Azerbaijan University Master of Business Administration Course Syllabus MBA 8030 LEGAL, ETHICAL AND REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS Fall Semester 2009 INSTRUCTOR: Elnara Guliyeva, MA of International and Comparative Law Uppsala University, Sweden Email: SYLLABUS Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Environment of Business Fall 2009 OFFICE HOURS: Sat 12h00 – 15h00 WELCOME Welcome to Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Environment of Business. I am confident that you are going to find this course exhilarating, rewarding and challenging. To avoid any misunderstanding, you are encouraged to read this course outline and to bring the prescribed text to each class meeting. COURSE MATERIALS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan Law on the Registration of Legal Entities Law on Arbitration Labour Code UN Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods EU Convention on Law Applicable to contractual obligations (Rome Convention) Convention on the Law Applicable to Sale of Goods (The Hague) Convention on recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce, Henry R. Cheeseman Recommended: The Arbitration Agreement, Ramberg INCOTERMS COURSE DESCRIPTION: Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Environment of Business, seeks to increase understanding of the most important legal issues affecting business, in other words, the ‘legal environment’ in which businesses operate. Specific emphasis will be given to the business laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan and international mechanisms. Practical application of these laws will be demonstrated by considering various real life cases. Students will be given ample opportunity to apply legal principles to fictitious case studies, thereby furthering their skills in legal reasoning. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: Lecture/Discussion/Case Studies/Debates/Examinations PREREQUISITES: Good command of reading/speaking/written English COURSE OBJECTIVES: Develop a basic understanding of the legal principles, concepts and business laws with emphasis on those of Azerbaijan 1 SYLLABUS Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Environment of Business Fall 2009 Recognize when one has a legal issue in various business settings and transactions Develop process of critical reasoning-- students will be able to review factual situations and apply sound legal reasoning to reach a conclusion Acquire a knowledge of basic legal terminology Understand the legal principles surrounding formation of contract, terms, breach of contract and remedies Assess the legal strengths and weaknesses of each type of business organization Develop an understanding of the international legal environment Course Content: Week Week 1 Reading/Assignments Introduction Week 2 What is Law (brainstorming)? Principles and sources of law. Overview of previous session Week 3 Legal systems of the world. What is general and what is unique. Overview of previous session Business and Law. Establishment of a business unit Registration of business entities Requisites of a business entity Types of business units Week 4 Overview of previous session Week 5 Contracts Quize 1 Week 6 Different types of contracts. International mechanisms regulating contracts law Overview of previous session Week 8 Case study Presentations of the cases Evaluation Intellectual property law Week 9 Overview of previous Week 7 Employment law (general points) Week 10 Quize 2 Week 11 International transportation law 2 SYLLABUS Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Environment of Business Fall 2009 Week Reading/Assignments - via road - via sea - via air - via railway Week 12 Overview of previous session Week 13 Resolution of disputes between businesses International Commercial Arbitration Overview of previous session. Week 14 Case study Presentation by working groups Week 15 Ethical aspects of business relationships Quize 3 Week 16 Final exam ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance: - this is mandatory. Absence shall have very serious excuse GRADING DISTRIBUTION: Evaluation Device Final Examination Case study 1 Case study 2 Quizes Participation in the lectures Total Points 45 5 10 30 10 100 Note: The instructor will on every lecture call on students to respond to questions related to the lecture or material covered in the text. The quality of your response will also be considered as a part of your class participation score. 3 SYLLABUS Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Environment of Business Fall 2009 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Student success in Legal Environment of Business, is usually correlated with the following: diligent class attendance, careful homework preparation, and comprehensive preparation for quizzes and examinations. 2. Diligent class attendance includes timely arrival (5 minute grace period) and attentiveness to classroom activities coordinated by the instructor. Late arrival to class disrupts the flow of course material and is an inconsiderate distraction to the instructor and to those students who arrived on time. Please plan to arrive in class at the appointed time, ready to begin working. Attentiveness to classroom activities includes being prepared to participate in classroom discussions and share ideas concerning the course material. It does not include socializing with colleagues. Please turn off mobile phones upon arrival in class. 3. Assigned cases should be reviewed in detail and summarized in anticipation for class discussion. 4. The course syllabus, all course handouts, presentations and other power point presentations will available to all students through the department and sent to email addresses. 4