TAXATION OF PUBLIC COMPANIES Act of Jun. 10, 1881, P.L. 99, No. 107 A SUPPLEMENT To an act, entitled "An act to provide revenue by taxation," approved the seventh of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Section 1. Be it enacted, &c., That all mortgages, money owing by solvent debtors, whether by promissory note or penal or single bill, bond or judgment, also all articles of agreement and accounts bearing interest, owned or possessed by any person or persons whatsoever, except notes or bills for work or labor done and all obligations given to banks for money loaned and bank notes, also all shares of stock in any bank, banking or saving institution or company, now or hereafter incorporated by or in pursuance of any law of this commonwealth, and all public loans or stocks whatsoever, except those issued by this commonwealth or the United States, and all money loaned or invested in any other state, any all other moneyed capital in the hands of individual citizens of the state, shall be and are hereby taxable for state purposes, at the rate of four mills on the dollar of the value thereof annually: Provided, That all mortgages, judgments and recognizances whatsoever, and all moneys due or owing upon articles of agreement for the sale of real estate shall, after the passage of this act, be exempt from all taxation, except for state purposes: Provided, The provisions of this act shall not apply to building and loan associations; Provided, however, That moneys loaned by building and loan associations shall be subject to tax the same as money loaned by individuals. Section 2. That hereafter all corporations, paying interest on a loan or loans which are taxable for state purposes whether secured by bond mortgage, recognizance or otherwise, shall report annually, in the month of November, to the auditor general the amount of such indebtedness owned by residents of this commonwealth, as nearly as can be ascertained, under oath of the president or treasurer, and shall pay into the state treasury four mills upon every dollar of such indebtedness so returned and owned by residents as aforesaid, within fifteen days after the thirty-first day of December in each year; and for every failure to report or pay as aforesaid the auditor general shall add ten per centum as a penalty to the said tax; and the said tax may be deducted by the corporation paying the same from the interest on such indebtedness, whereupon such indebtedness, whether secured by bond, mortgage, judgment or otherwise, shall be exempt from other taxation in the hands of the holders thereof. Section 3. In case any bank or savings institution, incorporated by this state or the United States, shall elect to collect annually from the shareholders thereof a tax of six tenths of one per centum upon the par value of all the shares of said bank or savings institution, and pay the same into the state treasury on or before the first day of March in each year, the shares, and so much of the capital and profits of such bank Cl. 72 as shall not be invested in real estate, shall be exempt from all other taxation under the laws of this commonwealth. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the president or cashier of every bank or savings institution, incorporated under the laws of this commonwealth or of the United States and doing business in this commonwealth, failing to pay in the six mill tax as aforesaid, to make report in writing to the auditor general on or before the twentieth day of June in each year, stating specifically the amount of capital stock and the amount paid in, a full and complete list of the shareholders of such bank or savings institution, with their residence and number and par value of shares of stock held by each person respectively, value of said stock in the market where such bank is located during the year ending with the twentieth day of June, which said report shall be verified by the oath of the president or cashier, taken before some officer authorized to administer oaths; and the said president or cashier shall also furnish a duplicate original of said report to the commissioners of the proper city or county in which such bank or institution is located, to be used by them for the purpose of assessing all taxes against said shareholders. The auditor general shall have power to inquire into the value of such stock, and either abate or increase the assessment as may be just. If the said bank officer shall neglect or refuse to furnish the reports aforesaid as above required, it shall be the duty of the auditor general to require the said officers to appear before him in person with the books and accounts of the said bank or savings institution for interrogation and examination, and the auditor general shall have power to issue subpoenas and attachments, to be served by any constable or sheriff, and to compel the attendance of such bank officer and the production of such books and papers as he may deem necessary to make a correct list of the shareholders, with their residences and the number and value of their shares; and the said auditor general may settle an account in the usual mode against the individual shareholders for the state tax of four mills and proceed to collect the same according to law, and he shall also transmit the lists and assessments made by him to the commissioners of the proper cities and counties to be used by them in assessing taxes against the said shareholders. Section 5. That one-half the taxes imposed by the fourth section of the act to which this is a supplement, and the revenues derived therefrom, shall be assigned to the sinking fund of this commonwealth, and all other taxes imposed by the said act, and the revenue derived therefrom, shall be applicable to the payment of the ordinary and current expenses of the government. Section 6. The office of assessor provided for under the second section of the act entitled "An act to increase the revenue of the Commonwealth by taxation of the shares of the stock of the national banks," approved April twelfth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, is hereby abolished. That the limitation of the amount of state tax to be raised on personal property to the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, contained in the third section of the act of twenty-fourth of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, entitled "An act defining the powers and extending the duties of the board of revenue commissioners," in words following: "Which tax shall not, as finally adjusted, exceed in the aggregate the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, be and the same is hereby repealed. The eleventh and seventeenth sections of the act to which this is a supplement are hereby repealed, saving, reserving, and excepting unto the commonwealth the right to collect any taxes accrued or accruing under said sections, prior to the date of the approval of this act. Section 7. That all insurance companies, which shall, within thirty days after the approval of this act, pay into the treasury of this commonwealth the amount of money claimed by the commonwealth for taxes upon their gross premiums, for the period of time between the twentieth day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven and the first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, together with interest upon the same, shall be liable, from and after the first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, during the continuance of this act, to no taxes upon their premiums, except upon such as were or shall be received from business transacted within this commonwealth.