Kyaw Tha Paw U
Yale University; Degree Awarded: Ph. D. Biometeorology
Yale University; Degree Awarded: M. Phil. Biometeorology
Yale University; Degree Awarded: M. S. Biometeorology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Degree Awarded: B. S.. Course XII: Earth & Planetary
Sciences (Geophysics Option)
Professor of Atmospheric Science and Biometeorologist, Department of Land, Air and
Water Resources, University of California at Davis
Chercheur, Unite de bioclimatologie, INRA, Bordeaux, France (2 month
sabbatical leave
Visiting Scientist, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oak Ridge, TN (9 months sabbatical
Associate Professor of Atmospheric Science and Associate Biometeorologist, Department
of Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California at Davis
Chercheur, Station de bioclimatologie, INRA, Thiverval-Grignon, France (one year sabbatic
Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Science and Assistant Biometeorologist, Department of
Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California at Davis
Assistant Professor of Boundary Layer Meteorology and Biometeorology, Department of
Agronomy, Purdue University
Meteorologist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Earth Satellite
Service, Washington SFSS
Student Researcher, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of
1984-present Teaching responsibilities have included an introductory course to atmospheric science; upper level
(undergraduate and graduate mixed level) courses in boundary layer meteorology,
biometeorology, instrumentation and observations in the atmosphere, and microclimate of
agricultural systems; a graduate seminar in atmospheric science and a graduate course in
advanced topics in biometeorology; in addition to supervision of 13 M.S. and Ph. D.
Teaching responsibilities were an introductory course to meteorology, an upper level course
in boundary-layer meteorology, and a graduate course in micrometeorology, in addition to
supervision of several M.S. and Ph. D. students.
Member: American Association for Aerosol Research, American Meteorological Society, International Society of
Biometeorology, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Editor-in-Chief, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (an international journal), 1998-present; Regional Editor for
North America, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (an international journal), 1991-1997.
Air Quality Consulting analysis for airport emissions, John Gabrielli, 1999.
Session Chair, 23rd American Meteorological Society Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,
Albuquerque, NM, November, 1998.
Session Chair, 21st American Meteorological Society Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, San
Diego, CA, March, 1994.
Air Quality Consulting, Expert Testimony,and Comments for the City of Davis Pole Line Overcrossing EIR,
Wildhorse EIR, and Covell Center EIR's, 1993-1995;
Steering Committee Member and Session Chair, Fifth International Precipitation Scavenging and AtmosphereSurface Exchange Processes Conference, Richland, Washington, July 15-19, 1991.
Program Chair, American Meteorological Society Symposium on Biometeorology and Global Change, Feb. 4-9,
1990, Anaheim, California.
Program Chair, Seventh Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology, held in Scottsdale, Arizona, May 21-24,
1985; organized by the American Meteorological Society.
Recipient of research grants and contracts, as Principal Investigator (PI) and co-PI, totaling more than 2 million
dollars, since 1987, from the California Air Resources Board, U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE), the National
Science Foundation (NSF), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the National Aeronautic and Space
Administration (NASA).
Unite de Bioclimatologie, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Villenave d’Ornon (Bordeaux), France,
August, 1998.
International Symposium: Food Production and Environmental Improvement Under Global Climate Change,
sponsored by the Society of Agriclutural Meteorology of Japan, Ube, Japan, July 30- August 2, 1996.
Advanced Short Course on Biometeorology and Micrometeorology, Alghero,
Sardenia, Italy, June 26-July 1, 1995, sponsored by the University of Sassari, Italy.
Department of Pesticide Regulation, California Environmental Protection Agency, Sacramento, California.
"Comparison of Flux Measurement Techniques for Pesticides." July 29, 1994.
Shuttle Imaging Radar-C Science Team (Ecology group), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena. July 19-22, 1994. "UC Davis SIRC Project Summary."
Twelfth Annual Meeting, American Association for Aerosol Research, Oak Brook, Illinois. "Large aerosol
rebound or reentrainment: who wins after all these years." October 14, 1993.
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (total = 118; in refereed journals or works = 57)
Pastuszka, J.S., Kabala-Dzik, A., and Paw U, K.T., 1999. A study of fibrous aerosols in the home environment in
Sosnowiec, Poland. The Science of the Total Environment, in press.
Su, H.-B., Shaw, R.H., Paw U, K.T., Moeng, C-H., and Sullivan, P.P., 1998. Turbulent statistics of
neutrally stratified flow within and above a sparse forest from large-eddy simulation and field observations.
Boundary-layer Meteorol., 88:363-397.
Paw U, K.T., Baldocchi, D., Meyers, T.P., and Wilson, K., 1998. The estimation of energy and mass fluxes from
vegetated surfaces. pp. 367-370. In preprints, 23rd Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,
November 2-6, 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
Paw U, K.T., 1997. The modeling and analysis of crop canopy interactions with the atmosphere under
global climatic change conditions. J. Agric. Meteorol. (Japan) 52:429-428.
Snyder, R.L., Paw U, K.T., Spano, D., and Duce, P., 1997. Surface renewal estimates of
evapotranspiration. Theory. Acta Horticult., 449:49-55.
Kramm, G., Foken, T., Mölders, N., Muller, H., and Paw U, K.T., 1996. The sublayer-Stanton numbers of heat
and matter for different types of natural surfaces. Contri. Atmos. Phys. 69:417-430.
Paw U, K.T., Qiu, J. , Su, H.B., Watanabe, T., and Brunet, Y., 1995. Surface renewal analysis: a new method to
obtain scalar fluxes without velocity data. Agric. For. Meteorol. 74:119-137.
Qiu, J., Paw U, K.T. and Shaw, R.H., 1995. The leakage problem of orthonormal wavelet transforms when
applied to atmospheric turbulence. J. Geophy. Res.-Atmos. 100-ND12:25769-25779.
Paw U, K.T. and Braaten, D.A., 1995. New perspectives on rebound and reentrainment processes. Aerosol Sci.
Tech. 23:72-79.
Qiu, J., Paw U, K.T. and Shaw, R.H., 1995. Pseudo-wavelet analysis of turbulence patterns in three vegetation
layers. Boundary-layer Meteorol. 72:177-204.
Pederson, J.R., Massman, W.J., Mahrt, L., Delany, A. and Oncley, S., Den Hartog, G., Neumann, H.H., and
Mickle, R.E., Shaw, R.H., Paw U, K. T., Grantz, D.A., Macpherson, J.I., Desjardins, R., Schuepp, P.H.,
Pearson, R. Jr., and Arcado, T.E., 1995. California ozone deposition experiment: Methods, results and
opportunities. Atmos. Environ. 29:3115-3132.
Paw U, K.T., 1994. Development of a higher order closure turbulence model for simulating particulate, pollen and
spore transport within plant canopies. pp. 401-402. In preprints, 11th Conference on Biometeorology and
Aerobiology, March 7-11, 1994, San Diego, California. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
Braaten, D.A., Shaw, R.H., and K.T. Paw U, 1993. Boundary-layer structures associated with particle
reentrainment. Boundary-layer Meteorol. 65:255-272.
Paw U, K.T., Y. Brunet, S. Collineau, R.H. Shaw, T. Maitani, J. Qiu and L. Hipps, 1992. On coherent structures in
turbulence within and above agricultural plant canopies. Agric. For. Meteorol. 61:55-68.
Paw U, K.T. and D.A. Braaten, 1992. Experimental evidence of the importance of rebound in net
deposition of particles. Aerosol Sci. Tech. 17:278-288.
Braaten, D.A. and K.T. Paw U, 1992. A net deposition model. Aerosol Sci. Tech. 17:289-302.
Paw U, K.T., 1992. Rebound and reentrainment of large particles. in Precipitation Scavenging and AtmosphereSurface Exchange, Vol. 2, coordinators Schwartz, S.E. and Slinn, W.G.N., Hemisphere Publishing Co.,
Washington. pp. 1153-1161.
Braaten, D.A. and K. T. Paw U, 1992. A Stochastic particle resuspension and deposition model. in Precipitation
Scavenging and Atmosphere-Surface Exchange, Vol. 2, coordinators Schwartz, S.E. and Slinn, W.G.N.,
Hemisphere Publishing Co., Washington. pp. 1143-1150.
Braaten, D.A., K.T. Paw U, and R.H. Shaw, 1990. Particle resuspension in a turbulent boundary layer Observed and modeled. J. Aerosol Sci. 21:613-628.
Majewski, M.S., D.E. Glotfelty, K.T. Paw U, and J.N. Seiber, 1990. A field comparison of several methods for
measuring pesticide evaporation rates from soil. Environ. Sci. Tech. 24:1490-1497.
Jayaweera, G.R., D.S. Mikkelsen and K.T. Paw U, 1990. Ammonia volatilization from flooded soil system: A
Andresen, J., W.W. McFee, J.L. Ahlrichs and K.T. Paw U. 1985. Wet atmospheric deposition in Indiana.
Proceedings, Indiana Academy of Science, 94:521-527
Andresen, J. and K.T. Paw U. 1985. Modeling of sulfur dioxide emissions and acidic precipitation at mesoscale
distances. J. Air Poll. Control Assoc., 35:1159-1163.
Paw U. K.T. 1984. Dimensional aspects of aerosol deposition on cylinders with rebound. J. Aerosol Sci.,
Paw U. K.T. 1983. A Universal equation for reentrainment. Precipitation Scavenging, Dry Deposition and
Resuspension, Pruppacher, H.R., et al., coordinators. Elsevier, New York pgs. 1111-1120.
Paw U. K.T. 1983. Rebound of particles from natural surfaces. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 93:442-452.
Paw U, K.T., 1978. Choosing dispersion coefficients for the prediction of maximum concentrations. J. Air Pol.
Control Assoc. 28:1227-1228.