Text Set for Social Studies/History for the 1920`s Era Grade: 10

Text Set for Social Studies/History for the
1920’s Era
Grade: 10
Compiled by Emily Oliver
EDUC 650—Content Reading (Gr. 4-12)
March 2011
Text 1: Non-fiction, at grade level
Flappers and the New American Woman Vol. 2; Perceptions of Women from 1918 through
the 1920s. Author: Catherine Gourley, Copyright: 2008.
This book specifically looks at the life and media changes that affected a woman’s life
during the 1920s era. Furthermore, it’s a great addition to the text set because of the
excellent photos and pictures as well as superb non-fiction information.
Strategy: Marginalia or Text Coding
Lexile: 1140L, Grade 9-10
ISBN#: 978-0-8225-6060-9
WRLS—Onalaska Public Library
Text 2: Fiction, above grade level
The Great Gatsby. Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Copyright: 1925.
This novel explores the dreams and desires of the people in the 1920s and is surrounded
around the lifestyle of Jay Gatsby. It’s a great fiction piece for the upper level reader to dive
into the 1920s life with vivid pictures and adventure.
Strategy: 6 Thinking Hats
Flesch-Kincaid: Grade 12
ISBN#: 0-02-019960-0
WRLS—Onalaska Public Library
Text 3: High Interest Non-fiction, below grade level
A History of Cars. Author: David Corbett, Copyright: 2006.
This is added to the set for its non-fiction information about the growth of the auto industry
including a specific addition about the 1920s autos for the reluctant reader.
Strategy: Magnet Summaries
Lexile: 1060L Grades 8-9
ISBN#: 0-8368-6286-4
WRLS—Onalaska Public Library
Text 4: Poem
Negro Dancers
Langston Hughes
"Me an' ma baby's
Got two mo' ways,
Two mo' ways to do de Charleston!"
Da, da,
Da, da, da!
Two mo' ways to do de Charleston!"
Soft light on the tables,
Music gay,
Brown-skin steppers
In a cabaret.
White folks, laugh!
White folks, pray!
"Me an' ma baby's
Got two mo' ways,
Two mo' ways to do de
“Negro Dancers”. Author: Langston Hughes, Copyright: 1926.
This poem brings to picture the 1920s speakeasies and the role Black Americans played. This
is in the text set because it would lead the readers to research The Charleston, the dance.
Strategy: Text Coding
Lexile: 780L Grades 4-5
On-line—Google, Poetry Depicting 1920s, Jazz Poetry (//faculty.pittstate.edu)
Text 5: Age-appropriate magazine article
“I Made My Truck Farm Put Me Through College”. Author: Willard Albert, Copyright: Nov.
1922, Farm and Fireside: The National Farm Magazine.
Here is a magazine article from a college bound young man in the 1920s and his concern for
affording college; showing how different college is afforded today.
Strategy: History Memory Bubbles
Flesch-Kincaid: Grade 8-9
Antique Mall—Downtown LaCrosse, WI
Text 5: Magazine Cover
Text 6: Picture Book, Non-fiction, below grade level
Flight. Author: Robert Burleigh, Copyright: 1991.
Flight is a non-fiction picture book recounting the non-stop journey, from New York to Paris,
alone, of Charles Lindbergh in 1927. This text is important; it reminds us of another famous
pilot who helped grow our aviation capabilities.
Strategy: B/D/A Questioning Chart, K/W/L Chart
Flesch-Kincaid: Grade 2
ISBN#: 0-399-22272-3
WRLS—Onalaska Public Library