Most overdoses should present at A&E (Panda Unit) for medical

Assessing Mental Health Problems for Referral to Child and Adolescent Mental
Health Services(CAMHS)
Guidance for Referrers
This guidance has been developed in order to assist with your referral to Salford
Points to remember:
When making a referral please include information on context and background rather
than just symptoms and or possible diagnosis, this will assist in preventing any
delays in CAMHS needing to request any additional information prior to an
CHILD PROTECTION: If you are concerned that a child is at risk of harm from
physical, sexual or emotional abuse you must refer to Salford Childrens Social
Services in the first instance to their Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
MASH is based at Civic Centre and can be contacted on
0161 603 4500
It is essential that the referral to the CAMHS service has been discussed with the
parent(s)/carer(s) and the referred child/children and that they are in agreement with
the referral being made, as CAMHS must have consent prior to any contact.
Many children and young people experience worry and adjustment problems at some
point in their lives. These may be short lived and best supported by people familiar to
the child or young person, such as parents, teachers and siblings.
However, when the distress negatively affects the young person’s ability to carry on
with daily tasks is when family may need to discuss the problems and concern with a
health professional.
If you have any queries regarding a referral to Salford CAMHS please contact the
team and ask to speak to the On Call Practitioner on 0161 211 7261
Referral to a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service is appropriate when:
 Children and young people are aged 3 – 15 yrs – under 5s are usually only
seen where it is clear that there are additional complexity of behavioural
problems due to maltreatment, or developmental delay or neurodevelopmental disorders
 Referrals of 16/17 year olds are managed by the Emerge Team – see
separate referral form and guidelines
 There are mental/emotional difficulties which are severe enough to
significantly impact on the young person’s day to day life and/or family
functioning and be beyond the remit and expertise of the GP, School Nurse
or Educational Psychologist.
 Difficulties are not primarily in school or about learning.
 Difficulties are not related solely to the home and family situation
Nationally entry criteria to CAMHS is based on an assessment of need by the
completion and scoring of CGAS. For information the form is embedded below
Assessment Tool for Entry.doc
Types of difficulties that a Specialist CAMHS work with:
Referrals are accepted for :
Emotional difficulties such as low mood, anxiety, OCD, PTSD
Neuro Developmental difficulties such as ADHD or ASD
Deliberate Self Harm
Serious Mental Illness
Eating disorders
Complex behavioural and relationship difficulties, eg following experiences of
maltreatment or domestic violence, where it is clear that the current parenting
situation has stabilised and parents are able to engage with services to
promote the child or young persons development ( where current parenting is
poor or inadequate, referral should be made to Children’s Social Care
services for family support)
 Other difficulties such as paediatric health, and habit problems
 Please note that referrals of behavioural difficulties in young children are
expected to have completed a parenting group.
Further detail is embedded in the acceptance criteria document:
Salford Acceptance
Parenting Groups - The evidence base:
The most effective interventions for children with behavioural difficulties up to the age
of 12 years,are the evidence based parent groups- commonly known as Incredible
Years or Webster Stratton, and Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme). These
groups use video clips, a structured package of information, and a group format to
problem solve around getting the best out of your child. They are good for all
parents. It is important that parents understand that the referral for a group is about
helping them do something different to help their child learn and develop. Going on a
parenting group does not indicate poor parenting skills, but does take some
commitment to using all their resources as parents to problem solve and help the
child change. Group Trainers help parents problem solve around difficult behaviour
as well as teaching general principles. The Salford Parenting Team (tel 0161 793
3403) accept referrals via a CAF which will be completed by school, health visitor or
School Nurse.
The questions to consider in relation to a referral to CAMHS:
 What are the problems: give specific examples and details, and how does the
child/parent appear
 How long have problems been happening
 How severe are problems- is the child coping at school, has friends, engages
with family?
 What is the context/trigger- e.g. life events, family situation
 Family and child motivation: do they want help from CAMHS or are there
other services that might be more appropriate? Are they able to attend
 If there are any safeguarding concerns the referral will need to go direct to
Children’s Services.
Emergency Service for under 16s (Working Hours)
Salford CAMHS run an On Call system to deal with a same day assessment request
between 9-5 for young people aged under 16 years. This is in the format of an
outreach assessment response to the Panda Unit at Salford Royal Hospital.
The On Call service is also able to provide advice to referrers on urgent and
emergency situations by phone;
0161 211 7261 or 7258.
Out of Hours Emergency Response for under 16s
All emergencies need to attend Salford Royal and after 5pm or at weekends the
Panda Unit is supported by an On Call CAMHS Medical Rota.
Emergency Services for 16 & 17 year olds:
Young people who attend the Adult A&E department will be assessed by the Adult
Mental Health Liaison Team (Greater Manchester West NHS Trust) who can also
offer support from their Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Service. The Team will
liaise with the CAMHS Emerge Team the next working day if required.
Who can make a referral?
Generally referrals are made by any health professional working with the child/young
person or their family .e.g. GP, Pediatrician, School Health Advisor for Schools,
Health Visitor, Social Care Professional and Educational Psychologist (for Schools).
What happens after a referral is made?
Referrals are screened and seen within the priority timescales below.
The referrer will be informed of the outcome of the assessment, plan of care and
summary upon discharge
Emergencies – same day
Urgent referrals up to 4-6 weeks
Routine referrals within 11 weeks
Services that support Children, Young People and Families with Mental Health
1. Is the child’s problem due to the difficulties of family or social situations at this
time? Children’s Social Care offer support and intervention to families through
their Early Intervention and Prevention Service
2. Would the young person( aged 14-25 yrs up) benefit from counselling?
0161 228 1888 or
3. Is the problem related to learning or within a school setting? – Educational
psychologist can be accessed via the School or on
0161 909 6530 or
4. Has there been a recent bereavement? The Gaddum Centre:
0161 834 6069 or
5. Social Care provide a wide range of services including Early Intervention and
Prevention Service and Integrated Youth Services:
6. Is their difficulties related to Alcohol or Substance Misuse? Lifeline SMART:
0161 743 0167
Self Help/Support Information
Approval has been given for funding for a books on prescription scheme for Salford
GP’s that will commence in 2014/15. The GP will be able to advise on a number of
useful self help books that will be free to loan from a library when accessed via this
There are also a range of resources and support online: for a variety of self help materials for children, parents
and professionals
has leaflets and
information on a range of topics for parents including medication information. is a website based on cognitive behaviour therapy. Although it
is a site for adults, it has information that can be used with older teens. The UK’s leading charity committed to improving the
emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.
Referrals for 16/17 year olds
Emerge is the CAMH Service for new referrals of 16/17 year olds in Salford :
The administrative base is in Manchester but the service is delivered in Salford.
Please send referrals to Emerge at The Millennium Powerhouse, 140 Raby
Street, Moss Side, Manchester M14 4SL
Phone referrals are accepted and young people can self refer: Tel 0161 226 7457
CAMHS for LAAC ( Looked after and adopted children) are based at the Civic
Centre, Swinton. Most of their referrals will be from Social Workers of Salford Looked
After Children or Salford adoptions in the first 3 years of placement.
Please note that all three CAMH services will pass referrals to the most
appropriate service.
Address for referrals:
Salford CAMHS, Pendleton Gateway
1 Broadwalk,
Salford M6 5 FX
Telephone: 0161 211 7261