1 2 3 Supplementary Information for 4 5 6 Efficient Cycloreversion of cis,syn-Thymine Photodimer by a Zn2+–Cyclen Complex 7 Bearing a Lumiflavin and Tryptophan by Chemical Reduction and Photoreduction of a 8 Lumiflavin Unit (Cyclen = 1,4,7,10-Tetraazacyclododecane). 9 10 11 Yasuyuki Yamada and Shin Aoki 12 13 14 15 Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science 16 2641Yamazaki, Noda 278-8510, Japan 17 18 19 20 21 22 Page 4: 23 ((ZnL4)ox(H2O)), (b) 0.5 mM T[c,s]T (3), and (c) 0.5 mM 11ox ((ZnL4)ox(H2O)) + 0.5 mM T[c,s]T (3) in 24 10% MeCN aqueous solution with I = 0.1 (NaNO3) at 25˚C. 25 Page 5: 26 T[c,s]T (3) in 10% MeCN aqueous solution with I = 0.1 (NaNO3) at 25˚C. 27 Page 6: Figure S1. Typical potentiometric pH titration curves for a solution of (a) 0.5 mM 11ox Figure S2. Distribution diagram for a mixture of 100 M 11ox ((ZnL4)ox) and 400 M Figure S3. Cyclic voltammogram of (a) 0.3 mM 10ox (solid line) and (b) 0.3 mM 11ox 28 (dashed line) on a glassy carbon disk in 0.1 M nBu4NClO4–CH3CN at a scan rate of 10 mV·s–1. 1 1 Page 7: Figure S4. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra (A) and fluorescence emission spectra 2 (B) of 3-carboxymethyllumiflavin 16 during photoirradiation in the presence of 35 mM Et3N in an 3 aqueous solution (pH 11) at 25°C: (a) spectra before UV irradiation, (b) after UV irradiation for 30 min, 4 and (c) after reoxidation in air. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra (C) and fluorescence emission 5 spectra (D) of 16 during the photoirradiation in the presence of 35 mM DABCO in an aqueous solution 6 (pH 11) at 25°C: (d) spectra before UV irradiation, (e) after UV irradiation for 30 min, and (f) after 7 reoxidation in air. 8 Page 8: [16] = 50 M. Irradiation wavelength was 365 nm. Figure S5. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra (A) and fluorescence emission spectra 9 (B) of 3-carboxymethyllumiflavin 16 during photoirradiation in the presence of 35 mM potassium 10 oxalate in an aqueous solution (pH 11) at 25°C: (a) spectra before UV irradiation, (b) after UV 11 irradiation for 30 min, and (c) after reoxidation in air. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra (C) and 12 fluorescence emission spectra (D) of 16 during the photoirradiation in the presence of 35 mM EDTA in 13 an aqueous solution (pH 11) at 25°C: (d) spectra before UV irradiation, (e) after UV irradiation for 30 14 min, and (f) after reoxidation in air. [16] = 50 M. 15 Page 9: Irradiation wavelength was 365 nm. Figure S6. Reaction rates for photoreversion of T[c,s]T (3) at 20°C by 16 3-carboxymethyllumiflavin 16 in an aqueous solution with 35 mM Et3N (closed circles), or 35 mM 17 potassium oxalate (open circles), or 35 mM EDTA (open triangles), or 35 mM DABCO (open squares) 18 in an aqueous solution at pH 11 (pH was adjusted with aqueous NaOH). [T[c,s]T] = 400 M, [16] = 19 100 M. 20 Page 10: Figure S7. UV spectra of 10ox (a) before and (b) after UV irradiation for 10 min at pH 21 11 in the absence of Et3N at 25°C and UV spectra of 11ox (c) before and (d) after irradiation for 10 min 22 and (e) after reoxidation in air. 23 Page 11: [10ox] = [11ox] = 50 M. Figure S8. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra of 10ox upon addition of 1 mM EDTA 24 in an aqueous solution (pH 11) at 25°C: spectra of (a) 10ox and (b) 10ox with 1 mM EDTA. [10ox] = 50 25 M. 26 Page 12: Figure S9. Reaction rates for photoreversion of T[c,s]T (3) at 20°C by 10 (open 27 squares) and 11 (closed squares) in an aqueous solution (pH 11) with 35 mM DABCO in comparison 2 1 with that by 10 + Et3N (closed circle). 2 Page 13: Figure S10. Reaction rates for photoreversion of T[c,s]T (3) at 20°C by 10 in an 3 aqueous solution with 35 mM EDTA at pH 7.6 (closed circles), or 35 mM EDTA at pH 11 (open circles), 4 or 1 mM EDTA at pH 11 (open triangles), or 35 mM Et3N at pH 11 (open squares). 5 Page 14: Figure S11. Reaction rates for photoreversion of T[c,s]T (3) at 20°C by 10 in an 6 aqueous solution with 35 mM potassium oxalate at pH 7.6 (closed circles), or 35 mM potassium oxalate 7 at pH 11 (open circles), or 35 mM Et3N at pH 11 (open squares). 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 3 1 Figure S1. Typical potentiometric pH titration curves for a solution of (a) 0.5 mM 11ox 2 ((ZnL4)ox(H2O)), (b) 0.5 mM T[c,s]T (3), and (c) 0.5 mM 11ox ((ZnL4)ox(H2O)) + 0.5 mM T[c,s]T (3) in 3 10% MeCN aqueous solution with I = 0.1 (NaNO3) at 25˚C. 4 5 6 12 (b) (a) 11 pH 10 9 8 (c) 7 6 0 7 0.5 1.0 1.5 – equiv (HO ) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4 2.0 1 Figure S2. Distribution diagram for a mixture of 100 M 11ox ((ZnL4)ox) and 400 M T[c,s]T (3) in 2 10% MeCN aqueous solution with I = 0.1 (NaNO3) at 25˚C. 3 4 5 Relative concentration / % 100 (T[c,s]T)– 80 T[c,s]T 60 (ZnL4)ox – (T[c,s]T)– complex (ZnL4)ox(HO–) (ZnL4)ox(H2O) 40 20 0 6 6 7 9 8 pH 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5 10 11 1 Figure S3. Cyclic voltammogram of (a) 0.3 mM 10ox (solid line) and (b) 0.3 mM 11ox (dashed line) 2 on a glassy carbon disk in 0.1 M nBu4NClO4–CH3CN at a scan rate of 10 mV·s–1. 3 4 5 O Me N N O N N 2e- + 2H+ Me 8 9 N H N 5 4 10 R5 7 O2 O 10ox or 11ox 6 R5 1 2 N H N H O N O H (b) 10 A 6 7 8 6 N H N (a) – 0.4 E / V vs. Ag/Ag+ O HN 3 R5 10red or 11red – 0.8 R3 = 0 N N H 1 Figure S4. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra (A) and fluorescence emission spectra (B) of 2 3-carboxymethyllumiflavin 16 during photoirradiation in the presence of 35 mM Et3N in an aqueous 3 solution (pH 11) at 25°C: (a) spectra before UV irradiation, (b) after UV irradiation for 30 min, and 4 (c) after reoxidation in air. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra (C) and fluorescence emission 5 spectra (D) of 16 during the photoirradiation in the presence of 35 mM DABCO in an aqueous 6 solution (pH 11) at 25°C: (d) spectra before UV irradiation, (e) after UV irradiation for 30 min, and (f) 7 after reoxidation in air. [16] = 50 M. Irradiation wavelength was 365 nm. 8 (A) (B) Fluorescence Intensity / a.u. / M–1 ·cm–1 10–4 Et3N 3 2 (c) (a) 1 (b) 250 300 400 Wavelength / nm 500 30 550 600 Wavelength / nm 650 (D) 150 Fluorescence Intensity / a.u. / M–1 ·cm–1 (b) 60 475 500 4 10–4 90 600 (C) 3 (d), (e), (f) 2 1 (f) 120 (d) 90 60 (e) 30 0 0 250 300 9 (a) 120 0 0 DABCO (c) 150 4 400 500 Wavelength / nm 600 7 475 500 550 600 Wavelength / nm 650 1 Figure S5. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra (A) and fluorescence emission spectra (B) of 2 3-carboxymethyllumiflavin 16 during photoirradiation in the presence of 35 mM potassium oxalate in 3 an aqueous solution (pH 11) at 25°C: (a) spectra before UV irradiation, (b) after UV irradiation for 30 4 min, and (c) after reoxidation in air. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra (C) and fluorescence 5 emission spectra (D) of 16 during the photoirradiation in the presence of 35 mM EDTA in an aqueous 6 solution (pH 11) at 25°C: (d) spectra before UV irradiation, (e) after UV irradiation for 30 min, and (f) 7 after reoxidation in air. [16] = 50 M. Irradiation wavelength was 365 nm. 8 (A) (B) 150 Fluorescence Intensity / a.u. 10–4 oxalate / M–1 ·cm–1 4 3 2 (a) (c) 1 (b) 250 300 400 500 Wavelength / nm 60 (b) 30 550 600 Wavelength / nm 650 (D) 150 Fluorescence Intensity / a.u. / M–1 ·cm–1 (c) 475 500 4 10–4 90 600 (C) 3 2 (d) (f) 1 (e) 120 90 (f) (d) 60 (e) 30 0 0 250 300 9 120 0 0 EDTA (a) 400 500 Wavelength / nm 600 8 475 500 550 600 Wavelength / nm 650 1 Figure S6. Reaction rates for photoreversion of T[c,s]T (3) at 20°C by 3-carboxymethyllumiflavin 2 16 in an aqueous solution with 35 mM Et3N (closed circles), or 35 mM potassium oxalate (open 3 circles), or 35 mM EDTA (open triangles), or 35 mM DABCO (open squares) in an aqueous solution 4 at pH 11 (pH was adjusted with aqueous NaOH). [T[c,s]T] = 400 M, [16] = 100 M. 5 6 50 Recovery / % 40 EDTA 30 NEt3 Oxalate 20 DABCO 10 0 0 7 5 10 15 20 25 Irradiation time / min 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 30 1 Figure S7. UV spectra of 10ox (a) before and (b) after UV irradiation for 10 min at pH 11 in the 2 absence of Et3N at 25°C and UV spectra of 11ox (c) before and (d) after irradiation for 10 min and (e) 3 after reoxidation in air. [10ox] = [11ox] = 50 M. 4 5 / M–1 ·cm–1 2 10–4 3 1 + EDTA (a) (b) 0 250 300 6 400 500 Wavelength / nm 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 600 1 Figure S8. Change in UV-Vis absorption spectra of 10ox upon addition of 1 mM EDTA in an 2 aqueous solution (pH 11) at 25°C: spectra of (a) 10ox and (b) 10ox with 1 mM EDTA. 3 M. 4 5 10–4 / M–1 ·cm–1 4 3 (c) 2 (d) and (e) (a) and (b) 1 0 250 300 6 400 500 Wavelength / nm 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 600 [10ox] = 50 1 Figure S9. Reaction rates for photoreversion of T[c,s]T (3) at 20°C by 10 (open squares) and 11 2 (closed squares) in an aqueous solution (pH 11) with 35 mM DABCO in comparison with that by 10 + 3 Et3N (closed circle). 4 5 50 Recovery / % 40 10 with Et3N 30 10 with DABCO 11 with DABCO 20 10 0 0 6 2 4 6 8 Irradiation time / min 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 12 10 1 Figure S10. Reaction rates for photoreversion of T[c,s]T (3) at 20°C by 10 in an aqueous solution 2 with 35 mM EDTA at pH 7.6 (closed circles), or 35 mM EDTA at pH 11 (open circles), or 1 mM 3 EDTA at pH 11 (open triangles), or 35 mM Et3N at pH 11 (open squares). 4 5 10ox with 35mM Et3N (pH 11) 50 10ox with 35 mM EDTA (pH7.6) % Recovery 40 30 10ox with 1 mM EDTA (pH 11) 20 10ox with 35 mM EDTA (pH 11) 10 0 0 6 2 4 6 8 Irradiation time / min 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 10 1 Figure S11. Reaction rates for photoreversion of T[c,s]T (3) at 20°C by 10 in an aqueous solution 2 with 35 mM potassium oxalate at pH 7.6 (closed circles), or 35 mM potassium oxalate at pH 11 (open 3 circles), or 35 mM Et3N at pH 11 (open squares). 4 5 50 10ox with 35mM Et3N (pH 11) % Recovery 40 30 10ox with 35 mM oxalate (pH 11) 20 10 0 0 6 2 4 6 8 Irradiation time / min 14 10 10ox with 35 mM oxalate (pH 7.6)