S1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Date: 13.02.2016 Field of Application: Gebäude und Raumnummern angeben Project Manager: Name, Tel. - ggf. weitere/stellvertr. Proj.Ltr. angeben Emergency Phone Number: 0-112 Responsible for Biological Safety: Name, Tel. First Aider : Name, Tel. Company Medical Officer: Name, Tel. First Aid Case: Standort HAZARDS AND HAZARD DESCRIPTIONS BIO I Security Level S1 Genetic Operations Genetic operations of which - at the current state of scientific knowledge and in keeping with these instructions - no dangers to human health or to the environment proceed are classified as Security Level S1. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND RULES OF CONDUCT - The handling of genetically modified organisms of risk group 1 may only be carried out in a genetic laboratory of security level 1 (or higher) as well as by qualified persons who are annually retrained. Further regulations (hazardous materials regulations, law on the protection of expectant and nursing mothers, etc.) may be viewed in room Raum-Nr? - Wear a buttoned laboratory coat, sturdy footgear, and safety glasses in the laboratory. - While pipetting use pipettors only. No oral pipetting! - Avoid aerosol formation; you should keep the doors of laboratory rooms closed while working. - Use syringes, canulas, and scalpels only when absolutely necessary. Put used canulas into the canula waste container; never put them back into their protective covering. - Keep the working areas tidy and clean. - After finishing work and before leaving the working areas, disinfect your hands and only then wash them with cleanser and water. After that, adhere to skin care plan. - Do not eat, drink, smoke, use snuff, chew chewing gum, or wear cosmetics in the laboratory. Do not keep foodstuffs, beverages, tobacco, or cosmetics in the laboratory. - Check identity and purity of organisms at regular periods of time. - Vermin and carriers of genetically modified organisms are to be exterminated in a suitable way. CONDUCT IN THE CASE OF DANGER - If large amounts or large concentrations of hazardous materials are released (e.g. spillage or broken culture bottles) warn co-workers and immediately inform the project manager as well as the person responsible for biological safety. - Immediately clean contaminated objects or surfaces; then disinfect them with suitable disinfectant. Observe application time. - Use suitable material (e.g. tissue papers) to wipe and absorb spillage. FIRST AID - Open wounds are to be thoroughly cleaned or left to bleed under medical supervision. Disinfect with wound disinfectant. - In the case of contact with the eyes, wash eyes with eye shower for at least 10 minutes. Consult an eye doctor! - Any injuries are to be reported to the project manager and the person responsible for biological safety. Injuries are to be recorded in the accident log. - In the case of extreme contact with hazardous materials (e.g. swallowing, wound contact, etc.) consult a doctor (university hospital, emergency surgery 0-597-4367) or call an ambulance. - Contact first aider and company medical officer. PROPER WASTE DISPOSAL GVO - Waste material containing genetically modified organisms is to be labeled ("GVO") and preferably to be autoclaved prior to leaving the laboratory. Otherwise, it is to be deactivated with disinfectant. An autoclave is located in room Standort?