Version No. 001 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 Version as at 26 February 2003 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Page 3 4 4 7 8 Short title Definitions Validations As to property Saving __________________ SCHEDULE 9 ═══════════════ 1. General Information 21 2. Table of Amendments 22 3. Explanatory Details 23 i Version No. 001 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 Version as at 26 February 2003 An Act relating to the Incorporation and Administration of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and for other purposes. WHEREAS in the year One thousand eight hundred and seventy-one the Society known as "The Victorian Society for the Protection of Animals" (which society under that name and its successive names and descriptions as hereafter described is hereinafter referred to as "the Society") was formed having for its purposes the prevention of cruelty to animals by enforcing where practicable the existing laws and by procuring such further legislation as may be found expedient and for other kindred purposes: AND WHEREAS the Society being then an unincorporated association adopted rules or bylaws from its inception and pursuant to such rules or by-laws adopted a revised set of rules at a meeting of its general committee on the sixth day of August, 1895: AND WHEREAS on the fourteenth day of October, 1895 the Society was incorporated under the provisions of the Hospitals and Charities Act 1890 under the name and style of the Victorian Society for the Protection of Animals, notice of such incorporation appearing in the Victoria Government Gazette on the eighteenth day of October, 1895: AND WHEREAS the officers of the Society thereafter failed to have the rules previously 1 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Preamble Act No. 7690/1968 adopted on the sixth day of August, 1895 subsequently adopted by the committee of the Society after such incorporation or to have such rules confirmed by a general meeting of contributors to the Society or to have the said rules published in the Victoria Government Gazette pursuant to the provisions of the Hospitals and Charities Act 1890: AND WHEREAS the officers of the Society from the date of incorporation conducted elections, appointed officers and staff and carried on the administration of the Society in compliance with such pre-existing rules and thereafter adopted amendments thereto from time to time, including new by-laws adopted by the Society on the nineteenth day of October, 1943: AND WHEREAS the name of the Society was in the year 1954 changed to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as appears in the Victoria Government Gazette of the first day of September, 1954 and such name was in the year 1956 further changed to The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as appears in the Victoria Government Gazette on the twenty-first day of March, 1956: AND WHEREAS the general committee of the Society on the twenty-seventh day of April, 1965 adopted amended by-laws (hereinafter described as the 1965 by-laws) in purported compliance with the provisions of its previously adopted by-laws and thereafter conducted a ballot and at a subsequent general meeting of the Society on the twenty-fifth day of May, 1965 purported to confirm the 1965 by-laws: AND WHEREAS in an action by a contributory member of the Society brought against the Society in the Supreme Court of Victoria and numbered 1720 of 1965 His Honor Mr. Justice Starke held inter alia on the ninth day of March, 1967 that there had been no valid rules or by-laws of the Society since the incorporation of the Society and 2 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 accordingly no validly appointed officers or servants or validly admitted contributors or members of the Society: AND WHEREAS as a result of the said judgment doubts have arisen (inter alia) as to the validity of the Society's by-laws, its legal status and membership and the election and appointment of its general committee office bearers and employés and as to the validity of the acts of such persons in the purported exercise of the powers and functions of the Society: AND WHEREAS it is expedient to declare that all persons who are now acting or have at any time acted as members of the general committee or office bearers or employés of the Society shall be deemed to have been duly elected or appointed (as the case may require) and to make further provisions with regard to such persons and to the acts of such persons as is hereinafter provided: AND WHEREAS it is expedient to remove doubts that have arisen as to the legal existence, the membership and control of the Society and for the valid operation of the by-laws of the Society and for the protection of the trust funds, real estate and other assets of the Society and for other matters relating thereto as is hereinafter provided: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say): 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 and shall come into operation on the passing thereof. 3 s. 1 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 s. 2 Act No. 7690/1968 2. Definitions In this Act unless inconsistent with the context or subject-matter— "by-laws" means the by-laws or rules of the Society from time to time adopted by its financial members since the formation of the Society; "general committee" means the general committee of the Society operating from time to time; "property" means any interest in real and personal property whether within or without the State of Victoria; "Society" means the Society known as The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and previously known and described as The Victorian Society for the Protection of Animals and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and includes the unincorporated Society operating prior to the incorporation of the Society. 3. Validations Notwithstanding anything in the Hospitals and Charities Act 1890 or any other legislative enactment— (a) the Society now is and at all times since the eighteenth day of October, 1895 shall be deemed to have been duly incorporated and to have been a body corporate pursuant to the provisions of the Hospitals and Charities Act 1890 and as such now has and shall continue to have permanent succession and a common seal and under the name aforesaid may sue and be sued prosecute and 4 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 defend and take and suffer all other proceedings in al courts; (b) all persons who are at the passing of this Act acting or have at any time acted as office bearers or committee members of the Society shall be deemed to be or to have been duly elected or appointed office bearers or committee members (as the case may require); (c) the Secretary and other employés of the Society who at the passing of this Act are acting or have at any time acted in such capacity shall be deemed to be or to have been validly appointed or employed (as the case may require); (d) save as is hereinafter stated the by-laws or rules purported to have been adopted by the Society from time to time since the formation of the Society including the rules adopted by the Society on the sixth day of August, 1895 immediately prior to its incorporation as aforesaid shall be deemed to have been validly adopted and to have had full force and effect in the control of and administration of the affairs of the Society and all acts of all such persons as are described in sub-clauses (b) and (c) hereof purported to have been done in the exercise of the powers or functions of the Society or of its general committee under such by-laws or rules shall be deemed to have been acts done in the due and proper exercise of such powers and functions and shall not be called in question or challenged in any proceeding in any court whatsoever; 5 s. 3 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 s. 3 Act No. 7690/1968 (e) so much and such parts of the by-laws purporting to have been adopted by the general committee of the Society on the 27th day of April, 1965 and purported to be confirmed by a general meeting of contributory members of the Society on the twenty-fifth day of May, 1965 as are set out in the Schedule hereto together with such additions thereto as are set out in the said Schedule shall be deemed to be the existing by-laws of the Society and to have been properly adopted and confirmed and to be in operation since the twenty-fifth day of May, 1965; (f) the Society may from time to time in manner provided by its by-laws make further bylaws and rules (not inconsistent with this Act) and such alterations in and amendments and additions to the by-laws as may from time to time be considered by its members to be necessary expedient or desirable; (g) any person who was at any particular time since the formation of the Society a contributory member, ordinary member, or junior member of the Society in accordance with the provisions of the by-laws which purported to be in operation at that particular time shall be deemed to have been at that time a member of the Society as aforesaid and all persons who were contributory members, ordinary members or junior members of the Society in accordance with the by-laws which purported to be in operation at the passing of this Act namely the 1965 by-laws shall be deemed to be at the passing of this Act members as aforesaid subject, (a) to their having paid such contributions as have become due from time 6 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 to time under the 1965 by-laws, and (b) to their having complied with the other conditions of membership under the 1965 by-laws; (h) notwithstanding anything contained in the by-laws the term of office of any office bearer or member of the general committee who under this Act is deemed to hold or retain such office or membership under the by-laws as at the 30th day of June, 1967 shall from the coming into operation of this Act be extended for a period of one year additional to the term of office or membership (as the case may require) that he or she is otherwise entitled to enjoy under the by-laws. 4. As to property (a) All property in fact held by the Society or by any person or persons on its behalf either absolutely or on trust or for any purpose whatsoever at the passing of this Act shall from and after the coming into operation of this Act vest in the Society or the person or persons as aforesaid without the necessity for any conveyance transfer or other assurance for such property and shall henceforth be held managed and dealt with by the Society or such persons as the Society or its proper officers may from time to time under its by-laws direct subject nevertheless to any trusts mortgages liens and other charges affecting the same immediately prior to the date of such vesting. (b) The Society may receive hold and enjoy property absolutely or upon trust and may grant transfer convey exchange demise (whether by way of lease or otherwise) create easements over or otherwise dispose of either absolutely or by way of mortgage charge lien or other encumbrance any of 7 s. 4 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 s. 5 Act No. 7690/1968 the property at any time belonging to the Society provided that if any such property is subject to any trust the provisions of such trust shall be carried out by the Society in accordance with any testamentary disposition trust deeds or other instrument creating the trust, and generally the Society may exercise subject to the provisions of this Act all powers rights and privileges incident to a body corporate. 5. Saving Notwithstanding the enactment of this Act the rights of the parties under the judgment of His Honor Mr. Justice Starke in action number 1720 of 1965 in the Supreme Court of Victoria shall be and remain in all respects the same as they would have been if this Act has not been passed. __________________ 8 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 Sch. SCHEDULE BY-LAWS Name of the Society 1. The name of the Society is "The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals" it having on Petition been declared a body politic an corporate under the Hospitals and Charities Act 1890 (54 Vic., No. 1099) by the Governor in Council on 14th October, 1895 (vide page 1474 of the Victoria Government Gazette dated 8th February, 1956). Interpretation 2. In the interpretation of these By-laws words signifying the singular number may include the plural number and vice versa and words signifying the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender. Objects 3. The objects of the Society are to prevent cruelty to animals by enforcing, where practicable, the existing laws, by procuring the passage of such further legislation as may be thought expedient, by executing and sustaining an intelligent public opinion in this regard and by doing all things conducive and incidental to the attainment of the foregoing objects and in particular— (a) to take such steps and do such things as may be necessary or advisable to educate all persons in the community with regard to the humane treatment of animals; (b) to diffuse information as to the care, protection and treatment of animals, by the publishing and circulating of literature, by the organizing and delivery of lectures, and the promotion of essay and other competitions, by wireless broadcasting of addresses and talks, the use of television for the presentation of information of this nature and by any lawful means of communication; (c) to conduct, manage, operate or encourage and subsidise clinics, hospitals, homes, shelters for the care, treatment, maintenance and protection of animals and to acquire and conduct ambulance and other means of transport for animals; 9 Schedule. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Sch. Act No. 7690/1968 (d) to prepare, edit, print, publish, issue, acquire and circulate books, papers, periodicals, gazettes, circulars and other literary productions relating to the care and treatment of animals or any research or investigation undertaken with reference thereto. 4. The Society shall keep a register of members with their full names and addresses and the date of commencement of their membership. A member may inspect and take copies of the register or any entry in the register at any reasonable time. 5. Any person desiring to become a member of the Society shall make application on the prescribed form in which shall be included an undertaking to be bound by the By-laws of the Society. Membership of the Society shall be constituted as follows— (a) persons who at any time during the twelve months ending 30th June in any one year shall have contributed on their own behalf the sum of two dollars or more, provided that such person shall not have been disqualified from membership in accordance with the By-laws; (b) persons elected by the General Committee as— (i) Life Members by virtue of their having contributed on their own behalf in one donation to the Society forty dollars or more; (ii) Honorary Members on the ground that they have conferred a signal benefit on the Society; (c) any one person nominated as a contributor by any organization, corporation, company or firm which during the period aforesaid shall have contributed to the Society twenty dollars or more; (d) any one person nominated as a contributor by the employees of any organization, corporation, company, firm or employer who have contributed to the Society during the period aforesaid ten dollars or more; (e) any one person nominated as contributor by the executors or trustees of any Will who have allocated at least one hundred dollars to the Society in one donation out of any moneys of the Testator not specifically directed to be paid to the Society under the Will; (f) no nominated member shall be a person disqualified for membership in accordance with these By-laws; 10 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 (g) persons under the age of 18 years who within the period ending on 30th June in any one year shall have contributed on their own behalf to the Society the sum of ten cents. Such members shall be referred to as Junior Members and shall have no voting rights but shall otherwise be bound by these By-laws. 6. (a) Notwithstanding anything in the preceding clauses the General Committee may reject any application for membership in any category or may refuse to renew or may cancel any membership upon being satisfied that any of the following grounds exist— (i) that the person concerned has made or caused to be made or published false, unfair, extravagant, fraudulent, derogatory or harmful statements concerning the Society or its activities or its General Committee, Office Bearers or Staff in the performance of their duties; (ii) that the person concerned has either before or since applying for membership expressed views or acted in a manner inconsistent with or detrimental to the aims and objects of the Society. (b) The powers under Clause 6(a) shall not be interpreted so as to prevent fair and honest criticism nor shall it apply to any written material forwarded to the General Committee nor to matters raised in good faith at any General Meeting of the Society. (c) Any member aggrieved by the decision of the General Committee in exercise of its powers under the preceding sub-sections may request the Committee to ask the Secretary of the Law Institute of Victoria or the Victorian Bar Council to appoint an Arbitrator to deal with the matter. After hearing all parties the Arbitrator shall make his decision which shall be binding on the Society and the member. The Arbitrator shall make such order as to costs as he may deem fit. Neither party to such an arbitration shall be entitled to legal representation and the time and place and form of the hearing shall be prescribed by the Arbitrator. (d) Notwithstanding anything contained in this clause membership of the Society shall cease should any member be in arrears with his subscription for a period of three months after the 30th June in any year. General Committee 7. The Governing body of the Society shall be the General Committee which shall consist of the following Office-Bearers: a President, two Vice-Presidents, an Honorary Treasurer and fourteen other members. All such members shall be contributory members. If it be found after any Annual Election of the General Committee that no member duly 11 Sch. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Sch. Act No. 7690/1968 elected is a Veterinary Surgeon or a member of the Victoria Police or a member of a recognized Accountancy Organization, the President shall approach the Australian Veterinary Association (Victorian Division) or the Chief Commissioner of Police or the Registrar of a recognized Accountancy Organization (as the case may be), and request nomination of a representative from such body. Such nominee shall thereupon become a member of the General Committee for the year in question and have all the rights and duties of the members of the General Committee notwithstanding that he may not be a financial member of the Society. The Nominee shall retire at the end of the financial year and cease to hold office after the Annual General Meeting unless he becomes a financial Member and stands for election and is duly elected to office. 8. The members of the General Committee shall be elected at an Annual Election at the time of the Annual General Meeting for a period of three years and on the day of the Annual General Meeting in each year six of the said members shall retire from office but shall be eligible for reelection. The members who shall retire shall be— (a) any member appointed to fill a casual vacancy during the preceding year up to a total of six in number and if less than six; (b) such other members as have been longest in office without reelection. 9. The Office-Bearers shall be elected by the General Committee at the first Committee Meeting after the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for one year but shall be eligible for re-election. 10. The names of the members of the General Committee who shall retire in accordance with By-laws 8 and 9 shall be determined at the meeting of the General Committee held in the month of May in each year. Should it be necessary to determine the six members to retire by the inclusion of some or one only of members of equal length of service then the members to be so included shall be determined by agreement or in default thereof by lot. 11. If any member of the General Committee— (a) dies; (b) resigns by writing under his hand addressed to the Secretary of the Society; (c) becomes bankrupt or insolvent or compounds with his creditors or makes a deed of agreement for the benefit of his creditors; (d) ceases to be a Contributory Member of the Society; (e) is convicted of any treason, felony or grave misdemeanour; or 12 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 (f) is absent without the permission of the General Committee from four consecutive ordinary Meetings of the General Committee— his office shall thereupon become vacant. 12. In the event of any casual vacancy on the Committee the remaining members thereof may temporarily appoint thereto a Contributory Member. Duties and Powers of the General Committee 13. The first duty of the General Committee on taking Office each year will be to request the Governor of the State of Victoria, if not already appointed, to become Patron of the Society. Should, for any reason the Governor be unable to accept patronage of the Society, the Lieutenant Governor shall be requested to accept such appointment. 14. The General Committee shall have control of the affairs, property and funds of the Society. It shall have in its control all appointments and dismissals of members of the Staff, it shall fix their salaries and conditions of employment and generally shall be entrusted with the duty of taking such action as it may deem expedient to promote and carry out the objects of the Society. It shall have power to appoint such Veterinary Surgeons and Solicitors as it may think desirable. The General Committee shall have power to give directions or make regulations from time to time for the conduct of elections and the carrying on of the business affairs of the Society in so far as these matters are not covered by any of the By-laws of the Society. 15. The General Committee shall have power to appoint such Subcommittees as may be found necessary but such Sub-committees shall be composed of members of the General Committee. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all such Subcommittees. Meetings of the General Committee 16. The General Committee shall meet monthly except in January at such times as it may decide. In the absence of the President and VicePresidents the members present shall choose a Chairman. At any meeting of the General Committee six members thereof shall form a quorum. All questions shall be decided by the votes of a majority of the members present and in the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. 13 Sch. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Sch. Act No. 7690/1968 General Meetings 17. A General Meeting of the Society may be called by the General Committee at any time and shall be called by the Secretary upon the written request of not less than six members of the General Committee or not less than 100 contributory members of the Society stating the purpose for which they desire the meeting to be called. Voting at General Meetings shall be by simple majority of those members present and entitled to vote. 18. Every General Meeting shall be advertised by the Secretary in two daily newspapers circulating in the City of Melbourne at least 35 days before the date on which the meeting is to be held giving the exact time and place of such meeting. 19. The President or in his absence one of the Vice-Presidents shall preside at every General Meeting. In the absence of the President or VicePresidents the members shall choose some other member of the General Committee to be Chairman. 20. Twenty-five members shall form a quorum at any General Meeting or Annual General Meeting. Annual General Meetings 21. An Annual General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary acting on the authority of the General Committee on some day between the first day of July and the thirty-first day of August in each year. 22. The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting shall be— (a) to receive the report of the General Committee for the preceding financial year; (b) to receive the accounts and balance sheet duly certified by the Society's auditor for the preceding financial year; (c) to elect such members of the General Committee as may be necessary; (d) to appoint and fix the remuneration of an auditor for the ensuing year; (e) to decide on any motion submitted by an eligible member of which notice in writing shall have been submitted to the Secretary by the proposer at least 28 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. Procedure for the election of the General Committee 23. The election for the General Committee shall be held on the same day as the Annual General Meeting of the Society. 14 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 24. The Secretary shall include in the notice advertising the holding of the Annual General Meeting notification that nominations are called for in respect to the specified number of vacancies to be filled on the General Committee of the Society and that such nominations— (a) must be in writing signed by the candidates and two other members all of whom shall at the date of nomination be financial contributory members of the Society; and (b) must be in the hands of the Secretary by twelve noon on a date specified in the notice such date to be at least twenty-one days prior to the date of the annual election. 25. The General Committee shall at least two months before the date of the Annual General Meeting appoint a Returning Officer for the purpose of the election but no person shall act in such office if he is a member of the General Committee, a candidate for election or a permanent employee of the Society and such Returning Officer shall be a person who has acted in a responsible capacity regularly at Municipal State or Federal elections. 26. Immediately after the close of nominations the Secretary shall cause a list of the eligible persons nominated to be posted on a Notice Board at the registered office of the Society. 27. If the number of candidates is no greater than the number of vacancies to be filled the Chairman of the Annual General Meeting shall at that meeting declare such candidates duly elected and they shall take office from the closing of such meeting. Notwithstanding anything in the preceding clauses, the General Committee of the preceding year shall hold office until the close of the Annual General Meeting and the new Committee shall thereupon take office. 28. If there are more candidates than vacancies to be filled the election shall be by ballot of the members conducted in the following manner— (a) The Secretary shall cause ballot papers to be prepared containing the names of the candidates in alphabetical order with an asterisk against the names of retiring members eligible for re-election and containing directions as to the method of voting. Such directions shall advise the contributory member— (i) that the ballot paper shall be completed by marking a number in each square opposite the candidates names in order of the voter's preference, commencing with the number 1 and continuing consecutively until each square is filled; (ii) that the completed ballot paper shall then be placed in the smaller envelope supplied and sealed and that this envelope shall then be placed in the larger envelope supplied upon the 15 Sch. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Sch. Act No. 7690/1968 inside flap of which the voter shall legibly write his name, initials and address; (iii) that the outer envelope enclosing the smaller envelope shall be sealed and addressed to the Returning Officer at such address as he may direct and posted so as to be received by him not later than the time of closing of the ballot; (b) the Secretary shall not less than fourteen days prior to the closing of the ballot post in a prepaid envelope addressed to each member eligible to vote a ballot paper initialled on the back by the Secretary and the Returning Officer and stamped with the official stamp of the Society together with two other envelopes. The larger of such envelopes shall be a "Business Reply" envelope addressed to the Returning Officer and shall be numbered with the individual register number of each member entitled to vote. The smaller envelope shall be clearly marked "Ballot Paper"; (c) alternatively members may vote by delivering their ballot papers to the Returning Officer before the ballot closes by placing the same in a ballot box to be provided by him at the time and place of the Annual General Meeting. 29. The ballot shall close half an hour after the time fixed for commencement of the Annual General Meeting. At the close of the ballot the Returning Officer shall proceed to remove the envelopes containing the ballot papers from the ballot box, and shall open such envelopes and all other envelopes received by him through the post before the close of the ballot. He shall reject any ballot paper which is not marked in accordance with the requirements of these By-laws and shall proceed with such assistance as he may require to count the votes recorded on the remaining ballot papers. The Returning Officer shall conduct the said ballot by the preferential system of voting and subject to any regulations adopted by the General Committee. Except in so far as it may be inconsistent with these By-laws or such regulations the Returning Officer shall use the system of Preferential Voting prescribed by the Model By-laws of the Hospital and Charities Commission. 30. Any candidate or any two or more candidates jointly may appoint a Scrutineer who shall be a financial contributory member of the Society. No candidate shall appoint or join in appointing more than one Scrutineer. Such appointment shall be in writing addressed to the Returning Officer and signed by the candidate or candidates making the appointment and shall bear in the margin a specimen signature of the Scrutineer. Such writing shall be delivered to the Returning Officer at the Society's Registered Office at least an hour before the time fixed for the closing of the ballot. No person shall act as Scrutineer until the Returning Officer has satisfied himself as to the identity of such person with the Scrutineer appointed by such writing. 16 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 31. Any Scrutineer properly appointed may be present at any stage of the proceedings for checking the identity of the voters with the roll examining the ballot papers and counting the votes. In the case of any dispute as to the adequacy of marking or otherwise as to the validity of any ballot paper the decision of the Returning Officer shall be binding and conclusive. 32. No election shall be invalidated by reason of the fact that any notice or paper required by these By-laws shall not have been received by any member provided that the notice referred to in By-law 24 hereof shall have been duly published. 33. The Returning Officer shall after the poll closes proceed to count the votes and shall then declare the result of the ballot by signing the Certificate in the presence of the Scrutineers (if any) and if none in the presence of the Secretary and the result of the ballot so certified shall be published in the two daily newspapers in which notices of the election were published. 34. If at any Annual Election for the General Committee the places of retiring members not standing for re-election are not filled the General Committee shall regard the vacancies in the same way as any casual vacancy and shall proceed to appoint such contributory members as they think fit to fill such vacancies. 35. For the purpose of the election of the General Committee the Secretary shall supply to the Returning Officer the complete roll of members including their names and addresses, date of payment of their subscription and any other details relevant to their eligibility to vote. The Secretary shall also supply a similar complete roll of members eligible to vote which shall be available to Scrutineers. In the event of any dispute as to eligibility to vote the decision of the Returning Officer shall be based on the complete roll and shall be final. Notices 36. Any notice to any officer or member of the Society which by these Bylaws is required to be given may be served by delivering it to the person on whom it is to be served or by sending it by post in a prepaid letter addressed to him at his usual or last known place of abode or business within such time (if any) as is so prescribed and evidence of postage shall be deemed to be sufficient evidence of service for the purposes of these By-laws. 17 Sch. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Sch. Act No. 7690/1968 Secretary 37. The General Committee may appoint and at its discretion remove or suspend a Secretary to the Society and fix his remuneration. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Society and of the General Committee and to conduct the correspondence of the Society under the direction of the General Committee. He shall also be charged with the care of the books, documents and all property of the Society. He shall prepare an Annual Report. He shall keep the Membership Rolls as set forth in Bylaw 4 and perform such duties as are incidental to the enforcement of these By-laws and as may be directed or permitted by the General Committee. Honorary Treasurer 38. The Honorary Treasurer shall be a member of a recognized Accounting Organization and shall have charge of the moneys, securities and other valuable property of the Society and shall, subject to any direction from the General Committee disburse its funds, invest or realize investments and generally act in and supervise all matters concerning the finances of the Society. He shall cause proper accounting records to be kept of the transaction of the Society and shall produce to the General Committee his books of account and records and such documents relating thereto as may be required. He shall make an Annual Report of the Assets and Liabilities and shall submit to audit the accounts of the Society and such other financial records of the Society as he is required to keep. Seal 39. The Seal now in use by the Society shall be adopted as its Common Seal and the General Committee shall provide for safe custody of the Seal. The Common Seal of the Society shall be affixed to documents by two members of the General Committee in the presence of the Secretary and such application of the Seal shall be entered in a Register kept for this purpose and produced to the General Committee at each meeting thereof. 18 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 Investments 40. Any change in the investments of the Society shall be made only on a recommendation by a majority of the Finance Sub-Committee where such has been appointed, confirmed by a majority of the General Committee or by a majority of the General Committee where no Finance Sub-Committee has been appointed. Alteration to By-Laws 41. Alterations of or additions to these By-laws shall be made in the following manner: (a) Any financial member of the Society may from time to time submit in writing to the General Committee any proposed amendment to these By-laws (hereinafter called "the proposed amendment") and the General Committee shall by resolution within two calendar months of receiving the proposed amendment either adopt or reject or adopt in altered form any such proposed amendment. (b) The General Committee may also of its own motion from time to time by resolution adopt any proposed amendment to the then By-laws. (c) The General Committee shall at the Annual General Meeting or General Meeting next held after the adoption of any resolution under (a) or (b) hereof advise such General Meeting of the proposed amendment and of any adopted amendment to these By-laws and such General Meeting shall be empowered either to confirm or reject such adopted amendment to these By-laws or to confirm or reject the proposed amendment in the form submitted to the General Committee and upon the confirmation of such adopted amendment to these By-laws or the proposed amendment the same shall subject to the following provision forthwith take effect as an amendment to these By-laws. (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of By-Law 17, if immediately after any adopted amendment to these By-laws or proposed amendment is duly confirmed by any such General Meeting no fewer than twenty members then present at such General Meeting and entitled to vote demand that the confirmed amendment to these By-laws be the subject of a postal ballot of members then such amendment to these By-laws shall cease to be effective unless and until it has been approved by a majority voting in a postal ballot of members which shall be conducted forthwith by the General Committee according to the ballot procedure prescribed for the election of the General Committee so far as the same is applicable thereto. 19 Sch. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Sch. Act No. 7690/1968 Branches 42. The Committee may by resolution recognize as a Branch of the Society any local Association in any district of Victoria, if— (a) the constitution of such Association is approved by the General Committee; and (b) the Executive of such Association undertakes that if recognized as a Branch the Members will be bound by the By-laws of the Society as existing from time to time and by such regulations and rules made by the General Committee as are applicable to Branches. The General Committee is hereby expressly given the power to draw up rules and regulations for the governing of Branches and to amend them from time to time as it may think fit, but before exercising its powers it shall notify any Branches accordingly so that they may place before it any facts which may be considered to be relevant. These powers however will not affect the rights of such Branches to receive donations and legacies and to disburse them in accordance with the By-laws of the Parent Society which shall have become the By-laws of such Branch or Branches and the Parent Society shall have no right to claim any part of such funds by way of levy, contribution or otherwise. 43. Each such Branch shall have an Office or Headquarters to which communications may be addressed and shall furnish to the General Committee the address thereof and notice of any change of such address. ═══════════════ 20 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 ENDNOTES 1. General Information The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 was assented to on 7 May 1968 and came into operation on 7 May 1968. 21 Endnotes Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Endnotes Act No. 7690/1968 2. Table of Amendments There are no amendments made to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 by Acts and subordinate instruments. 22 Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1968 Act No. 7690/1968 3. Explanatory Details No entries at date of publication. 23 Endnotes