Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising

Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising
Grades 9 - 12
Career Cruising
Area of Learning
Student Development
In Grades 9-12, students will learn to:
Program Features and Resources:
 learning skills, preferences,
and strategies (eg memorizing,
working independently,
assessing themselves,
managing their time)
 apply a variety of learning skills and strategies
to a variety of situations
 Career Cruising includes not only information, but also a variety of lesson plans and
worksheets which involve research, planning, self-assessment and in-person interviews.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: All Classroom Activities; Independent Research Projects.
 setting goals and monitoring
 use goal-setting and self-management skills in
a variety of situations both inside and outside
 demonstrate the ability to respond
appropriately and thoughtfully to directions
from teachers, administrators, and employers
 develop their own up-to-date annual education
 adapting to change
 apply transition knowledge and skills to
making transitions and to adapting to
postsecondary destinations (e.g., financial
planning, completing applications, selecting
 lifelong learning
 apply lifelong learning skills (eg
communication, research, and employability
skills) to their personal education and career
 The Career Portfolio Tool directly supports the AEP by providing an online resource for
students to record and manage their secondary courses and marks, as well as their postsecondary and career goals.
 The Education Plan and Post-Secondary Plan further support the AEP by allowing Ontario
students to save and organize their Goals & Action Plans for each school year.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Independent Research
Activities; Ontario's Annual Education Plan & Career Cruising activities.
 The Education and Training section of Career Cruising offers comprehensive information on
university, community college, and apprenticeship programs, as well as links to schools,
admissions personnel, and apprenticeship offices.
 The occupation profiles in the Explore Careers section direct students to postsecondary
programs appropriate to that occupation.
 The Career Portfolio Tool provides an easy-to-use framework for students planning their
postsecondary and career paths.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Post-Secondary
Research Exercise; Independent Research Projects; Explore Apprenticeships Activity.
 Students use Career Cruising to do research on their personal education and career plans.
 The occupation profiles and the people interviewed in each occupation provide advice on
employability skills.
 The Classroom Activities offered by Career Cruising involve applying written and oral
communication skills.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: All Classroom Activities; Independent Research Projects
Create a Personal Portfolio Activity.
Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising
Grades 9 - 12
Career Cruising
Area of Learning
Interpersonal Development
In Grades 9-12, students will learn to:
Program Features and Resources:
 self-management
 use personal skills appropriately to encourage
responsible behaviour in others in a wide
range of situations
 XYTE Insight, a personality assessment tool that will be offered as an optional addition to
Career Cruising, provides students with extensive feedback on ways to best interact with
 Real people interviewed in each occupation profile offer advice on appropriate behaviour in
the school and the workplace.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Career Interview Project; Discovering Your Work Skills.
 Real people interviewed in each occupation profile offer advice on appropriate behaviour
and skills, also several classroom activities involve interaction with family, students and
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Career Interview Project; Career Fair Project.
 demonstrate appropriate behaviour at school,
in the community, and with employers
 getting along with others
 apply skills (e.g., mediating, peer helping,
leadership skills) to build positive
relationships in diverse settings at school, in
the community, and in the workplace
 social responsibility
 demonstrate social responsibility in the
community (e.g., canvassing for the Cancer
 Several aspects of Career Cruising encourage this competency indirectly. For example, the
Career Portfolio Tool gets students to focus on their hobbies, volunteer experience and
extracurricular activities, and the activity “Discovering Your Work Skills” has students set
out all their daily activities and examine their importance in terms of how they relate to
work skills.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Discovering Your Work
Connecting Choices into Action with Career Cruising
Grades 9 - 12
Career Cruising
Area of Learning
Career Development
In Grades 9-12, students will learn to:
Program Features and Resources:
 self assessment
 apply their knowledge of their
personal interests, strengths, abilities,
and accomplishments to choosing
and planning a postsecondary
education or career path
 The assessment tools, Career Matchmaker & Career Selector, help students apply personal interests,
strengths and abilities to choosing a career and planning postsecondary education and training.
 XYTE Insight, a personality assessment tool that is offered as an optional addition to Career
Cruising, provides students with extensive feedback on their personality, strengths and abilities, and
suggests ways to apply them in life and work.
 The Career Portfolio Tool helps high school students plan suitable career goals and postsecondary
education and training paths. It also helps them to prepare well-organized, professional resumes.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Create a Personal Portfolio Activity; Independent Research Projects;
School Subjects & Careers; Using Career Matchmaker; Your Career Ideas & Career Matchmaker;
Using Career Selector; People, Information and Things.
(con’t from above)
 exploring and obtaining
information about education,
training, and careers
 demonstrate how to locate, interpret,
evaluate, and use various sources of
education and career information
 demonstrate understanding of how to
use education and career exploration
skills to develop personal,
educational, or career plans
 demonstrate understanding of the
workplace (e.g., health and safety
 work, society and the
 describe how changes taking place in
the economy, the environment, and
society affect the job market
 awareness of opportunities
 describe the variety of volunteer,
employment, educational, and career
opportunities, including selfemployment
 education and career decisions
 apply decision-making and problemsolving skills to their postsecondary
education or career paths
 employability
 demonstrate their understanding of
employability skills (e.g., job search,
interview, job readiness, employment
sustainability, and entrepreneurial
 evaluate their personal, educational,
or career plans in light of their
community or workplace experiences
 The Education and Training section offers comprehensive and easy-to-use information on
university, college and apprenticeship programs across Canada.
 The Explore Careers section has in-depth information on hundreds of occupations, including
informational interviews which allow students to compare the concrete realities of the workplace.
 Direct internet links are provided to colleges, universities and apprenticeship sites, as well as to
additional sources of information for every occupation (e.g. professional associations)
 The Career Portfolio Tool allows students to organize their education and career research, and to
develop coherent personal, educational and career plans.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Independent Research Projects; Create a Personal Portfolio Activity;
All of the 11 Classroom Activities; Explore Apprenticeships Activity.
 Every occupation profile includes information on working conditions, earnings and job tasks. For
each occupation, students can view interviews with Canadians who offer advice on trends and
opportunities in their field and the economy in general.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Career Cluster Research Project; Career Fair Project; Career
Interview Project.
 Career Cruising’s Explore Careers and Explore Education and Training sections expose students to a
huge variety of career, education and employment opportunities.
 In the Education section of the occupation profiles and in the interviews, education paths,
opportunities, and relevant volunteer activities are addressed.
 In the Earnings section of the occupation profiles, different forms of employment, including selfemployment, are described.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Independent Research Projects; Using Career Selector; Career
Cluster Research Project; Career Fair Project; Career Interview Project; Post-Secondary Research
Exercise; Explore Apprenticeships Activity.
 Career Cruising’s Education and Training section provides the tools students need to decide on and
plan postsecondary education and training.
 The Education and Career Path sections of the occupation profiles provide students with the steps
necessary plan their Career Path.
 The Portfolio Tool provides students with a space to set out and organize their education and career
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Independent Research Projects; Create a Personal Portfolio Activity;
Post-Secondary Research Exercise; Explore Apprenticeships Activity.
 The Career Portfolio Tool includes a Resume Builder that helps students create well-organized,
professional-looking resumes. The Portfolio Tool also provides a place for students to record and
reflect on their work experiences.
 The people interviewed in each occupation profile offer general and occupation-specific information
and advice for students beginning their career.
 Relevant Teaching Resources: Independent Research Projects; Create a Personal Portfolio Activity;
Career Interview Project; Explore Apprenticeships Activity.