GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE Genetically Modified Organism Project Approval Procedure Approving Authority: Approval Date: Approved Document No: Review Date: Procedure Adviser: Supersedes: Institutional Biosafety Committee Ratified 02/07 01 November 2007 Agenda Document 16.0 02/07 2009 Technical Manager – Health & Safety This procedure supersedes the Project Application Policy 6 November 2003 Description of the Procedure: This procedure describes Griffith University Institutional Biosafety Committee’s (IBC) obligations and commitment regarding the recommendation and review for project applications dealing with genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) and the project application requirements for principal researchers undertaking dealings involving GMO’s. Related Policies, Procedures & Forms: Gene Technology Act 2000 Gene Technology Regulations 2001 Griffith University Code of Conduct Policy Griffith University Health & Safety Policy Griffith University Institutional Biosafety Committee Annual Progress Report/Final Report Form Griffith University Institutional Biosafety Committee Exempt Dealing Evaluation Report Griffith University Institutional Biosafety Committee NLRD Project Application Form Griffith University Institutional Biosafety Committee Potential Conflict of Interest Policy Guidelines for Accreditation of an Organisation Office of Gene Technology Regulator DNIR Application Form Office of Gene Technology Regulator Guidelines for Accreditation of Organisations [Introduction] [Scope] [Application] [Delegated Authorities] 1.0 Introduction As a requirement under the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) Guidelines for Accreditation of an Organisation the Griffith University IBC provides advice to principal researchers on the identification and management of risks associated with dealings involving GMO’s. 2.0 Objective of the Approval All dealings with GMO’s must be reviewed by the Griffith University IBC for the following reasons: To ensure correct GMO classification; To ensure all risks and hazards have been identified and are appropriately dealt with; and To ensure compliance with legislation. D:\106743372.doc Page 1 of 7 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE 3.0 Scope This procedure applies to members of the Griffith University IBC project review panel, any person who may be requested or required to participate in the project recommendation process as requested by the committee and principal researchers undertaking or proposing to undertake dealings with GMO’s. 4.0 Approval Process 4.1. Expedited Review Process To expedite the project application review process IBC members will review and recommend projects between scheduled meetings. A review panel will be established consisting of at least five members with the collective and scientific expertise to review and assess all matters associated with the project application. Project applications recommended by the IBC review panel will be ratified at the next scheduled meeting of the IBC. 4.2. New Exempt Dealing & Notifiable Low Risk Dealing (NLRD) Project Application Process Prior to undertaking any GMO dealings of a kind mentioned in Schedule 2 or Part 1 or 2 of Schedule 3 of the Gene Technology Regulations 2001 a principal researcher must obtain approval from the Griffith University IBC through the following process (refer Attachment One): 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3. 4.2.4. 4.2.5. 4.2.6. 4.2.7. 4.2.8. 4.2.9. 4.2.10. 4.2.11. The principal researcher must complete the appropriate Griffith University IBC Exempt Dealing or NLRD project application form. The completed project application form must be submitted to the secretary of the Griffith University IBC. A Griffith University IBC project identifier will be assigned to the application and logged onto the IBC project database. The project identifier will be forwarded to the principal researcher. The project application will be disseminated to the relevant IBC panel members for review in accordance with section 3.1. Project recommendations &/or requests for further information from the panel members will be returned to the secretary of the committee within the agreed time frame indicated with project review information. If required, further information will be sought from the principal researcher and responses from the researcher will be forwarded by the secretary to the review panel members for further consideration. A recommendation from the review panel will be forwarded to the Chair of the committee who shall then sign the IBC declaration. The researcher will be notified of the project approval and any associated conditions in writing from the secretary of the committee. Once the principal researcher has received project approval from the IBC work can commence on the project in accordance with any conditions specified by the IBC; with ratification at the next scheduled IBC meeting. Project applications that are required to be notified to the OGTR will be forwarded by the committee secretary in accordance with the respective OGTR requirements. D:\106743372.doc Page 2 of 7 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE 4.3. New Dealings Not Involving Intentional Release (DNIR) Project Application Process Prior to undertaking any GMO dealings of a kind mentioned in Part 3 of Schedule 3 of the Gene Technology Regulations 2001 a principal researcher must obtain approval from the Griffith University IBC and the OGTR through the following process (refer Attachment Two): 4.3.1. The principal researcher must complete the appropriate OGTR DNIR project application form. 4.3.2. The completed project application form must be submitted to the secretary of the Griffith University IBC. 4.3.3. A Griffith University IBC project identifier will be assigned to the application and logged onto the IBC project database. 4.3.4. The project identifier will be forwarded to the principal researcher. 4.3.5. The project application will be disseminated to the relevant IBC panel members for review in accordance with section 3.1. 4.3.6. Project recommendations and/or requests for further information from the panel members will be returned to the secretary of the committee within the agreed time frame indicated with the project review information. 4.3.7. If required, further information will be sought from the principal researcher and responses from the researcher will be forwarded by the secretary to the review panel members for further consideration. 4.3.8. A recommendation from the review panel will be forwarded to the Chair of the committee and the Griffith University CEO delegate for signing, currently the DVC (R). 4.3.9. The recommended project application will be forwarded to the OGTR by the committee secretary for final approval and licensing. 4.3.10. If further information is required by the OGTR this will be sought from the principal researcher and responses from the researcher will be forwarded to the OGTR for further consideration. A copy of this information is to be sent to the IBC secretary. 4.3.11. Once the OGTR has approved the project application a licence and any specified conditions for the dealing will be issued to the principal researcher. 4.3.12. The IBC secretary will be notified of the project licence and any specified conditions by the OGTR. 4.3.13. Once the principal researcher has received the licence for the GMO dealing from the OGTR work can commence on the project in accordance with any conditions specified by the OGTR and the IBC. 4.4. Variations to Existing Project Applications During the conduct of an approved project it may become necessary for the principal researcher to modify or deviate from the original project application. The principal researcher prior to commencing dealings involving the variation must obtain approval from the Griffith University IBC through the following process: 4.4.1. The principal researcher must include any variations on the original project application form. The sections of the project application that have been added or varied must be highlighted for easier identification. 4.4.2. The completed updated project application and a request for variation must be submitted to the secretary of the Griffith University IBC. 4.4.3. A Griffith University IBC project variation identifier will be assigned to the application and forwarded to the principal researcher. 4.4.4. The principal researcher will be informed that the requested variations cannot be implemented until approval has been received from the Griffith University IBC. 4.4.5. The project variation application will be sent to one of the IBC review panel members for review. D:\106743372.doc Page 3 of 7 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE 4.4.6. 4.4.7. 4.4.8. 4.4.9. 4.4.10. 4.4.11. If the project variation is deemed not to alter the GMO project classification, alter the hazards or increase the risks associated with the project or not deviate greatly from the original project application the variation approval will be forwarded by the secretary to the Chair of the committee for signing. If the project variation is deemed to alter the GMO project classification, alter the hazards or increase the risks associated with the project or deviates greatly from the original project application then the principal researcher will be required to submit a new project application for review and approval by the committee. A recommendation from the review panel member will be sent to the committee secretary with in the agreed timeframe and then forwarded to the Chair of the committee for signing. Once the principal researcher has received the Exempt Dealing or NLRD project variation approval from the IBC work can commence on the project in accordance with any conditions specified by the IBC. Variations to DNIR projects will be dealt with in accordance with the respective OGTR requirements. Project variation applications that are required to be notified to the OGTR will be forwarded by the committee secretary in accordance with the respective OGTR requirements. 4.5. Extension to Existing Project Applications During the conduct of an approved project it may become necessary for the principal researcher to require more time to complete the original project work. The principal researcher prior to continuing GMO dealings after the approved project completion date must obtain approval from the Griffith University IBC through the following process: 4.5.1. A request for extension of an original project completion date must be submitted to the secretary of the Griffith University IBC. 4.5.2. A Griffith University IBC project variation identifier will be assigned to the request and forwarded to the principal researcher. 4.5.3. The principal researcher will be informed that the project cannot continue after the original application completion date until approval has been received from the Griffith University IBC. 4.5.4. The project variation request will be sent to one of the IBC review panel members for review. 4.5.5. A recommendation from the review panel member will be sent to the committee secretary with in the agreed timeframe and then forwarded to the Chair of the committee for signing. 4.5.6. Once the principal researcher has received project extension approval from the IBC work can continue on the project in accordance with any previous conditions specified by the IBC. 4.5.7. Project extension applications that are required to be notified to the OGTR will be forwarded by the committee secretary in accordance with the respective OGTR requirements. 4.6. Annual Project Progress Report/Final Report As part of the IBC project approval process the principal researcher is required to submit an annual progress report. This report is designed to monitor the potential for changes or variations to GMO dealings during the approved period. At the conclusion of the project a final report is required to be submitted by the principal researcher to the IBC to ensure that all GMO’s have: 4.6.1. Been destroyed; 4.6.2. Transferred; or D:\106743372.doc Page 4 of 7 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE 4.6.3. Are being appropriately stored. 4.7. Approval Conditions Approval of GMO project applications will be provided under the following conditions: 4.7.1. GMO projects will only be approved for a maximum three year period. 4.7.2. A project application can only be extended for a maximum one year period; if further time is required the principal researcher must complete a new project application form. 4.7.3. Exempt dealings must be contained within a facility and must not involve the intentional release of the GMO into the environment. 4.7.4. Facility and work practices must comply with facility certification requirements at all times where applicable. 4.7.5. Transport or transfer of any GMO’s out of the University must be notified to the IBC prior to transport. 4.7.6. The GMO dealing must comply with other relevant legislative requirements where applicable. 4.8. Potential Conflict of Interest during the project application process If a conflict of interest is perceived the committee review panel member or principal researcher must immediately refer to the Griffith University IBC Potential Conflict of Interest Policy. 5.0 Responsibilities Version No: V0F 5.1. The Chairperson of the IBC is responsible for making a decision regarding the recommendation of a project application and is the delegated signing authority for recommended applications. 5.2. The committee Secretary must advise the IBC Chair person of the project application recommendation, disseminate and collate project application information, inform the principal researcher and the OGTR if required and maintain the project database. 5.3. IBC review panel members and any person who may be requested or required to undertake the project recommendation process on behalf of the committee are responsible for reviewing and providing a recommendation with respect to a submitted project application within the agreed timeframe. 5.4. The principal researcher is responsible for submitting applications for projects involving GMO’s to the Griffith University IBC for review and approval, providing further information as requested and undertake the project in accordance with any conditions or requirements specified by either the OGTR or the Griffith University IBC. APPROVED DOCUMENT ON INTRANET ONLY – UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT WHEN PRINTED. Document Approving Approved Description: Signature: Review Date: Custodian: Authority: Date: GMO Project Griffith University Lynette Wilde 01/11/2007 01/11/2009 Recommendation Procedure IBC D:\106743372.doc Page 5 of 7 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE Attachment 1: Exempt Dealing & Notifiable Low Risk Dealing (NLRD) Project Approval Flow Diagram 1. OGTR Schedules and guidelines. 2. Committee database IBC Forms Annual report to OGTR and H&S Committee Receipt of application sent to researcher Researcher submits project application to IBC Secretary * New application *Variation/extension application *Annual/final project report Received & receipted by secretary and logged onto the project database system NLRD The secretary will send the application to panel members for review (minimum of 5 members) Project review outcome returned to secretary Project recommended by review panel Yes Researcher informed of recommendation and any conditions Project work can commence in accordance with any specified conditions Ratified at next committee meeting GMO classification Out of session If required Secretary sends facility inspection checklist to researcher Exempt dealing Bio-safety officer coordinates facility works or certification if required IBC files Project Information If required Researcher completes checklist and actions local deficiencies No Facility Information Researcher to provide requested information to secretary Further information required Researcher informed by secretary D:\106743372.doc Page 6 of 7 Incorrect classification Researcher to complete correct classification application GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE Attachment 2: Dealings Not Involving Intentional Release (DNIR) Project Approval Flow Diagram 1. OGTR Schedules and guidelines. 2. Committee database IBC Forms OGTR Forms Project work can commence in accordance with any specified condtions Receipt of application sent to researcher Researcher submits project application to IBC Secretary * New application *Annual/final project report If required Received & receipted by secretary and logged onto the project database system Secretary sends facility inspection checklist to researcher The secretary will send the application to panel members for review (minimum of 5 members) Project review outcomes returned to secretary Researcher completes checklist and actions local deficiencies Yes Ratified at next committee meeting Information sent to OGTR for licencing OGTR issue licence for GMO dealing No Bio-safety officer coordinates facility works or certification if required Project information If required Project recommended by review panel Researcher to provide information to OGTR & IBC Secretary No OGTR require further information Facility information The OGTR requires 90 working days to process the application Researcher to provide requested information to secretary Further information required Researcher informed by secretary D:\106743372.doc Page 7 of 7 Incorrect classification Researcher to complete correct classification application Yes Researcher & IBC informed of Licence approval and any specified conditions IBC files Annual report to H&S Committee