Unit 3 Jeopardy

Unit 3 Jeopardy
Chapter 10: Inner/East Asia
1. Buddhism-Tang emperors used it to
increase their legitimacy-connection to
Buddhist realm
Chapter 8: Islam
1. Muhammad did not appoint a successor
or a process for succession
Caused Sunni/Shia split and issues over
legitimacy that resulted in problems
throughout the period as well as to today.
Chapter 9 Christian Europe
1. manor
2. caliphate-
2. feudalism
2. True
3. Arabic language for reading the Quran
and practice of Five Pillars
3. Religious=Daily prayers & services,
sacraments, feast days, etc. Social- Pope
could excommunicate for church violations
Political-Kings and Popes used each other
to gain/extend power, and legitimize rule.
3. True
4. Umayyad
4. monastery (monasticism)
4. tributary system
5. Abbasid
5. False
5. Chang’an
Chapter 11: The Americas
1. Politics: Both centralized, tribute
Aztecs: Central monarch chosen by council,
w/o absolute power, council of aristocrats
made many decisions harsh; winning wars,
elaborate rituals increased legitimacy, no
elaborate bureaucracy, used human sacrifice
to maintain power; hieroglyphic writing
Inca: Ruler-Sapa Inca-godlike; owned all
land, elaborate bureaucracy kept in touch
with subjects, military & administrative
elites, Quechua language unified diverse
peoples, resettled conquered peoples in
areas far from original homeland, royal
family forged marriage alliances that
prevented rivals from obtaining power,
collected, re-distributed goods in times of
need, quipus kept records, road system
reinforced Inca power.
2. Economy: Aztec: agricultural,
chinampas, maize, no domestic animals,
tribute turned into trade items, extensive
trade, mostly barter but cacao beans used as
currency, thriving marketplaces, lux goods
Inca: Agricultural & pastoral, high altitude
terraces, potatoes, peasants owned labor
(mita), tribute, small merchant class, trade
controlled by government
3. Social: Both rigidly hierarchical,
Aztec: military/priests elites, large gap
between rich/poor, many slaves, patriarchalwomen had high honor
Inca: Sapa Inca & family like gods,
bureaucratic, military & administrative
elites, ayllu system reciprocal gift-giving
and re-distribution of food/textiles.
4. Culture: Aztec: Religion central to civ;
cities as ceremonial centers, great temples
decorated w/ gold; human sacrifice
essential; inherited Olmec ballgame;
elaborate calendar, writing system
Inca: Religion important, Inti, sun god &
others, impressive temples, palaces, public
bldgs, impressive stonework-no mortar,
Quechua but no writing, used quipu,
elaborate road system, suspension bridges,
rich textiles, jewelry, pottery
5. Chinampas & high-altitude terraces
6. Islamic Spain, al-Andalus Blended
Roman, Germanic, Jewish, Arab, and
Berber traditions.
6. False-food production was not a role of
the Church.
6. Buddhists and women
7. True-Muslim women had rights of
divorce and could own property.
7. True
8. True
9. True-eventually conquered
Constantinople in 1453
8. West=fragmented kingdoms under
various Kings like Clovis and Charlemagne
that depended on feudal system of mutual
East=Centralized bureaucracy-Byzantine
Emperor had absolute power.
9. investiture controversy
10. Both Christian, West-romance
languages; East-Greek derivations
7.gunpowder, moveable type, credit, water
wheels, astronomical clocks, medicine,
fractions, magnetic compass etc.
8. footbinding
9. Europe=contract
Japan=moral obligation
10. Ghana, Mali
11. civil and commercial law based on
Qura’n and hadith
Chapter 13: Tropical Asia & Africa
1. Legal scholar
2. monsoons
Chapter 14: Latin West
1. Magna Carta
2. False
3. True
3. True
3. India= brutal conquest
Africa=peaceful conversion
4, Islam
5. Both were nomadic, military societies
5. local irrigation projects
6. Japan
6. prosperous, independent city-states
8. False.
9. True
Chapter 12: The Mongols
1. Thriving trade-Pax Mongolica
2. Disease
7. True
6. Aztecs: Cortez with help from enemies,
believed Cortez was a god prophesized to
return, assistance from Malinche who
interpreted Smallpox, horses, weapons,
Inca: already weak from civil war and
disease that had already arrived ahead of
Pizzaro, superior weapons, etc.
Road system
4. warming temps, fewer epidemics, tech
innovations: plow, horse collar, etc.
5. 3-field system increased fertility
Expansion into new agricultural lands;
draining swamps, clearing forests
6. end of serfdom in most places, growth of
industry, ie, millers, iron mining/making,
guilds, banking, investment, urban jobs
7.humanism, ethics, education, increased
literacy, painting, sculpture, architecture
8. True
9.intense artistic & intellectual activityItalian and Northern Europe
Rebirth of Greco-Roman culture
10. Mansa Musa
Possible DBQ’s:
 Rise of Cities in the Post-Classical Era
 Significance and Impact of Mongol Expansion and Rule in Eurasia during 13th and 14th centuries
 Patterns of Trade 1000-1450 ce
Chapter 15: Maritime Revolution
1. Zheng He
2. Ming, trade, tribute, display power,
curiosity, Indian Ocean, East Africa, huge
treasure ships
5. Treaty of Todesillas
6. Ming Dynasty
7. True
8. What do you think?
9. Muslim, Greeks,
10. military force