Supplementary Materials Supplementary Methods qPCR Methods Reactions were performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Applied Biosystems, 2009). Standard curves were constructed using known quantities of genomic DNA with the ABI RNaseP assay used as a control. qPCR reactions were performed in quadruplicate on a LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System (Roche Applied Sciences, USA). Data analysis was performed using protocols developed within the AstraZeneca laboratories to determine the relative amounts and standard deviations against the control gene RNaseP and the genes of interest for each DNA sample. PCR Methods Primers were tagged at the 5’ end with M13 forward and M13 reverse oligonucleotide tags respectively for sequencing purposes. Amplification was carried out in 1.5mM Reddyload™ buffer (Thermo Scientific) containing 50ng genomic DNA and 200µM of the gene specific primers in a total volume of 20µl under the following conditions: a single cycle of 94oC for 10 minutes, followed by 14 cycles of 94 oC for 30 seconds, 63 oC (reducing by 0.5 oC/cycle) for 30 seconds followed by 72 oC for 60 seconds, then 25 cycles of 94 oC for 30 seconds, 56 oC for 30 seconds, 72 oC for 60 seconds with a final single cycle of 72oC for 10 minutes. Amplification was verified by gel electrophoresis. Sequencing was carried out using BigDye™ Dye terminator sequencing (Applied Biosystems) on an ABI 3730™ using oligonucleotides specific to the M13 forward and M13 reverse tags (Table 3). Sequence data analysis was performed using Phred/Phrap/Consed (CodonCode Corporation, US). 1 Amplification of products to delineate the breakpoints of confirmed CNVs was performed using primers described in supplementary table 3. PCR was performed as follows; 125ng of DNA under the following conditions: an initial denaturation step of 94oC for 2 minutes followed by 9 cycles of denaturation at 94oC for 10 seconds, 60oC for 30 seconds and 68oC for 8 minutes, followed by 19 cycles of 94oC for 10 seconds, 60oC for 30 seconds and 68oC for 8 minutes with an increase in extension time of 10 seconds per cycle. 2 Supplementary Tables Gene Region Assay I.D. KCNQ1 Exon 13 (upstream) Hs03783454_cn KCNQ1 Exon 13 (downstream) Hs03767069_cn KCNH2 3’UTR Hs00126416_cn Supplementary Table 1. Commercially available quantitative PCR Assays. Gene Region Forward 5’ -3’ Reverse 5’ - 3’ Reporter 1 KCNQ1 15 GGCCTGCGGTGGTTCT TGCAGGAGCTTCACGTTCA CACCTCCCTGTGGTCTGCGTG KCNE1 5’UTR AGCCTGCTGCCAATGGT CTTCTCCTACCAGTTCTCGTTTCTG AAGTCTCCTCAAGCACACTGCG Supplementary Table 2. Custom made qPCR Assays. Forward 5’ -3’ Reverse 5’ - 3’ KCNQ1 exon 13 GACACTGTCACTGCCTGCAC CACCGCTGATCATGCAGCTGG KCNQ1 exon 15 AGAGGTGGAGAGCGTGGAG ACTCAGGACACAGCCAGGAG M13 tags ACTGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT ACCAGGAAACAGCTATGACC Exon 12-15 Long PCR TCGACGCATGCAGTACTTTGTGGCCAAG CCTACCTTGTCTTCTACTCGGTTCAGG Intron 12 (sequencing primer) TGGCTAGTGTTGCCAGTGAGG - Exon 15 (sequencing primer) - TTGTCTTCTACTCGGTTCAGG Supplementary Table 3. Sequencing oligonucleotide sequences. KQ1-F-NheI 5’-ATATGCTAGCATGGCCGCGGCCTCCTCCCCGC-3’ KQ1mut-R-XmaI 5’ATCTCCCGGGTCAAGCTGGCGCGGATCTAGTGGCTGCC GCGATTCGTGCACGCTTCTGGAATTTCTTCTTGGCCACA-3’ Supplementary Table 4. Construct PCR Primers. The bold region of the reverse primer is the region that binds the wild type KCNQ1 channel. 3 Supplementary Figures Supplementary Fig 1. qPCR validation of CNV MLPA results. Graphs show the ratio of test qPCR assay against the control gene RNaseP. Copy number loss is indicated by a ratio of < 0.6 and copy number gain by a ratio of > 1.4. Panel A Confirmation of single copy gain of KCNE1 in HVP1 by qPCR. Panel B Single copy loss of KCNQ1x15 in HVP2 was not confirmed by qPCR. Panel C Confirmation of single copy loss of KCNH2 in aLQT1. Single copy loss of exon 13 in aLQT2 was confirmed using assays upstream (Panel D) and downstream (Panel E) of the exon 13 MLPA probe. A B C D E 4 Supplementary Fig. 2. Results for KCNQ1 copy number variant which failed to be validated in sample HVP2 Panel A MLPA results for healthy volunteer HVP2 which demonstrate a putative single copy loss of KCNQ1 exon 15 Panel B. Sequence identification of SNP rs17221854 15bp upstream of the ligation site for the KCNQ1 exon 15 probe in HVP2. A B rs17221854 Ligation Site Supplementary Fig 3. DNA quality verses MLPA Success for the aLQT panel 5 Supplementary Fig 4. Confirmation and delineation of breakpoints of KCNQ1del531-676 in aLQT2. Panel A. Sequencing data showing heterozygous break points KCNQ1del531-676 Panel B. Diagrammatic representation of the KCNQ1 gene structure indicating the position of the deletion and distances in base pairs with respect to the affected exons. A Forward Sequence Reverse Sequence WT Sample aLQT2 B 6218bp 822bp Exon 12 130bp 2702bp Exon 13 Exon 14 6348bp Exon 12 Exon 15 6 813bp Exon 15