Timeline Option #1 - Given to 2013 Cooperating Teachers Prior to Placement Review the Student Teaching Handbook (student has) paying particular attention to Sections II (Policies) and III (The Triad). Provide student teacher (ST) with your contact information and district information such as snow/emergency days, the Blood Borne Pathogen and other pertinent policies. Provide the ST with classroom information such as the handbook (or other resource) you developed in your supervision training; a school handbook; teacher/curriculum guides, benchmarks/standards; student names, appropriate background and academic information; expectations regarding duties, extracurricular opportunities, hall procedures, teacher meetings, preparation time, evaluations, etc. Prepare your students, staff and parents for your ST’s presence. (ST develops a letter that is sent home or?) Prepare a workspace for the ST, and show them where materials, supplies, and equipment are located. Things to do WEEK 1 - 2 Acclimating WEEK 3 – 5 Early Participation WEEK 6 – 15 The Teaching Experience Teaching Load Meet with University Supervisor in the first “triad meeting” to discuss expectations, a tentative schedule for the 18 weeks, paperwork, assessment, etc. Discuss items such as your preferred lesson plan format, management philosophy and/or processes, district/building expectations. Review ST’s goal for their prePDP. Allow your ST to observe you in action specifying certain things to look for (flow of a lesson, interactions, rapport development, management, activities, transitions, etc.) Provide opportunities for introductory experiences such as taking attendance, morning routines, collecting (and checking) assignments, transitioning students between classes, working with individuals and small groups, operating equipment and computers, presenting a “get acquainted” lesson, taking on a routine in the day, teaching a section of a period or one “simple” lesson a day Continue to allow your ST to observe you in action. Allow for observations of other professionals if possible. (This allows a ST to see varying styles/perspectives that may prove to be beneficial.) Provide on-going verbal and written feedback to the student. Meet with University Supervisor in the midterm “triad meeting” to discuss your ST’s areas of strength and goal setting, etc. Check on your ST’s prePDP and portfolio progress. Provide on-going verbal and written feedback to the student. Ensure that your ST has full control of your classroom for a minimum of two weeks. Involve ST in parent teacher conferences, IEP’s if appropriate. Guide the ST’s assessment and student record keeping. Weeks 16 -18 End of Placement Complete COEHS evaluation and the final narrative report and provide to the ST and University Supervisor. Ensure that all records, resources and assessments for which the student was responsible are managed and/or returned. Suggest opportunities for ST to observe exemplary colleagues. Meet with University Supervisor in the final “triad meeting” to discuss your ST’s performance, thoughts on the placement, etc. Things to Consider: Co-teaching Shadow-teaching Extracurricular involvement Videotaping of lessons Interdisciplinary/team planning Community contact/involvement Parent communication/meetings IEP participation Depending on confidence and performance, your ST should take on one (or more) curricular area(s) or period per week. Co-teaching or shadow teaching may be appropriate during these weeks. Collaborate on planning, preparing, teaching, sequencing, and evaluating instruction. Depending on comfort, confidence and performance, your ST should take on more curricular areas or periods per week leading up to full-time teaching. Co-teaching may continue to be appropriate during the early weeks. Permit the ST to become independently responsible for planning, preparing, teaching, sequencing, and evaluating instruction to provide a realistic classroom experience. Allow for a minimum of two weeks full time teaching. Allow your ST to give back content areas or class periods depending on performance, interest and schedule. This ensures a comfortable transition for you and your students as well as allowing the ST to finish all student assessments, record keeping, UWO assignments, etc. Observations of exemplary teachers within the student’s licensure areas. Administrator observation/mock interview Timeline Option #2 For 18-week placement Weeks 1-2 Complete “School Familiarization Form” in Appendix. Acclimating Complete Step II of the prePDP. Implement strategies to learn about your students as individuals: names, learning styles, needs, strengths. Observe cooperating teacher. Define lesson plan structure (See Appendix for samples). Begin interacting with students when appropriate. With cooperating teacher, outline a schedule for taking on instruction and other responsibilities. Weeks 3-6 Intensify interaction with students. Begin teaching as directed by Early cooperating teacher. Participation Complete Step III of the prePDP. Initial observation by university supervisor. Collect written feedback from cooperating teacher and supervisor. Weeks 7-17 Complete Step IV of the prePDP and include documentation in Teaching portfolio. Collect artifacts for Transition to Teaching portfolio. Gradually take on all teaching duties according to schedule. Teach a minimum of ten consecutive days, and then team-teach with cooperating teacher whenever possible. Additional observations by university supervisor. Week 18 Observe other teachers in the building if time and schedule allow. Reflection Complete all instructional obligations. and Complete assessment and student record keeping. Analysis Return resources to staff if necessary. Write a “thank you” note to your cooperating teacher. Solicit feedback from students (survey, short answer, interview, etc.) and analyze to inform future instruction and planning. Achieve closure with your students. On-Going Considerations 1. Be very clear about understanding expectations for lesson planning: format, timing, frequency of submitting to both cooperating teacher and supervisor. You should be adding a personal reflection to your plans after instruction. 2. A journal or log is highly recommended. Most students create this on-going documentation electronically and share this weekly with their university supervisor. (See Appendix for sample format) Timeline Options #3,4,5 - Assumption of Lead Teacher Role WEEK 1/2 Option #1 Are teaching 0% w/intro activity or simple activity (read aloud, opening activities, review/small part of period) WEEK 3 WEEK 4 Are teaching 25% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 25% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 50% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 50% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 75% of the teacher’s load WEEK 7 Are teaching 75% of the teacher’s load WEEK 8 WEEK 9 Are teaching 75% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 100% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 100% of the teacher’s load WEEK 10 WEEK 11/13 Are teaching 100% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 75% of the teacher’s load WEEK 14 Are teaching 75% of the teacher’s load WEEK 15 WEEK 16 WEEK 17 WEEK 18 Option #3 Are teaching 0% w/intro activity or simple activity (read aloud, opening activities, review/small part of period) Are teaching 50% of the teacher’s load WEEK 5 WEEK 6 Option #2 Are teaching 0% w/intro activity or simple activity (read aloud, opening activities, review/small part of period) Are teaching 25% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 75% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 50% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 50% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 25% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 50% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 25% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 25% of the teacher’s load Are teaching 0% of the teacher’s load Timeline Options #6 This is not an inclusive list of activities and, most likely, the actual schedule will need to be continually revised to meet the style of the cooperating teacher and the specific demands of the classroom. ARRIVAL AND WEEK ONE - ORIENTATION Introduce yourself to the class Write, have approved, and send home a letter of introduction to parents Review students’ schedule for their instructional day Organize desk or personal area (not all schools will provide this; it is not required) Learn the students’ names Establish a lesson plan format with your cooperating teacher Plan and teach a “Getting To Know You Lesson” (Using multimedia memoir is suggested) Review school district policies and analyze their operation in the school community Observe students’ learning styles, habits, and strategies Discuss classroom management strategies Observe classroom management strategies, lesson design and presentation style of cooperating teacher Review cooperating teacher’s schedule for teaching and grading Learn the student evaluation/assessment/grading system Assist teacher with monitoring of playground, recess, and lunch periods Assume responsibilities for nonacademic tasks e.g. attendance, lunch count, etc. Assist individual students/groups with assignments Review textbooks, supplies, teacher manuals, planning books Become acquainted with location/contents of cumulative folders, permanent record cards, pupil progress report forms WEEK TWO Continue to observe cooperating teacher Plan and teach lessons to a small group in one content area Discuss with the cooperating teacher ways to assess student learning Assist teacher in preparing extension/remedial/instruction materials Observe in specialists’ classrooms taking note of different perspectives, styles, behaviors Observe, review, and discuss needs of students based on their individual learning styles and achievement goals Plan to assume responsibility for one class WEEK THREE Continue activities already assigned Design, teach and take over one class period/area Observe in specialists’ classrooms taking note of different perspectives, styles, behaviors Plan and discuss assumption of one more class in week four WEEK FOUR Continue activities already assigned Pick up an additional curricular area WEEK FIVE Cooperate with teacher in the planning of lessons Assume three classes and revisit transition to full-time responsibilities WEEK SIX Pick up an additional curricular area Discuss and assist cooperating teacher with system of reporting pupil progress assessments, evaluations, and parent conferences WEEK SEVEN-TWELVE Assume the full responsibilities of the classroom Observe and take note of all community resources assisting school programs and learner development WEEK THIRTEEN Return one curricular area to the cooperating teacher; continue other responsibilities WEEK FOURTEEN Return one curricular area to the cooperating teacher; continue other responsibilities WEEK FIFTEEN Return one curricular area to the cooperating teacher; continue other responsibilities WEEK SIXTEEN Return one curricular area to the cooperating teacher; continue other responsibilities Observe in multiple classrooms (varied developmental levels, teaching styles/arrangements, management styles, ability levels) Participate in a mock interview with the principal, if possible WEEK SEVENTEEN Continue to teach one or two curricular areas Observe in multiple classrooms (varied developmental levels, teaching styles/arrangements, management styles, ability levels) Write, have approved, and send home closure note to parents WEEK EIGHTEEN Continue to teach one curricular area Observe in multiple classrooms (varied developmental levels, teaching styles/arrangements, management styles, ability levels) Finalize all required assessments, assignments Return all materials