Classification of Geophysical Images to Map Lithotypes Supervisors Research Affiliations Degree Type/Name Pre-requisites Student Support Collaboration Dr EJ Holden and Prof Mike Dentith Centre for Exploration Targeting Honours - Computer Science, Geology Earth Science or Minerals Geoscience Degree in Computer Science or equivalent The student undertaking this project will work with staff from the Schools of Earth & Geographical Sciences and Computer Science & Software Engineering Collaboration with local mining companies is expected Skills This research project provides the opportunities for research students to obtain skills and experience in the enhancement and interpretation geophysical data, skills highly regarded in mineral exploration companies, as well as forming a firm basis for a research or academic career. Project Description In geological structures, varying litho-types are layered on top of one another, and geoscientists recognise their types through texture and colour characteristics. This project is to automatically identify litho-types of geological structures using a pattern recognition technique. Automatic recognition of patterns through the use of multiple image cues such as texture and colour has been an active area of research in computer vision. In general, a pattern recognition task is divided into two stages. The first stage is to extract a set of featuresfrom images that represents a pattern (or an object). There exist numerous feature sets including geometrical, topological, as well as appearance based features. Appearance-based features may include a probability distribution function of the pixel intensity or colour distribution, or wavelet-based texture representation. The second stage is to recognise these features as a pattern which is modeled in the system. This can be achieved through a nearest-neighbour classification technique where the system chooses the closest pattern that has the minimal feature distance between the extracted feature setand model feature sets. Recognition can also be achieved through the use of machine learning based techniques such as neural networks and baysian networks. These systems require a training of model patterns which is then used for classification. This project will use magnetic images to recognise litho-types by combining a texture feature extraction technique and a machine learning classification technique. The student is expected to have the understanding of fundamental concepts of image processing, and to have some prior experience in programming. This project needs to be implemented in Matlab. Figure 1. TMI data showing different responses due to different lithologies.