Student Senate General Assembly Minutes Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008 Call to Order Trevor Eagle Invocation Benjamin Allen Pledge of Allegiance Chris Senesi Officer Reports President: Trevor Eagle Vice-President: Chris Senesi o Currently working on ONU’s upcoming Leadership Conference. Please contact Vice President Senesi if you are interested in joining the Conference Committee. Secretary: Collin Morelock Advisor: Adriane Bradshaw New Business New Roberts Hall Representative: o Christopher Post, engineering major, appeared before General Assembly to field questions. o Mr. Post was approved by Senate, and inaugurated by Judicial Secretary Hamper. New Organization Approval: Collegiate Entrepreneur’s Organization o Organization meets monthly and is a business networking opportunity for its six members, with the goal of helping entrepreneurial-minded Ohio Northern students start their own business; the organization would include Dr. Ferguson as an advisor. o Motion to approve the organization made by Secretary Bennett, motion seconded by Secretary Stinehart. o On a vote of 31-1-0 the motion passes, the organization is approved. Congratulations! New Organization Approval: ONU Men’s Club Soccer Team o Approximately 30 members o Motion to approve the organization made by Secretary Bennett, motion seconded by Senator Kelly. o On a vote of 32-0-0 the motion passes, the organization is approved. Congratulations! Committee Reports Housing: Kyle Stinehart o Housing Committee please plan to meet Tuesday or Wednesday next week. o Please communicate feedback from Residence Life staff members regarding Hall Councils to Secretary Stinehart. o December 17th is the deadline for establishment of all Hall Councils. o Secretary Stinehart work diligently over the holiday break to determine sizes of the Hall Council for each individual residence hall. Academic Affairs: Kelly Morman o Semester calendar is nearing approval. o The Academic Affairs Committee will meet tomorrow at 5pm in McIntosh room 203. Athletics: Jenna Schaffner o Campus Organizations: Kaitlyn Bennett o Secretary Jones & Stan are currently contacting their committee, and continually updating the Student Senate Facebook page. Parliamentarian: Michael Storey o Look for a speaker coming to ONU in February. Communications/Newsletter: Dan Jones & Nichole Stan o No Report Multicultural: Kendra Hearn o Secretary Hamper is currently looking to fill the Off-Campus Housing Representative Vacancy. Finance: Shaili Patel o Traffic appeals are 7pm tomorrow in McIntosh room 204. Judicial: Michael Hamper o The Senate Dining Services Committee had a very productive meeting before the Thanksgiving break. The Committee is currently looking at potential surveys and informational forum. Security: Adam Schwiebert o No Report. Dining Services: Chad Cadwell o Secretary Schaffner is currently organizing the first Basketball Student Senate Seat of the House on December 17th. No Report. Religious Affairs: Benjamin Allen o No Report. Senate Activities: Bethany Schreck o The Kappa Phi Sing-a-thon is December 12th-13th. Student Senate will be participating from 12pm on the 13th. o Dr. & Mrs. Baker’s Christmas Party with a White Elephant gift exchange is coming soon. o Senator Mirolo and Secretary Bennett had birthdays over the holiday break. o The Kudos for Klondike appreciation dinner is tentatively scheduled for January 14th at 6pm, at the Ada United Methodist Church. Tech Advancement: Zach Ferres & Ryan Lowry o In regular communication with campus IT. College Representatives: Arts & Sciences: Nathan Mirolo, Niki Heidelberg, John Hickman o Pharmacy: Cynthia Nguyen, Rick Tabar, Catherine Taylor o Tuesday December 9th is the Joint Engineering Council’s Christmas Party, everyone welcome. Business: Amanda Ingram, Anca Istoc o Currently conducting regular meetings with the Dean of the College of Pharmacy. Engineering: Nathan Gannon, Allan Hall o No Report. No Report. Law: Maria Schrautemyer, Crystal Okoro o No Report. Housing Representatives: Stambaugh Hall: Robert Allen o Off Campus: Nathan Schutz, vacancy o Attending RA Staff meeting Stadiumview: Sara Oswald, Whitney Henry o No Report. Affinity Housing: Melissa Straub, Bob Milos o Received several mutual nominations for Hall Council from RA staff. No Report. Fraternity Housing: Daniel Kelly o Sorority Housing: Natalyn Giverson o Holding interviews to choose Hall Council Representatives. CVA: Evan Roberts, Robert Mitton, Andrew Adamus o Awaiting nominations from RA Staff. Park Hall: Aaron Osentoski o Meeting with RA Staff at their convenience. Roberts Hall: Joshua Ebbing, Christopher Post o Meeting with RA Staff this week. Lima Hall: Andrew Stephon, Melissa Negro o Meeting with RA Staff this Sunday Northern House: Daniel Johnson o Have five confirmed member for Hall Council. Clark Hall: Cara Schroeder o Have three confirmed members for Hall Council, will be meeting the second Sunday of every month. Founders Hall: Joshua Blackwell, Marsha McMunn o Have two nominations for Hall Council. Maglott Hall: Jennifer Cornelius o No Report. Brookhart Hall: Rachel Karasiewicz o All six Fraternity houses recently passed inspection. Received several nominations from RA Staff. 5 University Parkway: Arielle Ambrosy o Met with RA staff this past Sunday Suggestion Box Address construction vehicles parked on sidewalks along the Affinity Housing Complex. Request for a computer printer in the Affinity Commons room. Address poor wireless internet connectivity in Klondike’s Den and Northern Commons. Recommendation for bike rack covers around campus. Recommendation to reconsider closing of campus buildings over Undergraduate vacations while Law students are still on campus. Announcements “Polar Bear Ball” January 24th; tickets go on sale next week. “Park Hall Hoops” December 12th. “Mr. ONU” competition next Tuesday 8 o’clock. Nominations: Secretary Storey, Senator Roberts, Secretary Hamper, Senator Johnson. Secretary Storey elected to represent Student Senate in the Mr. ONU competition. Adjournment Motion to adjourn made by Secretary Jones, motion seconded by Secretary Patel. NOTES