Understanding Vision, Manipulation, Computer Design, Symbol Manipulation); in ACM SIGART News: 26-27 (1985) GL Steele, Jr, DR Woods, RA Finkel, MR Crispin, RM Stallman, GS Goodfellow, The Hacker’s Dictionary: A Guide to the World of Computer Wizards; in IEEE Software 2: 110 (May 1985) K Mehlorn, Data Structures and Algorithms 3: Multi-Dimensional Searching & Computational Geometry; in Computing Revs 26: 210-211 (Apr 1985) R Sedgewick, Algorithms; in IEEE Software 2: 104 (Nov 1985) JU Korein, A Geometric Investigation of Reach; in ACM Computing Revs 28: 191 (Apr 1987) JR Woodwark, ed, Geometric Reasoning; in Computer-Aided Design 22(10): 675-676 (Dec 1990) GA Agha, ACTORS: A Model of Concurrent Computation in Distributed Systems; in AI Mag 11(4): 92-93 (Win 1990) B D’Ambrosio, Qualitative Process Theory Using Linguistic Variables; in ACM SIGART Bull 2(2): 25-27 (1991) PD Mosses, Action Semantics; in J Logic & Computation 3(4): 442-444 (Aug 1993) A Nerode, RA Shore, Logic for Applications; in ACM SIGACT News 26(1): 20-22 (1995) [with E Tın] C Allen, M Hand, Logic Primer; in J Logic & Computation 5(2): 251-253 (Apr 1995) H Kamp, U Reyle, From Discourse to Logic: Introduction to Model-Theoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic & Discourse Representation Theory; in Computational Linguistics 21(2): 265-268 (Jun 1995) [WOS] V Lifschitz, ed, Formalizing Common Sense: Papers by John McCarthy; in Artificial Intelligence 77(2): 359-369 (Sep 1995) Proc 6th Int Conf on Turkish Linguistics, Eskişehir (12-14 Aug 1992) Invited; presentation only (12 Oct) 62 Invited; presentation only (21 Dec) 63 Invited; presentation only 64 Abstract in Turkish; paper in English 60 61 9 15. J Lyons, Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction; in Natural Language Eng 3(1): 92-95 (1997) 16. J Barwise, L Moss, Vicious Circles: On the Mathematics of Non-Wellfounded Phenomena; in J Logic, Language & Information 6(4): 460-464 (Oct 1997)65 17. J Haugeland, ed, Mind Design II: Philosophy, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence; in ACM SIGART Bull 9(3-4): 33-36 (Winter 1998) 18. J van der Does, J van Eijck, eds, Quantifiers, Logic & Language; in Natural Language Eng 4(4): 368-370 (Dec 1998) 19. R Cole, J Mariani, H Uszkoreit, A Zaenen, V Zue, eds, Survey of the State of the Art in Human Language Technology; in Computational Linguistics 25(1): 161-164 (Mar 1999) [WOS] 20. DV McDermott, Mind & Mechanism; in Notre Dame Philosophical Revs, review no 2002.05.04 (May 2002)66 21. DV McDermott, Mind & Mechanism; in Artificial Intelligence 151(1-2): 227-235 (2003) [WOS]67 ARTICLE REVIEWS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. NI Badler, Human body models and animation, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 2(9): 6-7 (Nov 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 24: 266 (Jun 1983) WA Fetter, A progression of human figures simulated by computer graphics, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 2(9): 9-13 (Nov 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 24: 320 (Jul 1983) D Herbison-Evans, Real-time animation of human figure drawings with hidden lines omitted, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 2(9): 27-33 (Nov 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 24: 320-321 (Jul 1983) M Dooley, Anthropometric modeling programs - a survey, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 2(9): 17-25 (Nov 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 24: 372-373 (Aug 1983) KD Willmert, Visualizing human body motion simulations, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 2(9): 35-38 (Nov 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 24: 373 (Aug 1983) TW Calvert, J Chapman, AE Patla, Aspects of the kinematic simulation of human movement, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 2(9): 41-49 (Nov 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 24: 493-494 (Nov 1983) D Zeltzer, Motor-control techniques for figure animation, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 2(9): 53-59 (Nov 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 24: 494 (Nov 1983) FI Parke, Parameterized models for facial animation, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 2(9): 61-68 (Nov 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 24: 494 (Nov 1983) JU Korein, NI Badler, Techniques for generating the goal-directed motion of articulated structures, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 2(9): 71-81 (Nov 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 24: 494-495 (Nov 1983) D Motzkin, CL Hansen, An efficient external sorting with minimal space requirement, Int J Computer & Information Sciences 11(6): 381-396 (Dec 1982); in ACM Computing Revs 25: 474 (Oct 1984) J Hopcroft, D Joseph, S Whitesides, Movement problems for 2-dimensional linkages, SIAM J Computing 13(3): 610-629 (Aug 1984); in ACM Computing Revs 26: 138 (Feb 1985) MD McIlroy, Best approximate circles on integer grids, ACM Trans Graphics 2(4): 237-263 (Oct 1983); in ACM Computing Revs 26: 139 (Feb 1985) J Kripac, Classification of edges and its application in determining visibility, Computer-Aided Design 17(1): 30-36 (Jan-Feb 1985); in ACM Computing Revs 27: 368-369 (Jul 1986) MC Yang, CK Kim, KY Cheng, CC Yang, SS Liu, Automatic curve fitting with quadratic B-spline functions and its applications to computer-assisted animation, Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing 33(3): 346-362 (Mar 1986); in ACM Computing Revs 27: 473 (Sep 1986) DT Lee, AK Lin, Computing the visibility polygon from an edge, Computer Vision, Graphics & Image Processing 34(1): 1-19 (Apr 1986); in ACM Computing Revs 28: 500 (Sep 1987) B Becker, HG Osthof, Layouts with wires of balanced length, Information & Computation 73(1): 45-58 (Apr 1987); in ACM Computing Revs 28: 537 (Oct 1987) 65 Philosopher's Index accession no 9010883 67 Entitled “Reading McDermott,” this is a substantially different version of the preceding review 66 10 SHORT NOTES, LETTERS TO EDITOR Int 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. V Akman, Geometric tools for robotics and graphics, Utrecht Research Topics in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Astronomy & Geophysics, G van Breukelen, ed, Utrecht University, 3-7 (Mar 1986)68 V Akman, Computer science and the classics, Comm ACM 29(10): 928 (Oct 1986) [WOS] V Akman, ed, Discussions, Intelligent CAD Systems I: Theoretical & Methodological Aspects, PJW ten Hagen, T Tomiyama, eds, Springer-Verlag, 40-41, 68-69, 123-126, 172-173, 202-203, 239-240, 283-284, 314-315, 318-319, 322-323, 326-327 (1987) V Akman, Untitled, AI Mag 10(1): 9-12 (Spr 1989) V Akman, Naive physics and the intellectualization of CAD, AAAI SIGMAN Newsletter 2(2): 3-4 (Nov 1989) V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, “Fronti nulla fides”: no reliance can be placed on appearance, AI Mag 11(1): 10-11 (Spr 1990) V Akman, Untitled, AI Mag 11(2): 24 (Sum 1990) V Akman, Modalities for design models, Artificial Intelligence for Eng Design, Analysis & Manufacturing 4(2): 130-131 (1990) V Akman, E Tın, Computational models of design, AAAI SIGMAN Newsletter 3(1): 2-3 (May 1990) V Akman, Undaunted sets, Bull EATCS 45: 146-147 (1991)69 V Akman, Undaunted sets, ACM SIGACT News 23(1): 47-48 (Win 1992)70 V Akman, Fan from afar, Palo Alto Weekly (1 Apr 1994) V Akman, Protect our children, Newsweek 128(14): 7E (30 Sep 1996) V Akman, Untitled, AI Mag 19(3): 4 (Fal 1998) V Akman, Untitled (blurb for JL Encarnaçao), Computers & Graphics 25(3): 366 (Jun 2001) Dom 1. 2. V Akman, Untitled, Bilkent News 4(15): 4 (2 Feb 1998) V Akman, The mark of the mental, Bilkent News 4(27): 3 (27 Apr 1998) TECHNICAL REPORTS Int 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. V Akman, Minimal path problems in model-based robot programming: a literature survey, IPL-TR-042, Image Processing Lab, RPI (Jan 1983) WR Franklin, V Akman, Modeling object hierarchy in KEPLER geometric manipulation system, IPL-TR055, Image Processing Lab, RPI (Oct 1983) V Akman, Shortest paths avoiding polyhedral obstacles in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, IPL-TR-075, Image Processing Lab, RPI (Jun 1985) WR Franklin, V Akman, A simple and efficient haloed line algorithm for hidden line elimination, RUUCS-85-28, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University (1985) WR Franklin, V Akman, Octree data structures and creation by stacking, RUU-CS-86-3, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University (Mar 1986) WR Franklin, V Akman, Adaptive grid for polyhedral visibility in object space: an implementation, RUUCS-86-4, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University (Mar 1986) WR Franklin, V Akman, Reconstructing visible regions from visible segments, RUU-CS-86-5, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University (Mar 1986) V Akman, ed, Four Papers on Computational Geometry, V Akman, C Bajaj, WR Franklin, J Mitchell, H Rohnert, G Wilfong, contributors, CWI (1987) V Akman, Steps into a geometer’s workbench, CS-R8726, Dept of Interactive Systems, CWI (May 1987) 68 Invited Humor 70 Reprint of the preceding work 69 11 10. V Akman, Geometry and graphics applied to robotics, CS-R8727, Dept of Interactive Systems, CWI (May 1987) 11. B Veth, An integrated data description language for coding design knowledge, CS-R8731, Dept of Interactive Systems, CWI (Jul 1987) 12. V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, T Tomiyama, Design as a formal, knowledge engineered activity, CS-R8744, Dept of Interactive Systems, CWI (Sep 1987) 13. V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, JLH Rogier, P Veerkamp, Knowledge engineering in design, CS-R8745, Dept of Interactive Systems, CWI (Sep 1987) 14. V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, AAM Kuijk, A vector-like architecture for raster graphics, CS-R8802, Interactive Systems Dept, CWI (Jan 1988) 15. AAM Kuijk, PJW ten Hagen, V Akman, An exact incremental hidden surface removal algorithm, CSR8818, Dept of Interactive Systems, CWI (May 1988) 16. V Akman, PJW ten Hagen, The power of physical representations, CS-R8819, Dept of Interactive Systems, CWI (May 1988) 17. PJ Veerkamp, P Bernus, PJW ten Hagen, V Akman, IDDL: a language for intelligent interactive integrated CAD systems, CS-R9056, Dept of Interactive Systems, CWI (Oct 1990) Dom71 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 71 72 V Akman, HETEROGENEOUS INFERENCE IN DESIGN, BU-CEIS-9314 (1993) E Tın, V Akman, COMPUTATIONAL SITUATION THEORY, BU-CEIS-9315 (1993) V Akman, M Pakkan, HYPERSOLVER: A GRAPH-BASED TOOL FOR MODELING WITH SETS, BUCEIS-9316 (1993) WR Franklin, C Narayanaswami, MS Kankanhalli, V Akman, EFFICIENCY OF RANDOMLY ASSIGNING TASKS TO PROCESSORS, BU-CEIS-9403 (1994) V Akman, REVIEW OF ACTION SEMANTICS BY PETER D. MOSSES, BU-CEIS-9404 (1994) E Tın, V Akman, THE LOGIC OF COUNTERACTIONS, BU-CEIS-9405 (1994) M Pakkan, V Akman, ISSUES IN COMMONSENSE SET THEORY, BU-CEIS-9406 (1994) M Ersan, E Ersan, V Akman, COMMONSENSE ASPECTS OF BUYING AND SELLING, BU-CEIS9407 (1994) V Akman, HG Ünsal, REPRESENTING EMOTIONS IN TERMS OF OBJECT DIRECTEDNESS, BUCEIS-9408 (1994) V Akman, M Pakkan, NONSTANDARD SET THEORIES AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, BUCEIS-9409 (1994) V Akman, M Surav, SETS IN CONTEXT AND RELATED ISSUES, BU-CEIS-9410 (1994) M Surav, V Akman, AXIOMATIC SET THEORIES AND COMMON SENSE, BU-CEIS-9411 (1994) A Arslan, V Akman, EXCURSIONS TO A TOPOLOGICAL PICTUREBOOK, BU-CEIS-9414 (1994) E Tın, V Akman, BABY-SIT: A COMPUTATIONAL MEDIUM BASED ON SITUATIONS, BU-CEIS9415 (1994) M Ersan, V Akman, SITUATED MODELING OF EPISTEMIC PUZZLES, BU-CEIS-9417 (1994) E Tın, V Akman, SITUATED PROCESSING OF PRONOMINAL ANAPHORA, BU-CEIS-9419 (1994) E Ersan, V Akman, FOCUSING FOR PRONOUN RESOLUTION IN ENGLISH DISCOURSE: AN IMPLEMENTATION, BU-CEIS-9429 (1994) M Ersan, V Akman, SITUATED MODELING OF EPISTEMIC PUZZLES, BU-CEIS-9430 (1994)72 M Surav, V Akman, CONTEXTS AND SITUATIONS, BU-CEIS-9433 (1994) E Tın, V Akman, SITUATIONS AND COMPUTATION: AN OVERVIEW OF RECENT RESEARCH, BU-CEIS-9506 (1995) M Surav, V Akman, MODELING CONTEXT WITH SITUATIONS, BU-CEIS-9507 (1995) M Surav, V Akman, CONTEXTS, ORACLES, AND RELEVANCE, BU-CEIS-9510 (1995) AP Saygın, İ Çiçekli, V Akman, TURING TEST: 50 YEARS LATER, BU-CEIS-9905 (1999) I no more submit my manuscripts as Bilkent tech reports Supercedes BU-CEIS-9417 12