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Ćurčić, B. P. M., Decu, V. (2008) Cave-dwelling invertebrates in Serbia. In: Advances in
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Makarov, S. E. & Dimitrijević, R. N. (Eds.). Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University
of Belgrade; Committee for karst and speleology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts;
UNESCO MAB Committee Serbia; Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna; Institute of
Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Vienna—Belgrade—Sofia, Monographs, 12, 7–34.
Ćurčić, B. P. M., Decu, V. (2008) The false scorpions (Pseudoscorpiones) of Dobruja: from
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Committee for karst and speleology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; UNESCO MAB
Committee Serbia; Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna; Institute of Zoology,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Vienna—Belgrade—Sofia, Monographs, 12, 1–511.
Ćurčić, B. P. M., Decu, V., Juberthie, C. (2008) Cave-dwelling invertebrates in Montenegro. In:
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M. Ćurčić, Makarov, S. E. & Dimitrijević, R. N. (Eds.). Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology,
University of Belgrade; Committee for karst and speleology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and
Arts; UNESCO MAB Committee Serbia; Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna;
Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Vienna—Belgrade—Sofia, Monographs,
12, 35–55.
Ćurčić, BPM Makarov, SE Tomic, VT Mitic, BM Curcic, SB Dudic, BD Lucic, LR Jasnic
N (2008) On a new genus of endemic millipedes (Diplopoda : Chordeumatida :
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Ćurčić, S B Waitzbauer, W Zolda, P Brajkovic, M M Dimitrijevic, R N Ilic, N Curčić, B
PM (2008) Two new endemic species of the genus Omphreus (Carabidae : Coleoptera) from
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Ćurčić, S. B., Schönmann, H., Brajković, M. M. & Ćurčić, B. P. M. (2008). Serboleonhardella
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cave in Southwestern Serbia, 463-473. In: Ćurčić, B. P. M. (Ed.): Arachnology – Entomology –
Phylogeny. Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade & Department of
Conservation Biology, Vegetation- and Landscape Ecology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University
of Vienna, 1-517, Belgrade-Vienna.
Ćurčić, S. B., Schönmann, H., Brajković, M. M., Ćurčić, B. P. M. (2008) Serboleonhardella gen.
n., based on Proleonhardella remyi Jeannel (Leptodirini, Leiodidae, Coleoptera), from a cave in
southwestern Serbia. In: Advances in Arachnology and Developmental Biology, Papers
dedicated to Prof. Dr. Božidar P. M. Ćurčić, Makarov, S. E. & Dimitrijević, R. N. (Eds.).
Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade; Committee for karst and
speleology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; UNESCO MAB Committee Serbia; Faculty
of Life Sciences, University of Vienna; Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Vienna—Belgrade—Sofia, Monographs, 12, 465–473.
Ćurčić, S. B., Waitzbauer, W., Zolda, P., Ilić, N. & Ćurčić, B. P. M. (2008). Two new highaltitude species of the genus Omphreus Dejean (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalinae) from Serbia.
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Ćurčić, SB Waitzbauer, W Zolda, P Curcic, BPM Mihajlova BD (2008)A new endemic ground
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Committee for karst and speleology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts; UNESCO MAB
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