Palm Image description: The provided palm image set “” contains 1000 processed palm image files from 100 people (10 per each user). The format of file name is “(USER_ID)_l_(SAMPLE).txt”, (USER_ID) is the ID of user, l is the small letter “L” and (SAMPLE) is the sample number for the user(USER_ID). The order and contents of the image file as following: First line Second line . (Image_height) (Image_width) [1st byte] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [(Image_width)th byte] . . (Image_height)th line . [1st byte] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [(Image_width)th byte] The first line gives the size of the palm which is the height (Image_height) and width (Image_width) of the palm image. Different people have different palm sizes. The next (Image_height) lines form an (Image_height) X (Image_width) matrix. For example, the second line of the file contains the first row of information of the image. The number stored in the matrix is in BYTE format, which means we use one byte (8-bits, 0-255) to store the pixel intensity value for an image. Therefore, you have to specify the input format (e.g. fscanf() function in C language) when you read the file from your program. An introduction of image processing The provided images (image files) are in Gray level scale, which is the range from white to black. For image processing, we normally use 8-bit number (BYTE) to store the pixel information of a gray level image. The range of a BYTE (8-bit number) is from 0 to 255. Zero represents black color, and 255 represents white color. Line or edge detector The provided images (image files) are raw image. It means you may want to extract the principle lines from the palm image for the feature vector. The simplest way to extract lines from an image is to apply a line/edge detection filter. Details of these filters can be found in the following web pages: Line detector - Edge detector - Sample palm image A sample of the palm image is here!