tube feeding in cats - Alpine Animal Hospital

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My veterinarian is suggesting that my cat be fed by a feeding tube. What exactly does
this mean?
Tube feeding is an alternative way of providing nutrition to a cat that is suffering from
anorexia or has an anatomical or surgical condition that prevents it from eating normally.
Tube feeding generally refers to one of several techniques: naso-gastric tube,
pharyngostomy tube, esophagostomy tube, jejunostomy tube and gastrostomy tube
Why is tube feeding necessary?
Proper nutrition is a critical factor in
accomplishing a successful recovery from any
Since the physiology of cats is
different than dogs and people,
consequences of not eating properly are much
more significant in cats. In fact, cats that do not
eat for as little as forty-eight hours can develop
a potentially life-threatening form of liver
malfunction known as hepatic lipidosis.
Additionally, cats that are not eating are much
more likely to have ian impaired ability to fight
infection and heal properly. These factors
combine to make maintaining adequate nutrition paramount in cats that are ill or
undergoing surgery.
What can I do to encourage my cat to eat?
Many cats will experience reduced appetite or anorexia from the mildest illness.
Sometimes simply changing the type of food or the time or location of feeding will trigger
anorexia. If your cat is eating less than normal, here are some simple steps to try and
encourage a normal appetite:
Slightly warm the food prior to feeding. It is important that the food is heated only slightly,
to a much lower temperature than the ‘hot’ food that we eat.
Offer frequent, small meals of odorous, highly palatable food. Most cats will prefer foods
that are high in protein and fat. Your veterinarian will recommend a personalized feeding
plan for your cat, depending upon its needs.
Gently hand feed or place the food on the cat’s tongue.
Ensure that the feeding area feels is quiet, warm and comfortable.
If a cat has refused food for more than three days, you should consult your veterinarian
immediately. In some cats, appetite stimulating drugs such as diazepam or
cyproheptadine may be effective. In cats that are refusing to eat, force-feeding is
counterproductive. Not only is it unpleasant for the cat, there is a greatly increased risk
of the cat inhaling food and developing aspiration pneumonia. Force-feeding will often
increase aversion to food and may actually prolong the time before the cat will resume
eating voluntarily.
What will happen if I am unable to get my cat to eat?
After three days of anorexia, the cat’s body begins to enter a dangerous period. If
nutrition is not quickly provided, the body will resort to mobilizing and metabolizing
stored energy from the liver and other vital tissues. In this situation, serious and
potentially irreversible damage may occur. If the cat fails to respond to conservative
treatments, a feeding tube may be required. The most common types of feeding tubes
used are the naso-gastric tube (sometimes interchangeably referred to as a nasoesophageal tube), the esophagostomy tube and the gastrostomy tube.
What is a Naso-gastric or Naso-esophageal Tube?
This type of tube is simple to insert and is the most common form of tube feeding in cats.
Naso-gastric tubes can usually be placed
with minimal sedation. The sensitive lining
to the nose is usually anaesthetized with
local anesthetic drops and a narrow,
flexible tube is inserted into the nostril and
fed over the back of the soft palate down
into the esophagus until it reachesabout
the level of the 9th rib. The tube is then
attached to your cat’s head by stitches or
surgical glue.
It is generally necessary to fit a protective
collar to prevent the cat from interfering
with the tube. Because of the small diameter of the feeding tube, only extremely liquefied
food, water and some medications can be given, and the tube is prone to becoming
clogged. Naso-gastric tubes are not used if long term feeding is required, if the cat is
vomiting, if there is severe facial trauma, if the esophagus is not functioning normally, or
if the cat is unconscious. Naso-esophageal tubes can generally be kept in place for
approximately five days.
What is an Esophagostomy Tube?
This type of tube is slightly larger than a naso-gastric tube, and enters the esophagus
through a small incision in the neck. Cats must be sedated or anesthetized to place this
type of feeding tube. The larger diameter of this feeding tube allows thicker food to be
fed and there are fewer clogs or other potential complications. Feeding by
esophagostomy tube takes considerably less time compared to naso-esophageal tube
feeding. Most cats have a wrap placed around their neck where the tube is inserted and
the tube is capped when not in use. Esophagostomy tubes can generally be kept in
place for up to two weeks.
What is a Gastrostomy Tube?
A gastrostomy tube is a large diameter tube that is surgically placed directly into the
stomach through the skin and body wall. The end of the tube exits the skin just above
the stomach on the side or flank of the cat. Short term general anesthesia is required to
place a gastrostomy tube.. An abdominal wrap or protective stocking is often worn by the
cat while the tube remains in place. A gastrostomy tube is used when long term assisted
feeding is required. Gastrostomy tubes allow for quick feedings and may be left in place
for several weeks to months.
Is it hard to feed a cat through a feeding tube?
Feeding a cat through a feeding tube is easier and less complicated than you might
think. Most people quickly get the hang of preparing food and connecting the syringe to
the feeding tube. Caring for the tube placement site is also easy and requires little effort.
Before each feeding, it is important to check whether the last meal has moved out of the
stomach. This is accomplished by attaching an empty syringe and gently drawing back
the plunger (aspirating). If there is food left, you will see evidence of this in the syringe.
Your veterinarian will advise you about what to do in this situation based on your cat’s
specific condition and needs.
What type of food do you feed through a feeding tube?
Your veterinarian will prescribe a personalized feeding plan for your cat. Most
commonly, you will use commercially available canned or powdered food or cat food that
has been liquified in a blender. The amount that needs to be fed and the number of
meals will depend on the size of your cat, whether they need to gain (or lose) weight and
the disease or problems being treated.
What are the complications of tube feeding?
Generally, there are few complications with tube feeding once the cat is stable. The most
common complications include infection at the site of tube insertion into the skin,
inadvertent removal of the tube by the cat or owner, and clogging of the tube. The risk of
food leaking out of or around a gastrostomy tube into the abdomen is very rare once a
stoma or adhesion between the body wall and stomach has formed. This usually forms
within one to two weeks. In general, complications and difficulties with feeding tubes are
relatively uncommon. Your veterinarian will instruct you on how to specifically resolve
any complications or problems that arise.
Are there situations where tube feeding is not possible?
In rare circumstances, such as cats with uncontrollable vomiting or unconsciousness,
tube feeding is not possible. In these cases it may be necessary to consider intravenous
feeding. Unfortunately, intravenous feeding of dogs and cats is complicated, difficult and
expensive. It is only recommended when no other feeding methods are available.
This client information sheet is based on material written by Ernest Ward, DVM
© Copyright 2005 Lifelearn Inc. Used with permission under license. February 13, 2016