APPENDIX B: New Tsunami Intensit y Scale (Papadopoul os and Imamura, 2001) The new tsunami intensit y scale proposed by Papadopoulos and Imamura, (2001) incorporates twelve divisions and is consistent with the several twelve-grade seismic intensit y scales es tablished and extensively used in Europe and North America in about the last 100 years. The new scale is arranged accor ding to ( a ) the eff ects on humans , ( b ) the eff ects on objects, including vessels of variable size, and on nature , and ( c ) dama ge to buildings. I- Not f elt a) Not f elt even under t he most f avourable circumstances. b) No ef f ect. c) No damage. IIa) b) c) Scarcely f elt Felt by f ew people on board in small vessels. Not obser ved in the coast. No ef f ect. No damage. III- W eak a) Felt by most people on boar d in small vessels. Obser ved by f ew people in the coast. b) No ef f ect. c) No damage. IV- Largely obser ved a) Felt by all on board in small vessels and by f ew people on board in large vessels. Obser ved by most people in the coast. b) Few small vessels m ove slightly onshore. c) No damage. V- Strong a) Felt by all on board in large vessels and obser ved by all in the coast. Few people ar e f rightened and run to higher ground. b) Many small vessels move stronlg y onshore , f ew of them crash each other or overturn. Traces of sand layer are lef t behind in grounds of f avourable conditions. Limited f looding of cultivated land. c) Limit ed f looding of outdoors f acilities (e.g. gardens) of near -shore structures. VI- Slightly damaging a) Many people are f rightened and r un to higher ground. b) Most small vessels move violently onshore, or crash stronly each other, or overturn. c) Damage and f looding in a f ew wooden structures. Most masonry buildings withstand. VII- Damaging a) Most people are f rightened and tr y to run in highe r ground. b) Many small vessels damaged. Few lar ge vessels oscillat e violently. Objects of variable size and stabilit y overturn and drif t. Sand layer and accumulat ions of pebbles are lef t behind. Few aquacult ure raf ts washed away. c) Many wooden struct ures dam aged, f ew are demolished or washed away. Damage of grade 1 and f looding in a f ew masonr y buildings. VIII- Heavily damaging a) All people escape to higher ground, a f ew are washed away. b) Most of the small vessels are damaged , many are washed away. Few large vessels are m oved ashore or crashed each other. Big objects are drif ted away. Errosion and littering in the beach. Extensive f looding . Slight damage in tsunami control f orest, stop drif ts. Many aquacult ure raf ts washed away, few part ially damaged. c) Most wooden struct ures are washed away or demolished. Damage of grade 2 in a f ew masonr y buildings. Most RC buildings sustain damage, in a f ew damage of grade 1 and f looding is obser ved. IX- Destructive a) Many people ar e washed away. b) Most small vessels are destructed or washed away. Many large vessels are moved violent ly ashore , f ew are destructed. Ext ensive errosion and littering of the beach. Local ground subsidence. Part ial destruction in tsunami control f orest, stop drif ts. Most aquaculture r af ts washed away, many partially damaged. c) Damage of grade 3 in many masonr y buildings , f ew RC buildings suff er f rom damage grade 2. X- Very destructive a) General panic. Most people ar e washed away. b) Most large vessels are moved violently ashore , many a re destructed or collided with buildings. Small bolders f rom the sea bottom are moved inland. Cars overtur ned and drif eted. Oil spill, f ires st art. Extensive ground subsidence. c) Damage of grade 4 in many masonr y buildings , f ew RC buildings suff er f rom damage grade 3. Art if icial embankments collapse, port water breaks damaged. XI- Devast ating b) Lif elines int errupted. Ext ensive f ires. W ater back wash dr if ts cars and other objects in the sea. Big bolders f rom the sea bottom are moved inland. c) Damage of grade 5 in many masonr y buildings. Few RC buildings suff er f rom damage grade 4, many suff er from damage grade 3. XII- Completely devastating c) Practically all masonr y buildings demolished. Most RC buildings suff er f rom at least damage grade 3.