June 13, 2006 Structural Equivalence Social scientists are often interested not only in actor cohesion but also in the positional equivalence of actors, in the sense of having identical or very similar connections to other network actors. Structurally equivalent actors are in a competitive, rather than a cohesive, relation. For example, two cabbage growers who market their produce to the same set of retailers are structurally equivalent and in stiff competition to sell their vegetables. Structurally equivalent actors are completely substitutable for one another. If one farmer were to withdraw from the food network, it could easily be replaced by a structurally equivalent farmer, leaving the original network structure unchanged. Perfect substitutability in a social network often generates fierce competition to obtain favorable responses from other network participants (as is well known to grade schoolers competing for their teacher’s attention). Network scholars who use structural equivalence methods mostly are generally interested in understanding competitive relations rather than group cohesion (Burt 1992). Similar to clique identification, the definition of structural equivalence is very rigorous. In a directed binary graph, two nodes are structurally equivalent in a specific relation if they have identical patterns of ties sent to and received from all the other nodes in the network. More precisely, nodes i and j are structurally equivalent if, for all nodes k in the network (but not including i or j), node i sends a tie to node k, if and only if j also sends a tie to k, and node i receives a tie from k if and only if j also receives a tie from k (Wasserman and Faust 1994:356). For multiple relations, this condition must hold exactly in each of the R relations for the two nodes to be structurally equivalent. The presence or absence of direct connections between nodes i and j is irrelevant to determining whether they are structurallyl equivalent. Rather, their 1 June 13, 2006 structural equivalence is determined only by their patterns of relations with the g - 2 other network nodes. Nondirected binary graphs make no distinction between senders and receivers of relations. Thus, extending the definition of digraph structural equivalence, in a nondirected graph actors i and j are structurally equivalent if, for all other actors k, i has a tie with k if and only if j has a tie with k. Structural equivalence can also be applied to valued graphs, in which ranking scales rather than binary values measure the ties between nodes. Strictly speaking, in valued graphs, two nodes are structurally equivalent only when both have excatly identical values of their ties with all other network nodes. The preceding definitions of structural equivalence are too rigid to be practical for empirical network analyses. Real network data rarely contain pairs meeting such stringent standards. Rather, many nodes may be only approximately structurally equivalent, in the sense that their connections with the other nodes are highly similar but not exactly identical. To capture such approximations, researchers use variable measures of nodal similarity rather than applying a strict all-or-nothing structural equivalence measure. The more similar two nodes are in their respective connections with all the other nodes, the greater is their structural equivalence. Structural Equivalence Measures Measures of the structural equivalence of pairs of network actors are based the similarity of their relations with other network actors. Two actors are more structurally equivalent to the extent that their patterns of present and absent ties to and from the other actors are very similar. Assuming a binary digraph, two structurally equivalent actors will have almost identical entries in the corresponding rows and columns of the corresponding sociomatrix. Operationalizing this 2 June 13, 2006 criterion, Burt (1978) proposed a Euclidean distance measure to approximate the structural equivalence of actors i and j: d ij g [( x k 1 ik x jk ) 2 ( xki xkj ) 2 ] (i j k ) (4.14) where d ij is the Euclidean distance between actors i and j, and the x’s are the values (either 1 or 0 for binary relations) in the sociomatrix (where the first subscript denotes the row and the second subscript the column). Because d ij is the positive square root of the sum of two squared difference terms, d ij 0 . If two actors have identical ties to all others, they have perfect structural equivalence and d ij = 0. But, the larger the d ij , the less the structural equivalence of actors i and j. To illustrate how to compute the structural equivalence using Euclidean distance, Figure 4.8 and Table 4.2 depicting the same five-node network structure in graph and matrix forms, respectively. Figure 4.8 shows that actors 1 and 2 are strictly structurally equivalent as they both have direct connection to actors 3 and 4 and no ties to actor 5. In contrast, actors 4 and 5 are not structurally equivalent because, despiteboth sending a tie actor 3, actor 4 receives ties from actors 1 and 2, whereas actor 5 receives no ties. Using the paired values from Table 4.2, the Euclidean distance between actors 1 and 2 is: d12 [( x13 x23 )2 ( x31 x32 )2 ] [( x14 x24 )2 ( x41 x42 )2 ] [( x15 x25 )2 ( x51 x52 )2 ] (4.15) d12 [(1 1)2 (0 0)2 ] [(1 1)2 (0 0)2 ] [(0 0)2 (0 0)2 ] d12 = 0, indicating that actors 1 and 2 are exactly structurally equivalent. Can you show that the Euclidean distance between actors 4 and 5 = 2 ? 3 June 13, 2006 Because nondirected binary graphs make no distinction between senders and receivers of relations, computing Euclidean distance is simpler: d ij g (x k 1 ik x jk ) 2 (i j k ) (4.16) When multiple relations present in the network, the distance computation involves summing squared differences across all R relations: R g [( x d ij r 1 k 1 ikr x jkr ) 2 ( xkir xkjr ) 2 ] (i j k ) (4.17) A second important measure of structural equivalence is Pearson’s correlation coefficient (used in the CONCOR algorithm discussed in the blockmodeling section below). [MEGO (my eyes glaze over): Too many complex, indecipherable formulas for an intro-level textbook. Edition #1, page 72 shows a simpler computation formula for r.] g rij (X k 1 g R i )( X jk R j ) ( X ki C i )( X kj C j ) ik k 1 ( X ik R i ) 2 ( X ki C i ) 2 k 1 k 1 g g 1/ 2 g g ( X jk R j ) 2 ( X kj C j ) 2 k 1 k 1 1/ 2 (i j k ) (4.18) where Ri 1 g X ik g k 1 and Ci 1 g X ki g k 1 ik R i and C i in the equation are the average values of the entry value for the row i and column i respectively. If the two actors i and j are structurally equivalent, the correlation between their respective rows and columns in the matrix will be 1. According to the formula, one can compute that R1 = R 2 = 2/5 and C 1 = C 2 = 0, and r12 equals 1 in Figure 4.8. 4 June 13, 2006 The computation of correlation coefficients for pairs of nodes in symmetric network is simpler than it is in asymmetric network, because there is no distinction between X ik and X ki , and between R i and C i . The formula that computes correlation coefficients in symmetric network is as the following: g rij (X k 1 ik R i )( X jk R j ) g g ( X ik R i ) 2 ( X jk R j ) 2 k 1 k 1 (i j k ) 1/ 2 (4.19) Using this formula, we developed a JAVA program to compute the correlation coefficients between pairs of nodes in a symmetric/undirected social network shown in Figure 4_5. Table 4.3 displays the results that the coefficient between B and E is 1, whereas it is -1 between C and F. 5