imminent evacuees

It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:
Sec. 1. 20 V.S.A. chapter 4 is added to read:
The state of Vermont hereby adopts the emergency management assistance
compact. The director of the Vermont emergency management services and
the Vermont adjutant general may adopt rules for procedures and practices
necessary to implement Vermont’s entry into and participation in the
emergency management assistance compact (EMAC).
(a) The purpose of this compact is to provide mutual aid and assistance
among the party states for response to and management of any disaster or
emergency declared by the governor of any affected party state.
(b) This compact also provides mutual cooperation among the party states
in emergency-related training, exercises, testing, or any other activity related to
preparation for an actual declared disaster or emergency. Mutual assistance
under this compact may include the use of the national guard force of any party
state, either in accordance with the national guard mutual assistance compact
or by agreement between states.
(c) For the purposes of this agreement:
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(1) “Disaster or emergency” means any occurrence that threatens the
health, safety and well-being of the people of any state or region, whether due
to natural or man-made disaster, technological hazard, effects of resource
shortage, civil disorder, insurgency, or enemy attack.
(2) “Party state” means a state or jurisdiction that is an authorized
participant in the compact.
(3) “States” means the several states, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territorial possessions.
(a) Disasters or emergencies are rarely limited to occurring within political
jurisdictional boundaries, making intergovernmental coordination and
cooperation essential to effective management of most disasters or
emergencies. The nature of a disaster or emergency frequently requires
immediate access to additional resources in order to respond promptly and
effectively. Most states do not have available all the resources needed to
respond to every emergency.
(b) Immediate, efficient, and effective utilization of resources from party
states, the United States government or any other source, essential to protect
the health and safety of people in the event of a disaster or emergency, is the
underlying principle of this compact.
(c) The governor of each party state, or the governor’s designee, shall adopt
rules that include the appropriate interstate mutual aid plans and procedures
formulated in cooperation with other party states necessary to implement this
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(1) Each party state shall be responsible for formulating procedural
plans and programs for interstate cooperation in order to carry out the
responsibilities required by the compact. Each party state shall:
(A) Review the hazard analyses of each party state in order to
determine potential emergencies the party states might jointly suffer.
(B) Review party states’ individual emergency plans, and develop a
mechanism for the interstate management and provision of assistance in any
potential emergency.
(C) Develop interstate procedures to fill identified gaps, and resolve
identified inconsistencies or overlaps in existing plans.
(D) Warn communities adjacent to or crossing the state boundaries.
(E) Protect and assure uninterrupted delivery of services, medicines,
water, food, energy and fuel, search and rescue, and critical lifeline equipment,
services, and resources, both human and material.
(F) Inventory and establish procedures for the interstate loan and
delivery of human and material resources, and procedures for reimbursement
or forgiveness.
(G) Provide, to the extent authorized by law, for temporary
suspension of any statute or ordinance that restricts the implementation of the
responsibilities listed in this subdivision.
(2) A party state may request aid, verbally or in writing, from another
party state only by contacting the authorized representative of that state. A
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request made verbally shall be confirmed in writing within 30 days. A request
shall include the following information:
(A) A description of the emergency service function for which aid is
needed, such as fire services, law enforcement, emergency medical,
transportation, communications, public works and engineering, building
inspection, planning and information assistance, mass care, resource support,
health and medical services, and search and rescue.
(B) The amount and type of personnel, equipment, materials and
supplies needed and a reasonable estimate of the duration of the need.
(C) The specific place and time for staging the aid from the
responding party states and a point of contact at that location.
(3) There shall be frequent consultation and free exchange of
information, plans, and resource records relating to emergency capabilities
between or among state officials who have been assigned emergency
management responsibilities, other appropriate representatives of the party
states and the United States government.
(a) Any party state requested to render aid or conduct exercises under this
compact shall comply fully with the terms of this compact; provided that the
state rendering aid may withhold resources necessary to reasonably protect
itself. Each party state shall confer on the emergency forces of a party state,
rendering aid within the limits of the requesting party state, the same duties,
rights, privileges and powers, except the power to arrest, unless specifically
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authorized by the receiving state, afforded the forces of the state in which
emergency services are being provided. Emergency forces will be commanded
and controlled by their regular leaders, but the organizational units will be
subject to the operational control of the emergency services authorities of the
state receiving aid. These conditions may be activated as needed, only during
a declared disaster or emergency, or while exercises or training for mutual aid
is in progress or the loaned resources remain in the receiving state, whichever
is longer.
(b) A person from a party state rendering aid under this compact who holds
a license, certificate, or other permit issued by that party state indicating that
the person is qualified in some professional, mechanical, or other skill, shall be
deemed licensed, certified, or permitted in the state requesting aid to render aid
related to the license certificate or permit for a declared emergency or disaster,
subject to limitations and conditions prescribed by the governor of the
requesting state.
Officers or employees of a party state rendering aid in another state
pursuant to this compact shall be considered agents of the requesting state for
the purposes of tort liability and immunity. No party state or its officers or
employees rendering aid in another state pursuant to this compact shall be
liable for any act or omission performed in good faith in regard to the
maintenance or use of any equipment or supplies in connection with rendering
aid. Good faith does not include willful misconduct, gross negligence or
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reckless behavior.
This compact shall not limit the right of any party states to enter into
supplementary agreements with other party states, nor shall it limit or restrict
any agreements presently in force. Supplementary agreements may include
provisions for evacuation and reception of injured and misplaced persons, and
the exchange of equipment and supplies and medical, fire, police, public
utility, reconnaissance, welfare, transportation and communications personnel.
Each party state shall pay compensation and death benefits to injured
members of their emergency forces and representatives of deceased members
who are injured or killed while rendering aid pursuant to this compact, in the
same manner and on the same terms as if the injury or death occurred within
the party’s own state.
Upon request by a party state rendering aid in another party state pursuant
to this compact, the receiving state shall reimburse the state rendering aid for
any loss, except losses pursuant to Article VI of this compact, damage or
expense incurred from operating any equipment or providing any services in
response to a request for aid. A party state providing aid may assume in whole
or in part any loss, damage, expense, or other cost experienced by them, or
may loan equipment or donate services to the receiving party state without
charge or cost. Two or more party states may enter into supplementary
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agreements establishing allocation of costs among those states.
The party states and their emergency management services directors shall
develop and implement a plan for the orderly evacuation and interstate
transport of any civilian population dislocated by any disaster or emergency.
The plan shall include the mode of transport, the number of evacuees that can
be received at each location, a method for providing the evacuees with food,
clothing, housing, medical care, registration, notification of relatives, and other
related services. The plan shall also include a provision for the party state
sending evacuees to reimburse the party state receiving for expenses incurred
to receive and care for the evacuees, and to provide transportation, food,
clothing, medical care and housing. The party state sending the evacuees shall
be responsible for the return of the evacuees.
(a) This compact shall be effective upon enactment into law by any two
states. The compact shall be effective as to any other state upon enactment by
that state.
(b) Any party state may withdraw from this compact by repealing the law
that enacted the compact. A withdrawal shall be effective 30 days after the
governor of the withdrawing state has given written notice of the withdrawal to
the governors of all other party states. Withdrawal shall not relieve the
withdrawing state from obligations incurred prior to the effective date of
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(c) Authenticated copies of this compact and any supplementary
agreements shall, at the time of approval, be provided to all other party states,
and the Federal Emergency Management Agency and any other appropriate
governmental agency of the United States.
If any provision of this compact is declared unconstitutional, or the
applicability thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the
constitutionality of the remainder of this act and the applicability thereof to
other persons and circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
(a) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to authorize or permit the
use of military force by the national guard of any state outside that state for a
disaster or emergency for which the President of the United States is
authorized to call federal forces into service, or for any purpose for which the
use of the U.S. Army or Air Force would in the absence of express statutory
authorization be prohibited under 18 U.S.C. § 1385.
(b) The director of the Vermont emergency management service shall be
the authorized representative in regard to a request from a party state or by
Vermont for aid that does not involve personnel or elements of the Vermont
national guard.
(c) The adjutant general shall be the authorized representative for any
requests from a party state or Vermont for aid involving the Vermont national
guard personnel or elements.
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(d) The director of Vermont emergency management shall be responsible
for handling any and all documents necessary to obtain reimbursement
hereunder for services rendered to a requesting state, or within Vermont by
another assisting state.
(e) If the attorney general determines that the liability or tort protections of
a party state are inferior to those afforded to emergency or military personnel
in Vermont, the requesting party state shall indemnify and hold harmless
Vermont personnel for any tort or other liability for their acts or omissions
related to providing aid pursuant to this compact in the requesting party state.
(f) This section and 20 V.S.A. § 81 shall be read and construed to
complement and not conflict with existing interstate compacts regarding
hazardous waste and nuclear incidents.
Sec. 2. 20 V.S.A. § 151 is amended to read:
Pursuant to the provisions and authority of Public Law 435, 82nd Congress,
as amended by Public Law 564, 84th Congress, 42 U.S.C. §§ 5195a and 5196,
the governor is authorized to enter into, amend, supplement and implement
agreements or compacts with the executive authorities of other states,
including the emergency management assistance compact, providing for
mutual military aid, disaster relief, hazard mitigation and emergency
preparedness and matters incidental thereto, in case of hazard or natural
disaster, invasion or other hostile action, disaster, insurrection, or imminent
danger thereof.
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Sec. 3. 12 V.S.A. § 5601 is amended to read:
(e) This section shall not apply to:
(5) Any claim arising out of the combatant activities of the National
Guard during time of war performed pursuant to 32 United States Code,
§§ 316, 502, 503, 504, 505 or 709, or pursuant to 20 V.S.A. §§ 366, 601 and
Sec. 4. 3 V.S.A. § 1101 is amended to read:
(b) For purposes of this chapter, "state employee" includes any elective or
appointive officer or employee within the legislative, executive or judicial
branches of state government or any former such employee or officer. The
term includes, without limitation:
(3) any member of the National Guard ordered into state service
pursuant to section 601 of Title 20 sections 366, 601 and 602 of Title 20 or
section 163 or 164 of this title;
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Sec. 5. 20 V.S.A. § 366 is amended to read:
When it appears that the necessities of the military or public service so
require, the commander in chief or designee may designate officers or enlisted
men personnel, or both, for the performance of special duty as the necessity of
the case may demand.
Sec. 6. 21 V.S.A. chapter 5, subchapter 5 is amended to read:
Subchapter 5. Leave for Reserve Training Employment Rights
for Reserve and National Guard Members
(a) Any person who is a duly qualified member of the “reserve components
of the armed forces,” who is a member of the ready reserve, who is a member
of or an organized unit, and of the national guard who, in order to receive
military training with the armed forces of the United States not to exceed
fifteen days in any one calendar year, leaves a position other than a temporary
position in the employ of any employer, for state active duty or to receive
military training with the armed forces of the United States and who shall give
evidence defining notifies the employer of the date of departure and date of
return for purposes of military training thirty 30 days prior to the date of
departure and who shall further give or as soon as practical after being called
into state service by the governor shall be granted absence with leave with or
without pay. If the employee provides evidence of the satisfactory completion
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of such the training immediately thereafter, and who upon return and is still
qualified to perform the duties for such position, the employee shall be
reinstated in that position with the same status, pay and seniority; provided
also, that such, including seniority shall continue to accrue that accrued during
such the period of absence. Such period of absence for military training shall
be construed as an absence with leave and within the discretion of the
employer said leave may be with or without pay.
(b) A member of or an applicant for membership in the national guard in
either federal or state status as defined in 20 V.S.A. §§ 366, 601, or 602, shall
not be denied initial employment, reemployment, retention of employment,
promotion, or any benefit of employment by an employer on the basis of
membership, application for membership, performance of service, application
for service, or obligation to serve.
(c) An employer shall not discriminate in employment against any person
because a person has taken any of the following actions:
(1) Enforcement of a provision of this subsection or federal law.
(2) Testified or made a statement in connection with any proceeding
under this subsection or under federal law.
(3) Assisted or participated in any investigation under this subsection or
federal law.
(4) Exercised any right provided by this subsection or under federal law.
(a) Such Any absence for military training or state active duty shall not
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affect the employee's right to receive normal vacation, sick leave, bonus,
advancement and other advantages of his employment normally to be
anticipated in his the employee’s particular position.
(b) Any person who is absent from employment necessitated by service in
the national guard as permitted under section 491 of this title shall be entitled
to the reemployment rights and benefits provided in 38 United States Code
§§ 4312-4318.
Sec. 6a. 21 V.S.A. § 493 is amended to read as follows:
(a) If any employer fails to comply with any of the provisions of this
subchapter, the employee may, at his election, bring an action at law for
damages for such noncompliance, or apply to the superior court for such
equitable relief as may be just and proper under the circumstances.
(b) The attorney general or a state’s attorney may enforce the provisions of
this subchapter by bringing an action in superior court for legal and equitable
relief and may conduct civil investigations in accordance with the procedures
established in 9 V.S.A. §§ 2458-2461 as though a violation of this subchapter
were an unfair act in commerce.
Sec. 7. REPEAL
20 V.S.A. chapter 3, relating to interstate civil defense compact, is repealed.
Approved: May 17, 2000
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