Cause and Effect in Chinese Confucianism

Cause and Effect in China: Confucianism
Why did Confucianism change during the Song dynasty?
o How did the spread of Buddhism into China effect Confucianism?
o How was Neo-Confuciansim different from earlier forms of
Confucius—(noun) person who created moral teachings about how society should be organized
Confucianism—(noun) the system of beliefs created by Confucius
Confucian—(adjective) ideas or people who followed the beliefs created by Confucius
Example: Confucian scholar
Neo-Confucianism—(noun) new ideas or a revision of Confucius beliefs
Part 1: Reading a chart
Students should study the chart on page 278. As a class, discuss the following questions
and ideas:
1. How did morals and beliefs of Confucianism shape Chinese society?
2. Give some examples of specific effects of Confucian morals that shaped policies
or events in Chinese society during the Tang and Song period?
Part 2: Highlighting Cause and Effect
Read the passage below. Underline the causes and circle the effects.
As Buddhism emerged in China, some individuals adopted and adapted this religion.
However, other people criticized Buddhist beliefs and there was a backlash from
Confucian scholars who wanted to regain power. As a result, Confucianism regained
strength and popularity in China.
Part 3: Determining Change over time with Cause and Effect
Read over the portion of the text on Neo-Confucianism on page 278. Fill out the chart
below. The first one has been done for you.
You will learn what caused Confucianism to change and how this effected Chinese
society. This will allow you to answer the questions on the right-hand side of the column
as well as the lesson questions listed above.
The growth of Buddhism
Confucian scholars to think
more deeply about religious
this thinking
What is neoConfucianism? Why did
Confucianism change?
this was
The Neo-Confucianists
But, they
Zhu Xi said
But he defined
This Neo-Confucian
What does it mean to
“interpret these works”?
rather than
What are the main ideas
of Zhu Xi’s quote?
How did neo-Confucian
thinkers, like Zhu Xi,
effect Chinese society?
The ideas
Why did Confucianism change during the Song dynasty?
List some causes and effects.