OSWESTRY RURAL PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 26th August 2014 At Trefonen Village Hall Present – Councillors – R Milton – Chair, M Lee, I Ashley, J Barlow, P Broomby, V Byrne, W Cheetham, S Jones, P May, J Middleton, A Milner and P Milner 1.0 APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S Chalk and V Edwards and E Evans was absent. 2.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Chair, Cllr R Milton explained that the Council usually allow fifteen minutes for the public participation session but due to the demand from the public this could be increased at his discretion. He asked anyone who wished to speak to stand. Fifteen people stood and the Chair stated that the time would be two minutes per speaker which would be timed and he would cut off anyone going beyond their allocated time. Cllr V Byrne seconded this proposal. All other councillors were in favour. Speaker 1 – Mr Julian Francis – Mr Francis commented that he did not have a long address. He thanked the four councillors who had voted at the extraordinary meeting to reverse the decision under standing orders that had been made at the June meeting. He also informed the meeting that the planning application for development at Chapel Lane had been refused by the North Area planning committee at Shirehall that afternoon. He pointed out that there were some applications on the agenda at this meeting for garden development and he asked that these be deferred until the September meeting. Speaker 2- Mr Peter Richardson – Speaking on Agenda Item 6.3 – Planning – Mr Richardson asked that the Parish Council do not support the planning application for development opposite Devonic, Maesbury. The Council have said ‘No’ to hubs or clusters and the Parish survey that was undertaken recently by the Parish Council showed that 94% did not want development in open countryside and outside development area. Mr Richardson asked that the application goes to the North Area Committee of Shropshire Council. Paragraph 14 of the NPPF clearly states that development has to be sustainable. This application is clearly unsustainable with no shop, post office or bus service. According to the Environmental Agency the land is in Zone 2 Flood area and if this is built it will flood his own property. Speaker 3 – Mr Rob Bennett- representing Mr Derek Jones regarding development at Little London Lane (agenda Item: 6.2). Mr Bennett stated that this was the smallest development being put forward for planning in Trefonen and it was fundamentally different from the others. It is a self- build with only six plots and not a conventional housing estate. Buyers can design their own homes and it will not affect the village as a whole. The land will be developed slowly, plot by plot, traffic will have no impact on residents and there will be no pollution. Trefonen needs housing to enable it to flourish over the next ten to fifteen years and the school could be lost because it relies on children being brought in. Mr Bennett asked for support from the Parish Council. 1 Speaker 4 – Carol Ryan-Ridout – Ms Ryan stated as she stood that she was not going to comply with the time restriction because it was not enough for her to say what she wanted to say. The Chair stated that he had explained the time limit at the start and he expected it to be complied with. Ms Ryan said that farmers are enhancing their pension fund by selling off land for development and that she had sat through the Parish Council July meeting with astonishment. She stated that she was unclear about councillors understanding of planning considerations when they were commenting on planning. Are they just tinkling with it compared with Kinnerley who are ‘on the ball’. There is a lack of sustainability and …… At this point the Chair said that time was up. Ms Ryan carried on and the Chair again stated that she must stop speaking. She refused to stop and the Chair said that if she did not stop she would have to leave the room and the meeting would be cancelled. At this point Ms Ryan asked that Mr David Jones used two minutes to finish the points she wanted to make. This was allowed. Speaker 5 – David Jones – He quoted paragraph 49 of the NPPF which says that the supply of five year housing does not say that the Secretary of State can ratify it. Mr Jones stopped speaking at this point. Speaker 6 – Ms L McCann-Worrall – Lives in Bellan Lane, Trefonen and is concerned if the development goes ahead in Little London Lane, Trefonen. Dallas Lane is also very narrow and cars have to go up Old Post Office Lane to turn back down Dallas Lane. Passing places are in driveways of houses and there is a definite safety issue. When you buy a house there is no clause in it that says your children have to attend the local school. Speaker 7 – David Ward – Mr Ward had studied the amendments to the plans for Little London Lane, Trefonen development and after the junction with Malthouse Lane there are no passing places coming along Bellan Lane other than in private driveways. There has been discussion regarding the need for houses to fill the school. A school is based on excellence and if it is excellent, places will be filled. The Parish Plan done in 2014 proves that residents do not want development. The Parish do not want to be a hub or a cluster and there is now a 5+ years of houses. Speaker 8 – Helen Hunter-Hayes – regarding the amendments to the Whitridge Way, Trefonen proposals – the amendments should not change the decision of the Parish Council at all. Trefonen does not want to be like Chirk, where a recent article in the Advertiser on 10th June highlighted that a fifty yard section of Offas Dyke had been ruined by a person bulldozing a length of the dyke because he did not know it was there. SAMDev is now completed and Shropshire Council have quoted a 5.5 year land supply. Trefonen is not identified in the SAMDev and the Parish survey supported brownfield development. The school factor that was put forward by some councillors at an earlier meeting is not a factor. Speaker 9 – Sue Norris – regarding planning application 6.4 Land off Chain Lane. She wished to ask the Council to oppose this application. There are currently cattle on this site and it says in the plans that the access is in a 30mph limit. It is not. Maesbury is not in a hub or a cluster and the site is not sustainable. There is no school or amenities. She has an issue with councillors who have taken no notice of the survey and vote against the facts. Councillors should be listening to the residents in their ward and questions have been asked in emails. 2 Speaker 10 – Mrs C Abram – Mrs Abram asked that when item 7.2 came up on the agenda could she have an explanation about areas that can be identified as green spaces. Speaker 11 – Malcolm Andrew – Also speaking on behalf of his neighbour Mrs E Lloyd Williams regarding agenda item 6.2 Land at Little London Lane. The amendments are still ‘All Matters Reserved’ and are not indicative on site as to the numbers of dwellings. The TPO on trees is suggesting early removal. Do we want modern houses on the approach to Offa’s Dyke and on Whitridge Way? Dallas Lane is not suitable at all for vehicles with character walls and hedges which will be spoilt. Construction traffic will be a danger. He asked for support from the Parish Council and to point out that there is now another application on the Little London Lane at ‘Richmond’. Speaker 12 – Tom Morris – who has put forward proposals for plots in Maesbury pointed out that a public sewer is not needed because it is free draining. He also stated that the Parish survey is not right because people have approached him who want to live in Maesbury. Speaker 13 – Andrew Heaton – regarding the Whitridge Way proposal at agenda item 6.1.- Some people are still unaware of the historical heritage on and near this site. A section of stone hedge would have to be removed and Offa’s Dyke is running through the site. Consider what happened in Chirk and look at the 100’s of objections to this application on the planning portal. Lots of eminent people objected such as Dr Mike Howarth, Dr Ben Edwards and Mr George Nash. To proceed with this would be folly and he asked that councillors listen to the local residents. Speaker 14 – Dr George Nash –regarding the Whitridge Way proposal at 6.1 on agenda – He introduced himself as a specialist in planning law. He was concerned where the development will go due to the cultural heritage on this site. Trefonen sits on an archaeological site and he is disappointed with the local authority and English Heritage. They planned, between 1999-2003, to set up a world heritage site and the line of Offa’s Dyke would have been included in this but resources ran out and it was never finished. Mr Nash encouraged residents and councillors to save this site for the next 200-300 years. Speaker 15 – Mr Dave Parker- the agent for the developer for the Whitridge Way site at 6.1. On the agenda – Mr Parker first of all said that he was aware of the decision made that afternoon regarding the Chapel Lane site in Trefonen. – He could not agree with the decision but understood it. Similarly, the Whitridge Way site is enclosed on three sides by other houses and the proposal to build 8-12 houses will soften the edge of the development. This amount of houses is only 5% growth in the village and will be affordable and the cheaper end of the market. Trefonen needs small scale development and this site can provide this. 3.0 DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS Councillor I Ashley – Planning Applications 14/03100, 14/03104 and 14/03101 3 4.0 POLICE REPORT Police were unable to attend but sent a report to the clerk following the meeting as follows: 13th Aug – burglary of outbuildings at farm in Woolston – tools taken 24th Aug – Theft of Royal Mail post box from Gwernybrenin Between 2nd – 8th August – Theft of bikes from a container in Woodhill 28th August – Theft of Mazda pick-up from farm in Morton 29th August – Theft of caravan from Maesbury 29th August – Theft of registration plates in Maesbury With regard to the final three offences a suspect was arrested at the wheel of the stolen vehicle in West Felton. The vehicle was displaying the stolen plates. The theft of the caravan was suspected but not proven. The suspect is on bail until 4th September. 5.0 MINUTES To confirm the Minutes of the last meeting on 29th July 2014 The minutes were proposed and seconded as a true record following some minor changes and all councillors were in favour excepting Cllrs S Jones, A Milner and J Middleton who were absent at that meeting. The minutes of 29th June could not be confirmed due to the fact that some of the councillors who voted at that meeting were absent. This item will now be deferred until the September meeting. ACTION: 14.7.1 Post minutes on Parish web site following amendments ACTION: 14.7.2. Put the June minutes on the next agenda for agreement 6.0 PLANNING MATTERS The chair explained that the planning sub-committee met in the week before the main Parish meeting to discuss any planning applications that have been notified to the Clerk from Shropshire Council. The planning sub-committee have representation from each ward of the Parish and there are seven councillors on that committee. They look at each applications and discuss and then make a recommendation to the full council. These recommendations are read out at the Council meeting and all councillors can vote on whether to support or oppose the planning application. Deferred from last meeting 6.1 14/00536/OUT- Proposed residential development for 12 dwellings – North of Whitridge Way, Trefonen- Amendments. The planning sub-committee recommend not to Support this development. The Parish survey responses for Trefonen with Treflach categorically do not want building on Greenfield sites. Respondents want conversion of buildings for housing, Affordable 4 housing or infill of one or two houses. The Parish Council stated that they did not want to be in a hub or a cluster and they should stick with this decision. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council DO NOT SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and 10 councillors voted not to support the application, 1 councillor to support and there was 1 abstention. 6.2 14/01510/OUT – Land on south side of little London Lane, Trefonen – outline application for development. The Planning sub-committee recommend that the Council DO NOT SUPPORT this application. They would also recommend a deferral and ask that a site visit is made by the North Area planning committee and a highways expert consultant who can produce a full report. Clarification is also requested regarding TPO tree T32. It is unclear what is going to happen to this tree. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council DO NOT SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and 6 councillors voted not to support the application, No councillors to support and there was 6 abstentions. 6.3 14/03100/OUT- Land Opposite Devonic, Maesbury- Outline application for a mixed residential development to include means of access. The Planning sub-committee recommend that the Council DO NOT SUPPORT this application. There is overdevelopment on the site and sewerage is not available on the mains in this part of the village. In a response on the Parish survey, ‘If development were to take place, where do you think it should be? Only 17 people responded ‘on greenfield sites’. The majority of respondents wanted development on brownfield sites, replacing existing buildings or infill. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council DO NOT SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and 10 councillors voted not to support the application, 1 councillor to support and there was 1 abstention. 6.4 14/03104/OUT - Land Off Chain Lane, Maesbury - Outline application for the erection of 3 no. dwellings and associated garaging to include means of access. The planning sub-committee SUPPORT this application but would point out that there is no sewerage connection in this area. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and 7 councillors voted not to support the application, 4 councillors to support and there was 1 abstention. It was carried NOT TO SUPPORT the application. 6.5 14/03101/OUT - Proposed Development Land SE Of St Johns Church, Maesbury Marsh - Outline application for the erection of 3 no. dwellings and associated garaging to include means of access. The planning sub-committee recommend that the SUPPORT this application but would like to see affordable houses on this site. Again, sewerage is not available on the mains in this area. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and 6 councillors voted not to support the application, 5 councillors to support and there was 1 abstention. It was carried NOT TO SUPPORT the application 5 6.6 14/02768/OUT – Land opposite Lower Waen Farm, Maesbury Marsh – Mixed residential development 9 to include access) - A proposal was made and seconded that the Council SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and 7 councillors voted not to support the application, 4 councillors to support and there was 1 abstention. It was carried NOT TO SUPPORT the application. - A proposal was made and seconded that the Council DO NOT SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and 11 councillors voted not to support the application, None to support and there was 1 abstention. It was carried NOT TO SUPPORT the application. 6.7 14/03183/FUL – Bromwich Park, Maesbury Marsh – conversion of farm building (Unit 2) from holiday let to residential. The Planning sub-committee recommend Support for this application. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and all 12 councillors voted to support the application. 6.8 14/03240/FUL – Milford Barn, Coedygo – Change of Use of small paddock to residential garden. The planning sub-committee recommend Support for this application. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and all 12 councillors voted to support the application. 6.9 14/03308/FUL – Land at Three Trees, Trefonen – erection of 2 storey detached dwelling including new access. The planning sub-committee recommend NOT TO SUPPORT this application. This is an overbearing development on adjacent properties and overdevelopment of the site. The Council would like the North Area Planning Committee to visit this site. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council DO NOT SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and 11 councillors voted not to support the application, None to support and there was 1 abstention. It was carried NOT TO SUPPORT the application. 6.10 14/03366/FUL – Three Trees, Sandrock Lane, Trefonen – Erection of extension to front of dwelling. - The planning sub-committee recommend support for this application. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and all 12 councillors voted to support the application. 6 6.11 14/03310/FUL – C V Rollers (TPP) Ltd. Mile Oak Industrial Estate – Erection of single storey extension to rear elevation. The Planning sub-committee recommend SUPPORT for this application. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and all 12 councillors voted to support the application. 6.12 14/03331/PMBPA – Barns to the West of Lllwynymaen - Application for prior approval under Part 3 of the Town & Country Planning Order 2014 for Change of Use from agricultural Building to 3 new dwellings. The Planning sub-committee recommend SUPPORT for this application. The access should be reviewed again because the Highways diagram on the planning portal was not clear. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and all 12 councillors voted to support the application. 6.13 14/03002/FUL – Pentreshannel Farm, Coedygo – Erection of implement and fodder storage building over existing yard. The Planning sub-committee recommend SUPPORT for this application. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and all 12 councillors voted to support the application. 6.14 14/03696/FUL - Proposed Dwelling South of Fernhill - Erection of 1No single storey dwelling. The planning sub-committee recommend that the Council DO NOT SUPPORT this application. The previous application went to appeal and the inspector refused it. The Council are recommended to uphold what the inspector said. A vote was taken and 11 councillors voted not to support the application, none to support and there was 1 abstention. It was carried NOT TO SUPPORT the application. 6.15 14/03487/OUT – Development East of Richmond, Little London Lane, Trefonen The planning sub-committee recommend refusal of this outline planning application due to there being insufficient information to form a judgement on the planning portal. A proposal was made and seconded that the Council DO NOT SUPPORT this application. A vote was taken and all 12 councillors voted not to support the application. 6.16 The chairman read out decisions made by Shropshire Council on planning applications since the last meeting and councillors had all received a copy. . ACTION: 14.8.3 Enter comments on Shropshire Council planning portal 7 7.0 MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES 7.1 Cemeteries/ Outdoor Spaces – Update on transfer of land at Trefarclawdd & Glentworth. A letter had been received from the Council solicitors who confirmed the completion of the purchase of extra land at Trefarclawdd cemetery on the 7th August and land registration has applied for to register the title. The registration will also amalgamate the title with the title of the existing cemetery. The transfer of land at Glentworth is also nearly complete except for a query with regard to the TPO on a tree on the land. 7.2 Green Spaces It was requested in the public participation session that an explanation of Green Spaces was made so the clerk read out a section received from the Rural Services Network regarding this issue. The Open Spaces Society has urged local councils to rescue green spaces in their community. The society’s case office made a plea as she addressed the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) at their National Conference. Local Councils can protect open spaces for the public to enjoy. They are currently under threat of development and the government have relaxed the laws intended to protect them. Parish Councils can register land which belongs to the Council as a village green and they can help people to identify and register land based on 20 years use for informal recreation. Land can be registered if it has been used by local people for ‘lawful sports and pastimes’. A landowner can register land voluntarily without needing to produce evidence of use. Once registered the land is protected from development by nineteenth-century legislation. The clerk asked that councillors and the public highlighted any green space that they wished to be registered. Trefonen Shop / Post Office – update Cllr V Edwards was absent from the meeting but news is that there is definitely an interested party who would like to take over the shop/Post Office and the hold- up has been due to summer holidays and solicitors being away from their desks. 7.4 Nantmawr – Speed Limits Cllr P May informed the Council that he has been approached by residents in Nantmawr asking for a speed limit in the village. About 5-6 years ago Shropshire Council had a speed initiative but this was dropped due to budget constraints. There is no footpath and no street lights in Nantmawr and residents are worried that a serious accident could occur. There have been several incidents where walls and hedges have been damaged by vehicles and the bridge in the village has been damaged also. There is a genuine increase in traffic. Cllr P May proposed that the Council ask Shropshire Council for a 30mph speed limit. All councillors were in favour of this action. ACTION 14.8.4. Write to Shropshire Council requesting a 30mph speed limit for Nantmawr 7.3 8 7.5 Defibrillators in Parish It has been suggested that there is need for defibrillators in the Parish. Cllr P Milner has been to a workshop and seen a demonstration of how they work and how they are maintained. There are five defibrillators in Oswestry Town and volunteers have come forward to check them regularly. Suggestions were made as to where they could be sited within the Parish and Trefonen Village Hall, Morda and Rhydycroesau Village Hall were suggested. It was agreed that the clerk investigate by contacting the West Midlands Ambulance Service and the British Red Cross. It was agreed that the issue would be added to the next agenda. ACTION 14.8.5 Defibrillators be added as an item for the next agenda 7.6 Social Media – Events in Villages and Facebook It was agreed that this item be on every agenda and councillors can bring forward any items to be put on the Council website for the coming month. 7.7 Clerks’ telephone line The clerk reported that she was having numerous calls on her home telephone line and some were late evening and early morning. The cost of a separate line would be an initial cost of £50 and £15.99 per month. Councillors agreed that the clerk could go ahead and order a new line keeping the current number as the Parish line and the new phone as her private number. ACTION 14.8.6 Order a new telephone line for the clerk 8.0 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL - REPORT FOR INFORMATION Councillor J Barrow had no extra news to report but asked if councillors were happy that she sent news items through to the clerk as they arose and they could be forwarded on throughout the month. Councillors agreed that it was much better to be informed of the latest news as soon as possible. 9.0 HIGHWAYS REPORT including Road Closure Notice The highways report had been circulated to all councillors and any updates were reported. 10.0 10.1 CORRESPONDENCE Shropshire Council Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles – confirmation of receipt of Notice A notice was received and the Parish Council were asked to confirm receipt of this notice. ACTION 14.8.7. The clerk to confirm that the Council had received this notice from Shropshire Council 9 10.2 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL STREET NAMING AND NUMBERING - Proposed Residential Development Land West Of, Morda Bank, Morda The Parish Council have been asked to send in suggestions for street names for the new site at Morda Road ( The Cottams).Councillors were asked to forward any suggestions to the clerk. ACTION 14.8.8. Forward any suggestions made by councillors to Shropshire Council 10.3 Others P Davies – Request for Road Sign – Lawyers Lane A resident has requested road signs at both ends of the lane where he lives. The lane is mainly in Oswestry Rural and partly in Selattyn and Gobowen Parish. It was suggested that the clerk liaises with the clerk at Selattyn and Gobowen and request the signs. ACTION 14.8.9 Contact clerk at Selattyn and Gobowen and request road signs from Shropshire Council. 11.0 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT It was proposed and seconded that the list of payments is accepted. All councillors were in favour. Chq No Payee 101251 Trefonen Village Hall (Lights Out Trefonen) Community Support for Cllr S Chalk Amount 5.00 101252 V Smout – Clerk – salary for August 678.48 101253 Inland Revenue – Tax/NI for August 183.10 101254 Peter Davies- Pest Control (Moles –Trefarclawdd) 35.00 101255 Highline Electrical – Repair at Woodhill Junction 51.00 101256 Micro Plus – Ink 24.99 101257 Royce Landscapes – Grounds Maint for August 691.00 101258 Shropshire Council Elections Fee for May 2013 500.00 101259 Shropshire RCC – Cost of 2 reports for Parish Survey 624.00 101260 Trefonen Village Hall (Lights Out Trefonen) 20.00 Community Support for Cllr P Milner 101261 SLCC – Annual Membership 129.00 Chq No Payee Amount 101262 Lawrence Direct – Stationery & Printing for July 2014 68.05 Total £2880.62 10 12.0 ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA FROM COUNCILLORS Planning sub-committee, Notice Board at Morton, Councillor’s Register of Interest forms, Planning Training and defibrillators Meeting Closed at 8.47pm 11