

Activity Progress update




Program Outputs & Activities Progress update

Output 1


Identification and assessment of community-level risks and vulnerabilities due to climate change impacts and associated disasters under Mangde chu sub basin in Zhemgang district.

1.1. Undertake and vulnerability assessment of identified area with reference to climate change and variability

1.2 Formulation of disaster management plan, community EWS system and contingency plan as well as conducting Search and

Rescue Training to targeted focal persons

- Community based HVCA at vulnerable areas along Mangdechu conducted.

- SAR training formed and equipped at the Community level


Capacity enhancement of

National/Local Government and community to address climate risk and implementation of community level climate change adaptation intervention


Capacity enhancement of technical and professional capacities of government agencies in disaster planning


livelihood diversification

(Deposit work to Zhemgang


The FEMD, MoWHS and DDM, MoHCA made a joint field visit to

Zhemgang Dzongkhag to carry out the preliminary vulnerability assessment of communities along Mangdechu basin in terms of disaster and climate change vulnerabilities. From this assessment, twelve communities along this basin were identified as the most vulnerable communities and accordingly various interventions have been planned to help these communities in terms of livelihood adaptation and disaster risk reduction.

The DDM, MoHCA facilitated formation of Search and Rescue (SAR) team for Zhemgang Dzongkhag, where 6 day basic SAR Training was conducted from 23 - 28th June 2014. This team will become responders to any disasters and incidences for rescue and recovery operations. 20 officials attended the basic SAR Training. (RBP - 8, Dzongkhag - 10,

Dessung - 1, UNDP - 1). In addition to basic SAR training the district SAR

Team was also equipped with basic SAR equipment, which is required to carry out the job effectively.

General awareness and education on Disaster Risk Reduction has always been considered one of the important components in disaster management in Bhutan. Through this Project, DDM had carried out sensitization on climate change, its impacts on livelihood on communities in the vulnerable communities residing along Mangde chu basin. More than 150 community members participated in the program.

A team of seven engineers from FEMD & (5 male & 2 Female) attended the training on Flood Risk assessment studies & Planning of Mitigation measures in Bangkok, which was organized by ADPC, Bangkok, Thailand.

The engineers were introduced on a. Basic concepts & terminology in flood risk management, b. Overview of Flood Hazard & their features, c. concepts of Climate change, global warming & Flood risk, d. Climate change scenarios & modeling, e. Overview of Flood risk assessment, f.

Non-structural interventions Flood risk reduction, g. Structural interventions Flood risk reduction, h. Flood vulnerability assessment and i.

Flood risk assessment etc.

The FEMD has also completed 50% of flood, hazard and vulnerability mapping as well as modeling of Mangdechu basin has been completed and

FEMD is in the process of finalizing the Flood Risk Assessment Tool, which will be used by district engineers nationwide.

As part of the livelihood diversification activities for the vulnerable communities, concrete interventions have been identified in consultation with the affected communities, representative from local administration and project implementing partners. Due to the limited budget from the CRM

resource, three separate interventions on agriculture and livestock improvement have been identified. These interventions will be implemented over the next two quarters in 2014.


Financial status

As of now, approximately USD 171,555 has been released to the respective IPs out of planned budget of USD

282,100 (USD 236,000 from CRM Fund+ USD 46,100 from CO core resources).


Way Forward

Once the FEMD completes the hazard mapping of the Mangdechu basin, the DDM and FEMD will work together with the communities in preparation of the Disaster Management Plan and Contingency Plans for Zhemgang districts. This is expected to take place in the coming months. There will also be some capacity building activities for district and community members in disaster management and also training for some farmers from the vulnerable communities on improved agriculture system and livestock rearing as a means of protecting the source of livelihood for their communities. Toward the end of the year, a lessons learnt from the project will be documented for wider audience.


Pictures from the site

Figure 1: Search and Rescue Training for district Search and Rescue Team of Zhemgang District.

Picture from sensitization programme ???
