This one-day workshop is designed to teach proper analytical


Water Meters 101

Measurement of Fluid Flow

Free training sessions presented by California Rural Water Association

Schedule: Registration: 8-8:30 am, Class: 8:30am-3:30pm, Lunch (on your own) 12-1pm

Contact Hours: Participants will earn 6 CDPH water contact hours per day.

Who Should Attend: Managers, Board Members, Supervisors, and Operators who want to learn the latest technology in order to be more efficient, save taxpayers money and provide better service to their customers.

Session Highlights: The benefits of metering, choosing the right meter for the right application, large meter repair or replacement, the evolution of meter reading, Encoders & Automated Meter Reading systems, information to help you decide which automated metering system is best for your utility, Water Loss Management: proactive distribution side leak detection & location


Kathy Richards – Kathy has 23 years of experience in the water meter industry, selling and supporting Badger Meter and Itron meter reading solutions. Her knowledge is virtually unparalleled in the industry, and her commitment to customer support has earned National Meter countless awards and praise over the past 5 years.

Dennis McConville

– Dennis joined the water meter industry 12 years ago, after 20+ years of service in the US Navy. Dennis spent his first 5 years working directly for Badger Meter where his responsibilities included management of the technicial support department. Dennis moved to California 7 years ago to exclusively train and support National Meter & Automation customers on the effective implementation and use of their automated meter reading systems.

Chuck Cummings – Chuck has 32 years of experience in the water industry, with extensive background and knowledge of pipes, valves and fittings. Chuck joined National Meter in 2007, and has since taken over representation of their state-of-the-art bulk water distribution and depository systems, as well as composite manhole covers and security products to help prevent utility theft.

John Richards

–After 7 years in the field, managing meter and technology installation projects, John has seen firsthand the perils of untended water distribution infrastructure. Now, armed with an arsenal of water loss management solutions, John heads the

NMAAI Leak Detection and Leak Prevention division, reaching out to California water districts and educating them on how to control their non-revenue water loss.

Doug Davenport – CRWA Representative

Please indicate which session you will attend:

 May 27, 2010 REDDING (Shasta County)

Redding Corporation Yard, Bldg. 4, 20055 Viking Road, Redding, CA 96001

 June 10, 2010 SUSANVILLE (Lassen County)

Lassen Career Network, 1616 Chestnut Street, Susanville, CA 96130

 July 22, 2010 CLEARLAKE (Lake County)

Best Western Motel, 15135 Lakeshore Drive, Clearlake, CA 95422

Attendee(s) Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________

System or Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________

System or Company Address: _____________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip: ___________________________

Phone: ____________________________ FAX: ________________________ Email: ________________________

These are free classes. We will not send you a registration confirmation but will contact you if the class is full and put you on a waiting list. If you register and cannot attend, please call 800-833-0322 to cancel – there may be a waiting list. Please let us know if any registrant requires special accommodations for disabilities. For more information on this and other training classes offered by

CRWA, please visit our website: Questions? Call our office! 800-833-0322.

To register, please

send completed form to CRWA by:

Fax: 916.553.4904


Mail: CRWA, 4125 Northgate Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95834

Opt-out: If you wish to be taken off our distribution list, please call 800.833.0322 or email Thanks!
