PATIENT NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. APPOINTMENT DATE: …………………………………………………TIME:…………………………………………….. The Park Practice Patient Information MINOR SURGERY Removal of minor skin lesions, lumps and bumps Minor surgery is carried out approximately every one to two months depending on demand and availability of surgery time. One of our GPs does the operation helped by one of our practice nurses. If you are concerned about a skin lump or wish to have it removed then you will first need to make an appointment with Dr Mohammed who will advise you. At the surgery, we are able to remove some of the following: Skin lumps ✓ Cysts ✓ Moles ✓ Skin tags ✓ Warts ✓ We can also do injections of steroids into shoulders and elbows. These procedures are carried out for medical reasons. We do not carry out procedures for cosmetic reasons. Minor surgery is a relatively painless and fairly quick procedure. It generally takes 20 to 30 minutes. Most procedures are carried out using local anaesthetic. This is an injection given around the site of the operation (similar to that used by Dentists) - in other words, the area of skin that is to be operated on is frozen so you will feel no pain but are fully awake. This makes it easy and safe. If you have had a bad reaction to local anaesthetic in the past it is very important that your inform us. The local anaesthetic stings a little initially but this quickly stops. You should not be able to feel any pain during the procedure but may be aware of a sensation of pressure. If you do feel any pain during the procedure please inform the Doctor immediately. If you have any allergies including an allergy to latex or plasters, kindly inform the Doctor immediately. Following the procedure, it is advised that you wait in the surgery for about 15 minutes just to ensure that everything’s fine before you leave. (Please note: if you wish to discuss any other medical matter unrelated to your surgery, you will need to book a separate routine appointment to do so). Most of the minor surgery carried out here involves the removal of lumps and bumps. Once the lump has been removed the skin will be closed using a few stitches. These will have to be removed at a time specified by the Doctor (usually 1 week). All specimens removed are sent to the laboratory for examination. The local anaesthetic lasts approximately 2 hours. The wound may therefore start to become painful after this period of time. We recommend that you take some simple pain killers such as Paracetamol once you get home. REVIEWED: MAY 12 D:\106748944.doc Care of the wound The wound will be dressed by the Nurse after the operation; this dressing should be left in place for 24 hours, or longer if specified by the Doctor or Nurse. It is important to keep the wound clean and dry. If the stitches become wet they are liable to come out and may get infected. The wound may be painful for 24-48 hours. If the pain is not improving after 48 hours please call in to see the Nurse. Likewise, if the wound becomes very red or starts to discharge pus, please call in as soon as possible to see the Nurse. Do not wait until you are due to have your stitches removed. Scarring All minor surgery will leave some degree of scarring. The degree of this will vary from person to person and cannot be predicted. If you have any concerns about scarring it is very important that you discuss this with the Doctor before you have any minor operation. Attending the clinic If you wish, you may bring a relative or friend with you to the appointment but we do advise that you do not bring young children with you. MINOR SURGERY CONSENT FORM On the day of your minor operation you will be asked to sign the consent form below. Any questions that you may have will be discussed beforehand. Children under 16 must attend with a parent or legal guardian as they will have to sign the consent form. This cannot be done by any other relative or friend. I hereby give my consent for the minor surgery procedure as shown below. I confirm that I understand: i. why the procedure is needed ii. the type of anaesthetic to be used – I have confirmed that, to the best of my knowledge, I have no known allergy to the anaesthetic to be used iii. there is small chance that the wound might get infected and that this may require further treatment iv. that the final cosmetic result cannot be guaranteed as every single patient has a completely different healing process as far as the final scar appearance is concerned v. that I must follow instructions given to me for care of the wound and to avoid unwanted early openings which could affect the cosmetic result and to cause wound infection. vi. when the stitches may need to be removed (if applicable) Procedure GP Signature I (print name) consent to the above minor surgical procedure as described to me by my doctor. I have read the information detailed above and understand fully the reasons for the procedure. Signed Date _________ REVIEWED: MAY 12 D:\106748944.doc