Crisis Communication Plan

Crisis Communication Plan
The Greater Pensacola Chamber has developed the following policies and procedures for execution in a
variety of possible natural disasters. The threat of a hurricane, tornado or flood is a concern for
Northwest Florida. This plan addresses both business and employee practices that help ensure the safety
and sustainability of business and private property. The Chamber recommends that this plan be
reviewed with employees annually in the month of May in preparation for the onset of hurricane season
which begins on June 1 and concludes on November 30.
Hurricanes are annually one of the greatest threats faced by the Greater Pensacola Chamber and the
community. Fortunately, this potential disaster also provides the greatest opportunity to prepare, both
before and during hurricane season. Unfortunately, the magnitude of the disaster and the damage can
be much larger than any other threat. Therefore, it is critical that all staff members be fully prepared to
address the challenges of hurricane landfall in the bay area.
As a hurricane approaches the bay area, the Chamber President will determine when employees should
make preparations to secure the building and, if necessary, to evacuate. If road conditions do not permit
out-of-area evacuation, employees should consider a public shelter.
After a hurricane hits the bay area, the chamber staff will:
1. Contact the Chamber chairman.
2. Notify Chamber offices to verify whereabouts, telephone number and personal damage status.
3. Prepare and disseminate a news release and e-mail notification to staff regarding impact on
4. Attempt to locate any employee unaccounted for at their local address, once driving conditions
5. Power should be turned off to any area damaged by the tornado prior to people entering the
6. COO contact the insurance company.
7. Evaluate the damage. Provide an initial assessment of your assigned area to the President or
senior executive on scene. Was any property damaged? To what extent? How much work was
8. Audit the damage. The President or senior executive will assign a staff member to audit via
picture or video tape any damage.
9. VP of marketing and communications will prepare and disseminate a news release and e-mail
notification to staff regarding impact on Chamber.
10. Evaluate the impact. Will the office space(s) be inhabitable? How long? If employees/meetings
must be moved, what rooms are available? Is back-up equipment available? What is the impact
on current projects?
11. In cases where the building(s) is (are) inhabitable, staff in the affected building(s) will be
Greater Pensacola Chamber | Updated April 2012
Chamber Hurricane Preparedness Checklist
The President or senior representative (Jim or Brian) will:
Timeline to
Notify all employees of the watch condition.
72 hours
Issue an order to secure the building when appropriate.
72-48 hours
Interface with city and county authorities on all evacuation routes.
72-24 hours
Brief employees on what to do in preparation before and after the disaster.
72-24 hours
Act as the primary contact at the EOC and for the Chamber.
Before, during and after
The COO:
72 hours and after the
May each year
Evaluate all emergency supplies including batteries, first aid kit, flashlights and related
Ensure roof down spouts and scuppers are clear and entrance is locked.
Support the Visitors Center efforts to storm proof the windows and doors.
72 hours
Provide plastic bags for staff to wrap computer monitors and CPU.
72 hours
Post evacuation routes on all Chamber windows.
72 hours
Post shelter information on all Chamber windows.
72 hours
Post list of businesses with lumber and emergency equipment on all Chamber windows.
Disconnect all main power, gas, water valves and call Hixardt to secure server.
72 hours
5 days to 72 hours
72 hours
All employees will:
1. Save active work to the network.
72 hours
Shut down the workstation.
72 hours
Disconnect all power and computer connections and raise all cords off of the floor.
72 hours
Wrap the hardware in plastic bags (to minimize water damage).
72 hours
Move the equipment onto a desk and away from windows.
72 hours
Notify the direct supervisor when complete.
72 hours
The COO will:
Notify users to back up their data to the network prior to shutting down their systems.
72 hours
Execute server backups and verify with Hixardt Technologies.
72 hours
Shut down systems and, in cases involving potential water damage, wrap in plastic bags.
72 hours
Remove and transport tapes and emergency recovery disks to an offsite location.
72 hours
Ensure all critical financial records and insurance policies are secured off site.
5 days to 72 hours
Greater Pensacola Chamber | Updated April 2012
Chamber Crisis Communication Protocol
This crisis communication protocol is in place to ensure the safety of Chamber staff and
members. It should be followed as directed by the Chamber President and Senior Staff.
The Chamber’s servers will be prepared to brace for the crisis by Hixardt Technologies. This
process will be handled by the Chief Operating Officer. The marketing and communications
staff will brief the staff on this progress as it occurs in real time.
Communications during a crisis will be handled by each department as needed and designated by
each department head. The VPs should update the Chamber President regarding the progress
of items completed on the checklist above in a timely manner. The Chamber President will
notify the staff of Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activation and recommend evacuation
or preparedness protocols as needed.
The VP of marketing and communications and Senior VP of economic development will serve
at the EOC during the crisis and will provide information to the media regarding the business
Local businesses are encouraged to relay business information to the Vice President of
Marketing and Communications at the EOC so that they may notify the public.
The VP of marketing and communications will post information regarding reopening of
operations via the Chamber website.
The Chamber VPs will be in touch with their staff as phone lines become available and
conditions are such that returning to the affected area is feasible.
Greater Pensacola Chamber | Updated April 2012
Media and Communications Staff Responsibilities
Vice President is available on-site at EOC through duration.
Posting news releases to the Chamber website immediately upon receipt from the EOC,
Chamber President, business partners or any governmental agency that has pertinent
information for our staff and members.
The Chamber and Visit Pensacola websites will be converted to a crisis communications portal
at the command of the Chamber President.
When the site converts to “Crisis Mode,” a message will be posted on the homepage that
indicates such has occurred and will direct the public and staff to watch for updates from us as
we will be providing up-to-the-minute information from the most reliable sources in the
emergency management network of Escambia County.
The homepage will announce to the public that the Chamber is now providing emergency
updates from local emergency officials.
The site will be updated with a message from the Chamber President every 24 hours to include
communications and announcements from local businesses that are providing critical supplies
and services.
The website will have a prominent message that explains that the Chamber website is converting
to an information portal for purposes of ensuring the safety of the community at large. It will
also encourage the public to “stay where they are” until we post a notification that it is safe to
return to the general area.
These notices will include:
o Information about contact with staff after the onset of the crisis. (ie: x% of staff has
been contacted and accounted for etc.)
o Messages regarding the return of staff to the general area and to work.
o Messages to business that encourage them to contact the senior staff at the EOC with
information that should be passed on to the public.
o News releases and EOC updates will be available with the click of a button through the
duration of the crisis.
Greater Pensacola Chamber | Updated April 2012