D:\106744654.doc Laminated Beam Theory Assumptions Derivation of ODE's from weighted residual form Constitutive relations for thermoelastic beam Shear stress distribution (warning: uses sign conventions from aero 306) Transverse normal stress distribution … assign as HW? Summary HW solution HW solution…maple HW solution…maple.. mod D:\106744654.doc Laminated Beam Theory Assumptions z, w y, v h b x Chose yz plane because when we go to plate theory, z will be taken perpendicular to plate (of course we could have taken xz…but xy is not a good choice) Assumptions/Approximations b and h are constant Axial displacement v varies linearly in z-direction. Transverse displacement w is constant in z-direction z 0 z 0 yz y, h 2 0 yz 0 f y constant in z-direction b g “Weakest” Assumption: yz 0 For “thin” beams the contributions of “thick” beams, the assumption yz to strain energy and deformation is negligible. For yz 0 can cause large errors. The shear modulus affects how thick a beam can be and still be considered thin. The lower the shear modulus the smaller the thickness must be for a beam to be considered thin. Composites tend to have a smaller ratio of shear to extensional modulus than homogeneous metals. D:\106744654.doc Derivation of Differential Equations of Equilibrium Change notes… include “b” in the integrations and allow it to vary through thickness and along length. e.g. N= integral(stress dArea) We will derive the equilibrium equations based on the weighted form. This will suffice for us, since we assumed that “b” and “h” are constant. Generally, it is safer to start with the weak form or just start from scratch with a free body (not as convenient for higher order theories) General 3D: F zG Hx ji I J K f i ui dV 0 j Let’s satisfy equilibrium in a weighted sense for the cross section. We will assume that y= axial direction, z= vertical direction, and x= through the width. y yz f v dxdz dy 0 y y z yz zz y f z w dx dz dy 0 We are assuming no variation in the x-direction (we can relax this assumption in terms of the stresses… variation that is caused by variation in material properties) Note that if we allow b to vary with the axial direction, we should put it inside the derivatives. y yz b f y v dz dy 0 z y yz b z f z w dz dy 0 y z These integrals must equal to zero regardless of the limits on the y-integration. integral with respect to z (which is integrand for y integration) must = 0 \ æ ¶s y ¶s yz ö + + f y ÷d v dz = 0 ¶y ¶z ø òçè æ¶s z ¶s yz ö + + f d w dz = 0 z òçè ¶z ¶y ÷ ø This is the weighted residual form. (virtual work before integration by parts). Beam theory has certain simplifying kinematic assumptions and assumptions about the stresses that will be imposed to simplify these expressions. The final result will be the governing differential equations of equilibrium. The next step is to impose the kinematic assumptions. D:\106744654.doc Assumed Displacement Field 1. 2. bg bgbg bg w w y (ie. constant through thickness) v v v y, z v y, o z y, o z v w v w Recall: Assumed yz 0 z y z y Define: v( y,0) v0 w w v vo z or v v o z where y y Note that positive rotation is clockwise. Strains v vo 2 w z 2 y y y w z 0 yz 0 z y yo zk where k 2 w y 2 Substitute assumed displacement into the weighted residual equations b b zFG H F zG H y y yz z z yz z y Ib g J K Ibwgdz 0 f J K f y v o z dz 0 z Note: v o , , w do not vary with z and they are arbitrary and independent. Therefore, æ¶s y òçè ¶y æ¶s y òçè ¶y æ¶s z òçè ¶z + + ¶s yz ö + f y ÷ dz = 0 ¶z ø ¶s yz + ö + f y ÷ zdz = 0 ¶z ø ¶s yz ö + f z ÷ dz = 0 ¶y ø These are equilibrium equations for force in the y-direction, moment about the x-axis, and force in the z-direction. We will consider one equation at a time and impose the simplifying assumptions about the stresses. (1) (2) (3) D:\106744654.doc y yz f y dz 0 y z h 2 y dz yz dz f y dz 0 y z h Equation (1) 2 z Define: z h dz yz 2 | h z =0 since we assumed 2 N y dz ; f y N fy 0 y Equation (2) But yz (valid since h is constant) b g yz y, h 2 0 z f y dz y yz y z f y z dz 0 Moment about x-axis due to residual in y-equilibrium Since we assumed "h" is constant, this can be written as yz z y dz zdz f y z dz 0 y z If we assume fy = constant or an even function in z-direction, the third integral is zero. The second integral can be expressed as yz zdz z yz yz dz z z h z yz 2 yz dz | h 2 0 since yz y , h 2 0 We will define z z M z y dz => positive moment is clockwise Q yz dz Therefore, the second equilibrium becomes M Q 0 y D:\106744654.doc z yz f z dz 0 z y h 2 h Equation (3) 2 2 z dz z | , which is because we assumed z 0 The first term simplifies to z h 2 h throughout the beam. Even if we allowed this stress, the integral is zero if we assume zero z-direction tractions on the top and bottom. The second and third terms simplify as follows ¶s yz ò ¶y dz = ¶ ¶Q s yz dz = ò ¶y ¶y Where: Define: fz z z Q yz dz transverse shear stress resultant f z dz Therefore, the third equilibrium becomes Summary N fy 0 y Q fz 0 y M Q 0 y (valid since “h” is constant) Q fz 0 y z z z z z N y dz M z y dz Q yz dz fy f y dz fz f z dz D:\106744654.doc Beam Constitutive Relations Assume plane stress ( no x-direction stresses) Assume z 0 Assume yz 0 d yz z i 0 y Result: uniaxial - relation y E y T where T T For a laminated beam, E varies piecewise Now let’s get the “beam constitutive equations” Axial stress resultant N y dz E y T dz E y dz E T dz E yo zk dz E T dz N A yo Bk N T or A Edz where or B zEdz N N T A yo Bk N T E T dz Moment M z y dz zE y T dz zE y dz zE T dz zE yo kz dz zE T dz or M B yo Dk M T where or D z 2 Edz M M T B yo Dk M T zE T dz The integral expressions for A, B, and D can be expressed as summations… do it! The beam constitutive relations can be expressed in matrix form as N OL A BO O L L N OL M P M P M P M P M P M P M P M NM QM Nk P Q NM P QNB DQ T yo T N T and M T “Equivalent Mechanical Loads” to obtain deformation Note: This is all per unit width Uncoupling…ie B = 0 D:\106744654.doc Offset z-coordinate so that z z zo z zEdz 0 ”B” “matrix” z z z ( z zo ) E dz 0 zEdz zo Edz 0 zo constant zo z z zEdz Edz Assume piecewise variation (layers) zo Ei ezi21 zi2 j Ei bzi 1 zi g 1 2 Warning: not possible for plates! D:\106744654.doc Shear Stress in a Beam (no thermal effects, no body force in x-direction) Warning: These notes are from another class that used some different labeling; The coordinate axes are different than used elsewhere for beams in mema613 The moment is defines to be we use M = - EI M = EI d 2v . Elsewhere in MEMA 613 notes dx 2 d 2v . dx 2 However, this file is self-consistent… so just be aware of the differences as you read. y x h b z x-equilibrium for 3D continuum xx xy xz fx 0 : x y z If we assume no variation in the z-direction, the equation becomes b gc h b xy b xx 0 x y b xy y b xx x Integrate from -h/2 to location where you want to know shear stress. (location = y ) b xy z y h 2 y Since h 2 dy h 2 b xy z y z y y b xx dy x bg h ) 0 we obtain dy b y xy ( y ) b( h / 2) xy ( h 2 ) and xy ( 2 z y b xx b y xy ( y ) dy x h 2 bg bgz 1 => xy ( y ) b y y b xx dy x h 2 This can be simplified for special cases (in both of these cases there is no coupling between flexure and extension) Homogeneous, symmetric beam D:\106744654.doc F d vI d v M yM and G J I H dx K dx EI 1 F byM I 1 FFb I b M IJdy ( y ) dy yG GJM G J z z H K Hx HI K I x K bbg y x I bbg y M F bI V and we will assume that But G Jis very small. (We will neglect.) x x H IK 2 xx E y 2 2 xx 2 y y h 2 h 2 xy bgz bg z y y ybV V dy bydy I b y I h h 2 2 1 xy ( y ) b y For the special case of b = constant in y-direction Note: V y2 I 2 xy ( y ) y V 2 h2 y 4 2 I h 2 | h2 3 s xy (0) = V =V = 1.5 times the average shear stress 8I 2b h Symmetric, laminated beam (i.e. no extension-flexure coupling) z y xy 1 b ( y) d id y b x x x h 2 x E y d 2v d x2 x E y M EI F H z bg G y xy d 2v M d x 2 EI 1 b y IJ K M bE y dy x EI h 2 Simplifications & observations The EI and Assume M do not vary with y for any beam x F IJ G HK bE is very small (we will neglect) x EI e j D:\106744654.doc xy 1 1 M b y EI x bg z y bE yd y But h 2 M V x z y xy V b y EI bg Comments: The shear s b E yd y xy h 2 is independent of the shear modulus of the lamina. (only equilibrium was considered in the derivation) The variation of s xy is piecewise quadratic if E is constant in each layer and dimensions do not change in the y-direction. The variation of s xy is tied to the assumed variation of exx vs. y. D:\106744654.doc Transverse Stresses in a Homogeneous Beam (check for typos) 2 h2 z derived elsewhere for b constant w.r.t. thickness direction 4 b zz b yz bf z 0 z y yz V 2 Integrate from - h to z 2 b zz z b zz z h 2 h z b yz bf z dz y ( 2) = 0 1) Assume s zz - h b 0 for simplicity y ¶s yz - ¶V 1 æ z h2 ö => = z - ÷ ¶y ¶y 2I ç 4ø è 2) Recall: V f z bh 0 y Recall: zz z f b h 2 z 2 zz z f z zz 2 z h z 1 2 yz y h2 f z bh V f z bh y 1 z h2 z 2 4 4 bf dz b2 h 2 h2 b 2 z 4 dz h 2 z z (assume fz=constant) b2 h z 3 h2 z z z f z bz | 2 3 4 h 2 zz z f z bz b 2 h 12 z 3 h 2 z z 6b z 3 h 2 z z f bz | | z 2 bh3 3 4 h h2 3 4 h 2 2 Note that for this beam theory, there is no transverse normal stress (per equilibrium considerations) unless there is a distributed load in the transverse direction. D:\106744654.doc Solution of Coupled Equations for General Laminated Beam N fy 0 y Q fz 0 y M Q 0 y (1) (2) (3) Combine (2) and (3): M Q y Constitutive Relations: N A 2 M f z 0 y 2 F IJ G H K v 2 w B 2 y y M B (4) F IJ G H K v 2 w D 2 y y Write (1) and (4) in terms of v and w: (note: v= axial displacement where z=0) F IJ G H K F wIJ f v B DG y Hy K A 2v 3w B fy 0 y 2 y 3 3 4 3 4 z (5) 0 (6) ______________________________________________________________________________ Rewrite (5) as 2v B 3w f y . Substitute this into equation (6) to obtain y 2 A y 3 A 4 w B 3w f y B 3 D 4 fz 0 y A y A y For simplicity, let’s assume B does not vary. We then obtain B 2 4 w B D f y fz 0 A y 4 y A Now we have one fourth order equation in terms of just w(y). It should be noted that we could have derived an equation in terms of just v(y). If the distributed loads are not too complicated, this ODE can be integrated four times to obtain w(y) in terms of four integration constants. For example, if the only distributed load was f z ay , we would obtain To obtain the complete general solution, the expression for w(y) is substituted into equation (5), which is must be solved to obtain v(y). Integrating equation (5) twice will introduce two more integration constants. At this point we have expressions for w(y) and w= D:\106744654.doc v(y) in terms of 6 integration constants. These integration constants are determined by imposing the BC’s. For example, here is one possible set of BC’s. bg vbg L v v 0 v1 2 bg wbg L w w 0 w1 2 w 0 1 y w L 2 y bg bg There are six equations and six intergation constants. We can solve for the integration constants. The BC’s above are all kinematic BC’s, but in general would be some mix of kinematic and force type BC’s. D:\106744654.doc Transformation of ABD Matrix Due to Shift in z-Coordinate System