NOC Institutional Committees

Northern Oklahoma College
Tonkawa – Enid - Stillwater
Employee Assignments
Future Oriented, Learning Focused, Connected, Distinctive
NOC Institutional Committees 2014-2015
1. Assessment of Student Learning
Purpose: To recommend policies and procedures designed to support assessment of student learning and
institutional effectiveness and to demonstrate Northern’s accountability to its many internal and external
constituencies. Additionally, this committee will provide guidance, direction, and support for institutionwide assessment activities related to student academic achievement, course and program outcomes, support
services provided to students, and other areas of institutional assessment. Subcommittees will be formed as
required to address specific assessment needs for institutional assessment, general education competencies,
degree program assessments, retention/graduation, enrollment management, faculty evaluation, etc.
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: Review Spring 2014 Student Satisfaction Survey and make
recommendations for changes needed in assessment, general education competencies, and
retention/graduation, forming subcommittees as needed to complete task. (Goals 1A and 1B)
Institutional Chair: Lisa Nordquist
Cooper, Dee
Reed, Starla
Frost, Darrell
Ruyle, Robin
Helmer, Jill
Stinson, Don
Moore, Cathy
Tate, Jeff
Otto, Kathleen
Ex-Officio: J. Colwell, R. Edgington, D. Quirey, P. Stinson, E. Vineyard
2. Curriculum—Teaching & Learning
Purpose: To study curriculum proposals from all academic divisions (with at least 1 representative from each
division) and serve as a recommending body to the administration for new programs or courses. Subcommittees will
be formed as needed for curriculum decisions related to Global Education and Service Learning.
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: Subcommittees on global education and service learning should review
Spring 2014 Student Satisfaction Survey results and make recommendations as needed on course offerings,
especially for non-traditional students. The Online subcommittee is asked to review data provided by I.R. on
enrollment, completion rates, and grade distributions, for online coursework to recommend the number of sections
to offer for future semesters and topics for professional development. (Goal 1B)
Institutional Chair: Don Stinson (Lang Arts)
Allen, Bart
Ging, DeLisa
Negelein, Darrel
Ballard, Cathy
Hawkins, Jerry
Osell, Fritz
Bowers, Paul (Serv. Learn)
Heitfeld, April
Pennington, Brenda
Brown, Suzi
Hobson, Brandon
Scott, Stephanie
Cook, Jeremy
Johnson, Jackie
Schmitz, Audrey
Crouch, Vickie
Marshall, Laura
Tate, Jeff
Fast, Cammie
Martin, Sherrie
Watkins, Wade (Global Ed)
Frost, Darrell
Moore, Tricia
Ex-Officio: J. Colwell, R. Edgington, D. Quirey, P. Stinson, E. Vineyard
Online Teaching and Learning
(Subcommittee for Curriculum--Teaching & Learning)
Purpose: To collaborate with the Associate Vice President and Vice President for Academic Affairs to
continuously improve online teaching and learning for faculty and students of Northern Oklahoma
College. Membership includes all instructors teaching an online course.
Institutional Chair: Jill Harmon
Membership consists of all instructors currently teaching an online section.
Ex-Officio: J. Colwell, R. Edgington, D. Quirey, P. Stinson, E. Vineyard
NOC Institutional Committees 2014-2015
3. Grants
Purpose: To identify funding opportunities and coordinate efforts to submit grant applications for the
development of programs in academics, student services, and other areas as needed.
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: In cooperation with the Institutional Research Committee, make
recommendations for gathering institutional data that can support community partnerships and strategies
for diversifying revenue. (Goals 2 and 5)
Institutional Chair: Gene Young (temp chair in grant coordinator absence)
Allan, Rick
Hobson, Brandon
Cardwell, Bart
Kodesh, Jena
Cnossen, Jack
Matson, Brad
Emmons, Tracy
Sharp, Alicia
Haywood, Scott
Young, Gene
Ex-Officio: J. Colwell, R. Edgington, J. Johnson, D. Quirey, A. Simpson, S. Snyder, P. Stinson, E. Vineyard
4. Institutional Research
Purpose: To identify needs in data collection, data analysis, and communication of data findings for the
purposes of strategic planning, benchmarking, grant applications, compliance with accreditation
guidelines, and other areas.
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: Make recommendations for data collection needed to strengthen
retention for all students with an emphasis on data needed for minority groups, athletes, and other focus
groups as recommended in year two priorities. (Goal 1B and 2)
Institutional Chair: Kathleen Otto
Cnossen, Jack
Nordquist, Lisa
Davis, Tammy
Orr, Kristi
Ging, DeLisa
Wood-Black, Frankie
Monks, Dave
Young, Gene
Ex-Officio: J. Colwell, R. Edgington, D. Quirey, J. Johnson, M. Machia, A. Simpson, S. Snyder, P. Stinson, E. Vineyard
5. Employee Policies & Procedures
Purpose: To study and recommend to administration new or revisions of existing policies and procedures
related to employee service and welfare. Ad Hoc Committees are formed as required—i.e. Faculty Evaluation,
Professional Development, Faculty Rank, Global Ed., etc.
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: To help accomplish year two priorities in goal 4, Faculty and Staff
Affairs will be asked to review results of the Student Satisfaction Survey, the Employee Satisfaction
Survey and the Wellness Report and make recommendations for professional development, programs
and procedural changes to address areas for improvement. Faculty and Staff Affairs will also be asked
through subcommittees on professional development to make recommendations for training
opportunities with input from faculty survey.
Policy & Procedures Subcommittee: Faculty Affairs
Under the direction of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Faculty Affairs Subcommittee
functions as an institution-wide committee to study and recommend revisions or new policies and/or procedures
related to faculty service and welfare; additionally, the respective campus committee members function as
independent subcommittees per campus for issues that are campus-specific. The Chair of the Faculty Association
from each campus serves as the Campus Chair for Faculty Affairs as indicated below. Faculty Association
Chairs will serve as representatives for each campus in monthly meetings; however, for all policy decisions,
campus chairs are expected to gather faculty feedback from all of those willing to provide it via campus meetings
and/or group emails.
Institutional Chair: Pam Stinson
Tonkawa Chair: Dixon, E.
Enid Chair: Ging, T.
Stillwater Chair: Payton, D.
Ex-Officio: J. Colwell, R. Edgington, D. Quirey, E. Vineyard
NOC Institutional Committees 2014-2015
Professional Development
(Policies & Procedures Ad Hoc Committee for Faculty Affairs)
Purpose: To collaborate with the Associate Vice President and Vice President for Academic Affairs to
plan, schedule, evaluate, and continuously improve professional development opportunities for faculty
of Northern Oklahoma College. (Campus Chairs of the Faculty Association are requested to serve as
members of this committee and as delegates for OACC.)
Institutional Chair: DeLisa Ging, Instructional Designer
Allan, Rick
Marshall, Laura
Bradford, Shannon
Schmitz, Audrey
Hawkins, Jerry
Stadler, Barb
Johnson, Jackie
Ex-Officio: J. Colwell, R. Edgington, D. Quirey, P. Stinson, E. Vineyard
Policy & Procedures Subcommittee: Staff Affairs
Under the direction of the Vice President of Financial Affairs, the Staff Affairs Subcommittee functions as an
institution-wide committee to study and recommend revisions or new policies and/or procedures related to staff
service and welfare; additionally, the respective campus committee members function as independent
subcommittees per campus for issues that are campus-specific.
Institutional Chair: Shannon Cranford
Ex-Officio: L. Dye, VPSA (TBA), J. Hise, M. Machia, A. Simpson, S. Snyder
Professional Development
(Policies & Procedures Ad Hoc Committee for Staff Affairs)
Purpose: To collaborate with the Vice President of Financial Affairs to plan, schedule, evaluate, and
continuously improve professional development opportunities for staff of Northern Oklahoma College.
Institutional Chair:
Ditmore, Dianna
6. Technology and Learning Resources
Purpose: To plan, evaluate, and suggest policy in the implementation and usage of technology
(computer, Portal, Internet, ITV, etc.), library, media, and other learning resources; to identify
developments that might be of interest to Northern and make recommendations to administration as
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: In response to the year two priorities for goal 1B, review the results
of the Student Satisfaction and Employee Satisfaction Surveys related to student and employee use of
technology and make recommendations for improvement, as well as making recommendations for
professional development for faculty and staff in relation to goal 4.
Institutional Chairs: Bart Allen
Baird, Brian
McClaren, Steve
Bowers, Paul
McMurtrie, Shaen
Cooper, Dee
Scott, Stephanie
Frazier, Stacey
Sharp, Alicia
Harmon, Scott
Silkey, Mark
Laughrey, Gene
Watkins, Diana
Ex-Officio: R. Edgington, D. Quirey, M. Machia, E. Vineyard
NOC Institutional Committees 2014-2015
7. Student Services
Purpose: To study and recommend changes in areas such as student conduct policy, campus food service,
student activities, Wellness Center, strategies for reducing student loan default, and ADA compliance. The
committee acts as a referral hearing body for student affairs/conduct appeals.
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: Assist in developing an improved safety plan, student engagement
plan, and resident life plan, ongoing priorities in goal 1A, as well as providing input into co-curricular
programming to strengthen career counseling, wellness facilities, and other areas of need as identified in the
Spring 2014 Student Satisfaction Survey and the June 2014 Wellness Report.
Institutional Chair: Jason Johnson
Subcommittee for Student Affairs and Conduct Appeal
Enid Chair: Bradley
Stillwater Chair: Leslie Johns
Tonkawa Chair: Ryan Paul
Bowers, Renna
Hawkins, Jerry
Cook, Jeremy
Buller, June
Helmer, Jill
Davis, Tammy
DuRoy, Michael
Meacham, Tiffany
Firth, Cassie
Harmon, Scott
Morris, Scott
Stadler, Barb
Haywood, Scott
Roberts, Jamie
Jackson, Donnie
Stockbridge, JJ
Konkler, Gerald
Krause, Greg
Pearcy, Dean
Subcommittee for Loan Default Reduction
Quirey, Debbie
(Names needed for others who have worked on this subcommittee)
8. Institutional Scholarship Program
Purpose: To recommend policies and procedures designed to support the Institutional Scholarship
Program. Additionally, these committees (with equal representation from each division) will work with the
Institutional Scholarship Office on the awarding of institutional and foundation scholarships.
Subcommittees will be formed to address specific needs.
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: Assist with goal 5, to diversity and increase revenue streams,
including offering input into the ongoing priority of creating a description of NOC’s “wish list” for donors.
Institutional Chair: Kerri Gray
Campus Contact Persons: Enid-Coordinator for High School/College Relations, Stillwater-Staff Assistant to VP for
Stillwater Campus, Tonkawa-Coordinator for High School/College Relations
Chair: Cathy Moore (LA/PLC)
Bradford, Shannon (F. Arts)
Brown, Suzi (PLC/HPER)
Campbell, Kurt (Ag/Sci/Eng)
Greg Krause (Soc Sci)
Hook, Christi (Math)
Johnson, Cara Beth (Bus)
Stinson, Pam (staff/admin)
Turney, Blair (staff)
Wright, Marriya (Nursing)
Chair: Mary Ann Harris
Baggett, Julie (HPER)
Helmer, Jill (staff/admin)
Howe, Zac (PLC)
McMurtrie, Shaen (BUS)
Meacham, Tiffany (Soc Sci)
Reed, Starla (Lang. Arts)
Shamburg, Kathi (Math/PLC)
Sunderland, Terri (staff)
Wahlgren, Jean
Chair: Diana Watkins (LA/PLC)
Baird, Brian (Nursing)
Emde, Peggy (Soc Sci)
Johns, Leslie (Business)
Martin, Sherrie (Ag/Sci/Eng)
Payton, Deanna (Math)
(Staff rep needed)
NOC Institutional Committees 2014-2015
Ex-Officio: S. Snyder
9. Employee Social, Cultural, & Community Relations Committee
Purpose: To enhance the social and cultural environment for faculty and staff in our workplace. This
committee plans and carries out employee extracurricular activities and community service efforts each year
which include but are not limited to the following: beginning of school & end of school social activities,
cultural events, Christmas activity, & retirement receptions. This committee can function independently per
campus or as an institutional committee under the direction of the Vice President for Development and
Community Relations, S. Snyder.
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: Assist with goal 4 objective to “provide quality working conditions for
NOC employees” by gathering input on extracurricular activities employees are interested in participating in.
As part of year two priority, also make recommendations to address areas of concern in June 2014 Wellness
Institutional Chair:
Campus Chair: Renee Lee
Campus Chair:
Campus Chair: Cassie Firth
Buller, June
Hawkins, Jerry
Cook, Jeremy
Conneywerdy, Gina
Heitfeld, April
Payton, Deanna
Emmons, Tracy
McCoy, Mary Ann
Watkins, Wade
Hook, Christi
Osell, Fritz
Huschka, Mardeena
Landers, Audra
Matson, Brad
Shreck, Ray
Wade, Milynda
Warburton, John Michael
Ex-Officio: S. Snyder
10. Wellness Committee
Purpose: To promote overall healthy lifestyles to all members of the NOC community by providing
leadership, initiative, and support for wellness improvement through continuing education and program
2014-2015 Strategic Plan Charge: Respond to Summer 2014 Wellness Assessment report with
Institutional Chair: Bradley Jennings
Tonkawa Chair: Shannon
Enid Chair:
Bowers, Paul
Firth, Cassie
Campbell, Kurt
Helmer, Jill
Munday, Tiffany
Johnson, Jenny
Howe, Zac
Rakey, Shila
McClure, Summer
Mendenhall, Heather
Shed, Scott
Roberts, Jamie
Tickel-Hill, Kirby
Ex-Officio: J. Johnson
NOC Institutional Committees 2014-2015
11. Affirmative Action Committee
Purpose: To review and implement policies that ensure affirmative action and fair employment
Institutional Chair: Anita Simpson
Simpson, A. – Campus Chair &
Affirmative Action Officer
Vineyard, E. – Campus Chair &
Affirmative Action Officer
Athletics Representative
Hise, J.
Counseling Representative
Wade, M.
Faculty Association Vice Chair
Dixon, E.
Minority Representative
Athletics Representative
Hise, J.
Counseling Representative
Helmer, Jill
Faculty Association Vice Chair
Ging, T.
Minority Representative
Melson, J.
Physical Plant Representative
Physical Plant Representatives
Dye, L.
Dye, L. / Long, G.
Staff Representative
Staff Representative
Dark, J.
Sunderland, T.
Student Services Representative Student Services Representative
Johnson, J.
Jennings, B.
12. Diversity Committee
Institutional Chair:
Quirey, D. – Campus Chair &
Affirmative Action Officer
Counseling Representative
Lewis, P.
External Program Representative
Emde, P.
Faculty Association Vice Chair
Payton, D.
Minority Representative
Nelson, S.
Physical Plant Representative
Dye, L.
Staff Representative
Student Services Representative
NOC Institutional Committees 2014-2015
Purpose: These boards act as hearing bodies for case appeals as indicated below.
Academic Appeals Board
Purpose: This subcommittee acts as a hearing body on case appeals in academic probation, academic
suspension, and transcript changes.
Judy Colwell
Rick Edgington
Debbie Quirey
Pam Stinson
Ed Vineyard
Enid-Mary Ann Harris, Kathi Shamburg
Stillwater-Paula Lewis (counselor/faculty)
Tonkawa-Kurt Campbell, Cara Beth Johnson
Admissions Appeals Board
Purpose: This subcommittee acts as a hearing body on admissions appeals for students with disciplinary
records at prior institutions attended and/or criminal records.
Rick Edgington
Bradley Jennings
Jason Johnson
Gerald Konkler
Ryan Paul
Scholarship Appeals Board
Purpose: This subcommittee acts as a hearing body on scholarship appeals for students who are not in
compliance with the institutional policies affecting their scholarship awards.*
Vice President for Development and Community Relations
Vice President for Financial Affairs
Vice President for Student Affairs
Institutional Scholarship Coordinator
Department/Program Representative and/or Campus Scholarship Chair when necessary
*Final decisions shall be submitted in writing to the President for approval.
In addition to the standing committees and subcommittees created to address specific needs, faculty are asked to
remain involved in offering input and serving as volunteers for the following recruitment activities:
Academic Bowl (Chair: Scott Haywood)
Agriculture Interscholastic Contest (Chair: Tricia Moore)
Art Contest (Chair: Audrey Schmitz)
Garfield and Kay County Fairs (Chairs: Blair Turney and Terri Sunderland)
Interscholastic Contest (Chair: Laura Marshall)
Music District (Chair: Dineo Heilmann)—Shannon Bradford, Eddie Dixon, John Michael Warburton
Standing Bear Powwow (Gina Conneywerdy)