AGRICULTURAL NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT IN DENMARK With special reference to intensive dairy farming Part 2. N turnover on Danish mixed dairy farms Ib Sillebak Kristensen, Niels Halberg, Anders Højlund Nielsen, Randi Dalgaard and Nich Hutchings. Paper presented at workshop “Nutrient management on farm scale: how to attain European and national policy objectives in regions with intensive dairy farming?”. 23-25 June 2003 Quimper, France Contact: Ib Sillebak Kristensen Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences Department of Agroecological Research Group of Farming Systems Post-box 50 DK-8830 Tjele DENMARK Tel. +45 89 99 12 05 fax +45 89 99 12 00 E-mail: Group www: D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side -1- N turnover on Danish mixed dairy farms Ib Sillebak Kristensen, Niels Halberg, Anders Højlund Nielsen, Randi Dalgaard and Nich Hutchings Contact Ib Sillebak Kristensen Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences Department of Agroecological Research Group of Farming Systems Post-box 50 DK-8830 Tjele DENMARK Tel. +45 89 99 12 05 fax +45 89 99 12 00 E-mail: Group www: Summary Nitrogen balances from three sets of pilot farms from 1989 to 2001 are presented, and a set of representative farms based on Danish farm accounts from 1999. The data represent typical management and the range between farms is well documented. The results from all independent analyses show the same tendencies. The conventional dairy farms have reduced their farm gate N surplus with around 30% during the 90s. Since 1994 the surplus has been 172-195 kg N ha-1 with a stocking rate of about 1.5-1.7 LSU ha-1 (1 LSU = 0.85 Holstein dairy cow). In the same period N surplus on organic dairy farms was between 108-124 kg N ha-1 with a stocking rate of 1.1-1.3 LSU ha-1. On the conventional farms the N-surplus was significant increasing by stocking rate, with the ratio of 82 kg N LSU-1. The difference between farm N-balance between conventional and organic dairy production systems was 61-77 kg N ha-1 corrected for stocking rate. An average field level balance was estimated using simple models of ammonia losses and denitrification to subtract aerial emission from the farm gate balance. It is discussed how assumptions regarding soil-N changes can give estimates of N leaching. Background Dairy production is characterised by major internal flows between field and herd, both with fodder and recycling of animal manure. Grazing grass/clover sward is important on many farms. This paper gives a description of the internal and external N flow and N loss on Danish dairy farms from 1990 to 2003. After entering into the EU in 1972, a specialization from mixed dairy and pig farms has been going on towards bigger and more specialized dairy farms. Already in the 70s regulations were introduced limiting maximum stocking rate of animals per area, and in 1999 only 5% of the specialized dairy farms had more than 2.3 LSU ha-1. During the last 10-15 years detailed, public regulations have been introduced and continuously tightened. In the early 1990s mandatory slurry storage capacity was extended to a minimum of 6-9 months, and later restrictions for imported mineral fertilizer have been introduced. For a more detailed description of these regulations, see the description of the “Danish case”. Since 1950 pilot farms studies have been part of applied agricultural research in Denmark. The Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences monitors 30-40 mixed dairy farms per year and prepares technical-economic reports on livestock and field production, animal welfare and environmental impact. Farms with pig production, organic dairy, organic egg, organic pig and organic arable production have been included, and the environmental aspects, especially concerning N flows between field and herd have become primary focus areas. On the pilot farms the flow of feed and nutrient from field to herd has been measured and, within farm, N balances on fields and group of animals have been measured and published, see table 7. From 1996 the central advisory organisation has been involved in the data recording and reporting. D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side -2- The private pilot farmers were selected to be progressive and interested in cooperation with experts. The farms have been larger than average, partly because “future” farms were chosen to ensure that the data could be used for the development of the total dairy sector in Denmark. Advisors, farmers, and other stakeholders have regarded the results as representing typical and relevant farms. Lately, the demand for comprehensive descriptions of resource use and environmental impacts from major farm types in question (dairy, pig and arable) has generated a need for statistically representative farm models based on an average management level. Technical economic data based on Danish farm accounts are available from a group of farms representing the major agricultural sectors in Denmark with the actual production and management level. This publication describes the Danish method of nutrient accounting using data from dairy pilot farms and representative technical economic data for the total dairy sector in Denmark. Objective The objectives of this paper is to characterise Danish dairy farms in terms of production, size and crop-livestock interactions, to compare N surplus from different dairy systems especially organic vs. conventional production, to present data on nutrient cycles and farm N surplus for Danish dairy farms in comparison with other Danish farm types, to demonstrate the use of pilot farms in combination with models of typical farms based on representative technical-economic accounts as a method for the quantification of nutrient losses and the potential for improvements. We intend to present analyses of N flows and surpluses from four independent data sets, three based on different groups of pilot farms and one based on a large, representative sample of farm accounts. Moreover, on the basis on these data, it is demonstrated how relatively simple assumptions allow modelling of farm N flows and breakdown into herd and crop sub-systems. From this it is possible to estimate emissions and losses that allow for comparisons of different systems and to project the developments of typical dairy systems in the near future. Methods Farm balances were calculated following the principles described in Halberg et al. (1995) and further developed by Sveinsson et al. (1998) and Kristensen (2002). Pilot farms were monitored during the years 1987-2002 by longitudinal survey techniques as described at Pilot farm results were used to compare with model farms and to demonstrate the variation around average N surplus. All Danish farms are obliged to keep detailed records of purchases and sales for tax purposes and the yearly accounts are made with professional help. A representative set of these accounts, 2239, are reported by the advisors to the Danish Research Institute of Food Economics (DRIFE) and constitute the basic empirical input to the representative farm types presented here. Besides the economical data, information on the land use, livestock numbers and amounts produced are included in the data set by the advisors. The modelled representative farm types were based on farm accounts from 1999, sampled as to represent the total Danish agricultural sector for the main livestock and crop production. The data will be described in detail on the homepage and The same overall method was used in year 1995-1996 (Halberg et al, 1999). Table 1 shows the number of accounts used for the models and which farm parameters were found directly from the accounts. D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side -3- In the Danish dairy sector, biological fixation is an important N input, especially on organic farms. On pilot farms, fixation in grass/clover was calculated by the method presented by Kristensen et al. (1995). For the representative farms, the fixation and mineral fertilizer for grass/clover was assumed to be the same level as on the pilot farms. Details of the level of fixation in grass/clover and information regarding fodder, N demand, crop yield estimates and fertilizer use are shown in the Appendix. Coherent N balances at farm level were achieved in relation to import of fodder (cereal and concentrates) and mineral fertilizer, including export of milk, meat and cash crops and surplus manure. Summarizing and up scaling the key in- and outputs across representative farm types showed good agreement with the national statistics of land use, number of livestock, the average yield per crop, input of fodder concentrate and fertilizer per crop. The fertilizer was adjusted 11% in the farm models to account for the national level consumption. The sample represents 4% of the conventional farms in Denmark and 18% of the number organic farms. 75% of the dairy cows are on sandy soil, mostly in Western Jutland. The dairy farm types cover 23% of the agricultural land and include 75% of all dairy cows. The average herd size is 61 cows per conventional farm and 81 cows per organic farm. The average stocking rate is 1.46 LSU ha-1 on conventional farms and 1.3 on organic farms. 85% of the farm area is in crop rotation with 24% grass/clover on conventional farms and twice this figure on organic farms. The rest of the rotation area is mainly grown with cereals partly for grain and partly for whole crop silage harvested 2-3 weeks before full ripe. Maize for silage has become important, mainly on conventional farms. The cereal grain yield is 5.1 t ha-1 on the conventional farms and 20% lower on organic farms. Roughage yields are assumed to be on the average level of pilot farms, and the average yield of crops on rotation area is 5,700 SFU ha-1 = 6,300 kg DM ha-1 on conventional farms and 14% lower on organic farms. The milk yield level in 1999 was 7,373 kg milk cow-1 year-1 on conventional farms and 7% lower on organic farms. 54% of the total SFU-uptake is from homegrown roughage on the conventional farms and 64% on the organic farms. An average level of protein was 18.5% of SFU = 20% of DM. Summation within the following tables may not always give the exact sum, due to rounding errors. Results Dairy farm N balances Table 1 shows the farm N balances. On organic farms, fixation contributed 50% of the total N input. On conventional farms, imported fertilizer and fodder each account for 40% of the total N input. On conventional farms, the weighted average N surplus is 172 kg N ha-1, which is 64 kg higher than the average for organic farms. The data from pilot farms show that the farm gate N surplus is very dependent on stocking rate (Fig. 1). In Fig 1, the average (1997-2001) farm gate N surplus for each farm is shown for comparison with the modelled farm types. The modelled farm types closely fit the average for the pilot farms. On the conventional farms, a larger variation in stocking rate makes it possible to calculate the relationship between N surplus (Y) and stocking rate (LSU ha-1): Y = 53 + 82 * LSU ha-1, R2 = 0.61 On the organic farms the stocking rate variation is much smaller, as by regulation the farms must not exceed 1.4 LSU ha-1. The equation for organic farms is: Y = 56 + 44 * LSU ha-1, R2 = 0.16 D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side -4- At the same stocking rate, the N surplus of organic farms was around 50 kg lower than for conventional farms. N-surplus, Kg N/ha 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0,00 0,50 1,00 1,50 2,00 2,50 3,00 "LSU"/ha Conv, sand Conv, clay Org. sand Org, clay Conv. pilotf. Org. . pilotf. Figure 1. Farm N surplus on specialized Danish dairy farm types in year 1999, see Table 1, and on pilot farms (1 point is average per farm for the years 1997-2001) shown with increasing stocking rate, corrected for import/export of animal manure (100 kg N = 1 LSU). Lines are average pilot farms. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to check the effect of assumptions on the results, see Table 2. Farm balances were calculated with 25% higher fixation, 10% lower N efficiency in feeding (= higher N content in imported feed), 10% higher protein content in roughage, and 10% higher net yield in roughage, respectively, and all other parameters unchanged. The analysis changed the farm gate N balance 3-17 kg N ha-1, with the largest changes on organic farms as a result of the higher percentage of homegrown roughage. Increasing the fixation by 25% decreases the difference between conventional and organic dairy production by 12 kg N ha-1 (the difference between 5 and 17 kg increased N surplus on average conventional farms and organic farms). The other sensitivities only change the difference between conventional and organic types by 2-5 kg N ha-1. Dairy N-balances at the herd and field level. D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side -5- In Table 3-4 the coherent N-balance of herd and field is shown as the within farm N-flow, summing directly up to the overall farm gate N-balance. In Table 3, the herd balance is shown both from the representative data and as the average result from dairy pilot farms on sandy soils. On the pilot farms, the N-input in roughage (especially grazing) is higher then for the representative farm types. This is due to a higher N-uptake in grazed grass/clover. Output in products is equal from the pilot and representative farms and the N-balance in manure production from the herd are greater on the pilot farm. This makes the animal manure input to the fields and the field N-surplus higher on the pilot farms. The between-farm variation on the pilot farms is presented in Table 3 and 4. This gives an indication of the scope for improvements in N-use efficiency. The CV (Coefficients of Variance) for herd balance on conventional pilot farms was 8% (10 divided by 122) whereas was 14% for the organic farms. This is mainly a consequence of lower grazing N-uptake on the conventional farms, which means that N-uptake is more easily adjusted with imported feed. On organic farms, Danishproduced conventional rape cake is the dominating concentrate fodder import, which gives a high herd N-surplus, especially during the grazing season. The herd N-efficiency varies between 18-24 % N-efficiency, with no systematic difference between conventional and organic. For the field balance, the variation between conventional pilot farms is 23% CV, whereas for organic was 15%. There is a big variation between the lowest and highest N-surpluses and possibilities for lowering the N-surplus are numerous. The organic dairy farms has 56-60% field Nefficiency and the conventional dairy farms has 42-46% field N-efficiency. On farms with a low efficiency there should be good possibilities to improve the N-utilization. Distributing dairy N-surpluses between losses The ammonia and denitrification losses shown in Tables 3-5 were calculated using the methods of Illerup et al (2002) and Vinther (2002) respectively. The field N-balance was calculated by deducting the ammonia loss in animal housing and manure storage from the farm surplus, table 5. More organic farms than conventional farms have deep litter animal housing systems, so losses of ammonia during storage will be higher. However, extra conventional straw is imported and ammonia losses during spreading are smaller than for slurry-based systems, so the total losses are calculated to be a similar proportion of the manure N flow. The field N-balance on conventional farms was 156 kg N ha-1. The ammonia losses after spreading and denitrification were assumed to be 15% and 9% respectively of the manure N applied. The remaining surplus (e.g. 108 kg N on average conventional) includes the soil-N changes and leaching. Partitioning this remaining field surplus between changes in soil-N and leaching is difficult. There is no reason to believe that there should be any systematic difference between conventional and organic dairy farms in the change in the soil-N pool. The conventional has a lower proportion of grass/clover in the crop rotation but a higher stocking rate compared to the organic, probably representing about the same organic matter input on the two farm types. Therefore, the difference in field balance of around 50 kg (56 vs. 108) on organic compared to conventional farms probably corresponds to an identical difference in leaching. A preliminary attempt at partitioning the remaining field N-surplus between changes in soilN and leaching is shown in Table 5. The method used will be described at the Exeter conference autumn 2003. There is a tendency for higher leaching losses on sandy farms, which is expected. However, although there is an increase in the farm surplus with increasing stocking rate, this is accounted for by higher gaseous losses (ammonia volatilisation and denitrification). This means that the estimated leaching on conventional farms does not increase significantly with stocking rate (Table 5). Estimating leaching as the difference between farm gate surplus and gaseous emissions means that any errors in the surplus or gaseous emissions will be rolled up into that estimate. An alternative method(s) is needed but so far, no simulation model can reliably predict leaching for dairy farms with grass/clover pasture. However, leaching measurements made in Denmark under D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side -6- organic cattle trials with continuous grazing for 8 years of grass/clover and with nutrient removal from the grazed area only via milk and meat, resulted in a maximum leaching of 5-60 kg N leaching ha-1, measured in the winter in year 7-8. Values of <10 kg N ha-1 leaching were recorded from unfertilised grass/clover while from pure grass fertilised with 300 kg N ha-1 the leaching was around 65 kg N ha-1 year-1 in year 7 and 8 (Eriksen and Vinther (2002), Eriksen (2003) and Søegaard et al (2002). Results from the other organic crop rotation trials also show an average leaching of around 40 kg N ha-1, although higher losses have been measured after green mulching at sandy soils ( If the lack of increase in leaching with increasing stocking rate is a real effect, then one explanation could be as follows. Increasing stock numbers will increase the demand for roughage fodder. In Denmark, the application to all crops is limited by law, so farmers cannot generate additional fodder by applying more N fertiliser, only by increasing the area the proportion of the farm area devoted to grassland (see table 1), which at moderate fertiliser levels, tends to leach less N than other crops (Søegaard et al, 2002). The lower leaching from organic farms compared to conventional farms could be explained by the crop rotation on organic farms, which contained around 50 % area with grassland, and that grass/clover are more N-efficient than its conventional Nfertilized grass/clover. The later explanation is the consequence of the substitution rate between Nfertilizer and fixation, where 2 kg extra N-fertilizer lower the fixation by 1 kg N ha-1 (Kristensen et al, 2002). Also better utilization of nitrogen in urine area of grass/clover gives higher N-utilization (Hutchings and Kristensen, 1995). Emissions of greenhouse gases from representative farm types. Table 5 shows N-balance and greenhouse gas emissions for the main representative farms in Denmark and the Danish average. Relative to dairy farms, pig farms have a larger external N exchange of both fodder and meat production, a higher ammonia loss from animal housing and manure storage. Emission of CO2 only include emissions from combustion of fossil fuel on farm. The organic dairy farms have a lower CO2 emission than the conventional equivalent due to less use of fossil fuel per hectar, because of a greater area with grassland. Emissions of greenhouse gases (calculated in CO2 equivalents) are higher for farms with livestock than for those without. Emissions are higher for dairy farms than for pig farms, because of the contribution of enteric fermentation to methane emissions. The emission per kg of milk has been calculated using LCA methodology and show only small differences between farms with different stocking rate ( Changes in dairy N balances over time Changes in N-balances over time, based on additional datasets from the pilot farms, are compared in Table 7. It appears that the farm N surplus on conventional farms has been reduced by 30% over the last 10 years, whereas the surplus on organic farms has fallen only slightly (Not identical farms in the three pilot farm samples). Note that conventional and organic farms cannot be compared directly here as they have different stocking rates. In the bottom line the LSMEANS estimates for difference at same stocking rate is shown. The results from pilot farm investigations fits very well with the modelled data from representative farms. The progressive implementation of the VMPII is expected to result in a further decrease in N losses (Hutchings et al, 2003). A model forecast with these changes is shown in Table 8. If 50% extra fixation is assumed (minus 2 kg N-fertilizer = plus around 1 kg extra N in fixation, Kristensen et al, 2003) and around 5% lower yield the conventional farms are forecast to reduce their N surplus by 33 -40 kg N ha-1, mainly because of a 50% reduction in fertilizer import which is not fully compensated for by extra fixation and fodder import. An additional scenario of D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side -7- conventional dairy farms with 25 kg N fertilizer ha-1 of grass/clover has an N surplus of only 130 kg N ha-1. On organic farms they have changed to 100% organic feed since 1999. A typical change to this situation is an exchange of rape cakes with more concentrate with a higher proportion of cereals, meaning 60% lower N import in fodder N, Table 8. This makes a reduction of 19 kg N surplus on the organic farms (108 minus 89). When the organic farmers are only allowed to use their own feed, they are encouraged to buy extra land to be able to produce this feed. In the left column this future scenario is calculated be putting extra cereal into the crop rotation. This makes a yield reduction of about 10% in cereals, but still the farm gate N surplus is down to 60 kg N ha-1. Comparison of environmental impact between farm types While the arable farm types on both sandy and loamy soil have N surplus below 100 kg N ha , the pig types show a farm N balance around 150 kg N ha-1 with 1.5 - 1.6 LSU ha-1. Thus, the field surplus for soil N change and leaching was 157 kg N ha-1 on dairy compared with 81 and 119 on average arable and pig farms. However, it cannot be assumed that soil N changes are the same in these systems. To illustrate the possible combined effect of field N surplus and soil N change in these different systems a preliminary model was used to predict the net mineralization: Because of the high input of organic material and grass/clover on the dairy farms the model predicted a low net mineralization of +1 to -7 kg N ha-1 compared with 19-38 kg N depletion on arable and pig farms. Thus, due to low input of organic matter the modelled leaching from pig farm models was of the same magnitude as dairy farms and arable farms on sandy soils may have only slightly lower N-leaching than livestock farms. The overall average change in soil-N across soil types and farm models was a loss of 23 kg N ha-1. This may be too high since Heidmann et al (2001) found no overall change during a ten year period in 300 samples representing Danish farming systems. However, changing the mineralization parameters in the model will probably not change the relative soil-N change between pig and dairy. Nitrate leaching measurements and model calculated in Denmark in 1996-2000 was measured in about 40 fields to 94 and 98 kg N leaching ha-1 in catchments (Grant et al, 2000). The measurements were extrapolated to whole Denmark with standard precipitation. The overall modelled N-leaching in Denmark in 1999 was around 75 kg N ha-1 (Grant et al, 2000). Thus, if no overall soil-N changes in DK is assumed then the model based on the representative sample gives exactly the same level of N-leaching (100 – 23 = 77 kg N per ha). -1 Conclusion. A large group of representative dairy farmers in 1999 has been used to calculate farm N surplus. Both investigations on pilot farms and the representative farms have shown the same overall result. The conventional dairy farms have an increase in farm surplus of 82 kg N LSU-1 in the interval of 0.8 –2.5 LSU ha-1 (1 LSU = 0.85 heavy dairy cow). Organic dairy farms have consistently 61 – 77 kg lower N surplus than conventional farms since 1994. The strength in this conclusion is that the data represents a realistic management situation. On cattle farms this is very important because of large internal flows that are difficult to quantify, so that it is difficult to accurately calculate field level balances directly from field input and outputs. It is very important that each farm is analysed as an entity, where interaction between management, agricultural production (herd and crops) and losses of N can be analysed at the farm level. Farm N surplus is an expression of the long-term potential losses. If changes in soil-N are assumed to be similar on both organic and conventional dairy farms, then nitrate leaching is about 50 kg N ha-1 less on organic farms than on conventional dairy farms at the same stocking rate. D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side -8- The data from organic mixed dairy farms production has been used as an extreme case, to demonstrate the capacity of unfertilised grass/clover to reduce farm N-surplus. Using this knowledge in models of conventional farms shows there is also scope to reduce the farm N-surplus in these systems. It is likely that the lower farm N surpluses for organic systems are due to the inclusion of unfertilised grass/clover, combined with the use of cereals on about 50% of the land area to utilise the carry-over of N from the grass/clover pasture. Losses of nitrate, ammonia and nitrous oxide from livestock farming appear to be higher than for arable farming. Increases of nitrate leaching with increasing livestock density in Denmark are lower than the increase in farm N surplus. This is because a disproportionate amount of the increase in farm N surplus is due to increased gaseous losses. Our analysis shows that the combination of pilot farms and representative farms is a relevant tool for predicting agronomic, economic and environmental effects on farm and regional scale of different farm types and interventions. As demonstrated in fig. 1 the pilot farms show differences between farms with comparable soil types and stocking rate (variation around average line). To the extent that these differences can be explained by differences in management including the farmers choice of crop rotation and feeding systems the farm variation may be used to generate ideas and benchmarks for improvement of the farms with high surplus. The farm models generated from the representative sample allows for the generalisation of average farms within the selected groups, for calculation of other emissions in a standard Life Cycle Assessment framework and for scaling up to national level emissions and N surplus. Thus, in combination these methods could be powerful tools in the search for improvements and for the evaluation of proposed regulations and interventions in dairy farm nutrient management. D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side -9- Table 1. Characteristics of specialised representative Danish dairy farms in year 1999. Sandy (< 5% clay) Typologi3 No. farms in population No farms in dataset Agricultural area Herd No cows No LSU3) Area Farm area Permanent grass Set aside Cereal for harvest Maize & whole crop Grass/clover in rotation Stocking rate Field production Cereal Total 100 SFU/ha cultivated Avr. protein in total fodder Animal production Milk/cow/year Fodder requirement SFU/LSU, in total -in roughage -in grain Avr. protein in total fodder Conventional LSU < 1.4 1.4-2.3 Loamy (5-15 % clay) Organic Conventional LSU < 1.4 1.4-2,3 Average Organic Conv Org Unit No farms I total No farms I total Measured(M) Calculated(C) Judged(J) C M 1912 83 4004 182 695 125 432 23 849 32 115 24 7794 350 810 149 1000 ha in DK M 156 261 69 43 43 10 530 79 Cows/farm LSU/farm M M 48 81 67 109 84 131 56 87 55 84 62 100 61.3 99 81.0 127 Ha/farm Ha/farm Ha/farm Ha/farm (%)1) Ha/farm (%)1) Ha/farm (%)1) LSU/ha farm area LSU/ha cultivated2) M M M M M M M M 81 7 6 33(49) 13(20) 13(20) 0.99 1.21 65 6 4 12(23) 22(41) 16(30) 1.67 2.05 99 8 5 14(16) 29(34) 39(47) 1.32 1.48 100 8 6 45(56) 15(19) 12(15) 0.88 1.06 50 3 2 16(38) 13(31) 12(27) 1.66 1.91 88 9 5 21(29) 20(28) 28(39) 1.13 1.31 64 6 4 20(35) 18(32) 14(24) 1.46 1.76 93 8 5 15(18) 28(34) 38(46) 1.30 1.45 100 SFU/ha 100 SFU/ha % protein of SFU M C J 52 57 11.3 49 57 14.4 41 49 16.3 57 58 10.2 55 58 13.3 44 51 13.6 51 57 13.1 41 49 16.0 Kg Milk/cow/year M 7431 7429 6866 7227 7288 6811 7373 6860 SFU/LSU SFU/LSU SFU/LSU % protein of SFU J J M J 4744 2796 1184 18.1 4729 2720 311 18.7 4448 2874 269 18.6 4774 2621 1313 18.0 4739 2243 607 19.1 4396 2714 501 17.9 4734 2566 563 18.6 4442 2856 295 18.5 2) 1) % of area in rotation. On organic farms set aside is inclusive in cultivated area, on conventional farms the set aside is assumed not cultivated 3) Livestock units per ha. 1 LSU = 0.85 Holstein dairy cow. D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side - 10 - Table 2. N-turnover on farm level of specialised representative Danish dairy farms in year 1999. Kg N ha-1 year-1 Sandy (< 5% clay) Conventional. Farm type: Input LSU ha LU < 1.4 -1 Mineral fertilizer Fixation Manure import Supplement feed Precipitation Total input Output Milk Meat Cash crops Manure export Total output N-balance Do by 25% higher N-fixation Do by 10% lover N-efficiency Do by 10% higher N in roughage. Do by 10% higher yield fr. field Average Loamy (5-15 % clay) Organic LU 1.4-2.3 Conventional. LU < 1.4 Organic 1) Conv Org LU 1.4-2.3 1.0 101 20 8 48 16 194 1.7 86 28 0 110 16 241 1.3 0 72 11 50 16 150 0.9 104 20 5 47 16 193 1.7 73 22 0 125 16 237 1.1 0 59 10 41 16 127 1.5 1.3 89 23 3 97 16 230 0 70 11 49 16 147 -24 -7 -13 0 -44 149 -42 -10 -4 0 -56 185 -31 -6 -2 0 -39 111 -22 -8 -20 0 -50 142 -44 -10 -7 0 -61 176 -26 -6 -7 0 -39 88 -36 -9 -9 -3 -57 172 -31 -6 -3 0 -39 108 +4 +6 +17 +3 +5 +14 +5 +17 +4 +13 +12 +3 +12 +15 +9 +15 -8 -13 -13 -5 -11 -11 -10 -13 -9 -11 -13 -8 -10 -10 -10 -12 1) Inclusive farms with more than 2,3 LSU ha-1 D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side - 11 - Table 3. Herd N-balance on specialised representative Danish farms in year 1999 and pilot farms from 1997-2001. Kg N LSU-1 year-1. Farm type Dairy on sandy (< 5% clay) Conventional, repr.. LSU<1.4 1.4-2.3 ) Av. LSU ha-1 Input Conserved roughage Grazing Concentrates Imported cereals Home-grown cereals Imported animals Total input Output Milk Meat Total output 1.0 49 28 47 0 14 1 138 1.7 49 23 52 13 4 1 142 -24 -8 -31 Herd N-balance Standard deviation on N-bal. Anim. manure during grazing Amm.loss, stable & storage Animal manure from storage N-efficiency, herd, % Standard deviation on N-eff 1) 2) 3) 4) Dairy on loamy(5-15% clay) Dairy, repr. Pig, repr. Arable, repr DK, repr. Organic, repr. pilot 1.6 50 37 52 Organic Conventional, repr. Repr. Pilot3) DE < 1,4 1,4-2,3 Conv Org. -4) 155 1.3 1.1 55 65 37 58 22 21 16 16 3 4) 1 133 160 0.9 51 26 51 0 13 1 138 1.7 74 21 60 14 8 0 145 1.1 35 36 21 14 4 1 127 1.5 46 22 54 11 7 1 142 1.3 54 37 22 15 3 1 132 0 0 84 40 27 8 161 15 11 73 0 51 9 160 23 14 60 21 19 5 152 -25 -6 -31 -27 -6 -33 -24 -4 -28 -25 -9 -34 -27 -6 -33 -23 -5 -28 -25 -7 -31 -24 -4 -28 0 -61 -61 -7 -47 -54 -10 -32 -42 107 111 122 10 112 99 110 104 100 107 110 -18 -9 -81 23% -15 -10 -87 22% 105 128 104 18 -24 -17 -81) –142). -7. -73 -80 21% 21% 20% 25% 1.4%-units 1.8%-units -14 -8. -89 22% -23 -61) –142) -69 22% -15 -10 -87 22% -24 -8 -72 21% 0 -19 -79 38% -8 -16 -82 33% -9 -14 -76 28% 16 -26 -6 -32 Same losses as conventional dairy systems (23 % deep litter, 77% slurry and 10 % solid and liquid manure) 50 % deep litter, 40 % slurry and 10 % solid and liquid manure. Pilot farms, average of 1997-2001. Included in meat output. D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side - 12 - Table 4. Field N-balance on specialised representative Danish farms in year 1999 and pilot farms from 1997-2001. Kg N ha-1 year-1. Farm type Dairy on sandy (< 5% clay) Conventional, repr. LSU<1.4 1.4-2.3 Av. LSU7)ha-1 Input Anim manure from storage Animal manure during graz. Mineral fertilizer Fixation Precipitation Total input Output Conserved roughage Grazed Home-grown cereals Cash crops Total output Field N-balance Standard deviation, field N-bal. Amm. loss spreading Amm. loss during grazing Amm. loss crops Denitrification Soil-N changes Nitrate leaching estimated by diff.6) N-efficiency, field, % Organic Repr. 1.4 2) 1958) 107 116 32 92 0 72 37 16 16 1) 343 227 -2352) -49 -82 -28 -39 -13 -7 -13 -4 -103 -132 140 168 -73 -49 -4 -15 -2 -127 -157 186 1001)to1082) 42 Standard deviation, field N-eff. Dairy Pig Arable DK Organic Pilot5 1.1 1.7 88 145 18 26 101 86 20 28 16 16 243 300 -15 -22 -1 -2 -4 -4 -18 -27 -18 2 -120 -113 43% 44% Dairy on loamy(5-15% clay) 1.7 Conventional, repr. LSU< 1.4 1.4-2.3 Pilot5) 1.3 1) - -81 -61 8) 160 0 76 17 253 -69 -61 -10 -140 113 16 -141) to -102) -2 -2 -23 to –22. -73) to –124) -65 to –84 . 46% 56 to 58% 5%-units 55% Org. 1.0 75 15 104 20 16 230 1.7 1.2 149 881)-982) 23 26 73 0 22 59 16 16 1) 283 189 - 1992) 1.5 127 22 89 23 16 277 1.4 105 31 0 70 16 223 1.3 100 0 83 4 16 203 0.4 32 2 114 5 16 170 1.0 72 9 94 13 16 204 -41 -23 -11 -20 - 96 134 -69 -58 -34 -41 -14 -4 -7 -7 -124 -110 159 791) to 892) -67 -33 -10 -9 -119 158 -71 -48 -4 -3 -125 97 0 0 -43 -39 -83 120 -3 -2 -11 -73 -89 81 -51 -13 -18 -42 -94 110 -121) to –92) -2 -2 -27 to –26 -53) to –124) -42 to –62 58 to 60% -20 -2 -4 -25 -4 -112 43% -14 -2 -2 -23 -6 -62 56% -16 0 -5 -16 -33 -116 41% -8 0 -5 -13 -26 -82 53% -12 -1 -4 -16 -23 -100 46% -13 -1 -4 -26 -16 -107 42% -22 -2 -4 -37 11 -84 44% 5%-units 1) Same losses as conventional dairy systems (23 % deep litter, 77% slurry and 10 % solid and liquid manure) 2) 50 % deep litter, 40 % slurry and 10 % solid and liquid manure. 3) Same soil-N changes as conventional dairy systems 4) 25 % lower crop residues in grass/clover and 25 % higher C-input from deep litter 5) Data from pilot farms 1997-2001. 6) Leaching = field N-balance – amm. loss – denitrification – soil-N changes. For example organic dairy on sand: 100 –14 –2 -2 –23 +7 = 65 kg N ha-1. 7) Inclusive correction for manure import, 100 kg N-import = 1 LSU. 8) Inclusive manure deposited directly on grazed fields D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side Conv - 13 - Table 5. Estimated environmental losses on specialised representative Danish farms in year 1999. Sandy (< 5% clay) Conventional dairy Farm type: LSU < 1.4 1.4-2.3 Loamy (5-15 % clay) Organic dairy Conventional dairy LSU<1.4 1.4-2.3 Organic dairy Average, dairy Conv Arable Pig DK Org Kg N ha-1 year-1 N-balance on farm Amm. loss stable & storage 149 185 111 142 176 88 172 108 84 150 123 -9 -17 -11 -8 -17 -9 -15 -11 -3 -31 -13 138 167 99 133 158 77 156 96 81 122 110 Amm. loss animal manure & min. fert -16 -24 -16 -13 -24 -13 -22 -15 -8 -16 -13 Amm. loss, crops -4 -4 -2 -4 -4 -2 -4 -2 -5 -5 -4 Denitrification -18 -27 -23 -26 -37 -27 -25 -23 -13 -16 -16 -102 -111 -58 -91 -95 -39 -108 -56 N-balance on field N-leaching & soil-N est. by diff.1) Different units Emissions2) Methane, kg CH4 ha-1 127 216 156 113 212 131 188 153 13 44 68 N2O, kg N2O ha-1 12 15 11 11 13 9 14 11 7 8 9 Ammonia, kg NH3 ha-1 35 53 36 31 54 30 51 46 18 52 48 CO2, kg CO2 ha-1 397 453 341 427 484 347 444 341 439 381 396 7.3 10.6 7.7 6.6 10.0 6.4 9.5 7.5 4.2 2.9 Global Warming Potential, ton CO2 equivalent ha-1 5.1 1) Leaching = field balance – amm. loss – denitrification. For example organic dairy on sand: 99 –16-2 –23 =58 kg N ha-1. Leaching estimated by difference include changes in soilN, which is assumed to be in balance within typology. 2) Se provisional data on D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side - 14 - Table 6. N-turnover and estimated N-loss on main representative Danish farms in year 1999. Kg N ha-1 year-1. Sandy (< 5% clay) Farm type: Conv dairy Org. dairy Arable Pig ha-1: 1.5 16 90 24 3 1 93 16 228 -36 -10 -8 -2 -54 1.3 3 0 72 11 1 50 16 150 -31 -6 -3 0 -39 0.2 11 106 7 25 2 10 16 164 -2 -7 -60 0 -69 1.5 15 75 4 5 13 189 16 303 0 -93 -31 -29 -154 1.5 4 83 19 2 1 116 16 236 -38 -9 -15 -7 -70 0.2 18 120 5 9 2 19 16 170 -1 -12 -81 0 -94 172 -14 160 110 -11 99 96 -2 94 149 -30 119 167 -15 152 77 -4 73 -29 -18 -13 -25 -29 -24 -23 -8 -12 -110 -58 -72 -5 -7 -115 -65 LSU % of DK area: Input Mineral fertilizer Fixation Manure import Animal import Supplement feed Precipitation Total input Milk Output Meat Cash crops Manure export Total output Balance on farm gate Amm. loss stable & storage Field balance Amm. loss animal manure & crop Denitrification N-leaching & soil-N est. by diff.1) Change in soil-N2) Leaching estimated by difference3) 1) 2) Loamy (5-15 % clay) Conv. dairy Arable Denmark Pig Average Conv. dairy Pig 1.6 1.0 1.5 0.2 1.6 8 97 2 2 13 207 16 337 0 -101 -52 -32 -185 153 100 94 12 10 4 79 16 216 -9 -33 -42 -8 -93 20 89 23 4 1 97 16 230 -36 -10 -9 -3 -57 172 28 114 5 15 2 15 16 168 -1 -10 -73 0 -84 84 22 83 4 5 13 195 16 315 0 -96 -39 -31 -164 150 -3 81 -13 -31 119 -21 -32 121 123 -13 110 -12 -22 -17 -15 157 -26 -32 -15 -22 -16 -25 -13 -16 -87 -93 -45 -76 -77 -108 -56 -83 -38 -34 1 -19 -32 -23 -4 -26 -33 -110 -121 -94 -64 -108 -100 -112 -82 -116 Leaching and soil-N changes = field balance – amm. loss – denitrification. For example organic dairy on sand: 99 –18 –23 = 58 kg N ha-1. Preliminary results. Data will be presented at the 12 th N workshop, Exeter by Pedersen, Bjørn Molt and Nielsen, Anders Højlund. 3) Leaching and soil-N changes = field balance – amm. loss – denitrification + soil-N change. For example organic dairy on sand: 99 –18 –23 +7 = 65 kg N ha-1. D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side Arable - 15 - Table 7. Farm gate N-turnover on specialised representative Danish dairy farms. Kg N ha-1 year-1. Conventional Year 1989-903) 1994-974) 1997-2001 No farms 16 5 28 LSU ha-1 1.76 1.70 1.67 Input Fertilizer 161 100 87 Fixation 29 45 38¹ Manure import 0 0 7 Supplement feed 77 129 94² Precipitation 16 16 16 Total input 283 290 242 Output Milk -39 -44 -47 Meat -18 -10 Cash crops 0² -22 0² Manure export 0² -21 0² Total output -47 -101 -54 Balance 240 173 195 Standard deviation 52 50 54 Difference to conv Difference on same stocking rate 1) 2) Organic 19995) 1989-903) 1994-974) 1997-2001 350 14 10 16 1.46 1.24 1.26 1.08 89 0 0 0 23 87 89 75¹ 4 9 14 22 97 39² 47 29 16 16 16 16 230 151 166 142 -36 -28 -28 -32 -10 -6 -6 -9 0² -4 0² -3 0² 0 0² -57 -32 -38 -32 172 124 112 118 19 35 19 -116 -61 -77 -85 -61 -50 Calculated after Kristensen et al 2003 Crops for sale and manure is deducted import 3) Halberg et al, 1995 4) Halberg (1999). 5) Table 5 D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side - 16 - 19995) 149 1.3 0 70 12 49 16 147 -30 -6 -3 0 -39 108 -64 -45 Table 8. Farm gate N-turnover on specialised representative Danish dairy farms in 2003 after full implementation of VMP-II. Kg N ha-1 year-1. Input Output Year No farms LSU ha-1 Fertilizer Fixation Manure etc., import Supplement feed Precipitation Total input Milk Meat Cash crops Manure export Total output Balance Difference from conv. 20032) Amm. loss stable & storage Field balance Amm. loss animal manure and crops 1) 1999 350 1.46 89 23 4 97 16 230 -36 -10 -9 -3 -57 172 -15 157 -26 Conventional 20032) 20033) Gra/cl,100N Gras/clov,25 N 1.46 1.46 44 25 30 39 2 2 103 105 16 16 195 187 -36 -36 -10 -10 -8 -8 -3 -3 -57 -57 138 130 -8 -15 -15 123 115 -25 -25 1) 1999 149 1.30 0 70 12 49 16 147 -30 -6 -3 0 -39 108 -31 -11 96 -17 Organic 20032) 20032) 18% conc4) 18%-conc4) 1.30 1.00 0 0 70 54 11 11 30 10 16 16 127 91 -29 -22 -6 -5 -3 -3 0 0 -38 -31 89 61 -49 -77 -9 -6 80 55 -17 -13 Denitrification -25 -22 -21 -23 -24 -17 Leaching estimated by difference5) -108 -81 -75 -56 -45 -31 1) Average dairy farms from table 5 & 6 2) Model calculated in year 2003 after implementing rules in 2003, se Anon (2002). 3) Grass/clover fertilized with 25 kg N/ha in mineral fertilizer 4) 5) Supplement feed changed from rape cake (30 % of crude protein of DM) in 1999 to protein poor supplement feed, called A 5 (18 % of crude protein of DM) Leaching = field balance – amm. loss – denitrification. For example organic dairy on sand: 96 –17 –23 = 56 kg N ha-1. Leaching estimated by difference include changes in soil-N, which is assumed to be in balance within typology D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side - 17 - Litterature Anon. 2000: Gødningsregnskaber. Fysisk kontrol. Statistik 1998/99., 1-49. Plantedirektoratet. Anon. 2001: Vejledning og skemaer 2001/02., 1-99. Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. Plantedirektoratet. Anon. 2002: Vejledning og skemaer 2002/03., 1-99. Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. Plantedirektoratet. Eriksen, J. 2003: Kløvergræssets forfrugtsvirkning og udvaskning af næringsstoffer. Bilag til FØJO-workshop. Forskningscenter Foulum d. 13.januar 2002. Eriksen J. & Vinther F.P. (2002) Nitrate leaching in grazed grasslands of different composition and age. Grassland Science in Europe. 7: 682-683. Grant, R., Blicher-Mathiesen, G., Jørgensen, J. O., Kloppenborg-Skumsager, B., Kronvang, B., Jensen, P. 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H. v. 1998: Problems associated with nutrient accounting and budgets in mixed farming systems., 135-140. APMinderhoudhoevereeks. Mixed Farming Systems in Europe. 28-5-1998. Søegaard, K., Eriksen, J., and Kristensen, I. S. 2002: Grassland cultivation in Denmark., 1-11. Wageningen, The Netherlands, Plant Research International. Workshop: Grassland re-sowing and grass-arable crop rotation. 1819. April 2002. Vinther, F. P. 2001: Kvælstoftab ved denitrification. Kvælstofbalancer in dansk landbrug - Mark- og staldbalancer , 14. Østergaard, V. and Neimann-Sørensen, A. 1989: Grundlag for valg af avlsmål og tilhørende produktionssystem i mælkeproduktionen. Statens Husdyrbrugsforsøg, Beretning 660, 1-157 D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side - 18 - Appendix 1. To the paper “N turnover on Danish mixed dairy farms” In the Danish dairy sector grass/clover contribute significant to the N-input. On pilot farms clover content is evaluated visually and the fixation is calculated directly from visual clover content, se table 1. Table 1. Total input of atmospherically derived nitrogen (totally fixed – kg N ha-1) at varying content of clover and different cropping year, Kristensen et al. (1995) Visual clover content (soil cover) (dry matter clover content) 1st and 2nd year sward 3rd and older sward 10-29 (13-16) 78 47 30-49 (17-29) 156 84 Above 49 Above 30 248 128 Fixation in pure legume crops with measured yield is calculated after Høgh-Jensen et al. (2003). Mixed crops of peas and cereals are calculated with a combination of the two methods (Kristensen et al, 2003). In order to calculate the fodder N import from economic figures the yield of roughage must be known. The average roughage yield from 10 years of 15-30 pilot farm studies per year has been chosen. The yield is presented as Scandinavian Feed Units (SFU), where 1 SFU is equal to the feeding value of 1 kg barley grain, see table 2. Permanent grass is set to 2,000 SFU/ha (= 2,500 kg DM/ha). The yield has been described in detail by Halberg & Kristensen (1997). The herd feed requirement is calculated in relation to milk and meat production measured. From milk production the yearly demand for fodder (Y) is calculated from Østergaard & Neimann-Sørensen (1989): Y = 1000 * (-400+((4002 – 4 * 16.7 * (1860 - X)))) / (2*16,7) Y = SFU demand per dairy cow per year X = Kg milk production per dairy cow per year The total demand for N feed is calculated so that a total of 24% N efficiency is achieved by combining the home-grown feed with import of cereal and concentrate feed. The 24% N efficiency is equal to the average level of around 20 pilot farms in 1997-2001. D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side - 19 - Table A2. Net yields and crude protein content for field production on conventional and organic farms selected for modelling technical turnover on representative farms in 1999 System: SFU ha-1 Crops Grass/clover silage Do grazed Whole crop1) Maize Fodderbeets Grain 1) Conventional Kg GJ dig. % crude -1 DM ha energy protein of DM ha-1 6500 8020 6500 6820 5000 6760 9200 10000 10900 10900 measured 103 96 81 141 112 16.3 23.0 10.4 8.7 7.4 10.1 Organic SFU Kg GJ dig. % crude -1 -1 ha DM ha energy protein of DM ha-1 5500 5500 3700 5500 6820 5730 5430 7000 measured 87 81 62 87 16.3 23.0 10.4 8.7 10.1 Exclusive grass harvested during the autumn. To calculate the fertilizers’ import a fertilization of 136 kg N/ha in grass/clover was chosen (= N level on 20 pilot farms in 1999). Permanent grass was set to 80 kg N/ha. All other crops have been given the maximum allowed level of mineral fertilizer including around 50% fertilization value of the nitrogen in animal manure. In order to achieve the national level of fertilizer use, 10% extra N fertilizer were given to all crops. In Table A3 the N-standards of the most important grassland crops are shown in year 2002. After the establishing year the N-standards are not influenced by the age of the grassland. The N-standards are the maximum amounts of N from mineral fertilizer plus animal manure. N in cattle manure is expected to have a utilization of 60%, and therefore only 60% of total-N in cattle manure are included in the calculations. In pastures N-excretion from grazing animals has to be included in the N-account. Therefore, the maximum amount of N-application is lower than that shown in Table A3. By way of example, in pastures with more than 50 % clover it will not be possible to apply any N, because the N-standard corresponds approximately to N-excretion. As mentioned earlier, one of the advantages of short-lasting grassland is the residual effect on the following crop. In the N-standards the residual effect of grass/clover is estimated at approximately 60 kg N ha-1 for the first year, when compared to the residual effects after a grain crop (Table A3). D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side - 20 - Table A3. Standards for maximum N-application at a certain annual net yield (yield-standard) are shown for some crops on two soil types in 2002. In total there are 99 N-standards for different agricultural crops on three different soil types and for sandy soil there are standards for both irrigated and unirrigated. (Søegaard et al, 2002) Sandy soil – unirrigated Clay soil N-standard Yield-standard N-standard Yield-standard kg N ha-1 t DM ha-1 kg N ha-1 t DM ha-1 Grass crop 27-1401) 0-4 27-1401) 0-4 285 204 55 6.5 6.0 5.0 303 213 70 7.5 6.5 6.5 Pure grass 53 1.0 53 1.0 Grass/clover 33 1.0 33 1.0 119 56 4.12) 4.12) 121 58 Permanent pure grass Established short lasting: Pure grass Grass/clover, < 50 % clover Grass/clover, > 50 % clover Establishing year after harvest of cover grain-crop: Spring barley Cereal as previous crop Grass/clover as pervious crop 1) : Depending of yield level 2) : Grain yield D:\106733303.doc. Senest udskrevet den 13-02-2016 05:34:00. Side 5.92) 5.92) Anon (2001) - 21 -