The University of Akron Office of International Programs PROTOCOL FOR THE ADMISSION AND ISSUANCE OF VISA DOCUMENTS FOR IN-BOUND RECIPROCITY (EXCHANGE) STUDENTS PROPOSED 7/21/00 To avoid confusion and duplication of efforts in the admission and issuance of immigration documents for reciprocity (exchange) students coming to The University of Akron, the following protocol shall be followed for all existing exchange programs. (For information on establishing a new program, see Guidelines for Originating Exchange International Agreements of Cooperation for The University of Akron at the Office of International Programs’ web site under faculty resources: OIP Home page): Step 1: Formal agreement is signed and on file with the Director of International Programs of The University of Akron. Step 2: Application form for each student wanting to come to study at The University of Akron is sent to the exchange partner’s designated person (EPDP). Note: The Coordinator of International Programs (CIP) sends materials each fall to all established exchange programs. Step 3: EPDP gives application form to qualified individual student(s) selected for the exchange program. Student then returns the completed form to his/her university EPDP. A maximum of two students per institution will be accepted by The University of Akron for the exchange [unless otherwise agreed upon in advance by The University of Akron’s Designated Person (UADP) in consultation with the Director of International Programs at UA]. Additional students may attend UA as fee-paying students. Those students will not be identified as "reciprocity" students. Note: The Office of International Programs may issue a maximum of 25 tuition waivers per semester. Step 4: EPDP mails original application form (with supporting documents as noted below), to the UADP at least two (2) months prior to the beginning of the term. List of supporting documents needed: Cover letter advising that the student(s) have been selected for participation in the program and the time period (specific semester or year), that the student hopes to participate University of Akron Application Form (either undergraduate or graduate application, but not both) Original results of the TOEFL Official Transcript or formal academic record and English translations Financial documents showing the student’s ability to support him/herself for the duration of the stay [Declaration and Certification of Finances (DCF) with original proof of funds] Other admission requirements of the department (if needed) such as a GRE, GMAT, MAT, LSAT, or other test score The application fee is waived for reciprocity students. Step 5: UADP forwards the application form and supporting documents to the CIP. Step 6: CIP reviews the application and the supporting documents. If appropriate, the CIP stamps "RECIPROCITY" on the application form and Declaration and Certification of Finances (DCF) and photocopies the documents for the CIP’s file. The CIP prepares a memo to the Admissions/Credentials Evaluator (ACE) at The University of Akron naming the student, the exchange school, country of the school, nationality/citizenship of the student, and the period for which admission is requested. Students may be hosted for one or two semesters, but not for more than one academic year. Step 7: ACE follows appropriate protocol for the undergraduate or graduate program for which the student wishes admission. The ACE admits the student, prepares the letter of admission, and provides a copy to the CIP. Once the student has been admitted, the ACE will forward the file (along with the memo from the CIP) to the Student Services Counselor (SSC) for preparation of the appropriate immigration documents. Step 8: SSC will review the finances and admissions documents and prepare the appropriate immigration documents for the student. The SSC will obtain the signature of the Director of International Programs on the immigration documents. The SSC will then give the completed letter of admission, along with the immigration documents, to the CIP. Step 9: CIP (or the UADP, if requested) will mail the documents, along with a cover letter, to the EPDP (unless an alternate mailing site is otherwise requested by the EPDP). If the student has provided a housing contract for the residence halls on campus, the CIP will forward this, with the newly assigned student identification number, to the Office of Residence Halls. Step 10: If the student is in upper college or is a graduate student and has provided a request for classes, the UADP will correspond with the appropriate person in the department so that the department may take appropriate action to pre-register the student before arrival. Undergraduate, University College student requests for classes will be forwarded to the International Academic Adviser/Program Specialist (IAA/PS). Step 11: Students are given a "Welcome Packet" with detailed information about arrival and housing. If the UADP is interested in arranging a pickup and/or housing for the student, that should be arranged individually between the student and the UADP. Step 12: Student will be responsible for finding housing either on- or off-campus using the information available in the "Welcome Packet." Step 13: The reciprocity student is expected to attend the International Student Orientation, to pay the fee for the orientation (currently US$45), and to provide proof of insurance (in English) at the levels required by the U. S. Government and The University of Akron. If the student does not have insurance prior to arriving at UA, or does not provide proof of adequate insurance, he/she will be charged for the insurance policy negotiated for students at The University of Akron. Step 14: CIP will prepare a Fee Waiver card for each reciprocity student, which will be signed by the Director of International Programs. The card will be given to the student at the International Student Orientation, and it is the student’s responsibility to use the card to pay fees in the Cashier’s Office each semester. If classes are added after the first fee payment, the student should make a request to the CIP to obtain an additional card. Step 15: Department will advise upper college undergraduate students and graduate students on academic matters and will "host" the student at appropriate events throughout the term. The reciprocity student may be asked to assist with recruiting UA students to study abroad at his/her home institution. IAA/PS will advise undergraduate, University College students on academic matters. Step 16: It is the responsibility of the student to maintain immigration status at all times. It is expected that reciprocity students will not work on campus during their stays, unless they have permission from the EPDP (in writing). If the student wishes to extend his/her stay for a period of practical training, he/she must do so in writing at least one month prior to the end of classes of the final term of his/her stay. Information concerning eligibility is available in the Office of International Programs, Polsky 483. Reciprocity students should check with the Cashier’s Office before or during final exam week to pay any outstanding debts that may have accrued against their accounts. Step 17: After the student completes his/her studies on campus, the CIP will request a certified transcript from the Office of the Registrar. If no debts are due and outstanding with the Cashier’s Office, the CIP will mail the certified transcript to the EPDP. If debts are due and outstanding, the CIP will advise the EPDP and the UADP. Acronyms ACE Admissions/Credentials Evaluator (Tracy McCune) CIP Coordinator of International Programs (Linda Marx) DCF Declaration and Certification of Finances EPDP Exchange Partner’s Designated Person GMAT Graduate Management Admission Test GRE Graduate Record Exam IAA/PS International Academic Adviser/Program Specialist (Rebekka Bowman) LSAT Law School Admission Test MAT Miller Analogy Test SSC Student Services Counselor (Gretta Starik) TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language UADP The University of Akron’s Designated Person Revised 3/5/03