+2, and

Mathematics of Economics and Finance:
Analytic Geometry Tools
Equations and Inequalities
Graph of a line, slope, intercept, inequality
Two Logarithms and Exponential: Logarithms ease computations
Intervals and Sets
Arithmetic and geometric progressions
Limits: Computations by Calculators.
Functional Relationship
Extracted from:
Numbers: The introduction of zero into the decimal system in the 13th century was the
most significant achievement in the development of a number system, in which
calculation with large numbers became feasible. Without the notion of zero, the
descriptive and prescriptive modeling processes in commerce, astronomy, physics,
chemistry, and industry would have been unthinkable. The lack of such a symbol is one
of the serious drawbacks in the Roman numeral system. In addition, the Roman numeral
system is difficult to use in any arithmetic operations, such as multiplication. The purpose
of this site is to raise students and teachers awareness of issues in working with zero and
other numbers. Imprecise mathematical thinking is by no means unknown; however, we
need to think more clearly if we are to keep out of confusions.
Counting is as old as prehistoric man; after he learned to count, man invented words for
numbers and later still, symbolic numerals. The numeral system we use today originated
with the Hindus. They were devised to go with the 10-based, or "decimal," method of
counting, so named after the Latin word decima, meaning tenth, or tithe. The first
popularizer of this notation was a Muslim mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi in the 9th
Century; however it took the new numbers about two centuries to reach Spain and then to
England in a book called Craft of Nombrynge.
Mathematics is a human endeavor which has spanned over four thousand years; it is part
of our cultural heritage; it is a very useful, beautiful and prosperous subject. Mathematics
is one of the oldest of sciences; it is also one of the most active; for its strength is the
vigor of perpetual youth. Mathematics is also our native language. Numbers are cultural
phenomena; humans invented them to quantify the external world around them. The
external world is qualitative in its nature. However, human can understand, compare and
manipulate numbers only. Therefore, we use some measurable and numerical scales to
quantify the world. This enables us to understand the world by, for example finding any
relationship, manipulating, comparing, calculating, etc. That is, to make an Analytical
Structured Model for the external world. Then we use the same scale to qualify it back to
the world. If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it. This is the essence of human's
understanding and decision-making process.
Page 1.
Problem Solving:
Historically, Math Education systems focused on helping students to learn to carry out a
number of different types of "step 2" using some combination of mental and written
knowledge and skills. It takes a typical students hundreds of hours of study and practice
to develop a reasonable level of speed and accuracy in performing addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division on integers, decimal fractions, and fractions. Even this
amount of instructional time and practice -- spread out over years of schooling -- tends to
produce modest results. Speed and accuracy decline relatively rapidly without continued
practice of the skills.
Page 2:
During the past 5,000 years there has been a steady increasing body of knowledge in
mathematics, science, and engineering. The industrial age and our more recent
information age have lead to a steady increase in the use of "higher" math in many
different disciplines and on the job. Our Education System has moved steadily toward the
idea that the basic computational aspects described above are insufficient. Students also
need to know basic algebra, geometry, statistics, probability, and other higher math
During the Renaissance era trigonometric and logarithmic functions, the idea of
approximation, etc., were developed. In René Descartes' system there is a one-toone correspondence between real numbers and points. This correspondence was
postulated by an axiom of continuity by Hilbert later.
From Analytical-Geometry concepts introduced by Descartes in the 17th century,
a real numbers is a point while an interval is the length between two points which
is also the absolute value:
of the difference between two numbers.
Before the introduction of zero to Europe during the Renaissance era, there was
no concept of a negative numbers. Even today, for many people, in particular for
young pupils the concept of a negative number is hard to understand for strong
ontological reasons.
René Descartes was the one who extended real numbers to include negative
numbers. The way he accomplished this was by representing numbers on a real
number axis as in above figure.
While the number zero had been accepted as a Natural number long ago, in
became official much latter. For example, in Sweden school children were to
learn that zero is a natural number in their 1960 textbooks.
Page 3.
The positive numbers are on the right of zero (origin), and negative numbers are
on the left of zero, which is arbitrary. The reason he chose the right side for
positive numbers is because most people are right-handed--not because positive is
better. The word "right" might have to do with the use of the English word
"right", the Spanish "derecho", etc. to mean certain "positive" things.
Vectors and Numbers: Two Distinct Representations of Numbers: The word
"vector" (literally "carrier", from "vectus", past passive participle of "veho"
meaning "I carry", and related to the English word "vehicle") was invented by
William Rowan Hamilton. However, the useful mixing of mathematics and
physics by Isaac Newton's work in describing his three laws of motion is the first
powerful tool we now call Analytical Modeling.
Any number represents a point on this real number axis, called O-X axis. For
example, point B is +2. It could be represented also as a vector with its origin zero
and end point B, with length 2 units, as depicted in the following Figure. Now a
question for you: What -3 represents in the following figure? Is it a point?, a
number?, a vector (what vector?)?
The four arithmetic operations are well defined by the vector representation of
real numbers and appropriate kinds of movements on this real-number axis:
Addition and subtraction operations on numbers can be viewed as the results of
movements in certain directions, either to the left or to the right. For example 2 - 3
means starting from the origin O going 2 steps to the right an then 5 steps to the
left, you will end up at point -1. Therefore, by vector representation, addition and
subtraction easily can be executed on this axis.
Multiplication of a two positive numbers can be considered as a vector multiplied
by a scalar. For example, 1.5 time -3 means moving from the origin O toward the
same direction (because the scalar 1.5 is positive) the vector -3 and continuing the
one half more steps in the same direction, as shown in the following figure, 1.5B
= C.
Page 4.
Multiplication of a negative number by a positive number such as -2 times 3,
means moving from the origin O toward the opposite direction (because the scalar
-2 is negative) of vector +3 and continuing the same amount steps in the same
direction. That is moving from the origin O toward the direction of vector -3 and
continuing the same amount steps in the same direction.
Division of real numbers may be defined in terms multiplication. That is, dividing
two numbers A by B is a number C such that A = B.C.
Dividing by Zero Can Get You into Trouble!
If we persist in retaining such errata in our educational texts, an unwitting or
unscrupulous person could utilize the result to show that 1 = 2 as follows:
(a).(a) - a.a = a2 - a2
for any finite a. Now, factoring by a, and using the identity
(a2 - b2) = (a - b)(a + b) for the other side, this can be written as:
a(a-a) = (a-a)(a+a)
dividing both sides by (a-a) gives
a = 2a
now, dividing by a gives
1 = 2, Voila!
This result follows directly from the assumption that it is a legal operation to
divide by zero because a - a = 0. If one divides 2 by zero even on a simple,
inexpensive calculator, the display will indicate an error condition.
Again, I do emphasis, the question in this Section goes beyond the fallacy that 2/0
is infinity or not. It demonstrates that one should never divide by zero [here (a-a)].
If one does allow oneself dividing by zero, then one ends up in a hell. That is all.
Page 5.
Equation: Its Structure, Roots, and Solutions
The word "Moaadeleh" meaning "equation" appeared in the writings of alKhwarizmi together with the common algebraic operations connected to
the idea of an equation.
Later, the word "equation" introduced by Fibonacci's work to Europe. Like the
Latin "aequatio" it is an abstract noun referring to any process of equalizing.
However, as a technical term it means the mathematical expression that we now
call an equation: namely, two separate combinations of various quantities, known
and/or unknown, that are equal to each other.
Equations are any symbolic expression with equality sign, such as X2 = 4. It is
good to know that, the word "root" is derived from Sanskrit word "Bija" for
"seed" or "root", is the usual term for algebra, where the "root" is the unknown
quantity (often called X) that then produces a definite result via the structure of
The definite result (i.e., a fruit) of an equation is called its solution because it
satisfies the equation. The above figure depicts the historical analogy developed
during the second century between equations' elements and a tree structure. Since
by plugging in the numerical value for the root (X), the equation resolves, i.e., it
disappears. Hence the numerical value is called a solution, as for example when
sugar is mixed with water in making lemonade sugar disappears, making a
Page 6.
= +2, and - 2 right?
Misplacement of the Sign
Another common error is found in some textbooks which, announcing that the
square root of 4 has two answers namely +2, and -2. When this writer confronted
an author guilty of this practice observing that one number cannot be equal to two
different numbers, the reply received was "check it for yourself by squaring both
sides". He followed with self-satisfaction, "you see!". This writer advised that
following his argument one could also demonstrate that one is equal to minus one.
An observer witnessing this exchange jumped in volunteering the results of the
computation performed with a calculator as producing a single result of plus 2
declaring "he is right."
Solving the equation X2 = 4 has two solutions: X =
,. The number,
square root (Sqrt) of 4, is two, therefore, the solution is both X = 2, and X = -2.
The symbol ± is plus OR minus (could be both, but not at the same time). This
correct result is distorted when one goes on to write X =
and concludes that
this later result is +2, and -2. This is the genealogy of this error. There is a clear
distinction here and an important difference that a careful reader will note.
is a positive number that, when you square it, you get 4. While -
first, be written as - (
) and then interpreting the quantity inside the bracket.
Do you see the difference?
Unfortunately, this distinction is not still recognized by many instructors. Many
authors when taking, e.g., the square root of 9, commit this error. The authors
profess to the students that "there are two possible numbers that square to 9, 3 and
-3. So, when we take the square root of 9, we put a + and - in front of it." While
the first part of this statement is correct, however the conclusion is wrong. When
we take the square root of 9, we always get 3, NOT 3 and -3.
Page 7.
What Is Infinity: While zero is a concept and a number, Infinity is not a
number; it is the name for a concept.
To facilitate a visual understanding of the infinity concept, you may wish to use the
following demonstration for your students: Draw to straight line segments parallel to each
other on the board. Make one line segments clearly longer (say, twice) length than the
other line segment, as shown in the following graph:
Now, pose the following question: Which line segments have the most
Higher Dimensional Analytical-Geometry:
One may extend the one dimensional analytical-geometry concepts in visualization of
other algebraic elements,
such as equations. For example, the above figure is a graph (i.e., a picture) of equation Y
= X + 1, which is a straight line. The slope of the line is the Tan (a), where the angle (a)
is that of the horizontal axis making with the line, counterclockwise. For example, the
slope of the above line is m = Tan (45) = 1. As another example, if a line has slope of m
= -1, then the angle (a) is obtained by the inverse function aTan(-1) = 135 degrees.
Page 8.
The convention of measuring angles in counterclockwise removed any existing
ambiguities in communicating and in computations when angles are involved such as
functional evaluations in trigonometry. For example, as shown clearly in the following
By the above convention, the angle OB makes with OA is 45 degrees, while the angle
OA makes with OB is 135 degrees (not -45 degrees).
The Two Numbers Nature Cares Most:
Inventions or Discoveries
The two numbers that Nature loves most are denoted by  and e. The first is relevant to
planets movements around the sun while the second is related to the growth of population
of different species.
What is ? Planets move around the Sun in ellipsoid shaped-path with major diameter
and minor diameter denoted by 2a, and 2b respectively, then the areas they travel are
.a.b. For a circle a = b = r the radius of a circle, therefore the area is .r2, and its
circumference length is 2 .r . Therefore,  is the ratio of the circumference length of
ANY circle divided by the length of its diameter. That is, to have a notion for the
numerical value of , take a robe of any size and make a circle, then
circumference/diameter is the . Using such a geometric argument, Al-Biruni in 11th
century suggested that  must be an irrational number.
It is nice to notice that, the derivative of the area of a circle: A =  r2, is the circumference
C = 2  r. Similarly, for sphere the surface is S = 4  r2, which is the derivative of volume
V = 4/3  r3.
Beside the fact that  is a number it is also a measurement for an angle in terms of
radians. A radian is an angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc whose length is
equal to the radius. Therefore:
180 degrees =  radians
In both cases,  is dimensionless; it is just a number, with two related applications.
Page 9.
What is e? The growth of population for every species follows an Exponential law. The
size of a population is, after length of time t years is P.e rt , where P is the initial
population size and r is the rate of growth of a particular species. The growth rate of
human population is about r = 0.019 since World War II.
What is the difference between the accumulations of $1000 invested at a given rate (r) if
the interest is compounded daily versus annually?
Suppose you invest $1000, over a period if t-years, with an annual (fixed) interest rate of
r, if the interest is added n times per year at the end of each period, then your
compounded investment is $1000(1 + r/n)nt.
Now suppose the banker adds the interest at the end of each day then your investment
growth faster 1000(1 + r/365) 365t which is very close to 1000e rt which is the
compounded investment continuously.
In fact, increasing number of time intervals, e.g. days into half-days, this approximation
gets much better, as shown by the following limiting result when the length of each
period gets smaller and smaller:
The number e is discovered by John Napier , and it is the base for the so called naturallogarithm, because this number appears frequently in nature. Notice that, the explicit
function y = Ln (x), x  0, is equivalent to the implicit function x = ey, by definition.
Moreover, the first and the second function are generally called the logarithmic (Ln) and
the exponential (Exp) functions, respectively.
Therefore, finally the algebra and geometry are unified by the means of analyticalgeometry concepts in last couple of hundred years. This helps overcoming our human
visual limitation to see with the eyes-mind and work within space of higher dimensions
than the 3-dimensional space we live in.
Page 10.
Intervals: An interval is a set of (real) numbers between, and possibly including, two
numbers. The interval from a to b is denoted as follows:
[a, b] if a and b are included (i.e. [a, b] = {x: a  x  b})
(a, b) if neither a nor b is included (i.e. (a, b) = {x: a < x < b})
[a, b) if a is included but b is not
(a, b] if b is included but a is not.
We use the special symbol "" ("infinity") in the notation for intervals that extend
indefinitely in one or both directions, as illustrated in the following examples.
(a, ) is the interval {x: a < x}.
(, a] is the interval {x: x  a}.
(, ) is the set of all numbers.
Note that  is not a number, but simply a symbol we use in the notation for intervals that
have at most one endpoint.
The notation (a, b) is used also for an ordered pair of numbers. The fact that it has two
meanings is unfortunate, but the intended meaning is usually clear from the context. (If it
is not, complain to the author.)
The interior of an interval is the set of all numbers in the interval except the endpoints.
Thus the interior of [a, b] is (a, b); the interval (a, b) is the interior also of the intervals
(a, b], [a, b), and (a, b).
We say that (a, b), which does not contain its endpoints, is an open interval, whereas
[a, b], which does contain its endpoints, is a closed interval. Notice that the intervals
(a, b] and [a, b) are neither open nor closed.
Open and closed sets
To make precise statements about functions of many variables, we need to generalize the
notions of open and closed interval to many dimensions.
We want to say that a set of points is "open" if it does not include its boundary. But how
exactly can we define the boundary of an arbitrary set?
We say that a point x is a boundary point of a set of n-vectors if there are points in the set
that are arbitrarily close to x, and also points outside the set that are arbitrarily close to x.
A point x is an interior point of a set if we can find a (small) number  such that all points
within the distance  of x are in the set.
Page 11.
Example: Consider the following feasible region:
2 X1 + X2  40 labor constraint
X1 + 2 X2  50 material constraint
and both X1, X2 are non-negative.
Which is depicted in the following figure:
The point B in the following two dimensional figure, for example, is a boundary point of
the feasible set because every small circle centered at the point B, however small,
contains both points some in the set and some points outside the set. The point I is an
interior point because the orange circle and all smaller circles, as well as some larger
ones; contains exclusively points in the set. The collection of boundary points belonging
to one set is called boundary line (segment), e.g. the line segment cd. The intersection of
boundary line (segments) are called the vertices (or the corner points)
The set S is open if every point in S is an interior point of S.
The set S is closed if every boundary point of S is a member of S.
Example: The set of interior points of the set {(x, y): x + y  c, x  0, and y  0} is
{(x, y): x + y < c, x > 0, and y > 0}, and the set of boundary points is {(x, y): x + y = c, x =
0, or y = 0}. Thus the set is closed.
Page 12.
Arithmetic and geometric progressions: Many financial mathematics such as
compound interest, discounting, annuities, etc are based on two kinds of series, the
Arithmetic and Geometric Series
A "progression" is a series of numbers created by some rule. Two common kinds of
progressions are "arithmetic" and "geometric".
Arithmetic Progression: An arithmetic progression is a sequence of the form ak
+ b where a and b are fixed and k runs through integer values. The goal of this section is
to discover whatever we can about primes in arithmetic progression. An arithmetic
progression is built using addition. For example, we could use the rule "add 2" and create
the following progression starting with the number 1:
1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10... etc.
An arithmetic progression creates a straight line.
The sum of the numbers in (an initial segment of) an arithmetic progression is sometimes
called an arithmetic series. A convenient formula for arithmetic series is available. The
sum S of the first n values of a finite sequence is given by the formula:
S = n(a1 + an)/2
Where a1 is the first term and an the last.
A geometric progression is built using multiplication. For example, we could use the
rule "multiply by 2" and create the following progression starting with the number 1:
1, 2, 4, 8, 16... etc.
Notice that a geometric progression will get big very quickly compared to an arithmetic
progression. In fact, it keeps getting bigger faster.
A geometric progression creates a curved line. The sum of the numbers in a geometric
progression is called a geometric series. A convenient formula for geometric series is:
Compare this with a arithmetic progression showing linear growth (or decline) such as
4, 15, 26, 37, 48, .... Note that the two kinds of progression are related: taking the
logarithm of each term in a geometric progression yields arithmetic one.
Page 13.
Functional Relationship
Variables may exist independently or they may be related to each other according to a
functional relationship, e.g., if the value taken by Y depends upon the value taken by X,
then Y is called a function of X. This is denoted as:
Y = f(X)
Independent Variable : A variable that is not affected by other variables. It can take on
any value. In our example, X is the independent variable.
Dependent Variable : A variable whose value is determined by another variable or set of
Variables. In our example, Y is the dependent variable.
A function is an input/output rule: such that if you give it an input, it will associate with
that input exactly one output
the set of all possible valid inputs is called the domain of the function
the set of all possible outputs is called the range of the function
Example: Fahrenheit temperature is computed from the Centigrade temperature
F = (9/5)C + 32
Linear Function
An equation that is represented by a straight-line graph
Y = 4 - 2 (X) Y = 6 - 2(X)
Y = 4 + 2 (X) Y = 4 - 3 (X)
Y Intercept
The value of Y when X equals zero
Page 14.
Slope : Slope provides the direction and steepness of a line on a graph. It shows the
magnitude of change in Y that results from a unit change in X.
Slope = change in Rise / Change in Run
Slope = change in Y / Change in X
Changes in Slope or Intercept
Increasing the slope makes the curve more steep and vice versa. Increasing the intercept
shifts the curve to the right without changing the slope. Decreasing the slop makes the
curve more flat
Rectangular coordinates in 2-D:
A pair of numbers representing the coordinates of the point in a rectangular coordinate
system can represent the location of a point in a two-dimensional plane. For example, the
point A in the figure has coordinates (x, y) in the rectangular x-y coordinate system
shown. To determine a coordinate one draws a perpendicular onto the coordinate axis. In
this case, the arrows on the coordinate axis indicate that points to the right of the origin O
on the x-axis are positive and to the left are negative. In a similar manner, points above
the origin on the y-axis are positive and below it are negative.
Equation of a straight line: The equation of a straight line in a plane is given in the
x-y coordinate system by the set of points (x, y) that satisfy the equation
where, as shown in the figure, a represents the slope of the line in terms of its rise divided
Page 15.
by its run, and b is the y-coordinate of the point of intercept of the line and the y-axis.
One can evaluate the equation of a line from any two points on it. For example, consider
points A and B shown in the figure with coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), respectively.
Since ACD and ABE are similar triangles, we have
This can be put in the above format by selecting
If x1 = 0, then, as can be seen from the figure,
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Equations of parabolas:
The basic equation of a parabola in a rectangular x-y coordinate system is
given by
Depending on the sign of a, this equation will result in one of the two
following graphs.
Exponential Functions: Look at the following function definition:
Page 17.
f(x) = 2x
Here's the graph:
How about:
f(x) = 2-x
Exponential functions with base e
f(x) = ex
e is a real number constant (like pi)
value = 2.7182818…
frequently seen as the base for exponential functions
called the natural base
it arises "naturally" in many mathematical contexts
Page 18.
Compound interest
The scenario:
you place $100 in the bank
it earns 10% per year compound interest
how much do you have after 2 years?
The key element:
at the end of each year . . .
the interest earned is added to the principal
and we start earning interest on the interest!
this property is the defining feature of compound interest
A Formula for Compound Interest
Make the following definitions:
principal amount invested
(present value)
number of periods in a year
number of years principal is
interest rate per year (nominal
total amount in account at end of t
years (future value)
Page 19.
Logarithmic Functions: Here's a formal definition of log2 x:
Definition of log2 x
2y = x
y = log2 x
Common bases for logs:
Common bases for logs
one common base is 10: log10
since e is a common base for the exponential
it’s a common base for log function, as well: loge
instead of writing log10 35, you can write log 35
instead of writing loge 35, you can write ln 35
log and ln are the names used by our calculators for these functions
these are the only bases for logs that have keys to compute them directly
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Just follow the arrows:
Example: log5 13 = x
==> 5x = 13
Example: y14 = x
logy x = 14
Why LOG?
log MN = log M + log N
Logs are exponents! What do you do with exponents when you multiply? e.g.
axay = ??
Log M/N = log M - log N
Logs are exponents! What do you do with exponents when you divide? e.g. ax/ay
= ??
log Mp = p log M
Think about this: log x5 = log (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)= log x + log x + log x + log x + log x (by
log of a product rule)
Page 21.
How to solve exponential equations: how do you solve equations like:
e3x - 2 = 5
How to solve logarithmic equations: how do you solve equations like:
ln x = (2/3)ln 8 + (1/2)ln 9, OR log (x + 3) - log x = 1
n! = n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3) ... (3)(2)(1)
There is a group of 4 people what want 4 different officer positions in a club. The
positions are: President, Vice president, Secretary and Treasurer. How many different
combinations can you have of officers?
X 3 X 2 X 1 = 24
The counting method we applied used Factorials:
4! = 24
0! = 1
Recall the formula for compound interest
Suppose you have $10,000 to invest that is projected to accumulate earnings at 20% per
year compounded quarterly. How many years will it take to double your investment?
Demand : The amount of a good or service that an individual is willing and able to buy at
each possible price.
Determinants of demand : Demand is affected by a number of factors. Price is the most
important factor but there are other factors also that can influence demand such as prices
of related goods.
Page 22.
The law of demand
All else equal, if the price of a good goes up, quantity demanded goes down and vice
Demand vs. Quantity Demanded
Demand is a set of number that lists the quantity demanded corresponding to each
possible price whereas quantity demanded is the amount of a good or service that an
individual is willing and able to buy at a given price. For instance, the information on
price and quantity demanded presented in a table/demand schedule is collectively
referred to as the demand.
A change in price leads to a change in quantity demanded. A change in price does not
lead to a change in demand.
Demand Curve
A graph illustrating demand, with prices on the vertical axis and quantity demanded on
the horizontal axis. Demand curve slopes downward because of the negative relationship
between price and quantity demanded.
Changes in Demand
As mentioned before, a change in price does not lead to a change in demand. But a
change in a factor other than price such as income and prices of related goods etc. does
lead to a change in demand. In that case the change in demand leads to a shift in the
demand curve. A fall in demand shifts the demand curve to the left and a rise in demand
shifts the curve to the right.
System of Equations: y = x + 2, and y = -x + 4
It's called a system, because there's more than one equation. This is a system of two
equations with two unknowns.
What do you do with a system of equations? Solve it.
To solve a system of two equations with two unknowns: find a point
--- that is, a pair of numbers (x,y) --- that satisfies both equations
Page 23.
The graphical method
If we graph these equations, we get:
 recalling that the graph of an equation is the set of all points that satisfy the equation
Modeling validation:
Why it happened
System consists of two parallel lines
How to cope
Write as shown:
No solutions:
inconsistent system
system consists of two identical lines
x - y = 10
-x + y =5
0 + 0 = 15
no solution
x - y = 10
-x + y = -10
Write as shown:
All points on either line are solutions:
dependent system
Page 24.
All points on the line
x - y = 10
An application: supply and demand
price-demand equation:
q = -1000p + 3000
the effect of price p on supply q of cards to be provided by Pokey
this will be described by the price-supply equation (or just supply equation)
price-supply equation:
q = 1200p - 800
Supply and demand equations graphed
the graph of the demand equation is a line with a negative slope . . .
expressing the fact that as the price increases, demand by the kids will drop
this is the old "supply/demand" idea, a consumer market force
the graph of the supply equation is a line with a positive slope . . .
Page 25.
Linear Interpolation:
You know the coordinates (x0, y0) and
(x1, y1). You want to pick points on this
line with a given x in the interval [x0,
Linear interpolation
A linear interpolation of certain points
that are in reality values of some
function f is typically used to
approximate the function f.
1. To insert between or among others.
2. To change by putting in new material.
3. To estimate a missing value by taking an average of known values at neighboring points.
Page 26.
Why Calculus?
Why do we use calculus to determine the exact expressions for derivatives? For
example, to determine the derivative of y = x2 we typically consider two points on this
curve, (x, y) and (x+dx, y+dy), where dx and dy are initially regarded as small finite
quantities. So we have the two equations
y = x2
(y+dy) = (x+dx)2
Subtracting the first from the second gives:
dy = 2x dx + (dx) 2
Now, since dx is considered to be non-zero, it is legitimate to divide by dx, giving the
dy/dx = 2x + dx
Now for the interesting part: "Let dx go to zero". Of course if dx actually EQUALS zero
then we weren't justified in dividing the previous equation by zero. To avoid this little
inconsistency the epsilon-delta limit device is used to establish that the LIMIT of the ratio
dy/dx is 2x as dx APPROACHES zero.
I could be argued that the "limit" concept has been introduced here because we had
reached the "limit" of our ability to algebraically solve equations. To illustrate, consider
again the case :
y = F(x) = x2
We want the slope of the line y = ax + b tangent to this curve. Equating y values, we
x2 - ax -b = 0
Solving this quadratic for x gives the point(s) of intersection
a ± [ (-a) 2 + 4b) ] 1/2
x = ------------------------2
There is a single point of intersection (i.e., the line is tangent to the curve) iff the sqrt
term vanishes, which leaves a = 2x, i.e., slope = 2x, for any given x value.
There are no divisions by "something approaching zero", no "limit", "differential", or
"infinitesimal" involved in this derivation.
Of course, this purely algebraic approach to finding derivatives becomes unwieldy when
dealing with more complicated functions. So it seems that we resort to calculus when
algebra becomes difficult.
Page 27.
Rules for Derivative:
The definition of a derivative implies the following formulas for the derivative of specific
f (x) = k
f (x) = kxn
f (x) = ln x
f (x) = eX
f (x) = ax
f '(x) = 0.
f '(x) = knxn - 1.
f '(x) = 1/x
f '(x) = eX
f '(x) = aX ln a
Three general rules (very important!!):
Sum rule
F (x) = f (x) + g(x)
F '(x) = f '(x) + g'(x)
Product rule
F (x) = f (x)g(x)
F '(x) = f '(x)g(x) + f (x)g'(x)
Quotient rule
F (x) = f (x)/g(x)
F '(x) = [ f '(x)g(x)
f (x)g'(x)]/(g(x))2
Examples :
Page 29.
Let F (x) = x2 + ln x. By the sum rule, F '(x) = 2x + 1/x.
Let F (x) = x2ln x. By the product rule, F '(x) = 2xln x + x2/x = 2xln x + x.
Let F (x) = x2/ln x. By the quotient rule, F '(x) = [2xln x
x2/x]/(ln x)2 =
[2xln x
x]/(ln x) .
Applications: Change, Rate of change, Instantaneous Rate of Change, Slope of the tangent
Line, Approximation of a complicated function by a straight line, Differentiation and
its application. Marginal Value, Optimization (e.g., how to make an open-top box
out of a square cardboard sheet?), Behavior of a function, Convexity and concavity,
Shape of a function, to prove a variable is merely a dummy variable, L'Hopital rule.
Optimization: Decision-makers (e.g. consumers, firms, governments) in standard
economic theory are assumed to be "rational". That is, each decision-maker is assumed to
have a preference ordering over the outcomes to which her actions lead and to choose an
action, among those feasible, that is most preferred according to this ordering. We usually
make assumptions that guarantee that a decision-maker's preference ordering is
represented by a payoff function (sometimes called utility function), so that we can
present the decision-maker's problem as one of choosing an action, among those feasible,
that maximizes the value of this function.
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