Biological Summer Research Camp
This year Biology Student's Society of Slovenia (DŠB) organises 25th Biological Summer
Research Camp. With this the Society continues the tradition of research camps, which are held
every year at a different location in Slovenia (Bobri 1988 – Pivka 2012). This year's camp will be
held between 17th and 28th of July in Rače.
There will be 12 research groups. Mentors are Slovenian specialists in their individual field of
research. Some of the mentors come from the University of Ljubljana and others from different
institutions in Slovenia. Below is a list of groups with descriptions:
Group for Spiders – mentor: prof. dr. Rok Kostanjšek, univ.dipl.biol.
Botanical group – mentor: Rok Šturm, student of biology
Group for Bats – mentor: Primož Presetnik, univ. dipl. biol.
Group for Dragonflies – mentor: Damjan Vinko, student of biology
Group for Butterflies – mentor: Ivan Kljun, student of biology
Ornithological Group – mentor: Aleš Tomažič, student of biology
Group for Amphibians – mentor: David Stanković, univ. dipl. biol.
Group for Reptiles – mentor: Katarina Drašler, student of biology
Group for Fungi – mentor: Andrej Piltaver, univ.dipl.ing.el.
Group for Underground fauna – mentor: doc. dr. Maja Zagmajster, univ. dipl. biol.
Group for Beetles - mentor: dr. Alja Pirnat, univ. dipl. biol.
Group for Crustaceans - mentor:Marijan Govedič, univ. dipl. biol.
Fee for the camp is 90 EUR. If you want to participate on the camp, you must fill in the application
form and send it to this address: spela.bs@hotmail.com until 23st of June 2013.
Group for Spiders: The participants will get to know the selective (hand sampling with pincer and
exhauster) and non-selective methods (catcher, sieve, sail) of sampling spiders, the techniques for
preparation and etiquetting of the collected material and their systematics. They will sample spiders
from some of the more interesting localities and try to make an estimation on diversity of spiders in
Botanical Group: The group will make an inventory of ferns and seed plants. The participants will
use the method of middle European census of flora (by quadrants) to study the botanical
characteristics of the area. The members will get acquainted with methods of work in botany,
census of flora, species determination and critical handling of difficult taxons. They will also be
introduced to some environmental measures necessary for the protection of flora.
Group for Bats: At daytime they will make a census of bats' dwellings in churches, castles, and
other appropriate buildings and caves. At night they will capture bats with fine mist nets and work
on recognizing different species with an ultrasound detector. They will also use the detectors to
locate bats` dwellings in forests. The group members will learn the determination of captured
individuals and to recognize bats in flight on the basis of their calls. The results gathered will be
used to plan the protection of this endangered group of animals.
Group for Dragonflies: The group will make a census of dragonflies. Group members will observe
and determine dragonflies and their larva, they will also get to know the general ecology of the
species. The work will focus on learning about different species and comparing the biodiversity of
running to still water.
Group for Butterflies: The group will make a census of butterflies. The members will observe the
butterflies and learn about general ecology of the species.
Ornithological Group: The group will do a census of birds in the region. They will record birds on
basis of observation with binoculars and listening to bird songs. They will visit different habitats
and compare the birds that inhabit it and learn about ecology and ethology of the species.
Group for Amphibians: They will try to determine the distribution of amphibians in the research
area. The members will get to know the census and monitoring techniques, as well as insight into
ecology of amphibians.
Group for Reptiles: The main aim of the group will be to make a thorough census of all potential
reptile species in the area by visiting appropriate habitats for each of the species. The group
members will be introduced to field biology and get practice in determining species in the field.
They will also learn about their systematics, ecology and conservation.
Group for Fungi: The main aim of the group will be to learn about the methodology for the
determination of fungi and critical treatment of difficult taxons. They will also learn about the
ecology of fungi. Lots of literature and microscopes will be used for this group.
Group for Subterranean Fauna: Members of this group will get to know the particularity of
subterranean animals and with different subterranean habitats. The field work will include a wide
variety of subterranean habitats: caves, springs, water interstitial habitats near rivers, shallow
subterranean habitats. Beside the basic census of the fauna and their peculiarities, members will
learn about problems related to sampling efficiency and completeness as well as conservation of
subterranean habitats.
Group for Beetles: The main focus of the group will be on the group Carabidae. In addition, we
will learn about methods that are used for monitoring of species of conservation importance, and
thus some of the species that are active in this period.
Group for Crustaceans:
The group will observe fresh water crustaceans. The group members will be introduced to field
biology and get practice in determining species in the field. They will also learn about their
systematics, ecology and conservation.
Most of the research at the camp will be done in the field, but there will also be a laboratory set up
for determining difficult groups of plants, animals and fungi. However, not all of the time will be
spent doing research, there will also be a picnic, as well as three lectures on Slovene flora and fauna
given by Slovenian experts. At the end we will organize presentation of study results by all groups.
The camp is being sponsored by: