OHS026 1. Completed by: Phoebe Phillips Safe work procedure Staff/Student number: z9900844 The Writing Safe Work Procedures Guideline (OHS027) should be consulted to assist in the completion of this form Faculty/Division: School/Unit: Medicine School of Medical Sciences Document number SoMS_OHS_033 Initial Issue date Current version 6/12/2011 1.1 Current Version Issue date 20/02/2012 Next review date 6/12/2013 or upon relocation of freezers 2.Safe work procedure title and basic description of activity Title: Procedure for -80C freezers in Lowy Tunnel Description of activity:- Storage and retrieval of items in the freezer; maintenance of the freezer 3.List Hazards and risk controls as per risk assessment Associated risk assessment number and location: Hazards* 1.Electric shock Freezers in Tunnel Risk Assessment SoMS_OHS_031 2. Biological contamination 2. All samples double contained when stored in the freezer, and gloves worn when handling samples. Samples not opened in the area. 3. Frost burns 3. Cryogenic gloves should be worn at all times when accessing the freezer. 4. Slip/trip (wet floor after defrosting/ bunding) 4. When the freezer is being defrosted adequate absorbent material should be present to contain the water from melting ice. Clean up drips immediately. Bunding in proper position in front of freezer. 5. GMO release 5. Double contained in locked freezer. IBC notified of temporary relocation. *See risk assessment for detailed hazards Controls* 1. Electrical equipment to be electrically tested and tagged, and visually inspected (including the cord) before & after any move. *See risk assessment for detailed controls 4.List resources required including personal protective clothing, chemicals and equipment needed Suitable PPE: cryogenic gloves, latex gloves, fully enclosed shoes Esky Trolley Biohazard spills kit (in case of spill) Non-absorbent container (for ice removal) Absorbent pads (for ice removal) Slippery surface sign (for ice removal) Rounded spatula (for ice removal) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 of 5 OHS026 safe work procedure Current Version: 3.0, 04/03/2011 5.List step by step instructions or order for undertaking the task Using the freezer Suitable PPE should be worn whilst using a -80o freezer. At a minimum this would be protective gloves, and fully closed shoes. No food or drink is to be stored in a -80o freezer. No flammable liquids or solids are to be stored in a -80o freezer. Items in the -80o freezer should be clearly marked with the following information: o Contents o Symbol of the type of hazard the contents poses if any e.g. Biohazard, Toxic o Owner’s name and contact number o Research group o The date at which the items were stored Transporting samples to the freezer Ensure your sample(s) are sealed, samples must be double contained while transported, using the non-absorbent esky. Bring disposable gloves with you Bring cryogenic gloves with you Bring the key for the freezer lock with you Take the Wallace Wurth lift to the basement – no lab coat or gloves to be worn in the lift. Unlock freezer Use cryogenic gloves and disposable gloves as applicable to your task. Store/retrieve samples. Freezer racks must not be put on the concrete floor. If you will need to take out the racks use the trolley available in the tunnel (it is on the same lock as the one used for the freezer doors). Only have the door open for the absolute minimum time needed, this will maintain the temperature. If the temperature drops this will trigger the alarm. Check that there is no excessive ice build-up. If there are any ice drips on the floor, clean these immediately Occasionally samples get knocked from their rack onto the floor. Check the area, including under the freezer, to ensure there are no sample tubes. If you find a tube return it to the freezer. Lock the freezer door. Double check the area for dropped sample tubes. An unlocked freezer or any samples left outside could result in a breach of OHS and OGTR regulations Return to the lab and put disposable gloves into hazardous waste container. Ice removal As -80o freezers are not frost free, ice build-up occurs. This should be scraped from the door seal area on a regular basis using the round edged spatula supplied by the manufacturer. There is a spatula located on the side of Gilles Guilleman’s freezer. This should be performed at a reasonable time when pedestrian traffic through the area is at a minimum. Place a “slippery surface” sign near-by Use cryogenic gloves during ice removal. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 5 OHS026 safe work procedure Current Version: 3.0, 04/03/2011 Ensure this is conducted entirely within the bunded area, if necessary use additional bunding to enlarge the bunded area. Take care not to introduce slip/trip hazards into the general pedestrian zone. Use a non-absorbant container (e.g. plastic bucket) to collect waste ice and water. Hold this immediately under the area being scraped. Place absorbent towels/pads around the drop zone in case waste ice / water is not collected into the bucket. All samples in freezers are at least double contained; therefore ice/waste water will not be contaminated during normal operating conditions. Waste can be treated as non-hazardous. If there has been a spill, follow spill procedure. All collected ice/waste water should be transported in a sealed container within a second non-absorbant container to PC2 facility, thawed, and sterilized or decontaminated before disposal. Dispose of towels afterward as hazardous waste (as relevant to the spill). Freezer defrost -80o freezers in the Lowy Tunnel should not have a full defrost unless absolutely necessary; contact the Research Support Manager and OHS Officer for detailed advice. 6.List emergency shutdown procedures Close and lock the freezer. 7.List Emergency procedures for how to deal with fires, spills or exposure to hazardous substances Fire: In case of fire, raise the alarm and contact security (x56666). Powder fire extinguisher located nearby, only use extinguishers if you have been trained and it is safe to do so. Biological Spill: Liquid spills generally form three fractions: the bulk of the liquid forms a puddle; small splashes of liquid escape; and a small portion of the liquid forms airborne particles. Use the bunding provided to contain the spill Small-scale Use the biohazard spill kit available (location on top of the chest freezer). Put on the PPE (gloves, face mask, apron). Seek assistance from a second person. Put bactericidal absorbent powder or disinfectant onto the spill, always work from the outside to the centre. Be careful not to generate any aerosols. Use thongs/forceps to collect any broken plastic. Allow sufficient contact time before cleaning up, then use the scoop and scraper to collect up. If necessary repeat this process until completely clear. Use cleaning cloths to clean and dry the area. Place all waste, clothes, gloves, apron etc into the clinical waste bag supplied in the kit. Dispose of in the yellow waste bin, or if GMO into an autoclave bag. Large-scale Avoid breathing in aerosols Vacate the area If you have been splashed, remove contaminated clothing and go to the nearest emergency shower (outside stores, next to the radiation store room) Notify supervisor and emergency team. Inform stores staff and arrange for access through the tunnel to be stopped Allow a minimum of 30 minutes to allow time for aerosols to settle or be diluted by air handling systems _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 5 OHS026 safe work procedure Current Version: 3.0, 04/03/2011 Emergency team to deal with spill as per large-scale spill procedure All incidents to be reported using the on-line hazard reporting tool 8.List clean up and waste disposal requirements Any samples found outside the freezer, if the owner cannot be identified to be disposed of as PC2 waste 9.List legislation used in the development of this SWP NSW Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 NSW Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 AS/NZS 2243.3:2002 Safety in Laboratories Part 3: Microbiological Aspects and Containment Facilities OHS659 – UNSW PPE guideline OGTR Guidelines for Certification of a Physical Containment PC1 & PC2 laboratory 10a.List competency required – qualifications, certificates, licensing, training - e.g. course or instruction: When working with potential infectious biological material, the student/staff should have completed the following training. UNSW Occupational Health & Safety Awareness training UNSW Laboratory Safety Awareness training UNSW Hazardous Substances training UNSW PC2 Training UNSW working with GMO training Training by freezer custodian 10b. List competency of Assessor Senior researcher HS Officer 11.Supervisory approval, And review Supervisor: Signature: Responsibility for SWP review: Date of review: 12.SWP Sign off sheet SWP name and version: SoMS_OHS_033, version 2 In signing this section the assessor/ authorisor agrees that the following persons are competent in following this SWP Name Signature Date Competent Name of Assessor/Authoriser Assessor/Authoriser signature _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 of 5 OHS026 safe work procedure Current Version: 3.0, 04/03/2011 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 of 5 OHS026 safe work procedure Current Version: 3.0, 04/03/2011