Collaton St Mary Church of England Primary School

Collaton St Mary C of E Primary School
Blagdon Lane
Admissions Policy
reviewed and proposed at a meeting of the FGB Collaton St. Mary Church of England Primary School is a Voluntary Aided school located in the
Diocese of Exeter. The governing body of a Voluntary Aided school is the admission authority and
has responsibility for admission policy. The governing body is committed to equal opportunities and
This policy details the admission arrangements for our school and should be read in conjunction with
the Primary and In-Year Co-ordinated Admissions Schemes and other agreed policies of Torbay
Local Authority (LA), available at The School will follow Torbay Council’s coordinated admissions scheme and the agreed timetable for admissions to primary school in
September 2015. Information will be exchanged with Torbay LA and other LA’s as necessary. Parents
must apply to their ‘home’ LA. All policies and procedures seek to comply with the requirements of
the School Admissions Code, available at .
The school provides a distinctively Christian education for children aged between 4 and 11 years.
Historically, Anglican schools were parish schools providing education for the community in
accordance with the principles of the Church of England, and our admission criteria reflect the twofold aim of being distinctively Christian and of serving the local community.
Collaton St. Mary Church of England Primary School primarily serves:
Children from families wanting a denominational (Church of England) education (Foundation
Children from families living in the parish of Collaton St. Mary (Community Places)
Mission statement and values
Our mission is to:
 See God in everyone
 Experience the Christian way of life together
 Be the best learners we can be
Our Christian values underpin our school ethos. Our values are Friendship, Forgiveness, Peace,
Hope, Thankfulness and Trust.
A child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) which names our school will be
admitted. Looked after children, or children who were previously looked after but immediately after
being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order will also be
Admissions criteria for the reception class at Collaton St Mary C of E Primary School
In our Reception class our planned admission number (PAN) is 30. We will not exceed 30 children to
comply with the KS1 legislation. Where we receive more applications than the number of places
available the governing body will prioritise applications using the following criteria:
Section A – Foundation Places
These places are for children from church-going families, whose parents particularly want a school
based on a Christian ethos for their child. Taking into account the information on the supplementary
information form, the Governors will prioritise up to 10 children in this category accordingly to the
following oversubscription criteria:
1.1 Children from families worshiping at the Collaton St Mary church.
1.2 Children from families worshiping at other Church of England churches within the Anglican
parishes of Paignton.
1.3 Any other children from families who are worshiping members (at least once a month) of
recognised Christian churches in the area defined as the Anglican parishes of Paignton. This category
could include an offer of one place to a child of a family who are members of a major world faith other
than those of the Christian faith i.e. Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh faiths.
If the foundation places are undersubscribed then the extra places will be filled by applicants for
community places.
Foundation place tie breaker
In the event of oversubscription in this category, priority will be given to:
a) Siblings of children in school at the date of admission.
b) Siblings of children in school at the date of application.
c) Distance from the school as measured by straight line from the entrance door of the school
to the front entrance of the main residence of the applicant’s family. In the event that
appeals cannot be separated using the distance tie breaker (ie they live identical distances
from the school) the allocation of a place will be by lot.
d) Any applicants who are not successful at gaining a foundation place, will automatically be
considered under Section B: Community Places using the criteria below.
Section B – Community Places
These places are primarily for children of families who reside within the Parish of Collaton St Mary
area (see map on page 11). Children will be admitted to Community Places accordingly to the
following oversubscription criteria, which are in priority order. At least 20 places will be prioritised in
this section.
Siblings of children in school at the date of admission
Siblings of children in school at the date of application
Children from families living within the parish of Collaton St Mary
Child of a member of staff who has been employed at the school for two or more years at the
time of application.
Children from outside the parish who attend Collaton St Mary playgroup or the playgroup in
Great Parks Community Centre
Children from families living outside the Parish.
Community place tie breaker
Distance from school as measured by straight line from the entrance door of the school to the front
entrance of the main residence of the applicant’s family. In the event that appeals cannot be
separated using the distance tie breaker (ie they live identical distances from the school) the
allocation of a place will be by lot.
Where applications are received from families with multiple birth siblings (twins, triplets, etc.) resident
in our designated area, every effort will be made to allocate places here. (Please see the exceptional
circumstances criteria below). This recognises the exceptional nature of the emotional bonds between
multiple birth siblings and the commitment to meeting the preference of children for their designated
Where two or more children reside within a block of flats, they will be deemed to live at an equal
distance from the school.
How do we apply for a place in reception for September 2015?
All applicants are required to complete the Torbay Schools common application form (CAF). The
CAF must be returned to your home LA by 15th January 2015.
If applying for a foundation place, the supplementary information form will need to be completed by
the appropriate priest, minister or pastor. This form must be sent to the school for consideration by
the Admissions Committee by the 15th January 2015. The Voluntary Aided Schools Foundation Place
application forms are attached on page 8.
Points of admission
The normal point of admission is the September after the child’s fourth birthday. There is a legal
requirement that all children begin full time education by the beginning of the term following their fifth
Deferred admission
September is the usual point for admission to the Reception class at this school but is not a
compulsory start date. The Torbay Local Authority policy on deferred admission can be viewed at
Waiting lists
A child refused a place will be automatically entered onto a waiting list for vacancies. This will be kept
either until a place is available or the parent no longer wishes to stay on the waiting list. Lists are kept
in oversubscription order and are not affected by the length of time a child has been on the list. A
child’s place may rise or fall on the list as places are offered and new applications are made. Should a
foundation place for reception class in September 2015 become available after initial allocation of
places, but before the beginning of the school year, the place will be filled by the next foundation
place applicant (using criteria above). The waiting list will be administered by the Admissions and
Student Services until 31 August 2015 and after that by the school until 31 December 2015.
Planned Admissions Number (PAN)
In Foundation, year 1 and year 2 places available will number 30 to comply with KS1 class size
In years 3, 4, 5 and 6 class sizes will not usually exceed 31 (see below).
Exceptional Circumstances
Additional children may be admitted under limited exceptional circumstances. While in KS1, these
children will remain an ‘excepted pupil’ for the time they are in an infant class or until the class
numbers fall back to the current infant class size limit. The excepted children are:
• a) children admitted outside the normal admissions round with statements of special
educational needs specifying a school;
b) looked after children and previously looked after children admitted outside the normal
admissions round;
c) children admitted, after initial allocation of places, because of a procedural error made by
the admission authority or local authority in the original application process;
d) children admitted after an independent appeals panel upholds an appeal;
e) children who move into the area outside the normal admissions round for whom there is no
other available school within reasonable distance;
f) children of UK service personnel admitted outside the normal admissions round
g) children whose twin or sibling from a multiple birth is admitted otherwise than as an
excepted pupil;
h) children with special educational needs who are normally taught in a special educational
needs unit45 attached to the school, or registered at a special school, who attend some infant
classes within the mainstream school
The Headteacher and Chair or Vice Chair of governors has delegated authority to admit additional
pupils meeting the exceptional circumstances criteria without consulting the Admission Committee, up
to an absolute maximum of 31 pupils in a KS1 class and 32 pupils in a KS2 class.
How to apply outside the normal round of admissions
Requests for admission to Reception made after the normal round of admissions – after 31 August
2015 – and requests for places in other Year Groups should be made direct to Torbay Council. All InYear admissions to the school will be made in line with Torbay LA’s In-Year Co-ordinated Admissions
Scheme. This is available for review at
Visiting our school
We warmly welcome visits from parents and children considering applying for a place here. This is an
opportunity for parents to see what we have to offer. Visits are not a compulsory part of the
admissions process and will not affect decisions on whether a place can be offered at our school. If
you would like to visit our school, you should contact the school to make an appointment.
Appeals procedure
In all cases, a parent who is refused a place here or at any other school has a statutory right of appeal
to an Independent Appeals Panel. This will review the decision and will decide whether the refusal
was justified on the grounds that the school was full. The contact details for school appeals can be
found below.
How often do governors consult on this policy?
Governors consulted on this policy between December 2013 and February 2014. This policy will be
reviewed annually, and if changes are made, will consult again, for a minimum of 8 weeks. The
governors will consult at least every seven years.
Objections to this policy
For information on how to object to the terms of this or any other admissions policy or procedure,
advice is available at This should be by the 31 July.
Draft Timetable
1 November 2014
Website opens for online applications and TIPS 5
booklets available
15 January 2015
Closing date for submission of Common Application
9 February 2015
LA notifies other admitting authorities of applications
2 March 2015
Foundation and VA schools and academies return
ranked lists of pupils
23March 2015
LA applies agreed scheme for Torbay schools
8 April 2015
Schools informed of allocation of pupils
16 April 2015
Allocation Day: Online applicants notified of allocation
by e-mail. Other applicants sent letter by second class
4 May 2015
Deadline for parents to accept offer
12 May 2015
Decisions on late applications
21 May 2015
Closing date for receipt of appeals
June/July 2015
Adoption order
An adoption order is an order under section 46 of the Adoption and
Children Act 2002.
A ‘residence order’ is as an order settling the arrangements to be made as
to the person with whom the child is to live under section 8 of the Children
Act 1989. Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special
guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a
child’s special guardian (or special guardians).
Looked after children
A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of the local authority or
(b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the
exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in section
22(1) of the Children Act (1989).
Christian Church
A church which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
This is defined as the address where the child is normally resident. Where
a child lives at more than one address through shared residency, the
home address will be with the parent who receives Child Benefit.
A parent is any person who has parental responsibility or care of the child.
Where admission arrangements refer to ‘parents’ attendance at church’ it
is sufficient for just one parent to attend. Where we use the term parent,
we also mean carer or guardian.
Parish of Collaton St
The geographical area served by our church. It is sometimes called the
‘catchment’ area. Residents within the parish have a higher priority for
places when a school is oversubscribed than those who live outside the
A map of the parish can be found on page 11 and is also available from
the school office. The parish boundaries are different from the geographic
boundaries published in the TIPS booklet.
Planned Admission
This is the minimum number of places available at the school. In limited
circumstances, more will be admitted according to the Primary Coordinated Admissions Scheme. It is calculated taking into account the
physical capacity of the school, the level of demand expected from local,
in-area children and sensible school organisation.
Regular Worshipper
Attends church on at least a monthly basis, usually for at least the last six
months. If you are applying to the school on religious grounds you need to
complete the supplementary information form available on page 8. This
form includes a section for your priest/minister to sign and confirm your
regular attendance.
This will be a full, adopted half or step brother or sister and living at the
same address.
Collaton St Mary C of E (VA) Primary School
Blagdon Road
01803 556433
The Diocese of Exeter
Diocesan Board of Education
The Old Deanery
The Cloisters
Exeter EX1 1HS
01392 294939
Admissions and Student Services
Telephone 01803 208908
Websites for the primary co-ordinated scheme and in-year co-ordinated scheme
School Appeals
Clerk to the Torbay Independent Appeals Panel, Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, TQ1 3DR
Telephone 01803 207012
The Department for Education
Telephone 0870 000 2288
Website address
Policy version
This policy was proposed by the Full Governing Body on ……………………… November 2013.
This policy was determined by the Full Governing Body on …………………….. March 2014.
It will be reviewed in September 2014.
Signed, Chair of Governors ………………………………………………………………………….
Collaton St Mary C of E (VA) Primary School
Blagdon Road
Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS
Section 1 – Registration (to be completed by the parent)
(inc postcode)
Section 2 – Religious Information
Pease tick the box that is relevant to your family:
We worship at Collaton St Mary at least once a month
We worship at another Church of England church in the
Paignton area at least once a month
We worship at another Christian denomination in the
Paignton are at least once a month
We are practising members of another faith (i.e Jewish,
Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh faiths)
Please state which faith you are members of:
Section 3 - Ministers Declaration
To be signed by the Priest/Minister/Church Leader, declaring that the applicant is a
member of their church and is a regular worshipper.
Name of Priest/Minister/Church
Address of Church/Place or
Priest/Minister/Church Leader’s
Section 4 - Parents Declaration
Parents signature
Parents names:
Date of application
Additional Information:
Admissions Flow Chart
Please choose the type of place you are applying for and then follow the
relevant flow chart:
Foundation Places
Community Places
Children from families
worshipping at Collaton St Mary
Siblings of children in school at
the date of admission
Children from families
worshipping at other Church of
England parishes within Paignton
Children from families of other
Christian and major world faiths
(i.e Jewish, Muslim, Hindu,
Buddhist or Sikh faiths)
Foundation Place Tie
In the event of oversubscription in
this category, priority will be given
Siblings of children in school at
the date of admission
Siblings of children in school at
date of application
Distance from the school (as
judged by residential address on
application form)
Siblings of children in school at
time of application
Children from families living
within the designated area within
the parish of Collaton St Mary
Child of a member of staff who
has been employed at the school
for two or more years at the time
of application
Children from outside the parish
who attend Collaton St Mary
playgroup of the playgroup in
Great Parks Community Centre
Children from families living
outside the parish
Community Place Tie
Distance from school as
measured using Torbay Council
Interactive Mapping.
Unsuccessful applicants for a
foundation place will be
automatically assessed using the
community places criteria
Map of Collaton St Mary Parish and School Boundaries
The shaded area within the black line is the Collaton Parish and School boundaries.